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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    Acrobatics gives better KB protection than Grounded, so taking it instead is a valid option.

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    And Grounded lets you take a different Travel power without sacrificing KB/Immob resistance.

    As for the new build: Static Shield is your mez protection, do yourself a favor and pick it up earlier than 22. I'd delay Havoc Punch or Jacob's Ladder instead.

    My own Elec/Elec Brute hasn't taken Lightning Field yet due to endurance usage, but most people would likely not make that choice.
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    Also, using up a precious power pool choice on just hover..?

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    What else is he going to use that pool choice for? It's not like he can squeeze in many more pool powers as it is.
  3. Toxic_Torch


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    I rolled a rad/elec defender last night. I was wondering if it would be possible to play this toon without stamina? My thinking is that with some responsible slotting of end redux enhancements on my toggles, coupled with short circuit and AM I shouldn't have any problems. Not to mention Defiance. Will this be enough? What if I slot my blasts with End Mods? Does this increase the likelyhood of draining end or just the amount drained in that eventuallity?

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    Rad/x is an endurance hog. Enervating Field is one of the main reasons and it's also the main offensive tool.

    You can go without Stamina, but it's not as good as with. Stamina helps to reduce the amount of EndRed slots you want/need.

    There are no enhancements that increase the chance of a secondary/tertiary effect happening (if you hit of course). The only thing you can do is increase the effect when it happens.
  4. Toxic_Torch

    My dom build

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    As for crushing feild. yeh i can see your point. But i dont think i could fit it into this build.

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    It may fit in if you drop Propel.

    And test it on the Training Room before committing to the build on live, you won't have to waste respecs then. You can find instructions on how to get to TR in the Training Room forum.
  5. You're missing Conductive Shield and Grounded. Not to be able to tank but to be able to live long enough to deal damage.

    Grounded provides Immob and KB resistance while you're on the ground, no need to pick Acrobatics and Combat Jumping should only be taken if you want Super Jump as your travel power. This also allows you to switch to Hasten/Super Speed instead if you want to.

    You'll also want Stamina asap, Build Up and Lightning Reflexes can wait.

    Swapping one Damage for EndRed in your attacks and you'll have a much better endurance situation. You don't need 3 Dam in your attacks for great damage as a Brute.
  6. Toxic_Torch

    My thug/TA build

    Unless you blindly spam powers then you shouldn't need Stamina as a toggle-less MM. Health may still be useful to help you tank better if you can find a way of keeping your thugs alive.

    And Hurdle is generally much more useful for a Super Speeder than Swift, mainly because you gain just enough jump height for some obstacles that will otherwise require a lengthy detour.
  7. With Foce of Nature you can still attack and potentially turn the situation around. That is not possible with PFF.
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    For the last level I have been living in the hollows dropping Ri and EF on a mob of outcasts and then vapourising them with use of ball lightning.

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    Since you're level 7, try going to Perez Park to hunt Skulls instead. The are already weak against energy damage (Elec Blast deals energy damage) and they come in decent sized groups, sometimes pure minions, around the Galaxy City gate.
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    so how comes Fire cages does? isnt it the same as that dark tentacles thing? but just with out the tentacles? =P

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    TT is a Cone, Fire Cages is an AoE.

    They have different casting animations, different recharge times, different damage scales, different immobilize durations and TT has a -Acc secondary effect.

    Just because they share a purpose (AoE Immob) doesn't mean they have to do it excactly the same way. If every power with the same purpose had the excact same stats the game would quickly be boring.
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    I can't seem to think of a back story/origin for Fire/Energy... Anyone lend me theirs?

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    You almost never need anything beyond found/made/stole device, learned from book/school/mentor, freak accident, deliberate experiment, intense training or that's how his race is to explain any powers that aren't Mutations (probably the easiest power explanation ever).

    Why you're a villain (or hero) doesn't need to have anything to do with your powers.
  11. Mass Confuse is your "pet".
  12. Toxic_Torch

    Fire/Ice Blaster

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    I only put three slots in travel powers as an example from fly 3 flight SO's makes ye fly alot faster... yesterday I just put in lvl 30 fly so's and my flight speed has defiantly increased! so I persume with Super Speed its as same as SJ? or am I allowed to have the extra speed slot in there?

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    SJ (1 Jump) + Hurdle (1 Jump) is very close to the cap iirc.

    Super Speed does need 2 Run (if you don't have Swift) to cap, but 1 is close enough.
  13. I have Hess unlocked on my Blaster, but she's only 26-27 atm so some SK'ing is needed.

    I'll be playing Charged Bunny if you need me.
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    Treat me as 'teh n00b', what is the best way of playing a Fire tank? It doesn't seem to be 'stand and attract all aggro'... The only way I have been able to play him sucessfully is to essentially play him like a scrapper, which I don't want to do as I may as well have built a scrapper...

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    A Fire/x Tanker is just about as close to a Scrapper you'll get without being one (on the hero side at least).

    If you want to tank as Fire/x you'll need Acrobatics and Tough. You should also have SOs or good backup before you consider tanking for teams with 5 or more members.

    At level 12 you shouldn't expect to be able to play as a level 30+ Tanker anyway. Your damage is needed at that level.

    In any case, unless Jump Kick has gotten a major buff in one of the post-I7 patches it's lower overall damage over time than Brawl. Only recommended for concept builds, Combat Jumping is a far better investment. Boxing is a far better supplemental attack due to the speed.
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    Jump Kick as an attack isn't recommended - I'd take Boxing (fighting) instead, since it opens up Tough.

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    Well, he's using it along with CJ to open up for Acrobatics. Personally I'd pick Super Jump instead.
  16. My level 21 MM could use the CaD SF for the inf.
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    You cant 6 damage slot an attack but you can have 3 dam 3 recharge to equal the damage over time you would of had with that attack pre ED with 6 dam slots

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    If we ignore perma-Hasten, which was very common for high damage builds.

    DPS and DPE both got lowered for the high-end builds with ED.
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    And dont even get me started on the purpose (or lack there of) of rent and the fact im being made to rent something ive already bought...

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    Well, it is the music industry's wet dream...
  19. [ QUOTE ]
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    Did someone made up their mind if it's two minutes or three minutes for Elude?

    Hero builder says it's two minutes, 120 seconds. But it also said we can't attack foes or help allies?


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    That's the pre-I2 version...

    ie. more than 2 years old.

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    lol I never ran anything with SR back then so was unaware of eludes 'eccentricities` but from what I am reading elude used to be essentially a crappy form of phase shift?

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    You could still get hit with the 5% chance...

    It was still slightly better than Rise of the Phoenix though. A self rez that caused massive aggro but little damage, didn't disable the enemies that were hit by it, needed 3 Heal enhs for full health, prevented power use while the animation ran though you could still take damage, didn't give back end and had a 15 seconds endurance recovery penality.
  20. Toxic_Torch

    Small base?

    This may make you a bit happier.

    You'll just have to wait a while for it to happen.
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    Did someone made up their mind if it's two minutes or three minutes for Elude?

    Hero builder says it's two minutes, 120 seconds. But it also said we can't attack foes or help allies?


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    That's the pre-I2 version...

    ie. more than 2 years old.
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    I was trying to remember if it did or not but couldn't so left it out. I think it does but not sure what impact it has as Dwarf HP is already higher than human and I'm not sure it gets boosted twice. May just get the toxic resistance part of the power.

    I'll check.

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    Lobster form Max Health buff should stack with Essence Boost. There used to be a cap of +80% for Max Health buffs for all ATs, but that was removed/raised at some point.
  23. Toxic_Torch


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    All Healing powers heal a static amount of Health based upon the level and AT of the user. Most healing powers scale at the same speed as the Health of the user making it look like they're calculated as a percentage.

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    That explains most of it, thanks
    But still, the respites should heals a % of your health, but they don't if you have any kind of HP buff..

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    Inspirations work as one-shot temporary powers.
  24. [ QUOTE ]
    Combat Jumping + Hurdle = Fast Jumping speed + moderate combat maneuveribility.

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    I've personally never had any problems with CJ + Hurdle and controlling enemy positions.