IO's sets Vs. Mixed slotting

Adeon Hawkwood



Just started really looking into my IO sets to make my 50's a little more "usefull." Ran across a few things that I'm not really sure of. Mainly, I have a few toons with ummm, end problems. With 6 slots in Stamina, wasn't really sure what the best thing to put in there to get the best end recovery. I've heard mixed information. Can someone just give me a quick run down of what will get me the top recovery. Thanks.

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Originally Posted by mrjoshuaaa View Post
With 6 slots in Stamina, wasn't really sure what the best thing to put in there to get the best end recovery. I've heard mixed information.
start by pulling three slots out of stamina and putting them somewhere else, they're not doing you any good where they are.

I'll leave the Frankenslotting advice to the local specialists.

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In general I find the Miracle special and the Numina special really help with endurance issues, as well as some of the set bonuses. It will depend on what type of power sets you have on your characters as to what advice can be given.



Originally Posted by Tidbit View Post
In general I find the Miracle special and the Numina special really help with endurance issues, as well as some of the set bonuses. It will depend on what type of power sets you have on your characters as to what advice can be given.
^This. I've started running a few tip misisons on my newer toons to get these cheaply. Adding one or both to Health solves endurance problems on all but the heaviest users.



As others have mentioned, stamina is way over-slotted with 6. Instead try the following.

3 slot health with Numina's Heal, Numina's proc, and Mircale's proc.

4 slot Stamina with Performance Shifter's Endmod, Endmod/Acc, Endmod/Rec, and proc.

This is solve most of your end issues while giving you more regen, HPs, etc to boot. This is assuming you have the budget of course.



Originally Posted by mrjoshuaaa View Post
Just started really looking into my IO sets to make my 50's a little more "usefull." Ran across a few things that I'm not really sure of. Mainly, I have a few toons with ummm, end problems. With 6 slots in Stamina, wasn't really sure what the best thing to put in there to get the best end recovery. I've heard mixed information. Can someone just give me a quick run down of what will get me the top recovery. Thanks.
Rather than focus on just boosting recovery, you should also be adding endurance reduction to your powers, especially attacks. I'd also suggest posting your build in the appropriate forum and asking for advice there.



Originally Posted by mrjoshuaaa View Post
With 6 slots in Stamina, wasn't really sure what the best thing to put in there to get the best end recovery. I've heard mixed information. Can someone just give me a quick run down of what will get me the top recovery. Thanks.
Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
start by pulling three slots out of stamina and putting them somewhere else, they're not doing you any good where they are.
I agree with Nethergoat and all the rest -- if your "mixed information" sources are talking about benefits from 6-slotting Stamina, they're probably talking about smallish set bonuses like defense, regen, and accuracy for people who are well and far into the IO game AND who have extra slots to sling around. Or your sources might be time travellers from before 2005 and Enhancement Diversification. [ ] or something.

For most of the rest of us, the best thing to do is three- or four-slot Stamina and look into the Miracle +Rec IO, the Numina's +Regen/Rec IO, and perhaps the Performance Shifter +End IO.

And as has been said, the best place for quick, accurate build advice for each of your toons is with the experts in the appropriate archetype forum -- the people in the Scrapper forum KNOW their scrapper stuff backwards and sideways, for instance.

"But it wasn't anything some purples and oranges and lots of screaming in fear couldn't handle." -- Werner

30 level 50's: 12 scrappers, 7 other random melee types, 11 blaster/blapper/support squishies, two accounts, and a TON of altitis since 4/28/04



Thanks to all for your help. End problem solved.

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