Level 50 Inherent




I'm a bit hungover it seems so I'll keep it short.

At level 50 you get a new power on a long in game recharge timer that simulates a level up reward (full Health/Endurance and insp parade). The recharge would be about as long as the average 49-50 (aren't levels 40-50 all evenly spaced?) climb is but since you choose when it goes off after that point it does have more utility (right word?).



I'm going to assume you mean what the devs believe is the average time to level, rather than the players. So somewhere in the range of an hour and a half to two hours, as an estimation. Also, going to assume they use the recharge lock like some of the recent Tier nine defenses.

My first question is, since it is the level up inspirations on command (every couple of hours, anyway), will this power be usable while dead for the Large awaken as well, or no?

The Abrams is one of the most effective war machines on the planet. - R. Lee Ermy.

Q: How do you wreck an Abrams?

A: You crash into another one.



...just like a level up...








Uh... Why though?



Well the badge isn't thrown off by trades so I suppose an inf based timer would work...
It would also mean you would have enough to earn a level so it may be a bit fairer then time

If it was inf base dI hope it would just be an internal thing and the timer would say a % of recharge.

Prefer just a simple in game timer myself.



I do enjoy the way level boost works to help turn the tables on a hard battle, it's such a shame you can't do that once you pass Lv50. The ability to trigger this level boost effect would be a way of turning the tables once more except with more control.

Home server: Victory
Characters on: Victory & Virtue
My first 50(0)! 18/11/11