Doppelganger+Phantom Army=Win(?)




So, it has been confirmed that doppelgangers are colour customizable clones of your character. How many of you think that summoning doppelgangers instead of weird clown-wannabes for phantom army would be teh ub4r??



Originally Posted by xhris View Post
So, it has been confirmed that doppelgangers are colour customizable clones of your character. How many of you think that summoning doppelgangers instead of weird clown-wannabes for phantom army would be teh ub4r??
well, if they are exact clones of us with the same powers and everything it would be uber(please don't use l33t speak)..... overpowered.



I would enjoy it and it would fit my Illusionists' theme rather well, being that she's bending hydrogen molecules to make illusions.



DUDE i SO suggested that...well maybe

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I've said in the past I'd love to have my Phantom Army and Phantasms look like my Illusion Controllers (also wanted the same thing for my Thugs MM).

Though if you had Dops casting their own Dops casting their own Dops ...

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Originally Posted by BlueBattler View Post
Though if you had Dops casting their own Dops casting their own Dops ...
Multiple Man rips everywhere!

Seriously though I do wish Decoys actually looked like they could trick someone rather than the generic color-ninjas we have now.

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It would be a nice alternate animation if they can do it.



On an old MUD I used to play, Overdrive ( 5195), there was a "morph" monster that was doppleganger -- it was a fun battle when it mirrored all of your abilities, scaling with level, and gave up some sweet armor too but it got abused and removed from the game.

Anyway, looking forward to that kind of mirror-match again.




I would want this for ninja Masterminds, thug Masterminds, illusion Controllers, and mercenary Masterminds.




People vote for it NOW after there's a possibility of it happening but when I suggest it, it gets shot down.

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Originally Posted by Shuriken_BladeX View Post
People vote for it NOW after there's a possibility of it happening but when I suggest it, it gets shot down.
It's often the curse of being a visionary. ( ' ;




Originally Posted by xhris View Post
So, it has been confirmed that doppelgangers are colour customizable clones of your character.
I think you might be misinterpreting that.

@Golden Girl

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Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I think you might be misinterpreting that.
Perhaps. But the mechanic to create real-time clones of an avatar already exists in-game (Hail of Bullets anyone?)



Originally Posted by xhris View Post
Perhaps. But the mechanic to create real-time clones of an avatar already exists in-game (Hail of Bullets anyone?)
Is it -actually- a doppleganger effect trailing behind the characer? I thought it was a generic male or female model at your character's size in vapor-trails and such behind the character. I didn't know it had actual costume patterns, hats, capes, and so forth...




Originally Posted by Steampunkette View Post
Is it -actually- a doppleganger effect trailing behind the characer? I thought it was a generic male or female model at your character's size in vapor-trails and such behind the character. I didn't know it had actual costume patterns, hats, capes, and so forth...

It's JUST generic vapor trails. I've watched it repeatedly.

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