+3 only trials necessary?
Having a league made entirely of +3s isn't necessary for a normal run of any trial. However, I could see why someone would make this request for certain badge runs. Are you sure the runs you were trying to get on weren't Master runs?
With that said, I would recommend being at least +1 for UGT, MoM and TPN since these trials have level shifted AVs (level 54+1 and 54+2 respectively) and tend to have a noticeably higher failure rate when there are several level 50s present. BAF, Lambda and Keyes still get done quite often and I've never seen anyone on Champion ask for level shifts for standard runs of those trials.
I'd also recommend taking the issue up with the leader of the trial directly and listen to their rationale first hand. Also keep in mind that not every leader is going to run trials the same way, so if you disagree with a particular leader, keep it in mind for next time and either join another trial or form one up according to how you think it should be done.

Leader of Renaissance de la Veritas
Moderator of ChampioNexus
Amygdala's Guide to the Cathedral of Pain Trial
Well, last night there were several (master)badge runs of those trials going. Badge TPN runs need a lot of speed, survival, and damage, which is hard when you're fighting deep purples in hordes. Outside of badge runs, the TPN does not need +3's, no.
The MoM trial seems to be the first of the next 'step up' trials. There most enemies are 54+2, so after having tried it as a 50+0, I can tell you it is the closest to 'needing' +3's. Which it doesn't, but just so you know why people may be asking about level shifts on that one. It could perhaps be done by the minimum group size with +0 50's, but it would need a very strong powerset mixture who were really on their game. +3's make everything only three levels higher, so there's not so much of a gamble for succeeding.
Anytime people try for master badges on trials/SF's, new considerations come into play.
Hi Inc!
IMO, if the person who is only +1 has the ability to follow directions and is a good player in general it really shouldn't be a problem to have them on the team. If you are familiar with someone to know that their skill level is there it should not be an issue to take on a +1 but seeing as how you were gone for a while, perhaps they weren't aware of just how competent you are lol.
I think the only reason certain folks are looking for +3s only is because so many people do not listen to directions or simply do whatever the hell they want and if they aren't +3 when doing so, they can cause issue for the balance of the team but I think you knew that already
Oh...and yeah, what they said above about badge runs, obviously much easier if the team is optimal for success...


Perhaps to avoid hurt feelings and confusion, the people putting together specialized teams should emphasize in their broadcasts for League members that they're doing Master badge runs.
Simply stating that they just want +3s seems to point more just being exclusive, rather than putting together a team for a specific reason. Information smooths out a lot of the potential confusion for those that don't know what's going on.
Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.
It was most likely what you guys are calling a master run. From the original chat, I probably wouldn't have known the difference. I'm not butt hurt or anything that my request to join was simply ignored, I just wanted to get a better understanding as to the reason why, i never for one second thought it was personal. During my last couple of weeks playing on Champion, i have been noticing there isn't all that many people around to run this content with, at least when i have time to play. I guess that is most frustrating part. Perhaps i'm better off just getting my Incarnate drops elsewhere and transfer back when i'm all set. Thanks for the clarification about the badges, I can see why +3's can make the difference in achieving certain tough requirements.
To be clear, Where does the term "Master run come from". Are they "master badges" or something, hence coining the phrase?
During my last couple of weeks playing on Champion, i have been noticing there isn't all that many people around to run this content with, at least when i have time to play. I guess that is most frustrating part. Perhaps i'm better off just getting my Incarnate drops elsewhere and transfer back when i'm all set.
What times do you usually play?

Leader of Renaissance de la Veritas
Moderator of ChampioNexus
Amygdala's Guide to the Cathedral of Pain Trial
"Champion (the Community Server... or GTFO) is like a small town where everyone knows each other's names, for better or worse." -kojirodensetsu.
"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." - Maslow's Hammer
The reason i scream no is simple:
Leadership, tactic, willingness to listen and follow instructions..and the most important part.. people willing to do their best.
I led a bunch of MoM runs last weekend, got an avarage of 2 to 3 badges per run, with several people not even level shifted, yes.. i let regular 50's join the fun too.
Now i hear u say, "They must have been good players u know on new 50's!"
Uhmm.. No, most of them i didn't even know, at all.
All i ask when i lead is that people do their best and follow instructions, i go for all badges, max rewards each and every run.
This Sunday i'm holding a MoTPN run marathon, and again, i will not decline people who are regular 50's. My tactic is solid, and if needed, i can change tactics on the fly.
A good leader shouldn't be afraid who he/she invites into a trail,if they have a solid tactic, and people who are willing to do as told.. and that is the issue with most league, there are always people who can't listen and do as asked. Hence, most people only want the +3's since they think that they know what to do.
I was leading a Lambda when it just came out, i saw that one player was just attacking mobs solo, while the rest of the group went the right way.
I asked him to please follow the crowd.. his response: "I'm +1, i know what i'm doing." Less than a minute later he died, and before he could exit the hospital, i kicked him from the League.
Dark Energon, Founder of the Freedom Legion SG on Guardian server.
(SG founded on 12-08-'09, Top100: 08-17-'10, Top50: 12-23-'10, Top25: 12-11-'11)
Crab Spider Nephila on Titan Tracker
Weekly events on Guardian: W.A.V.E. & FNFN
The reason i scream no is simple: Leadership, tactic, willingness to listen and follow instructions..and the most important part.. people willing to do their best. I led a bunch of MoM runs last weekend, got an avarage of 2 to 3 badges per run, with several people not even level shifted, yes.. i let regular 50's join the fun too. Now i hear u say, "They must have been good players u know on new 50's!" Uhmm.. No, most of them i didn't even know, at all. All i ask when i lead is that people do their best and follow instructions, i go for all badges, max rewards each and every run. This Sunday i'm holding a MoTPN run marathon, and again, i will not decline people who are regular 50's. My tactic is solid, and if needed, i can change tactics on the fly. A good leader shouldn't be afraid who he/she invites into a trail,if they have a solid tactic, and people who are willing to do as told.. and that is the issue with most league, there are always people who can't listen and do as asked. Hence, most people only want the +3's since they think that they know what to do. I was leading a Lambda when it just came out, i saw that one player was just attacking mobs solo, while the rest of the group went the right way. I asked him to please follow the crowd.. his response: "I'm +1, i know what i'm doing." Less than a minute later he died, and before he could exit the hospital, i kicked him from the League. |
Also on Steam
"Champion (the Community Server... or GTFO) is like a small town where everyone knows each other's names, for better or worse." -kojirodensetsu.
"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." - Maslow's Hammer
Yesterday was a series of badge runs. but answer your question. TPN and MoM are a higher stage of trial so if i form it i would prefer a minimum of +2 (and thats kinda a stretch) considering your a 50-51 figjting a lvl56 AV. even if your a great player and know the trial a group of mainly 1s and 2s probably wont be enough
@Black Tabby, @Black Tabby2
S.H.A.R.P, Order of the Champion Member
Champion Server, 1402 Badges (recorded July 18th 2012)
After getting more involved in the trials i do see the benefit of having the higher level shift. I ended up using a free transfer to Freedom for approx 1-1/2 days. i spent basically a few hours that first night (when i couldn't seem to get in on one), and most of the afternoon the following day doing trial after trial. It was far easier to get on them because they have a higher population. However, i like the people here better and prefer to play with my friends. In that time though before transferring back, i took my character from +1 to +3 and capped out my alpha slot ability, and I'm on my way to doing the same with the other incarnate abilities.
As far as my playtime goes, i typically get about an hour after work around 6PM on weekdays, and then 2-3 nights out of the week i'll play from about 10:30PM -12:30AM. There are trial teams on Champion, but there is usually only 1 group running at at time (sometimes two). I managed to get in a very solid group of the weekend, but the fun was cut short with a cable/internet outage on my block (highly annoying when in the middle of a MoM trial). Thanks for the responses all, it just took some time to figure it out for myself what others had mentioned. I'm picking up these pretty quick, but don't yet feel comfortable to lead all of the trials yet. As soon as i do, i'll try to pitch in to keep them as busy as possible.
I ran a MoM trial last night,. and pretty much undiscriminated what players I picked up. mind you I I would have imagined a large percentage of them were +3, and had a pretty successful run.
1396 Badges... here's hoping this won't be the end! SAVE PARAGON CITY
After getting more involved in the trials i do see the benefit of having the higher level shift. I ended up using a free transfer to Freedom for approx 1-1/2 days. i spent basically a few hours that first night (when i couldn't seem to get in on one), and most of the afternoon the following day doing trial after trial. It was far easier to get on them because they have a higher population. However, i like the people here better and prefer to play with my friends. In that time though before transferring back, i took my character from +1 to +3 and capped out my alpha slot ability, and I'm on my way to doing the same with the other incarnate abilities.
Either that, or I'll just wait for the Dark Astoria makeover. We'll see what happens after the Star Wars rush wears off.
"I never said thank you." - Lt. Gordon
"And you'll never have to." - the Dark Knight
Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...
It does not matter what server trials are ran on, skill levels will be different across the board, period.
Main point, no, Trials do not have to have +3, +2, +Etc. It is up to the leader if they wish to enforce the rule of Shifts. Yes, shifts make everything easier (especially for the newer Trials with AV shifts), but it is more/less the people following directions and paying attention that should matter. Not blaming the two or three people who are unshifted or only +1.
If you find a team/leader that only wants +3's and you do not have that and no one else is running the current trial you want, then form your own. After running a Trial a few times, it is quite easy to grasp what should be done.

'You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.'
Also on Steam
I am not in any position to judge the general aptitude of the Guardian player community, which is why I don't go to their forums and lecture them.
Overall the most skilled players i know are on Champion, but then as i said i have rarely played on Guardian for several years. (Guardian was my main server from about May 2004 to mid 2005. About that time i started playing on Champion singificantly more.) If Guardian doesn't require +3s and Champion does then that's pretty impressive. i'm still more likely to play on Champion though.
Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...
Just curious, last night while playing it seemed like the only trials going were people requesting +3's only. Are the TPN and MoM trials that challenging that this is required? I'm a little late to the party when it comes to incarnate content as i have only recently went VIP. My character was +1, and only a couple of threads from bumping to a +2 level shift. I haven't tried TPN yet, but last night i used a free transfer to freedom, and got in a baf, slam, and successful MoM within minutes of each other as soon as i logged in around 11:30 PM EST. The level shifts were ranged from +1's to +3's, no un-shifted level 50's on this team.
Obviously i can see why +3's are desired, but it does make it harder for those of us trying to catch up if we can't get into anything because of a level shift.