White Hot Flash

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  1. It's only gambling if there's a good chance you'll get nothing for your money. I'm sorry if you think that enhancement unslotters, super inspirations, etc., are nothing, but just because you don't like what you bought, it doesn't make it gambling. You still bought something useful, just not useful to you.

    I bought baseball card packs as a kid, and though I got a bunch of players I didn't care one way or the other about, it wasn't gambling then, and it's not now.

    Try using a less inflammatory, and more appropriate term to describe your displeasure with the superpack system. Don't like the way the system works, don't use it. Pretty easy when it's optional, even if you like the costume.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
    You should fire them and get someone who knows what they're doing.
    There's a difference between "not knowing what they're doing" and "not doing what you think they should be doing." Your response smacks more of the latter, and isn't really useful beyond "I don't like it because I don't like it."
  3. White Hot Flash

    Botched ritual.

    So, we're getting upset for being (Temporarily) penalized for not reading the helpful clues? Heaven forbid there should be consequences that are non-positive. Your incarnate level-shifted uber-selves won't notice.

    I got the ritual wrong the first time (did the mumbling), got the debuff, got it right the second time, and didn't even notice the debuff (if it was still there) in the next mission.

    It's not as big a deal as some folks make it sound, which is the way it is with just about everything in this game that folks take offense to.

    If this penalizes folks for not reading, I say "Good job, Devs." Let's have some more.
  4. Sam, I see your comments about wanting to avoid "playing the market" to, but you can still use it and not play the "market game." Just figure out what you want to purchase, put in a reasonable (to you) bid, and pick it up whenever it fills. You don't have to be on the market creeping up your bids, you don't have to research price vs level, or any of that.

    I craft recipes that I can't use when they drop on me and sell them, no matter how much or little profit they might make. I don't try to mess with the bids, I don't flip, I don't do anything but sell what I don't want, and buy what I can slot right then. I make decent Inf, but I'm not a billionaire on every character.

    The market is a useful tool. Treat it like a tool, and not a game, and it should appeal to your sensibilities just fine.
  5. Quote:
    "I believe God does not exist"
    "I do not believe that god exists"

    The former has the burden of proof. The latter doesn't.
    They both have the burden of proof. If someone said either statement to me, my response would be the same: "Why?"
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Venture View Post

    As for the actual points, Arcanaville has (as usual) provided more than a sufficient preponderance of evidence to support hers. The complaint against villain content has been hammered to death already; people need to either accept what they're getting or find another way to spend their free time.
    This pretty much sums it up for the entirety of the gaming experience, not just redside. You either accept what's given to you, completely ignore it (without cherry-picking the bits that make sense. You can't accept some of it without accepting all of it), or you go find another game that suits your sensibilities.

    What exactly does this thread seek to prove except to say that the OP doesn't like the story? Why should any of us care, especially those of us that do like it, or at least tolerate it? Changing the way the story is written may satisfy you, but it just pisses off a different corner of the community, and what has been accomplished?
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Shadow_Kitty View Post
    It's a moot point, since only a stupid mission designer would make MMO villain missions based on destroying the world. The smart MMO villain mission designer makes missions based on robbing the federal reserve, proving a point to Ms Liberty by forcing her to choose to bomb a boat with criminals or a bomb with innocent people, kidnaps a girl to force her dad the mage to be your servant, make Ghost Widow owe you one, or just piss off Statesman.
    If you think every villain mission in this game has a goal of destroying the world, you haven't been paying attention to the story you've been told.

    Variations of everything you've rattled off have appeared in various arcs, both old ones and new ones.

    Besides, those alternate stories are small potatoes. An arc where one of the most powerful heroes on the planet gets his ticket punched deserves a better reason than stealing something, or pissing a hero off. The threat of world destruction is entirely acceptable and worthy of Statesman's death. Anything else would be cheap.
  8. White Hot Flash

    Is it just me...

    To me, what was important about Statesman was that he was, in this universe, the original hero. He was revered by the legions of heroes that would follow, or at least inspired them in some way to become a hero themselves. Yes, his powers were standard for the genre, but before he became jaded by decades of watching his friends and family die around him while he continued to live, he was the guy everyone looked to, and when the Rikti came, he became that again.

    I think it's sad that what happened with a developer (using Statesman as an identifier) caused so much backlash on the character itself because people couldn't separate game from real life.

    As far as the story arc goes, I think his death would have had more impact if we'd seen him in action in earlier installments, rather than just be told that he disappeared and was doing his own thing while his Phalanx was being attacked.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Venture View Post

    No. I fancy myself a critic. To be a writer someone, somewhere must have paid you to do it. I've never even tried to get published. There's a great quote I read a long time ago and can't track down the provenance of right now: "if you can't outdo Dostoyevsky, we don't need you". I've always believed that even before I read the quote. I'm not going to write the next great American novel and the world doesn't need one more purveyor of mediocrity. I'm sure I can write a better novel than the aforementioned Ms. Meyer but really, who couldn't. (Whether or not it would sell better is another matter, but again you'd have to be an idiot to correlate popularity with quality.) I'd have to be really desperate for money before I'd try earning any that way.
    You don't have to be paid to be a writer. Have you seen the internet lately?

    If everyone wants Dostoyevsky or better, why is there so much trash (in your opinion) out there? Wouldn't you think that that if your statement were true, nothing would sell but great works of literature? Do you openly try to bash everyone over the head with "my taste is for the finer things, and if yours isn't, you're a moron," or does it just come naturally?
  10. Have people lost sight of the optional nature of this whole thing, or is it because there is something desired within the packs that flips it to required?

    Ask yourself this:

    Can I play the game without this "required" item?

    If yes, then it's not required. If no, how are you playing now without it?

    This seems like a huge waste of angst for something that is entirely skippable without missing a beat.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Silver Gale View Post
    Yes, and those rats that randomly get a pellet or not when they throw the switch aren't gambling either. I have no moral qualms against gambling, I just don't want to be treated as a lab rat that is being conditionned to hit the "give Paragon money" button as often as possible.
    The rats don't have a choice about how they're treated. You do. That's not a good analogy.

    The Devs do not clutch your wallet in their hands, nor do they type in your credit card number at the pay screen. You can complain about how things are obtained, or not obtained, all you want, but it's still boiling down to a choice that only you can make. Part with money (or time, or both), or don't.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
    [Insert usual gripe about lack of superhero costumes. Insert usual gripe about yet more armour. Insert new(!) gripe about marketing pushing Korean streetwear style clothing to a largely western audience.]

    Idea for the jeans: rather than multiple jeans with silly patterns that no-one outside of Korea will use, why not have them in different dyes/fade. You could use the same model, but the skin would be different. You could have your raw denim indigo, aged denim, your worn skater denim, you torn up wannabe-abercrombie-but-actually-looks-hobo denim, bleached, etc.
    If you think no one outside of Korea would wear pants like those, you haven't traveled much, have you?
  13. In my experience, speed ITFs were only marginally faster than a kill-most or kill-all, and the potential rewards you'd get for defeating more enemies negates the time you might save.

    I've never understood the fascination with trying to run something 5 or 10 minutes faster, especially the ITF.

    Other TFs or trials might see a difference in speeding or not, but I think you should probably take each one as their own case. Some are worth speeding through and some aren't.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SupaFreak View Post

    2 Reward Merits for 45-60 minutes of play time (with reading) is so poor, I was beyond irritated.

    That's 1/4 of earning a Random Large Inspiration or Single Origin Enhancement. 4 hours of casual play to earn one of these minimum rewards is ludicrous and if I had paid for that as Premium player, I'd be outraged.
    Why are you irritated? Aren't you supposed to be doing new content because it's new, and not because of the reward it gives (or doesn't)?

    I don't think people that pay to unlock First Ward are going to care much about how many merits they're earning. They can still do other things that earn merits way more efficiently if that's their endgame.

    Besides, merits are supposed to be based more on the difficulty level of the task, not so much on how long it takes to do the task. These arcs aren't that hard, particularly for ATs and builds that can handle the psi powers most of these enemies can throw at you.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Redbone View Post
    Well, if you want to get really technical, we've not had much to say about the actual topic at all. We've discussed legality, we've discussed impact and mitigation of impact, we've discussed technical aspects, but we've barely touched the morality of it.

    Morality and legality are two different issues since what is legal is not always what is moral and what is illegal is not always what is immoral. It's even more complex than that since what is legal may be moral for one person but immoral for another or, more commonly in discussions of ethics and morality, breaking a law may be immoral for one person but a moral imperative for another.
    If you find yourself splitting hairs between morality and legality, you're probably the kind of person I was talking about. One who is trying to find that line of what's wrong and right so they can live right on top of it. That's a dangerous and confusing way to live.
  16. I gotta go with:

    If rewards are what you're doing story arcs for, you will be disappointed every time you compare them to what you'd get doing something else in the same amount of time.

    Do the First Ward arcs because you enjoy the story. Do them to make it easier to gain the defeat badges, if that's your thing. Do them because you want to challenge yourself against enemies that are a bit harder than the usual fare at those levels. Don't do any arc just for the merits.

    The other things you've cited, OP, fall under the "some people like it, some don't, and nothing will make everyone happy at the same time" category.
  17. I love how the thread "topic" was about DVRs, but it's masking yet another justification of piracy/bootlegging/using illegal sites to avoid paying for movies/TV.

    If you didn't pay for it and if the person you're getting it from didn't pay for it, but should have under any sane understanding of copyright/distribution law, then it's illegal and wrong. There is no justification for it. Stop trying to make one. Trying to find the line so you can tiptoe just on the edge of it is no better than blatantly stepping over it.

    On "topic", DVRs are just a digital version of a VCR, with better storage and control. Most people are renting the machine from the cable/satellite company, so they don't even own what's recorded on it.
  18. Defeat them faster. They can't hit you if they're on the floor.
  19. Does any game that NCSoft runs use an authenticator? If there isn't one, there's your answer.
  20. Hey, Father Xmas, any updates to your parts lists? Also, if you didn't use NewEgg, what would be your preferred second choice to buy parts from?
  21. I think it really depends on their environments while growing up. A lot of Diana's problems stem from coming to "Man's World" as an adult. Her son wouldn't necessarily have those issues if he grew up in Metropolis, for example.

    It also depends on who their other parent is. Is it another metahuman, or a normal person?

    Superman's daughter would also have to carry the secret that her dad is Clark Kent (or vice versa, I suppose). That would be a tough burden. Wonder Woman doesn't disguise herself.

    Clark's daughter would also have to grow into her powers as she absorbs solar energy, while Diana's son would already have everything, but lack the warrior training. Call that a push, I think. Neither one would be ready to do much fighting as kids.

    Superman is a bigger target for the super-baddies than WW is, so his daughter would be in more danger by proxy. I think that's the decider. It would be tougher being his daughter.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Marcian Tobay View Post
    Well, what I'm saying is that I don't play this game enough to justify spending $15 a month on it.
    If you bought $15 worth of points at once, you'd have plenty of points to buy a power set right now, and not have to wait two months, plus some points left over.

    Something to think about. For me, power sets are about the only thing that I'd spend extra money to obtain points for.
  23. If someone needs special events or a "keep your account active during Period X and get a Shiny" incentive just to stick around, that person probably would jump ship anyway. If the regular content doesn't sway them, nothing temporary will.

    I don't think Paragon is sweating about those people.
  24. Perhaps to avoid hurt feelings and confusion, the people putting together specialized teams should emphasize in their broadcasts for League members that they're doing Master badge runs.

    Simply stating that they just want +3s seems to point more just being exclusive, rather than putting together a team for a specific reason. Information smooths out a lot of the potential confusion for those that don't know what's going on.
  25. Heh heh. Someone threw out "common sense" and "superhero" in the same sentence.

    This is a problem that exists in comic writing as well, so why would it be any different in a game based on comic book genres?