1878 -
All these movies do is make me wish they'd made them 20 years ago when everyone was in their prime, instead of waiting till most of them are signed up for AARP.
Oh well. Liked the first one. This one should be good enough as well. -
Quote:Why does it have to be an issue for people to have certain costume pieces be a reward for doing a task related to said costume piece? Does everything in the game have to be standard issue from creation? Aren't there enough options available from the beginning to create a viable character?Putting aside that fruits are fruits, the difference lies in the method of locking it behind Incarnate content, which doesn't change that it's locked behind Incarnate content.
I wasn't aware that the Roman Armor was unlocked via an Incarnate TF, given that I unlocked it myself before Incarnate content was live. In any case, I'm personally unhappy with any costume pieces unlocked beyond level 1 that aren't globally unlocked. But that's not relevant to the fact that 'locked behind Incarnate content' is 'locked behind Incarnate content' (ergo, six of one and a half-dozen of the other) regardless of the method of said locking. -
Say it with me, folks:
The Devs are looking for both subjective and objective feedback, and they DO change things based on that feedback before the Issues go live. Go read any beta forum feedback threads if you don't believe me. Ask the regular testers, and they'll tell you the Devs change things...maybe not in time for launch, but they do fix things. Look at how many times the Keyes Trial has been tweaked, for example.
You can keep saying Beta is useless, and you'll still be wrong. -
Quote:You're forgetting that when the availability of 400 million influence IOs goes up, they won't be 400 million anymore. You're worrying about a temporary problem.Same question?
It would be unfair, if the IO convert in itself, waste of token.
And if it won t convert in itself, then it would mean 50% chance to have a +stealth from a celerity IO... so a +stealth for 60 reward merit (40 perhaps, as there is only one RUN set at lvl50 no?).
It's funny that with VR set, it will cost 20 reward merit to convert a worthless IO into a 400milion one, and 30 reward merit to keep it a worthless IO ^^ -
Quote:One man's trash is another man's treasure.Just because they sell for 90 points a pop doesn't mean they're worth that much. Heck, because of the way they're consumed, they're practically without any worth at all. If they worked more like, say, the Experienced power, they'd be worth attaching a price tag to, at least, but even then, more than around 20 points each would be a rip-off.
If enough people are willing to pay points for them, (and I know this will sound harsh) it really doesn't matter if the rest of the people think it's a ripoff. The Devs will sell them. To some, the time in-game required to earn them(if there will be one in the end) is the bigger ripoff.
The question becomes, how much fiddling is required to find a happy medium, when the time that requires could be spent doing new things? Messing with price points is a non-trivial exercise. -
How about the "Do It Yourself" costume look?
1) Data, from The Goonies. He had a trenchcoat bursting with his inventions, some sticking out of the coat. It had things made from everyday supplies, like his belt.
2) Stupendous Man (or, any kid ever). Towel for a cape, rag with holes cut out for a cowl, perhaps the underwear on the outside, some rubber rain boots, or rubber gloves for a different character. Household objects for "weapons", like the bathroom plunger, or a toy gun.
People, don't resub just for this stuff. Resub because you enjoy playing the game enough to spend money every month on it. If you think this group of rewards (nice as it all is) is worth 4 months of subbing when you otherwise wouldn't, there's some priorities out of whack.
You'll enjoy these things more if you don't equate having them to having to resub just to get them. -
I chose it for concept and because it looks cool.
I would imagine a lot of people pick it because there aren't a lot of ways to call down the lightning if you don't pick an electric based set, which for most people doesn't pack a lot of punch compared to some other choices. -
Quote:Not sure what you can base these comments on, considering that the majority of the new content that has been put into the game has not been Incarnate (Trials). Just because they've chosen to include content that differs from previous content doesn't mean there's a fundamental shift in what they want the game to do.
Remember, the devs believe, rightly or wrongly (wrongly, in my opinion, but I'm not the one making the decisions) that large-group raids are the foundation of an enduring MMO community. They're afraid of doing anything that will decrease player interest in i-trials for that reason alone, quite aside from any concerns they have about exploitability, people getting bored with a solo system, etc.
It's time to the players to accept that developer conceptions about what the players like/want/need have shifted, probably based on some study of MMO's with rather different dynamics than CoH has (or had, until recently).
You don't like massive teaming...fine. Try not to insert that bias in your analysis of the Devs' intentions. -
I think the reference in the patch notes to being lvl 10 means you get the contact to start them at that level, not that you can do all the Arcs at lvl 10. They still have their minimum levels to do them. You'd have to do the same low level one over and over again until you were high enough to do the next one.
After almost 6 years of playing this game, I still don't understand why melee players hate when targets get knocked back by other teammates.
You are on the same team. Does it really matter who does the defeating? Let the ranged characters take care of the foes out of your range. That's what they're there for. Just move on to the next one.
My main is an energy blaster, and I also have a PB. Knockback is great. I team with them all the time, and ne'er a complaint about it.
I echo the comments that allowing individuals to turn off KB would do nothing for teams, unless you managed to find an entire team where everyone had it turned off. That's a step in the wrong direction, back to the days of "R U Healorz?" If you solo exclusively and can't handle your own KB, perhaps that powerset isn't for you. -
Any other answer besides Jessie Spano in Showgirls is just wrong, and you're wrong for thinking it.
Time for more of the funneh:
Too many funny parts to pick just one to quote. Great stuff as usual. -
Quote:Not sure about the defeat requirement. I always found that spawning the WL was random, but more likely the more people you had on your team while opening presents.There was more than just the giant present involved. You had to click presents until enough winter horde (100?) had been defeated in zone. Then a Winter Lord would spawn and would need to be defeated. then a giant present would spawn and people had to gather round and click on it to enter Lord Winter's Realm.
While it was kind of cool, it will be a little easier to arrange for those who want it with the LFG tool. I'm kind of indifferent, really, either way works for me. -
Quote:When you log into a character, you are role-playing, even if you chose not to speak as that character, nor limit your actions to those that your character would do or not do.You're allowed to claim that argument as valid when having a well thought out character background and sufficient hours logged of in-character conversation is similarly mandatory.
Teaming or not teaming has nothing to do with role-playing. Your argument doesn't have anything to do with what is being discussed. -
Until they give more options to pick from, having an inherent travel power won't really do much for most people. You'll still have to take powers that you either don't ever use just to get the ones you want, or something you'll rarely if ever use because there are no good choices left and you have to take something.
They would also have to give more enhancement slots throughout the leveling process, or tight builds would get even tighter.
If giving us inherent travel was part of a larger power pool overhaul, it would be worth doing, but until then, not really. -
I like how the OP has pegged Inventions as the downfall of humanity. Perhaps it merely gave those people who were already predisposed to that sort of behavior an avenue to spew their venom, rather than creating a problem where there was none before. It's not like they weren't also going crazy over the state of PvP, or ED, or any number of previous additions to the game.
Why should VIPs pay for anything?
Because that's what they've been doing as subscribers for the life of the game. Free for an MMO means limitations on your account. You don't want those, you pay to get rid of them. Pretty simple.
Throw in that VIPs get access to things exclusively, and that monthly sub gets to be a better deal. -
Quote:Important in what way?I didn't say "far" back on the list i said "farther" as in not #1... I would say that the Fleischer Superman cartoon and Superfriends are more important than BtAS. And if you are talking about Manga adapted as well Astroboy, DragonBall, Sailor Moon, and Death Note are also probably more important or as important
Quote:It doesn't take something that people want from the BAF or Lambda specifically. Most of the complainers want the most rewards for the least effort. If that happens to come from a different Trial after these changes, they'll go do that one and you won't hear the complaints anymore. The Devs simply decided that BAF and Lambda gave out too much of a reward for the effort it takes for fully slotted, double level-shifted Incarnates, so they adjusted accordingly. These trials are meant to ramp up in both difficulty and reward. I see nothing wrong with adjusting the reward for a pair of Trials that have become almost trivial to run for the average League.I would like to know in what way the emp merit change can be seen as an encouragement. It takes something that people want and removes it while replacing it with nothing. All my college psychology may be a bit rusty, but I don't recall any discussion of encouragement that included removal of rewards.
Come up with some better word than "punishment" if you like, because I don't particularly think that one fits either, but "encouragement" is the totally wrong word. -
Quote:Pulled this quote from Z's thread about Reward clarification:My account renewed on Sept. 15th. I paid for 3 months.
Today is Oct. 15th, and as of yet, I haven't gotten my token, either.
I'll wait until Monday evening, since this is a weekend, but it looks like I'll be in the same petition boat soon, myself.
Quote:You also have to play out the month of game time before receiving the tokens. You may pay for time in advance, but you have to play out the time before you receive your next reward. -