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  1. Will agree that it isn't a specific Browser.

    I run Firefox and I've been noticing it over that last couple of hours. Considering it took me three tries just to access the Reply form...

    Something is wonky on the Forum's end for certain.

    Thank you for the time...
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Greenykins View Post
    Finished Redline, and wow. Freaking amazing film. The visuals, art, animation, characters, audio, music, sound effects... everything about it is great. On top that, I think one of the amazing things is that it was hand drawn. 100,000 cels and took about 7 years to make. Fantastic movie and I would would give it more than a +1 if I could.


    Picked it up based on a number of Reviews.

    Not disappointed in the least! This is a must see! Old School Animation with Digital FX. So nice and wonderful to see and enjoy. Might just have to get the BD to have when I can get a BD player & HD TV.

    +1 for Redline certainly!

    Thank you for the time...
  3. Technically, we'll be seeing some with the coming of Dark Affinity/Assault/Control in I22. While not straight ports, Dark is about the last 'theme' that really hasn't been available in some form to 'Trollers & Doms.

    Thank you for the time...
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Organica View Post
    I'm going to see the Secret World of Arrietty.

    Pretty sure Studio Ghibli will be the last place on earth to make a 3-D movie. ^_^
    Pretty much right.
    Just did a quick check of one theater chain in my area, and no 3D versions to be found. Thank GAWD!

    Thank you for the time...
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Klaw_ View Post
    Whats the range of numbers of xp boosters that can drop in each pack?
    As mentioned in my OP, Z has a thread in the Dev's Corner listing the percentages. Link in my quote below:

    Originally Posted by Tymers_Realm View Post
    Z has posted in the Dev's Corner the Drop Odds on the Hero & Villain Super Packs.
    Thank you for the time...
  6. Z has posted in the Dev's Corner the Drop Odds on the Hero & Villain Super Packs.

    Oh joy, Oh joy...

    Thank you for the time...
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dink View Post
    Hey Guys,

    Just wanted to let you know that I am very excited to bring to you something that you have been asking for, for a long time...

    By some small miracle I had some spare time in my schedule in this milestone. So rather than spend the day twiddling my thumbs, I have ported the following Costume Pieces over to female:

    Misc Jackets
    • Baron Jacket
    • Baron Jacket with Vest
    • Steampunk Jacket
    • Jacket
      • Leather
      • Plain
    • Jacket with Vest
      • Leather
      • Plain
    • Jacket Sleeves with cuff
      • Leather
      • Plain
    • Jacket Sleeves without cuff
      • Leather
      • Plain
    • Hat with Skull
    • Leather
    • Plain
    • Hat without Skull
      • Leather
      • Plain
    • Shoulder Pads
    • Pants with bell bottom
      • Plain
      • Leather
    • Pants without bell bottom
      • Plain
      • Leather
    • Boots with spur
    • Boots without spur
    • Hip belt without bullets (Mainly for Jackets)

    Unfortunately we were not able to port over the Gunslinger shirt to female due to various clipping issues.

    These updates can be expected with the upcoming launch of Issue 22! I hope you all enjoy the pieces we had time to port over!

    All I can say is... WOW!!!! THANK YOU!!!!

    Thank you for the time...
  8. Tymers_Realm

    The River

    Originally Posted by Benchpresser View Post

    The second thing was HOW many TV tropes were crammed into those 2 hours, I mean we were nearly tripping over them!

    Looking it up on TvTropes, at this time, is 30. Not bad for just the pilot, I guess.

    Thank you for the time...
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ridia View Post
    Whee can I go to get some single origin enhancements?
    Single Origins (SOs) don't become slotable until 22 (With Lvl 25s). In the 12-22 Range, you'll be looking for Dual Origins (DOs). In Steel and In Skyway, there are Stores by Character Origin. These Stores will have the DOs you will need. Just look on your Map for the Store that matches your Character's Origin.

    Thank you for the time...
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dr_Lurker View Post
    What it did was fill all of Tier 5 except for the middle slot, Vanity Pets, leaving me with 2 tokens to spend, which seemed especially arbitrary (or disturbingly insightful, as though it knew that I don't really care about vanity pets).

    Thanks all for the welcome!
    Welcome Back into City!

    As others have mentioned, you're gonna need to slot the one for the Vanity Pets (it was apart of the old Vet Rewards System) before you can slot in Tier 6. Even though you get the Pets, doesn't mean you have to claim them. That will sit in your Account wide section of your E-mail.

    Once you have Tier 5 fully slotted, then you can choose the order of what you claim in Tier 6, ect., ect.

    Thank you for the time...
  11. Voted C

    C, I believe, while simple, works for what's being done. It just looks Cool. B is interesting, but is a little too similar to the Brain Tank's Collar.

    Thank you for the time...
  12. Voted A

    I think that A would be the best overall fit, visually. B, C, & D could do OK in AR & BR, I guess. I just think the stocks would clip a bit too much in BR with B & C. C also kinda reminds me of the Gun the Robotics MMs get as well. D, while somewhat plain, could also work w/AR & BR. E is a little too top-heavy for my tastes. F, I think, would be cool as a BR piece if the Beam FX could be fired from between the two posts.

    Thank you for the time...
  13. Voted A

    B is Cool, but I like A a bit more. It's Retro enough without going over the top like B. D is way too 'Busy' for me. C is too Star Trek-like for my tastes.

    Thank you for the time...
  14. Voted B

    I would like to mention that if B is chosen, can we have a version without the glow stripes and a secondary color scheme like the Stealth set (which B reminds me of...)?

    I would also like to see all three Glove/Boot sets shown. Also the Chest and Shoulder pieces of A.

    Thank you for the time...
  15. Voted B


    If it is B, can we have Rings and No Rings versions?
    If Possible, Can we have Both A & B?

    Thank you for the time...
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
    You'll need a bigger hammer, dude. This ain't just a brick wall we're facing.
    I haven't bought TW on the Mains yet, Alpha. So I don't have the Rocket Hammer yet...

    But you just have to keep trying...

    Thank you for the time...
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sheogoth View Post
    To my knowledge every movement power stops movement animations to play a power animation, though I can see that weapons would require a myriad (though the running animation doesn't chaNge it'S animation) of new animations, what I'm getting at is the why not? Why limit the players to ONLY non combat? You're repeating the same thing many have said: "it fluff" "Only for RP" "not necessary" " you want this done yesterday". I only want this worked on piece by piece but on the back burner. Though you are wrong it's not asking for the world, just a bit of diversity. I mean I can settle with walk (as it isn't a bought "fluff power) being the only one to no suppress powers, and I know there would be a wave of "well if walk doesn't why can't X" when you can respond to that with "Well X is one the back-burner" I'm glad I actually got an informed non snarky response, and honored a red name even bothered to post here. Simple request I would like a revamp of walk have that announced to be on the back burner, than you can move on to the others. Alot of players would be happy with this slow change, and it would allow more diversity amongst them.
    Umm Sheogoth...

    Clockwork 01's response basically means that there won't be any publicly mentioned attempts to Alter the Non-Combat/RP Powers any time soon. Even on the 'back burner', as you put it.

    Want to know why? Look at the history of Power Customization. It was basically one of the most requested additions to the Character Creator. The Devs put it to "It isn't that we can't do it, but the resources to do it are not available to us". It wasn't 'till after the IP buy out by NCSoft that the Devs could even begin to see if it was doable (which they eventually did...).

    If it took the Devs that much time and effort into making that kind of Major adjustment to the Game's Code, do you honestly believe they would publicly state that trying to Adjust four 'Fluff' (and yes they are fluff Powers) Powers until they are close to Betaing that? I don't believe so. As I mentioned up thread with the floating TW models in Ninja Run when TW was first on Beta, any new items like that would have to be passed through not only Ninja Run, but Beast Run and the Non-Combat Powers (if they were adjusted to work that way...). That's an extra four Powers that they may not have the scheduling to do.

    And that is the crux of what several of those posting in this thread have been trying to tell you: It isn't that it's a overly bad idea (I'd rather see a Toggle Suppression than full Combat use), but that in all practicality, it's not feasible.

    Thank you for the time...
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lucky666 View Post
    I was talking about letting toggles stay active during rocket board/magic carpet. No new animations please go back and reread my post cause I think you may be responding to someone else.

    Oh ya and walk was free rocket board/ magic carpet aint.
    Originally Posted by Lucky666 View Post
    walk was free rocket board and magic carpet aren't.

    Either you're just trolling or just being aggravating at this point.

    Right now there are four Non-Combat/RP Travel Powers: Walk, Rocket Board, Flying Carpet, Coyote TForm. All four Powers disable all powers when they are used. That is WAI.

    IIRC, it was done in Walk for the simplest reason because the Power was done on the side, by a single animator in his spare time, and didn't require any substantial changes to the game code. Apparently the Devs felt disabling Powers in a similar fashion for any future Powers of this type seemed a good idea.

    Yes, Walk was a freebie and the other Powers you have to pay for. The big difference is when & how they were scheduled. I would expect any other type of Non-Combat/RP Powers in the future to be VIP/Purchasable as well.

    Thank you for the time...
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lucky666 View Post
    Ya none of that explains why these travel powers de-toggle everything.

    They would most likely make a butt ton more money if they let us leave our toggles on. No idea why they don't. No red name cares to explain either so I'm just gonna go with laziness.

    At the moment I'm not gonna bother re-searching for BAB's post on Walk, but here's what I recall on the Power's History:

    • BAB started to put [Walk] together in his spare time when the CoH Dev team (under Cryptic at that time) was about 15 people total.
    • [Walk] was intended as a RP, Non-Combat Power. I think he mentioned things about the Detoggling of Powers & the like after the Power's release, but I'm not sure.

    Now since Powers like the Rocket Board & Flying Carpet are in the same vein of RP-based Non-Combat Powers, shouldn't the same things apply to them as [Walk]?

    [Ninja Run] is a different bit of a thing. It was meant to be pseudo-combat Power, so that meant extra Animations were to be done when the scheduling of the Power's Development took place. And it's still a Power that has to be looked at whenever a new Weapon Power is added (the floating TW models come to mind...).

    Bottom Line: Using the BAB quote I listed upthread, to make 3 Non-Combat Powers effective in combat, you would need to schedule Development time for, let's say, roughly 105 - 110 Animations per Power. Is it honestly worth the time and money cost involved and hoping you're not seriously breaking anything else in the Code to do that? The Devs, at this time, don't believe it is worth it.

    Thank you for the time...
  20. Goodie!!!

    After a little Searching (Walk in Keyword & BackAlleyBrawler in User), I found this:

    Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
    [ QUOTE ]
    I understand the code problem with trying to set either a max or absolute speed, but I don't understand BaB's number of animations statement.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You know what, I was wrong...we actually need 15-90 animations

    Walk forward
    Walk backward
    Walk Strafe-Left
    Walk Strafe-Right
    Stop walking, transition back to ready

    Times 3 for each body type: male, female, and huge

    Times 6 for the various 'modes' to both cover the different hand/arm positions and to properly transition back into the appropriate 'ready' stance when you stop walking: Ready, Combat Ready, Weapon Ready, Dual Ready (used by katana and archery as well), 'Shotgun' Ready, and Shield Ready

    15-90 animations needed to do a 'walk button'. (Or 105 if we wanted to accomodate the two-handed club stance as well.)
    For the most part, this falls under 'Standard Code Rant'. Now add that amount of time plus animations for the couple of new weapon stances added since this post (back in '08) times each Non-Com Travel Power. It just realistically isn't worth it.

    Thank you for the time...
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MikeRobe View Post
    I'm VIP without the golden name

    Thank you for the time...
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ridia View Post
    What are the Intro Arcs????

    If you've run through the Tutorial (presuming you've gone Hero), when you zone into Atlas Park, in your Nav, you should see something along the lines of "See Matthew Habashy" (Link is to his entry at Paragonwiki). He starts the new (with CoH: Freedom) Starting Arcs. Completing his mission Arc will give you a choice of two Contacts to see: Officer Fields or Sondra Costel. Finishing either contact will send you to Aaron Thiery. His missions finish off the Starting Arcs, Hero Side. There is a similar setup Villain side as well. If you try Twinshot's first Arc as well, you get a little bit more info on general game systems and whatnot, but it's optional.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aett_Thorn View Post
    Originally Posted by Ridia View Post
    Very cool, thanks. Another question. y'all talk like getting to level 19 pro 20 is easy and fast. I am only level 7. What do I do to level quicker? I took me forever just to get to 7!!!!
    You're new, so it'll take you a bit longer than those of us who know sort of exactly what to do and where to go, but you'll learn over time.

    However, if you want to level a bit quicker, try to join on of the Death From Below (DFB) trials that you'll hear people advertising in Atlas Park. It'll get you several levels fast. Then once you get to level 12 or so, go play the actual game.
    In part to what Aett mentioned, but I would also ask, what you consider 'took me forever'? Hero side, completing the intro Arcs should get you to 6-7 in maybe and hour or so (build depending). If you're just street sweeping, I can kinda see the difficulty then.

    Another thing, It isn't so much about 'getting to the Level Cap' in City, so much as the journey itself. Yes, there is the Incarnate stuff (VIP only). But the nature of the game environment and how Super Sidekicking works, a player can play practically anywhere in the game and feel like they are contributing.

    For me, I also like taking my time with the game. I use the no XP option quite a lot in the low levels mainly because you can out level the low level stuff so quickly.

    Also make sure when you head to Kings Row, you get your Police Scanner for doing Radio/Safeguard missions (Newspaper for Paper/Mayhem missions Villain side) and do 3 Radio missions & the following Safeguard mission in Kings (Before Level 10) to get the Raptor Pack and a Story Contact. That'll get you going into some of the Story Content.

    Thank you for the time...
  24. What most will say is to experiment. Create a number of Characters until you find one you find the one you really like. Generally by say Level 18 or 20, you should have a good idea if you like the Character or not. Once you have the Character you want to play, run with it.

    For me, it's a bit different. I like the Alt-friendly nature of City. And my wanting in playstyle varies from time to time, so does the Characters I play.

    Just take your time and you'll find the one Character you'll really enjoy and play through the content. It'll happen.

    Thank you for the time...
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Wyll_ View Post
    I could only hope! However, there is no way I am telling Flame about this possibility or she will have me cutting box tops/filling out ballots/buying scratch tickets until the end of time to make sure it might happen.
    Oh, come on now Wyll, think of the PR...
    A 10-year old's favorite Character that is a darling of part of the player base getting canonized in to the game. What could be wrong with that?

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