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  1. Honestly, yes, I would pay for it. I would GRIPE A MAJOR GRIPE about it, but I would pay for it.
  2. Kinetic is melee in the sense that you usually need to stand relatively close to the whatever in order to get the benefits derived from using many of its' abilities. Whether or not that is a factor to you largely depends on whether or not you solo, or what your typical team composition looks like.

    It's not really difficult to use a ranged attack in melee anyway. The only ranged attacks that tend to have difficulty when close to the target are cones as their arc lengths are so small that you usually wind up wasting the majority of the damage potential. ST ranged attacks and normal AOE's don't really have these problems, and don't really matter from how far away you fire them.
  3. Kings Row seems like a logical next step, I suppose, though I've personally never thought the zone looked that bad. While I'm aware that the textures in the area are just as old as any of the other aged zones it still manages to have a unique theme to it that is different from the bright happy blue industrial metropolis that is ordinarily Paragon City. It still manages to be refreshing despite its' age.

    If I was going to redesign a zone it probably would be somewhere nobody *ever* goes like Boomtown, Independence Port, or Stirga Island.
  4. Warkupo

    Ha. What a joke.

    Originally Posted by Slaunyeh View Post
    With Ouroboros, how do you know he didn't take forever, and then came back to tell us about it?
    That's some Gabriel's Horn stuff right there.
  5. No, you won't really lose damage from using Soulbound Allegiance, and you will gain a whole lot more from set bonuses.

    Assuming you use all the damage enhancements in the set, you will be sitting at 101.86% damage enhancement value. To get close to that, you'd need about 4 slots of pure damage IO's for a total of about 105.44% damage enhancement value. While that is a *little bit* more damage, you're also giving up on the accuracy, endurance reduction, and set bonuses that come with using an IO set. On the other hand, purple sets are kind of expensive and you may not need all that extra stuff for what you want to do/how much a purple costs.

    *Personally* I like Sovereign Right and Blood Mandate a little more than Soulbound Allegiance. Sovereign Right has a more useful 'proc' effect giving 10% resistance to your guys. Blood Mandate has more useful set bonuses, I feel, but your damage will be a little less from using it (caps out at 97.49%) There's also Edict of the Master, which gives 5% defense to your pets, but unless you are stacking a lot of defense bonuses that might not make much of a difference when you consider your pets are already at a few level disadvantages anyway.

    TOO LONG; DIDN'T READ VERSION: Soulbound Allegiance It won't adversely effect your damage, gives you more enhancement options, and has some set bonuses considering most mastermind pets just need damage and accuracy. However, it is also expensive and you may not need it's bonuses. Also Blood Mandate gives similar stats and has more useful set bonuses, I feel.

    NOTE: All math is derived using Mids' Hero & Villain Designer.
  6. I probably wouldn't have bought it if it was free, to be completely honest. Leprechauns are creepy.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post
    Then your post about having 'absolutely no idea what all is involved in fixing a bug and updating the game' is well rather silly. They fixed the problems already, so why instead of going live with version 22.1 and then making us wait several weeks with bugs and issues already logged and solved on beta, why don't they, just an idea go live with version 22.3b or whatever the current working version on beta is?
    You're making the assumption that the beta server is a copy-paste of the live server. Or that the 'fixed' version of beta isn't conflicting with something else. Or that version 22.1 wasn't already being shipped as they fixed the problems. Do you honestly think updates are something they just download like a YouTube video? You can't just apply a patch to a server several states away every time you fix a bug. You have to physically drive there, and that expense is going to get crazy in a hurry if you do that *every* time you find and fix a bug.

    Ultimately though? You, most of the people in this thread, and even *me* don't know the full details of anything. So we can complain until hell freezes over but it's not going to alter reality even a little.

    Bug fixes take time. End of story.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post
    Maybe I missed something but wasn't the OP complaining about Issue 22 going live with bugs that were found and even in some cases fixed on Beta?
  9. You have absolutely no idea what all is involved in fixing a bug and updating the game, do you? The term 'needle in a haystack' doesn't even accurately describe it.

    But by all means, keep ignorantly complaining about how important your 15 dollars a month is, at least that's free.
  10. Read this: http://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Recharge

    Link minds has a 300 second recharge. At base recharge that would mean that the power recharges in 300 seconds expressed by the formula:

    300 = 300 / (1.00 + (0))

    The duration of link minds is 90 seconds, meaning we need to get the recharge of Link Minds under that in order to make it 'permanent'. We can do this with ALGEBRA. Basically, set the 'RechargeTime' to what we want the power to recharge at, and then solve for the unknown variable, in this case the (buffs - debuffs) according to Paragon Wiki.

    so our formula looks like this:

    90 = 300 / (1.00 + (x))

    PEMDASing around we get this rewritten formula:

    (1.00 + x) = 300 / 90


    (1.00 + x) = 3.333~

    subtract 1 from both sides...

    x = 2.333~

    Rounding to get rid of the repeating decimal you need about 233.34% recharge in order to make Link Minds "permanent". You can get about 70% of that from hasten, which means you still need about 163.3% from somewhere else (typically IO's). If you have perma-hasten than the *least* amount of global recharge you should have is around 205% ( assuming you aren't achieving perma-hasten by using spiritual or agility incarnate abilities, and including the 70% granted from Hasten), so you only need about 28.34% more. That should be do-able, but it is going to require a lot of specific slotting to pull off.

    I'm assuming you want Indomitable Will as well. if not, I might suggest you simply take Mace Mastery instead which gives very good S/L defense which is a typed defense that is very common in many attacks. There's also Frozen Armor in Ice Mastery if you aren't feeling particularly EVIL.

    EDIT: Important to note that I'm getting my numbers from Mids. I'm not sure if it's unenhanceable or not.
  11. I would probably give Frostfire a hug and a cookie. Poor guy can't seem to catch a break.

    I would also likely have allowed Ghost Widow to reform her body and just punched that Arbiter in the face. I've been fighting Arachnos since I got out of jail, the hell do I care if they're 'actively' hunting me. At least Ghost Widow taught me neat magic.

    I DEFINITELY wouldn't leave Katie Douglas to her fate. That is the most annoying aspect of First Ward; It doesn't feel like it's FINISHED.
  12. Probably that one guy I can't remember.

    EDIT: You know who is the least obscure? RHETORICAL QUESTION: The least obscure is probably the AE guy or the University guy. I never want to learn about either of those things ever again but they feel compelled to BOTHER me on every single character.
  13. Warkupo

    Blaster ATO

    Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
    I suspect you're correct, but I also suspect that the SBE mechanic came first and was re-used for the Stalker AF mechanics. It's definitely a handy tool for them to have, though I think to be really complete it should include some account for power activation times as well as base recharge times.

    By the way, I don't think this proc can reasonably be used as evidence that the devs hate Blasters, since Controllers and Corruptors got a PPM damage proc too.
    I still think it needs more work in achieving balance, yes. They seem to get hilariously overpowered if you put them in a toggle, as is the case with the current edition of Performance Shift: Chance for Endurance which I believe Synapse (and whoever works with Synapse) is looking into.

    Chicken or Egg, they're still too similar for me to think they aren't probably running the same formula.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rabid_M View Post
    In case you missed it, I think the Olympian Guard costume parts were added (free for VIPs) with issue 22.
    What does it imply that I am so used to BUYING costume pieces now that I was entirely confused about that set suddenly being in my inventory? I thought the market glitched or something.
  15. Warkupo

    Blaster ATO

    The point of the procs isn't that you *have* to put them into long recharging powers, just that they don't lose effectiveness if you do. The scaling is supposedly balanced so that you are getting 'equalish' benefit no matter what power you put it into. It's very similar to the new 'Assassins' Focus' mechanic that Stalkers are using, and I wouldn't be surprised if it's exactly the same formula.
  16. I'm fine with it. I pretty much always buy new costume items, and I wouldn't encourage them to stop making them given how many other people apparently buy them as well.

    Things such as the Frisbee or dog pet are interesting because it gives some insight on to what type of 'stuff' they are testing and trying to accomplish. I don't usually buy them, however.
  17. I consider Stalkers more "Assassin's Creed" and less "Thief". If you played those games you know that while AC might utilize stealth a good portion of the time, you can definitely expect to have large stylish battles as part of the main campaign. Contrast that to Thief which places a much greater emphasis on stealth and would reward such brazen tactics with numerous death-holes. The pacing for both games is naturally appropriate with AC being very quick, even during it's stealth parts, and Thief involving a lot more tense waiting and near masochistic patrol memorization.

    I think perhaps in the beginning Stalkers may have been designed with a more 'subtle' play style in mind, but it quickly became apparent that the mechanics of the entire rest of the game didn't really suite them. Just being invisible isn't enough stealth 'game-play' to make them work. You would need the AI to have patrols, to have cones of vision, to be sensitive to light and darkness, to understand sound, to investigate noises... The entire game would literally need to be re-built with stealth in mind and even then that isn't going to work when a brute with a fist full of lightning can still come crashing into the room like a mad god.

    Stalkers, as they are currently, work well within the confines of the game to convey the idea of a more elegant and stealthier version of a Scrapper. Someone who can still perform well in an upfront battle, but becomes an unfathomable boogey-man when stealth is an option. To me and how I like to play stealth games that is about perfect, the only thing missing is more powersets to play around with.
  18. I just want the stupid animal to shut up and I think I'd be perfectly fine with him. I'm not sure what developer thinks the constant moaning of animals is a good thing, but it needs to stop. You're a giant evil dog of darkness and evil, I'm perfectly aware of your presence without you needing to make constant NOISE.
  19. I think the biggest disadvantage with electric based mitigation is the fact that any mitigation that *might* happen (assuming the mechanics of endurance recovery don't all converge to punch you in the face) isn't going to happen until the *end* portion of the battle. Speaking from personal experience, AT's utilizing electric blast who don't have *other* mitigation to wait that long wind up kind of dead and if you *did* have enough mitigation to wait that long it isn't likely you would suddenly need the mitigation offered from electricity to continue to survive. The sum of all these things makes endurance draining mitigation particularly difficult to utilize, if not outright useless a majority of the time.

    If I was going to re-design electric based attacks in a perfect world with the full powers of hindsight I would have given each attack a small chance to apply a short duration stun. Something along the lines of the mitigation that is achieved from Energy Blast, although perhaps a little weaker considering the inherit disadvantages associated with knockback. Not only would this make more sense, to me, thematically, but it would also be a more reliable source of mitigation that was available throughout the entire duration of the battle, instead of only at the end.
  20. Stealth is a tactic, not a theme. Just because I'm strong doesn't' mean my character should be incapable of seeing the advantages of entering a room quietly and taking out enemies with some level of forethought. Stealth has little do with how strong you are anyway, and much more to do with how well you take bullets to the face. Now, I don't know about you, but for me it doesn't matter if I where armed with a pistol or a rocket launcher; I'm still going to try to get the element of surprise because I *can't* take bullets to the face very well.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cheetatron View Post
    you can pretty much guarantee that it won't happen now, discoveries like this need to be kept tight lipped imo Hope the ppm formula doesn't get nerfed cause the op wasn't savy enough to keep quiet
    That's a stupid approach. If something isn't balanced, whether it be too weak or too strong, we need to bring it up and see that it is. The developers of this game *do* depend on us quite a bit in order to determine what is balanced and what isn't, but if we as a community decided to start being purposefully deceitful about the performance of something just because we want to be more powerful in the vidja game, then they won't listen to us anymore. Instead, you will just have to deal with whatever they think is most appropriate given their much smaller data-pool. They'd much rather work from that than the advice of a bunch of self-promoting liars.
  22. The new market place IO's are definitely INTERESTING, but I hesitate to buy something that seems so potentially overpowered. Such things usually get nerfed. I'd rather keep my money for the time being until I feel that changes to these things are less likely, and then maybe I'll start factoring them into potential builds.
  23. So far it has been:

    1. Play Stalker
    2. Sporadic giggles
    3. Remake 5 of my characters into Stalkers and recreate 3 more
    4. Getting really tired of sewers.
  24. Very generally speaking, the 'extra' effect on most of them don't really impress me, but that's not why I would get them either. The main benefit, I feel, is the enhancement values/set bonuses associated with them with the extra effects just providing icing.