The morality of DVRs...
I don't think it's remotely the same.
DVR, unless you have more money than sense and own about a dozen of them, you eventually run out of space, so the TV stuff you're getting isn't permanent.
The adverts, yeah, you might skip past, but you do see them, albeit superfast and almost subliminally. I know I skip past adverts, but every so often one catches my eye and I end up rewinding to watch it.
Also, there's a big difference between recording something on a DVR, watching it and then deleting it than there is is downloading a film, burning it to disk and either keeping forever or worse still, selling it for a profit like the true pirates do.
I'm a MASSIVE fan of try before you buy. I've lost count of the number of albums I've downloaded, listened to and then immediately gone out and bought it becuase I've liked it so much. With downloaded albums being a lot cheaper than the physical version, it's a no-brainer for me and it's the way the industry should have gone a LONG time ago. Same applies for movies. I've downloaded a movie and then gone out of bought it as a result, and the few I've watched and not liked, well, I still pay for my Sky subscription so they still get the money they would have got from me watching it a few months later on TV, I just did it a bit earlier is all.
Some might lump me in with the bad guys, I don't really care. The industry gets the same money from me it would anyway. The only films I get on download are the ones that have been released on DVD. I didn't pay a lot of money for a good TV system to watch some crappy camcorder jobbie from the cinema. If I like it, I go out and buy it, hence the over 900 DVD's sat on my shelves above my head atm.
If I don't like it, I delete it.
It amuses me that other industries use the try before you buy approach and it works for them. From the big stuff, like car sales where you can test drive, to my local bakers who have samples of buns on the counter for me to try first. Same goes with games, they let me test them with demos first. The music and movie industry should adopt something similar and let people get things at a GOOD price, rather than trying to fleece us for too much to begin with.
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if you're not distributing it, there's no problem

Dunno why I responded, tbh.

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guilty pleasure
On topic: It's the same with VCR's. If this was considered piracy, they wouldn't be selling them. Whether you watch a commercial or not is nothing that is guaranteed. What's to say I haven't walked away from the TV while commercials are going on. The whole premise that that DVR's are the same as pirating is so horribly flawed it shouldn't even have a thread to question it.
Prediction: Soon Dur will be derailing his own thread like the last time he brought up a similar subject (see his suggestion that his memories of a movie could just as easily be considered piracy by his own special definition) and bring about a threadlock after complaining we all gang up on him.
Kill 'em all. Let XP sort 'em out.
Very well predicted, but you know, it's fun watching the craziness that goes on in his head, it's like a little Durakken world
Also, on topic, arguably VCR's could be more classed as a form of piracy as it's a physical medium for it to be kept on, DVR's by their nature are transient and intangible formats that will eventually run out of space.
Interesting how VCR didn't destroy the movie industry like a lot of people said it would
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I don't think it's remotely the same.
DVR, unless you have more money than sense and own about a dozen of them, you eventually run out of space, so the TV stuff you're getting isn't permanent. |
For example, If I stream a movie off of some website. It's not a permanent thing so according to that logic it wouldn't be pirating right?
As far as that side discussion: It wouldn't have anything to do with the fact that you all have a website where you rag on people you don't like and you've likely already posted this post there and the way that the moderators have been, and the admittance by some that would make one think that's what is going on.
For example, If I stream a movie off of some website. It's not a permanent thing so according to that logic it wouldn't be pirating right?
general rule of the internet: if you act like a idiot, you'll get called out on it somewhere.
As far as that side discussion: It wouldn't have anything to do with the fact that you all have a website where you rag on people you don't like and you've likely already posted this post there and the way that the moderators have been, and the admittance by some that would make one think that's what is going on. |
I'm pretty damn certain my site has NO ragging of ANYONE going on there and I challenge you to find one single post on the forums that does, other than the banter that goes on between the DJ's as normal!
See, posts like this, make you look bad, Durakken. Think before you type, dude.
We built this city on Rock and Roll!

Sorry, what???
I'm pretty damn certain my site has NO ragging of ANYONE going on there and I challenge you to find one single post on the forums that does, other than the banter that goes on between the DJ's as normal! See, posts like this, make you look bad, Durakken. Think before you type, dude. |
You might want to be a little more specific then.
Anyway, regardless of what site it is, if it's a private site, then people can damn well say whatever they like, within the relevant laws of of their countries, etc etc. You don't like it? Don't read it then.
Next you'll be going in to peoples houses and telling them what they can and can't talk about
We built this city on Rock and Roll!

YouTube has it's own rules and tries to enforce them, accounts are banned daily there, but there's only so many people and their preemptive system only catches so many. Though there are unfair rulings that have been made (TeamFourStar's account has been banned before, and many Botchamania accounts have been banned as well)
I'm talking about posting content from tv on places where it's "illegal" to post them. MMPR on Youtube is copyrighted material and watching it via stream from youtube is considered pirating, but the argument was that if it's not a permanent thing for the viewer then it's not pirating because it is completely different.
Well Durr, you and PK/Westley can be equally insane, just you decided to take your ball and go home. It's nice to be able to have a conversation that doesn't inevitably takes a nose dive into a empty well at the bottom of a ravine in the Grand Canyon sometimes.
I've caught flak too, but I have thicker skin than what anyone could ever say to me.
TeamFourStar's content is actually legal, but whatever... |

I'm talking about posting content from tv on places where it's "illegal" to post them. MMPR on Youtube is copyrighted material and watching it via stream from youtube is considered pirating, but the argument was that if it's not a permanent thing for the viewer then it's not pirating because it is completely different. |
On another note, the guy who distributed XMEN Origins: Wolverine (the unfinished version), received a 1 year sentence in federal prison.
For example, If I stream a movie off of some website. It's not a permanent thing so according to that logic it wouldn't be pirating right? |
it could be argued as theft, as you're getting something for free, but you're not actually taking anything from the original people, so it's a gray area and it's in this that the whole argument falls apart, really. It's too vague and imprecise to be able to easily debate it with any accuracy.
As far as I'm personally concenred, the "pirates" (I really hate using that word, but still...) are the ones who download films, copy them to disk and then sell them, often at dodgy car boot sales and market stalls. They are bang out of order, making a profit off other peoples works and putting people out of business (and I'm speaking from experience as someone who worked ina CD and DVD retail store for 10 years)
Downloading a film and trying it first? Gray area.
Getting something off a DVR? Not even remotely similar, espeically if it's a paid for system like Sky, Virgin, Netflix, etc.
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You might want to be a little more specific then.
Anyway, regardless of what site it is, if it's a private site, then people can damn well say whatever they like, within the relevant laws of of their countries, etc etc. You don't like it? Don't read it then. Next you'll be going in to peoples houses and telling them what they can and can't talk about ![]() |
Those people take it as me mentioning it that they are getting under my skin. Not the case. What does get under my skin is the moderators, but at the same time I understand where they are coming from so meh.
Anyways, again I apologize, if you took it to mean the website in your sig... the comment was more towards you and Mr DJ's side discussion, not you or the site in your signature...
So, like quite a few of Dur's threads, I have to wonder what this has to do with comic hero and vilain culture? This entire thread is off topic.
Willpower has more passive regen than Regen does. Who thought that was a good idea?
Can we get a fix for Energy Melee instead of more new sets?
pirates are villains
Well, the basic argument is that the reason "pirating" is bad is because you are stealing, not paying for, whatever it is you are pirating.
What does that have to do with DVRs? TV, cable and network, the programming you get to see is paid for via commercials. The commercials are based on the idea that they are exchanging paying for the show for time to convince you to buy their product... By you not watching the commercials you are not upholding your end of the sales thing going and because of that, in essence, not paying for the show you are watching and thus stealing that show... |
You don't pay for TV by signing a contract to watch the commercials, you pay for it by actually paying for it.
Recording something on a DVR falls under... what's it called, fair use or something. Recording it on a DVR for your own use is also in a different category than recording it and posting it on Youtube.
Do you not think that maybe people act towards you as you say that's because you constantly post the silliest, most ridiculous threads and posts all the time?
This thread is a perfect case in point. You know it's against the forum rules, yet you posted it. You know it will get deleted, yet you posted it. The original concept of the thread is blatantly ridiculous as well, if the movie and TV industry thought for a SECOND there was any chance of DVR being bad for business, they would have moved heaven and earth to get it shut down, yet we've not seen on single thing anywhere to suggest this, so it's clearly not even remotely like piracy.
So, either you genuinely don't realise how silly your posts and thread are, or you're a troll out for the kicks of getting people to respond to you. Either way, you kind of open yourself to the responses you get.
We built this city on Rock and Roll!

So, like quite a few of Dur's threads, I have to wonder what this has to do with comic hero and vilain culture? This entire thread is off topic.

We built this city on Rock and Roll!

I'm curious how those of you that are against pirating feel about DVRs... What do I mean?
Well, the basic argument is that the reason "pirating" is bad is because you are stealing, not paying for, whatever it is you are pirating.
What does that have to do with DVRs? TV, cable and network, the programming you get to see is paid for via commercials. The commercials are based on the idea that they are exchanging paying for the show for time to convince you to buy their product...
By you not watching the commercials you are not upholding your end of the sales thing going and because of that, in essence, not paying for the show you are watching and thus stealing that show...
DVRs are a big part of our culture now, but I've never heard anything against them, but they pretty much do the same thing as pirating. So...
It seems to me that people who are against pirating should be against DVRs... so are you or not? Why or why not?