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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Deus_Otiosus View Post
    99% Fury is pretty much a fantasy.

    If the actual in game display can be trusted, then I think I've hit what looked like 99% Fury...once.

    Considering I play Brutes primarily over all ATs, we're talking a considerable chunk of time.

    80-90% is the normal amount. This is on a Brute built to take alphas, to hold and survive aggro on the ITF, LGTF, RSF, and built to farm solo set for anywhere from +1 to +4 x 8 - enemy type depending.
    I know that 99% fury is obnoxiously impossible to maintain, but thank you for re-explaining the fury mechanic to me, I guess. I too have created many a brute, and like, played them.

    Originally Posted by Deus_Otiosus

    Brutes are a very different animal.

    To state they are *simply better* is simply your subjective opinion.
    Obviously, it was in my post. Everything in my post is my opinion. I feel it's redundant any time anyone mentions this ever. If there is seriously someone so impressionable that their minds will change the second they hear my voice I want to meet them and make them my best friend.

    I'm going to ignore the rest of your post, because it assumes I'm talking about Brutes in general, and I'm not. I'm talking about my Brutes, which is significant because those are the ones I'm usually playing. I create my brutes to get fury without artificial help, such as running madly from spawn to spawn, or depending on a gallon of enemies to pump me up very quickly. I usually need about 3 enemies and a decent attack chain and I'm at the 80%-ish fury I enjoy. Not right out of the box, but not at 50 with IO's either. But then I'm patient, so I don't mind a character having to wait a few levels before he's reached his potential.

    I don't really like to tank, in general, so I don't really care what Tankers are doing because I don't like being them. Nor do I think my Brute is going to replace a tank, at least I certainly hope not, and will be the first one in line petitioning for all sorts of hilarious buffs to Tankers if it goes that route so I'm not suddenly expected to fill their grimy shoes. I like punchvoke because it keeps enemies on me, and because I like very easily tearing the stray enemy off my squishy when I'm feeling charitable (and I do label them as "my" squishy. When they are "the" squishy, I probably don't care about them.)

    Numerically, Brutes are better than scrappers as far as possible damage mitigation goes. There's really no disputing that. Even with SR brutes/scrappers, brutes still have higher HP caps. I feel they do about equal damage when I've built them. So, in my opinion, orchestrated by my posting it, Brutes are simply better.

    As far as the whole balance question I'm guessing everyone is freaking out about since I apparently brought up the issue, I don't really care, and I probably won't get in a big number crunchery extravaganza about it. We can all just go re-read those other two topics stickied atop the page if we want to do that, and pretend we're one of the characters in there. I'm personally going to be Werner, because I always liked that chap. His beard really appeals to me.

    Back on topic now, please?

    *EDIT* - I must learn how to spell "quote"
  2. Warkupo

    My Brute - Game


    This is the version I play. I personally find it more fun than the American one.

    Set Google to translate automatically~
  3. Warkupo

    New melee set.

    I'm not about to go stalk Castle until I find the correct post, but I recall him hinting at some mechanic where the more damage you take, the more damage your kinetic melee does.
  4. *rubs forehead*

    I should have known better.

    Brutes do a bit more damage than scrappers at 'peak performance' but not so much more that it's significant to go home and cut yourself over it, and it's difficult to get to 99% fury and stay there. That being said, it's fairly trivial for me to stay between 80-85ish with the brutes I've made. So let's just simplify and say they do roughly equal damage.

    Brutes then also have higher HP caps, resistance caps, and damage caps (I assume to account for fury). They also get punchvoke, which I happen to like, so yay punchvoke.

    And then darkest night plops it's big fat *** into the equation and I wind up *really* preferring brutes. Not that scrappers are *bad* at all, Brutes are simply *better*.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JamMasterJMS View Post
    Wow, profound. What AT and powersets are you playin? Seriously? I wanna know what AT's have YOUR attention.
    Er, Brute?
  6. If scrappers got Darkest Night it would rekindle my interest in actually BEING one, certainly.

    *Edit* - Let me clarify. It's not that I think Scrappers are bad, far from it, it's just that Brutes are simply *better*, so when given the choice I'm going to pick a Brute over a Scrapper.
  7. Why not another Panacea in Reconstruction, Umbral? I would think another 7.5% recharge worth the second or so lost from Reconstruction.

    I'm also going to guess that Fury of the Gladiator stacks with Achilles' Heel?

    I'm curious since my BS/Regen build is basically a ******* child of a build I greedily devoured from you ages ago.
  8. I'm glad we're discussing this over here now, I'm sure new and interesting points will arise that we never heard before in that OTHER thread.
  9. Mission 3: Quite a number of things to do in this mission, which is slightly annoying but whatever.

    Agent Deacon was about as useful as the after-mentioned Longbow, but I guess that makes sense considering his squad was smattered into little bitty things before I got there. I would have preferred it if he had just left, however, instead of running around for a spawn or two embarrassing himself.

    The enemies were fun. I am glad you added another boss so that it wasn't constant ice-queen-slow-everything the entire mission as that would have gotten *very* annoying really quickly. Again, Kudos on your character design.

    Hallow Point once again comes back to haunt me as a constant reminder of what swinging around a 5 foot sword can do when it isn't done carefully, but was otherwise about as memorable as he was last time.

    Dr. Vladimir was actually challenging, I felt, but only because of the Dark Servent. I had to fly about the room spastically for a bit to try and separate them, kill his pet, and then after that he wasn't much of a challenge, but then I have parry and soft-capped melee defense. I had difficulty with him at the start because the combined to-hit was flooring my accuracy and I couldn't build my defense to dodge his attacks and he hits like a friggin' panzer tank that likes to ram forks up your eye sockets instead of having the decency to shoot you. Still, a fun fight which required some thinking, so you definitely win some points.

    While the enemies are well balanced with an emphasis on challenge, I can't help but feel the story is still rather generic. You have a good hold over the english language, but nothing that was going on was really original feeling, and in fact I felt like I was playing the cliffnotes of the Dr.Vahzilok story arc at a much higher level. Room for improvement should be focused there, as I think your enemies are about where they need to be as far as balanced combat is concerned.
  10. Mission Two:

    The Architect Generator seemed to realize that I had turned my difficulty setting up by the second mission and decided to oblige me, which I graciously accepted. The 5th Column itself remains nothing special, but I was actually moderately challenged by your custom enemies this go around. Combining a bunch of psychic's with a big ice boss demon thing is a very evil trick, and required I pick out a target of interest. After figuring out that the boss was the most engaging threat, however, the remaining battles were little more than gleeful carnage, but I do have to give props to an enemy group that forces me to hit some of my regen powers now and again without simultaneously just killing me immediately. So Kudos, you seem to have found that important balance.

    The boss guy wasn't very challenging again, despite being an elite boss and being surrounded by other little were-creatures. Hit Mog, Kill Allies, Parry to victory, ignore back-up ambush. I did enjoy his tauntish little speech bubbles as I made an utter fool out of him however.

    The civilians were a bit... Odd. There was one guy who looked like a Tsoo member, but otherwise everything is perky as normal.

    Finally the AI of who is an ally is wonky. Often the 5th would be fighting the Omega Guards, and occassionally themselves. I assume they had a heated discussion before I got there, and I just had the uncanny ability to arrive when everything had reached a boiling point.

    The Longbow were also about as affective as a flimsy piece of toilet paper aggressively assaulting my enemies with strongly worded insults, which is to say they died before I even realized they were there, often becoming victim of the 5th who decided to pack a boss or two that day.

    The mission also feels a bit too ambitions for the limitations of the AE system. I don't feel like I'm trying to pick and choose targets really as I'm just trying to find targets, and oh there's some 5th column over there which you can kill or not, nobody really cares. The 5th column hardly felt swarmy, and the Longbow hardly felt... Alive, so it just winds up coming off as another "Go find all this crap" mission, instead of something unique or strategic.
  11. Despite warnings to bring a team and what not I decided to just go at it alone because I'm awesome.

    I'll be giving feedback after each mission to keep it fresh in my mind.

    I'll start off by saying that it reads pretty well, which is important in CoH since most of your story options are text based. The general plot is good if not a bit generic, but what can you do. The only thing that feels a bit gimmicky is that it's decided I have to kill whatever his name was in a place where it would make all logical sense to arrest him instead. We're already AT a jail, I can just bop him on the head and leave him there.

    Besides that, the story seems to be selling me on some gritty angle, which is fine, but I feel it's the wrong approach to steal my likely developed character and have him do things that fit into that element of the story. I realize I'm nitpicking, because the probability of you fitting a scenario that cleanly fits into everyone spectrum of acceptable RP is absurdly small, but I did feel somewhat shoe-horned into fitting a particular role which I feel should have been filled by characters *you* establish.

    I also dislike the opening message where I ponder my own mortality. In short, the first mission has a bit too much assumption upon my character.

    Balance seemed fine, but them I'm pretty bad-***, routinely soloing group sized spawns of whatever-have-you's, so clearing a bunch of level 50 minions was as simple as using 2 aoe attacks, and I can't hold that against you (again, way too many variables). The one custom boss was unmemorable and I couldn't really figure out what his costume was before he was trying to run away until I inadvertently crushed his jugular, or whatever was causing him to make gasping weezing noises, through no fault of my own.

    Overall your writing is well done, but nothing really pops out about the first mission. But then it's not fair to judge everything from the prologue, is it? So onto mission 2!
  12. I'll probably go with /dark as I'm boring and don't much feel like experimenting.

    That said, I have a feeling the demons will be decidedly melee. I have a hard time imagining that a 7 foot demon with rippling muscles is going to stay in the back pewing a lazer, especially with the knowledge that the fire/toxic whip-thing is going to have a decidedly short range, which would seem to point towards demons being a melee focused set.
  13. I have two villains who will definitely switch sides, one of which was never really a villain to begin with, but a creature put into poor circumstances, and the other who actually turned away from baseless murder as his brain began to recover and develop emotion (It's a very long story). My heroes, however, will all stay safely on the continent they started in. I tend to not make very wishy-washy characters and can't rationalize them switching sides other than making them do it because I can all of a sudden. I'm mostly looking forward to being able to play any archetype in any setting, which is something I've wanted since the start of CoV.

    I will probably make a warshade who is specifically designed to go evil if only because I'm curious if I can or not (Will voides spawn in the streets? Can that even *happen* in CoV?)

    I will be making a number of Praetorian specific characters, including one time/dimension traveling character who I'll mostly be using to explore Praetorian content, and another who is going to be a demon summoning Clock-Work because that idea tickles my giggle button.

    I'll also be remaking many characters, such as scrappers, defenders, and tankers, into archetypes I much prefer, such as brutes and corrupters, which may necessitate that they become praetorian as well, in which case I'll mostly like conclude that they accidentally fell into another dimension and all simultaneously got amnesia until returning or something equally as lame.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Azerrath View Post
    1. Bean Bag: Usual Shotgun animation with flying bean bag.
    2. Solid Round: Fires the shot, Then 'next round' reload animation.
    3. Buckshot: Standard animation.
    4. Aim/Boost Range type thing...
    5. Explosive Shell: Loads the Shotgun then fires a fire bullet that explodes if it hits.
    6. Heavy Rain: Pumps the barrel twice before shooting in it at an upward angle. Large pellets rain down on target.
    7. The Driller: (suddenly have the urge to say you moon walk first.) Kneels and jambs the Barrel Into the ground before firing. A bullets spirals out of the ground under the target.
    8. Wonder Buster: Kneel and shoulder Cradle Stance. Fires single around that explodes where the target is spreading out smaller rounds creating a ring(ish) explosion.
    9. Big Bertha: The forbidden hold the shotgun out with one hand shot. Yet unlike reality, Shooting this way doesn't break your arm because you are cool like that. Err... Yeah and the and the shot should be a full auto esk cone because the bullet causes a sonic boom as it travels and that's what's doing the damage.

    Ok... so techniquely that's 8... or maybe 7. But there you go 9 shotgun animations...
    About the one handed shooting of an assault rifle; You are a god damn super hero and all. You can probably handle the recoil.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zaion View Post

    I didn't. It says in the original post that I'm sure people like the current AR set and that it should be kept, just with a different name. Honestly why do so many people not read before posting replies?
    And don't assume I said things I didn't either, I don't even want you touching the name. Thus the minor reaction of breaking lawn ornaments.
  16. Warkupo


    Looks like I'll be taking attacks on a mastermind for once.
  17. A big hell no on this suggestion.

    Do not assume people dislike the Assault Rifle just because you do. I would personally ruin your lawn ornaments if any of your suggestions got through.

    I love my Franken-Gun. If it existed in the real world I would use nothing else.
  18. I'm assuming most of you are aware of the adjustment to the IO set, Blessing of the Zephyr. At some point, it's set bonuses will be reduced to 1.25% Ranged, and 1.88% AOE.

    With this change taking place, I'm curious what my fellow scrappers think about slotting for defense on Regen. As I see it, Dark/ and Sword sets will still have reason to do so, but the other combination I'm not so sure about.

    Before I was just barely making 30% Ranged with the PVP IO, and now I'm around 26%, which is more realistically placed at 23%. I imagine others will have a much more difficult time still, and with the myriad of enemies throwing out defense debuffs I'm having a hard time rationalizing defense on /regen.

    So what do others think, yay or nay on defense building for regen and other secondaries which do not possess native defense? If nay, what might you build for instead?
  19. I would enjoy it and it would fit my Illusionists' theme rather well, being that she's bending hydrogen molecules to make illusions.
  20. It's useful to respec into if you have something like Quick Recovery, so that you can drop the stamina pool in favor of something else which would have a much higher net-gain survivability.

    It's useful to pair with stamina as well.

    I would not take quick recovery + stamina + physical perfection, however, as that seems overkill.
  21. I don't like the idea.

    Kin/Force Fields would rock some faces though.
  22. Freakshow: Gee I hope nobody steals our plans for robbing the ancient tablet of whatever.

    Random Hero: What was that you said!?

    Freakshow: Uh... Gee, I can't... Uh... Wait to help out my community, and donate money to foreign countries.

    Random Hero: Alright then, carry on...
  23. Warkupo

    Arcane Arts

    I usually just use the blackwand, firing it off every now and then or running around with it to remind people who the wizard in the group is. Then I put it away.

    I would like an 'elemental' set, though. I guess Dual Pistols is kind've close in that regard.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Gaming_Glen View Post
    And I'd use my allowance to remove this lamest idea ever.
    I would use my allowance to hire ninjas to take your allowance and say mean things about your mother on your facebook account.