Are Purple IO's worth it?




I apologize if this has been over asked but I searched and could not find a similar question. I have a bot MM. All IO's are 50 Currently I have his bots slotted with 3 IO Damage (for all) 1 accuracy IO (for all) Heal IO for Protectors, Knockback IO for the big guy, and disorient IO for the regular 3. Damage is what is most important to me. With the alpha incarnate damage, damage per bot is currently at +136% for all the robots.

I was interested in (Purple) Soulbound Allegiance, but I am afraid I will lose damage overall. Regular IO's are 40 something percent damage, and the Purples are only 33% (with the exception of the superior one damage at 53%)

Will I lose damage if I convert to Soulbound Allegiance?



Is soulbound Allegience worth it? Well to answer that question, really depends. I found it worthwhile, and a lot of other people may call me an idiot for it. Your second question, lets put it this way. With just the purple set, the damage increase for the lvl 50 io's goes a bit over 100% iirc. Three Damage IO's only approach the 100% range, so you get only a small gain, and a periodic build up to the henchman given the Purple Proc. This set will give any henchman (probably assault bot) a little end management, more accuracy than you currently have, and a slight damage increase compared to 3 lvl 50 Damage IO's, with a sudden boost in damage periodically.



No, you won't really lose damage from using Soulbound Allegiance, and you will gain a whole lot more from set bonuses.

Assuming you use all the damage enhancements in the set, you will be sitting at 101.86% damage enhancement value. To get close to that, you'd need about 4 slots of pure damage IO's for a total of about 105.44% damage enhancement value. While that is a *little bit* more damage, you're also giving up on the accuracy, endurance reduction, and set bonuses that come with using an IO set. On the other hand, purple sets are kind of expensive and you may not need all that extra stuff for what you want to do/how much a purple costs.

*Personally* I like Sovereign Right and Blood Mandate a little more than Soulbound Allegiance. Sovereign Right has a more useful 'proc' effect giving 10% resistance to your guys. Blood Mandate has more useful set bonuses, I feel, but your damage will be a little less from using it (caps out at 97.49%) There's also Edict of the Master, which gives 5% defense to your pets, but unless you are stacking a lot of defense bonuses that might not make much of a difference when you consider your pets are already at a few level disadvantages anyway.

TOO LONG; DIDN'T READ VERSION: Soulbound Allegiance It won't adversely effect your damage, gives you more enhancement options, and has some set bonuses considering most mastermind pets just need damage and accuracy. However, it is also expensive and you may not need it's bonuses. Also Blood Mandate gives similar stats and has more useful set bonuses, I feel.

NOTE: All math is derived using Mids' Hero & Villain Designer.



It sounds like your Mastermind is running around with generic (non-set) IOs. If that's the case, I think your resources would be better spent on more modest set IOs. You can get a whole lot of useful set bonuses and non-purple procs for the cost of one purple.

Even without the set bonuses, the dual/triple/quad IOs carry a greater total enhancement bonus than you can get with generic IOs.

If you don't already have it, I suspect that taking Assault from the Leadership pool will give you more damage than any proc, and it doesn't require you to change the slotting of your pets.



The first time you see the Assault Bot proc the Soulbound proc then fire off his burn missiles the smile on your face will be worth the cost.

As for how much it would benefit the build as a whole we would really need to see the rest of the powers, you sound like the AssBot is 5 slotted so I would try and find the extra slot from elsewhere, then you have extra damage without having to wonder if it is better than a standard IO.

Edit: Also - a KB IO? Really?

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



Purple IOs are worth having, but not worth the price they are going for.



Just as an experiment, I'm going to suggest you replace all your pet IOs with 6/6 Blood Mandate. It won't be expensive to do, they're cheap sets. See how much of a difference it makes.

@Draeth Darkstar
Virtue [Heroes, Roleplay], Freedom [Villains], Exalted [All Sides, Roleplay]
I24 Proc Chance = (Enhanced Recharge + Activation Time) * (Current PPM * 1.25) / 60*(1 + .75*(.15*Radius - 0.011*Radius*(360-Arc)/30))
Single Target Radius = 0. AoE Non-Cone Arc = 360.



for a mm the purples are more geared towards the secondary than the pets, the mm primary doesnt really need purples unless you want the soubound allegience proc (i personally dont like the set bonuses on it)



Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
The first time you see the Assault Bot proc the Soulbound proc then fire off his burn missiles the smile on your face will be worth the cost.

As for how much it would benefit the build as a whole we would really need to see the rest of the powers, you sound like the AssBot is 5 slotted so I would try and find the extra slot from elsewhere, then you have extra damage without having to wonder if it is better than a standard IO.

Edit: Also - a KB IO? Really?
Must agree with that last bit, the KB is what you want to avoid for proper burninating.