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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by seebs View Post
    Not quite as disturbing as Man Faye.
    Ugh, out of curiosity I Googled Man Faye and now I'm scarred for life. Should have known better.
  2. I want this.

    Or heck, I just want more sci-fi costume options so I can make this one.

    Edit: Swapped out Hello Kitty Vader picture with a non-photoshopped version.
  3. Crush - Let me show you what Tropicana oranges feel.
    Gravity Distortion - Criss Angel isn't the only one that can make things float.
    Propel - Flight of the Valkyrie! Err.. chair.. I mean.. car? Oh, screw it.
    Wormhole - Um, I thought I was summoning a black hole?
    Singularity - This little puppy can take you back to the 70's.

    Heal Other - By the way, I charge one purple recipe per heal.
    Resurrect - The debt you just accrued is nothing compared to the debt you owe me now.

    Grant Invisibility - Sorry but I just can't stand looking at your ugly self any longer.
    Invisibility - Ugh, bad hair day.

    Teleport - Walking is sooooo yesterday.
    Recall Friend - *mumbles* Lazy son of a... *mumbles*

    Fireball - Flame broiled, I'm having it my way.
    Rise of the Phoenix - Labor law says I can have a 15 min break but fine, I just add the balance to overtime.
  4. Is it possible eliminate the special effect auras for certain travel pool powers? Specifically CJ and SJ. This little cosmetic issue has been bugging me for some time now. It's kind of irritating to have the auras you chose at the tailor for your characters to be partially overwritten by that white mist, especially since CJ is pretty much left on all the time. I mean, the darn mist even overrides some of the primary/secondary power pool auras. I never saw the point to have that aura anyways since I doubt anyone actually *needs* it to know that they have CJ/SJ on. Then there's also the trail of rings left behind as you're merrily jumping through the air. Combined with the awkward hunched jumping stance, it almost looks like my characters are launching sonic booms with their rectum. Kind of odd if you ask me.

    Yes I know it's really not that big of a deal if not downright silly to request such a thing. Of course I also know that the developers have more pressing issues to work on at the moment. Still, one can dream about looking pretty (or prettier).
  5. Cardiac for my widow. Like every other widow player, I went for high recharge to get ML perma. As a result of her attacks recharging so fast, she's a bit of an endurance hog. This is with some +rec/end proc IOs slotted. Cardiac definitely helped a lot on that front.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Breog View Post
    Has a hard time reaching Soft Caps. For a Pure Defense set it really seemed like the Def just wasn't thier. Even useing IO sets to help push it up it had a hard time soft caping (unlike SR).
    I'm not quite sure what you mean by hard to softcap. I've toyed with several EA builds in Mids and finally made a DB/EA brute on my alt account this year. He's just hit level 50 a month ago and fully IO'ed, it was quite easy to softcap him against most categories. If I recall correctly, the only damage types he's not softcapped against are Psi (22% or something) and Fire/Cold(43-44%). I'll have to check my Mids after work to be certain. Anyways, he wasn't an expensive build either. Being that I only made him for kicks, I used mostly cheap IO sets like Smashing Haymaker and Multi Strike on him. The most expensive IO sets on him are Reactive Armor and I think in total, I dumped less than 500 million into him (not adjusted for the crazy i19 price inflation) which is a still bargain these days. If I had spent 3-4 times that amount, I'm sure I could've softcapped him against everything but psi pretty handily.

    To be fair, every defense based set is going to seem to softcap when compared to SR. I know the feeling as I have a SS/SR brute that is sitting at 48-50% against all positionals. That's with me barely having to tinker with slot placements and power selection in order to maximize the IO set bonuses. In my opinion, EA does have its share of weaknesses which keeps it out of the upper echelon of melee AT secondaries but ease to softcap isn't one of them. Heck, compared to my aforementioned DB/EA brute, I had a harder time softcapping all the positionals on my 2+ billion WM/SHD brute.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arkadian_NA View Post
    Thrid, why don't i see more DA Brutes?
    The easiest way to answer the question is that DA is a rather complicated set (as far as brute goes) which is not for the feint of heart. You have to remember that there are a lot of people out there who are used to click and forget sets likes WP/SHD/SR. When presented with a complex set like DA, they are automatically turned off by it or simply don't know how to utilize its combination of powers. Truth be told, you *can* build a DA brute to surpass any of those previously mentioned secondaries, it just takes a good bit of trial and error as well as inf.

    Originally Posted by Arkadian_NA View Post
    Is it just the end issues or is there a nasty suprise waiting for me later. Currently at 24 with a Miracle +end, Perf Shift +end, Theft of Essence +end and of course the lovely inherent Stamina...feels good so far.
    The supposed endurance problem with DA is almost a non-issue these days with all the +end/rec IOs available out there. It's not like these IOs are expensive either. My level 50 Fire/DA brute doesn't have any endurance problems unless he's in a really long single target fight such as AVs, which is not all that common. He has all of the IOs that your build has except I got Numina's proc in place of Miracle's proc. The Theft of Essence proc almost always fires off at least once when I'm fighting against large spawns (which is 90% of the time, even when solo). At times I even pop off Dark Regeneartion right after rushing into a +6/8 spawn just for the sake of recharging my end bar even though I'm not hurt.

    Now I did pass on CoF and picked up Darkest Night from the Soul Mastery pool instead. The reason for that is because he doesn't have softcapped S/L defense (39%) so the various -tohit/acc/dam compoments from DN, Gloom and Dark Obliteration has better synergy. That and Darknest Night is auto-hit while CoF has a low base accuracy. In anycase, don't let the nay-sayers doubt your DA brute. A lot of them base their opinions on outdated information and false perceptions.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hube02 View Post
    1) You can now take more attacks and defensive powers sooner. (You know, Those things that use up endurance)
    On most my characters, I use the 3 extra power selections to take the following powers instead.

    1. Combat Jumping. It hardly use any endurance and adds some defense which always helps.

    2. Boxing. I usually take the fighting pool for my characters so this works out well. Plus, it functions as an extra fast, low endurance attack to fill in the attack chain early on.

    3. Super Jump. Self explanatory.

    With these, it'll get you through level 20 (where you normally would take stamina anyways) at which point you can continue as normal.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jibikao View Post
    I think I have the newest Hero Mids program and it is showing SoA having access to Epic powers. hehe. I thought they changed it somehow. Oh well, no biggie. I can certainly understand the limitations.
    Yep, it was definitely an oversight though an understandable one. It had me all excited about the prospect of getting the body mastery pool for my end challenged Night Widow too. Ahhh disappointments.
  10. Big fan of Thugs/Traps myself. Double up on both the +pet resist and +pet defense IOs (use Gang War as mule if needed). Slot the Enforcer with some +Defense. Add Maneuvers and Force Field Generator on top, you got softcapped pets. Pick up Aid Others and toss out the occasional heal as needed. As for the MM itself, grab Combat Jumping and pick up Scorpion Shield from the Mace Mastery pool. You'll be softcapped against smashing/lethal and maybe even energy, the 3 most common damage types. This is not even including all of the fun debuffing your traps will do.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
    1. This guy sure seems to actually think that Posi hates MMs (and now that I look at his entire post, it does seem to consist of nothing more than hearsay that was probably taken out of context). Mostly what annoyed me was the post immediately before mine jumping on this statement as gospel truth without even remotely questioning it.
    So you're allowed to state that Posi's comments were *hearsay that was probably taken out of context* while I'm not allowed to take it at face value? No offense but don't you think that's somewhat hypocritical? And it's not like the claim was made by some total newbie that just signed up with the forum and has 0 posts under his belt. Now if Posi's statements were in fact distorted beyond their original meaning, I have no qualms with apologizing.

    Secondly, I admit I wasn't very diplomatic in my original post but there has long been a suspicion that MMs do not get quite as much attention from the developers when compared to some other ATs. Further more, this new patch of bugs (and the borked henchmen AI) which makes MM a royal pain to play has only served to reinforce that suspicion. After all, how did the developers miss some of these fairly obvious issues if they did in fact test MMs thoroughly prior to i19 release? I certainly hope that someone just unintentionally dropped the ball along the way and it will get fixed sooner rather than later.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Zep_ View Post
    Posi repeated several times that he hates Master Minds. More about the server resources they use up then the class design.

    Posi stated that each henchman uses the same server time as a full character.
    Is that so? I'll have to create more MM alts then just to tick him off some more then. It is absolutely irresponsible for PS to create an AT only to later say that they hate it as if it is a valid justification for them to devote less resources to resolve the AT's issues. It's the equivalent of a Netflix Senior VP saying that the company hates the Watch Now feature because it soaks up too much bandwidth and causes licensing headaches so they're refusing to expand the database or fix performance issues. Logic fail of epic proportions.

    If MM pets are using too much server resources as Posi claimed, find an alternate method then. It's not the players responsibility to find fixes or workarounds, it's the developers. Perhaps it's time for PS to stop making illegitimate excuses and fix the MM issues in a game which they created in the first place.
  13. Eh, many people do things that can be interpreted as evil (minor or otherwise) on a consistant basis. Telling a lie, however benign. Writing off more than you should on tax returns. Running a stop sign. Staying quiet when a cashier gives you more change than they should. The examples are endless. This is why I find the whole "I can't be evil" ideology rather delusional. Such thinking only proves that some people have such high opinion of themselves that they can't face the reality. Now I'm not saying these people can't also do good but in reality, human nature is a mixed bag. In terms of good and evil, there are very few people (if any at all) that can actually succeed in adhering to only one particular side exclusively.

    Anyways, I'm certainly not immune to doing certain things that can be interpreted as evil but at least I can admit it. I guess that's why I'm a villain player.
  14. As others have mentioned, stamina is way over-slotted with 6. Instead try the following.

    3 slot health with Numina's Heal, Numina's proc, and Mircale's proc.

    4 slot Stamina with Performance Shifter's Endmod, Endmod/Acc, Endmod/Rec, and proc.

    This is solve most of your end issues while giving you more regen, HPs, etc to boot. This is assuming you have the budget of course.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lobster View Post
    My first mm and first mm to 40 (when that was the cap) was nin/pois. I never played him past 40. After spending lots of time with other combinations well... I found nin/pois to be the most intensely demanding mm combo out there (and I've tried most of them).
    Had a Ninja/Poison MM as my 3rd ever character. It didn't last past level 29. I ended up replacing it with a Thugs/Traps MM and have never looked back since. Though I don't know for certain but it sure feels like Ninjas have the worst AI of all the MM primaries regardless of all the patches through the years. I distinctly remember that back in those days, all they did was stand at ranged while chucking shurikens unless you forcefully move them into spawns. *Shakes head*
  16. I would also suggest using DB as your primary. I'm more of a Brute and Dom player normally but I absolutely love my DB/WP/Soul stalker. IMO stalker have the best combo linking system out of the 4 ATs that have DB. There's nothing quite like starting a fight with Build up -> Assassin -> Ablating Strike = Sweep combo. By the time the mobs get up, you should be at least 2/3 of the way through your Weaken combo of Sweeping Strike -> Power Slice -> 1k Cuts. These two AOE combos will clean up most minions, some lieuts and even a boss if you used assasinate on it. With 42% S/L def (hide suppressed), capped 1606 hp, decent resists, good regen and reconstruction, I often find myself racing against the brutes of the group just to get at the spawns first. Against some tougher spawns or defense debuffing mobs, I just pop Shadow Meld and all is good once more. Of course there are still some encounters that I can't handle alone but still, not bad for a stalker.

    Now if WP isn't your thing as secondary, Ninjitsu works just fine too.

    As for Regen stalkers, I have one of those too. Personally, I don't think that's a very good secondary for stalkers which could be why you didn't like the experience. Even for someone who is fairly used to playing stalkers such as myself, sometimes it can be hard to stomach Regen and it's.... glaring deficiencies.
  17. Of the 23 level 50's I have, the 18 on my main account will be getting the Alpha slot done at the minimum. The other 5 on my secondary account are cheapy builds so I won't bother. Of the 18, I'll probably only choose 11 (brutes, doms, VEATs) to get other incarnate slots for. I tend to play those characters more and not surprisingly, they also happen to be my most expensive builds so it's worth the time investment for me.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by KayJMM View Post
    For me, I would like Fury to last a little more, so I can accumulate it easier... I just cant keep it growing... never got it past 20% of the bar...
    I'll ditto that. I wish for the fury decay rate to be a bit slower. Presently, all brutes have amazingly good anger management skills. They can go from completely berserk to totally calm in 30 seconds flat. What I wouldn't give to be able to stay angry for an extended period of time.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Louis_Cipher View Post
    With going rogue and teaming with scrapper and tankers more, taunt may very will become alot more useful in building your fury and therefore, damage then many brutes think.
    This brings up a very interesting question. I haven't played blue side much but from what I've heard from several players (in-game and on here) is that blue side teams are generally more slow paced. Brute (and perhaps even non-perma Dom) players on the other hand definitely fit the mold of rushers. Logically, sitting on your rear end is counter productive when it comes to maintaining or taking advantage of your fury/dom goodness. When Going Rogue comes out, I think we might see some rather interesting culture clashes. Just a thought.
  20. So I was looking for Going Rogue pre-order information on Google and all of the search results on the first and second page were for Sara "The Lunatic" Palin's book! My god, CoX is unwittingly giving free publicity to that whacko. Something must be done, I just don't know what or how :/
  21. So far the overwhelming theme for the majority of my fellow brute players is definately on the side of offense. Maybe not necessarily reckless but rather impatience when it comes to getting a chance smash someone (anyone, even teammates if that were allowable) with a lot of pent up aggression tossed in. I like it.
  22. Just for kicks, let's list all the brutes we have and list the reasons why you like/dislike the power combination you chose for them.

    Disclosure: This is just for fun and perhaps could even help give other brute players ideas for
    trying out whacky or unsual power combinations. So please no comments about "oh, that combination sucks", etc. I'll start.

    Fire/DA: This was actually my first brute and to this day I still don't see that many people trying this combo. I'll admit that he was hard to play until I started using IO sets and started to figure out the quirks associated with DA. He is now pretty solid with excellent damage output (AoE and single target). Endurance can still be a problem for extended fights though, especially if you have to pop off several dark regens. Still, he is versatile enough for me to take him on any mission against any enemy.

    ELM/ELA: My second brute. I was fascinated with AoE potential of Lightning Rod and it didn't disappoint though against single target it was a bit of a struggle. Survivability of ELA was a bit underwhelming though Energize did help improve that quite a bit. Still fun to dust him off for some booming LR action from time to time but that's about it.

    SM/SA: I made this brute because thus far all of my brutes have been heavily leaning towards the offensive side of the fence. I wanted to try a tankish type brute and the result wasn't very impressive. While he is by far the most survivable of my brutes (except against psi), his offensive power was less than impressive. Maybe I was just used to AoE heavy brutes and SM didn't quite cut it in that department. Against single targets SM was more than capable but you hardly need the uber toughness SA provides when you're just fighting one target. My least favorite brute due to the poor power combinations.

    SS/SR: I almost deleted this brute sveral times pre-level 32 (so-so survivability and no AoE potential at all other than Sands of Mu). However post-32 I fell in love with him. Foot Stomp and soft capped defense at level 41 made him a power house to the point that his debt badge progress bar stopped moving until I *had* to suicide him for the High Pain accolade. I thought the -def debuff from Rage Crash would be a concern but it isn't. It's just too easy to stack Rage with all that recharge. This guy is definately one of my favorites.

    WM/SD: I just had to make this brute when their proliferated WM and introduced SD. Just the look alone would be worth it. I didn't go in with high expectations but this gal surpassed all of it by a mile. Of all the brute powers I've experienced, this gal feels the smashiest by far. All in all, great AoE capability, good survivability, the look, and of course the SMASH factor make her one of my favorites, if not the favorite.

    Claws/Invul: This buzzsaw of a brute is a blast to play. Given that this combination isn't that end heavy, when she attacks, she attacks like the energizer bunny. Relentless. I just got her to 50 two weeks ago so the jury is still out on how she performs on TFs like LRSF, ITF or LGTF but damn, her hyperactiveness is just much too entertaining.

    My next projects are DM/SD and DB/WP but until then, peace out.
  23. baron_inferno

    ? / Inv

    I'll have to cast my vote for Claws/Invul. I just got my Claws/Invul to level 50 a few weeks ago, got she IOed out and she is a monster.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
    I'm *pretty* sure you're counting the smashing damage of Thunder Strike in the AoE. It probably does 61 smashing dmg to the foe you target and 58 energy dmg the target and all the foes around it (but I'm not looking at the numbers but I'm sure that's where you're mistaken). Common mistake.

    For Spine Burst, whatever dmg it does, it does to everything around you.
    My mistake. I knew I disliked ELM for a reason :P
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JuliusSeizure View Post
    Stalkers are not Brutes/Tanks; they are not clumping foes on their person and thus benefit far less from PBAoE attacks that only have a 7' radius. AoE damage is more about the geometry of your attacks than it is about DPA.
    I have 3 level 50 Stalkers but I've never had problems with getting in clumps of mobs for AoEs, be it 7 feet or 10 feet. If I'm solo, all the mobs in the aggro range comes straight for me after I come out of assassinate. If I'm in the group, I'll just be hanging around the brutes because that's where all the mobs will be clumped around. While it's true that stalkers don't have taunt aura but it isn't exactly difficult to adjust your position in relation to where the mobs are to get maximum effect out of your AoEs. That to me is more important than geometry and it's what you have to do to maximize the capability of DB. It isn't as easy as some of the other sets when it comes to positioning your AoEs due to the combo system but it isn't exceedingly hard either.

    You say Spine Burst has poor DPA, but it actually trumps Thunder Strike in this metric (Thunder Strike is doing 53 points in 3.3 seconds, while Spine Burst is doing 63 in 3 seconds).
    I'm not sure where you're getting your data but at level 50 Spine Burst does 72.8 base damage (55.1+4.45x4) while Thunder Strike does 119.9 (61.2+58.7). That's a pretty significant difference in damage (40%) for a 0.3 difference in activation time (9%). Another thing to consider is that ELM has KD as its mitigation so it is pretty common to use Thunder Strike right after Lightning Rod so the mobs are still in the process of getting up. Spine Burst doesn't have that luxury so unless you're have high defense, you could find yourself vulnerable during that 3 seconds.

    Ripper does nearly as much damage as One Thousand Cuts, but has less radius and a 5 target cap. This skill beats Jacob's Ladder in every single statistic.
    Based on numbers alone, 1k cuts/sweeping strike and ripper/throw spines are quite similar in many areas. In practice, I've had little trouble hitting multiple opponents with 1k cuts/sweeping strike (5-6 on average on x8 spawns). For a cone based AoE attack, that's about all you can hope for on a consistent basis. In my opinion, the comparison there is a push. Lastly, I still think that sweep combo is superior to Spine Burst as a PBAoE because it does slightly more damage (80.7 base vs 72.8), 1/3 the animation time (1.03 vs 3), and has KD. The range is smaller (10' vs 15') but if you stand in a middle of x8 spawn, the 20' diameter circle around you is enough to include most of the mobs, if not all.