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  1. Thanks so much for this pack, it's a great addition and fixes a long-standing pet peeve of mine!
  2. I haven't seen this for a LONG time but that's what I ended up doing for my character that was stuck.

    What's likely to have happened is somehow your character is stuck in an transitional state or in an invalid location and the client can't understand what the server is sending.

    A quick petition from a different character should clear it up fairly quickly.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DefenderOfFlames View Post
    if I do it and I already have a freespec on my toon, do I have to use the freespec first or will I just have both respecs?
    The Patron Pool respec is NOT a freespec. You have to talk to a Respec NPC to use it. These kind of respecs can stack. If you do all three Respec Trials, the Patron Pool, and claim two Veteran Respecs, you'll have six of them available to your character all at one time.

    There's a listing of how many respecs your character has available when you login. This counter includes regular respecs and freespecs in one number.
  4. I did this a while back using the /WDWSAVE command and now all my new characters start out with the same window positions.

    If you're doing this now, just go to a character, get all your windows the way you want them and use the /WDWSAVE command. Then go to all your other characters and use the /WDWLOAD command.

    It should be that simple. It will change your characters' window colors all to the same color though.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TehFiri View Post
    Is there a reason you are only limited to one side or the other in PvP as a rogue or vigi? Because you can do everything else as rogue and vigi on either side...
    Technically speaking, there is a single flag on every character for PVP, even Praetorians. You are either a Hero or a Villain. You can see your character's "Side" by using the $Side chat variable.

    /l I am $name, I fight for the $side team in PVP
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
    This is what I do a lot of the time. The only salvage I never vendor is rare salvage, because A) a lot of it will go for 2 mil+, and B) I don't want to pay 2 mil+ if I need that piece later and sold it.
    There's yellow salvage that I see these days that is often and repeatedly around the 500K-1M price as well as white salvage often in the 50K-200K range. You're missing out on a lot of opportunities just vendoring all your white and yellow salvage.

    Granted, there is white and yellow salvage that NEVER sells for much but some of it is quite valuable, even the stuff in the more plentiful level 41+ range.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by The Demacian View Post
    What do people typically do with all their Salvage? Is there a way to expedite the process of deciding which set to build and then acquiring all the necessary recipes and components? Halp?
    These days COH is a complicated place to grow up for a new player. Back in the day, it was a simple progression from Training to Dual Origin to Single Origin Enhancements all the way to level 50. Now you have to decide what to do all through your character's career.

    For the most part, I ignore Training Enhancements except for Accuracy until I'm up to Duals. Once there, I just put in whatever DO is good for the power until level 22. For the low level salvage, I'll usually just auction it off at the market since you often get a nice payday from some impatient high level badger looking to get their crafting badges.

    At level 22, I generally start slotting generic level 25 crafted IO Enhancements. Level 25 IOs are almost as good as SOs and they never expire. I end up leaving these slotted all the way to level 50 simply for the convenience of never having to upgrade them. The only drawback to level 25 IOs is the scarcity of salvage to craft them. There is one good solution for this though. Go play a few player-created story arcs in Mission Architect.

    In misisons played in the AE buildings, you don't get normal rewards, you randomly get AE Tickets. Lots of them sometimes. You can buy every single type of salvage at the AE building with Tickets. You can purchase the exact type of the yellow (uncommon) and orange (rare) varieties with 80 and 540 tickets respectively. For the white salvage, it's a bit different. You can buy a random white salvage for only 8 tickets. Luckily, it's not totally random. The random rolls are split into Arcane and Tech types, and in those types they're also split up by level range; low, middle and high each of which gives one out of six random white salvage for only 8 tickets. Even if you don't get the one you want, ALL of the recipes of the same level use the same 12 (6 Arcane and 6 Tech) salvage for that level range so if you're crafting a lot, you'll likely need the extras for another recipe anyway.

    With this in mind, you have two options, buy the IO recipes outright or buy them at auction. I generally buy them directly from the crafting tables since most of the recipes in the market of the low and mid level are usually snapped up by people working on their crafting badges which uses up a lot of the recipes that get to the market. This increases the overall cost of them but since you're only doing level 25s, it's not really that much total.

    Once you get fully slotted, you're all set and never have to mess with them for a long time except for new slots that you gain through leveling. Then just put in a new IO at the highest level you can, or you can keep them at level 25 or 30 to save on costs. Once you get to level 47, it gets worse.

    This is where Mids comes in really handy again. At 47, you can slot those level 50 IO Sets that you'll likely never change out again as long as you get the sets you want. This is when you might start having to play the market a bit in order to get the exact sets that you want and the expensive rare salvage that you'll need to make the good sets.
  8. War Witch,

    Those Nanaimo Bars sounded interesting so I found the City of Nanaimo's Official Nanaimo Bars recipe and whipped up a batch...

    Wow! Like a chocolatey sweet [Nova] going off in your mouth! Great recommendation!
  9. This is one of the few situations where villains have a benefit over heroes. A villain can simply switch to being a Rogue and go to Paragon City and then they have access to the Hero Ancilliary Power Pools. They don't even have to fully cross over to being a hero.
  10. In pre-Open Beta testing of COH, Hasten was a toggle power. Click it on and you got all the bonuses for a plain flat Endurance/Second cost.

    THAT would be "Must-Have"!

    I still find that I always get it on all my characters these days. With the advent of Inherent Fitness opening up three more power choices, I can't find any one single power to take that doesn't benefit ANY character I have more than Hasten.

    All ATs have at least one or two long-recharging power that will greatly benefit from more recharge. Most ATs will have longer-recharging AOE powers that get a nice preformance boost from Hasten after they're already maxed out on Recharge enhancement or even an Incarnate Alpha Slot bonus.

    A single Endurance Inspiration basically negates any Endurance Crash problems that a Performance Shifter +End proc doesn't take care of.

    The visual effect of Hasten, while not the best, is no where near as bad as some make it out to be. "Light of the sun"? Not even close. A bit of yellow energy around the hands is all. Big deal.

    Not saying anyone has to take Hasten, but from a numbers and performance point of view, my experience is that the easily-countered drawbacks are far outweighed by the benefits.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by gameboy1234 View Post
    Also, do you know about 2nd build? If you don't, then you have a another free respec (and a 2nd build) that you can use.

    I'd try that or use the freespec, but not both. Then when you have some experience with the new build, use the other one to make it even better.
    You can only have one "Freespec" available on any character. That's why the Devs handed out multiple Freespecs during that period: so players could freespec out of Fitness on their first build, then the second was given so players could freespec out of Fitness on their second build. I think the third freespec was so that the few players that already got their third (Incarnate) build could freespec that as well.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Roderick View Post
    However, being a bug doesn't exclude it from being lore as well.

    Before I started, there was a bug that made every citizen in a certain zone head from their spawn point to a certain location. When they got there, they'd find every other citizen in the zone, and all get in a huge shoving match trying to reach that one spot they were all headed towards.
    The bug was eventually fixed, and a history plaque was added at the location the citizens all headed for, explaining that a minor villain had been experimenting in the zone with mind control devices, but he was finally apprehended.
    This was actually just an AI pathing bug that was first found in Beta testing.

    The "Sewer Entrance" door in Kings Row just west of the Train Station happened to be in the middle of the automatic pathing route that NPCs would follow. The problem was that they'd try to walk the path but since they would climb over the entrance door, the way the AI pathing worked is they would be "off-path" because they were ABOVE the path and they'd climb down and try to resume their path which took them right back to climbing on top of the entrance door again taking them off-path. Doing that would get them stuck in a loop where they'd be climbing and jumping up and down all over the entrance door until the server got reset.

    It was so funny to see that it was a popular thing to do for flying blasters to "rescue" a few NPCs in Kings Row and then fly over top of that particular door and have the NPCs follow them to get them stuck jumping up and down all over that one spot.

    One time a few other people and I spent about a half hour to see how many we could get there. We estimated that we got around 75-100 NPCs stuck on that one small spot. I think one of the problems was that if the NPCs didn't despawn after being rescued, their spawnpoint wouldn't be "finished" and wouldn't let a new spawn group take its place.

    It was such a common thing to see NPCs freaking out there for such a long time that when the Devs finally fixed the pathing, they commemorated the issue with a new history plaque.
  13. When the built-in name filter was added, the decision of what words to filter out, besides the obvious swear word ones, was based purely on feedback and petitions already received by support from PLAYERS complaining about certain words and the way they were used in other players' names.

    If you want anyone to blame for all this, it's your fellow players for using potentially innocent words in offensive ways and your fellow players for being offended enough at the words to petition them for it.
  14. And as with anything related to purple drops, the hyperbole is running thick here in some posts...

    Regardless of what anyone says here, purple drop rates are spasmodic at best. Doing any of these things will NOT guarantee you a specific drop rate of any kind whatsoever. Even thought I have personally seen 3 purples drop on a +3 x7 mission completed in under 20 minutes with two characters in the mission doesn't mean that is a normal drop rate by any stretch of the imagination.

    If you're "farming for purples", expect to be disappointed and frustrated by your lack of success and thoughts of "I must be doing it wrong" interspersed with tiny spurts of pure delight when one or more finally do drop. Expect to grind through many, many thousands of enemies for each drop you do manage to get lucky enough to get.

    That being said, doing things that enable you to grind through many, many thousands of enemies in as short a time as possible will definitely improve your chances.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by FreakofFate View Post
    I dont get it.. if all people need to do is run the Alignments and get the recipes.. why pay so much for em/... is it not a guarenteed thing off the vender/.. like the AE drop pools?
    It's still kind of slow kitting out even a single character with five LOTG Recharge IOs. It's a bare minimum of 40 hours just to get one of them (if the player is converting old Merits to Alignment Merits as well as the 1 merit from doing two days worth of Tips) and the best you can do is to get 5 of them in about 6 days at the cost of 10 Alignment Merits, 350 regular merits and 140 million Inf. That's if your doing your Tips and trading Merits as close as possible to every 20 hours.

    Since it's hardly likely that people would be able/willing to do that and the fact that some people who have been farming/marketing for a LONG time simply have bucketloads of spare INF that spending 200 Million on a rare recipe, or even 1 Billion on five of them is nothing to them.
  16. I've found that for maximizing potential returns, and if it's available to your character, using Physical Perfection to slot the 3 health Uniques (and a Chance for +10 Endurance proc) lets you slot Heal and Endurance Mod IOs in Health and Stamina to maximize your gains since it's base values for +Regen and +Endurance Mod are lower than those in Health and Stamina.

    Of course that has a couple drawbacks. You need enough slots for Health, Stamina and Physical Perfection to make it work. Maxing them out takes 3 in Health (3 Heal), 4 in Stamina (3 End Mods and 1 End Mod proc) and 4 in Phys Perf (3 Heal procs and 1 End Mod proc). That could be overkill for a build. Alternately, drop 1 slot each from Health and Stamina (2 IOs in each and the additional End Mod proc in Stamina) for close to max returns. This is what my Regen scrapper uses along with two-IO-slotted Fast Healing and Quick Recovery (with and additional End Mod proc!).

    The other drawback is that Physical Perfection is a level 44+(?) power so you won't have the procs available when exemped much below 40. Not a big deal for some characters if they mostly just do high-level content.
  17. Ooooooh, so it's a Proc! That makes sense why it doesn't show in the normal places. So it wouldn't modify the damage numbers then, it would actually add an extra one.

    I wonder why the Devs never put that info in the Power Info screens like all the other powers.

    Hmm, now I wonder if it shows up in the "Combat" chat window...

    Thanks for the info!!!
  18. For all the additional information they've added to power info over the years, I'm amazed that Fiery Embrace still gives no solid details whatsoever on what it is doing. No duration. No buff numbers. Nothing besides End cost and Recharge time. It doesn't even show up in Combat Attributes.

    So what exactly is this power doing? It seems to work. Things seem to die quicker while it is up but for the life of me I can't see how. As far as I can tell, it doesn't even change the amount of the damage numbers I see above enemies' heads. Though as a Brute, Fury causes the numbers to change all the time anyway.

    Anyone have any ideas or links to its details? Thanks!
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Speculator View Post
    Does the launcher always need to be run as an Administrator? I installed the launcher under my Administrator account on my PC (Windows XP) but I normally play CoH on my User account. When I run the launcher as a User, I get warning messages about not having access to files in the CoH directory. I can click OK to get past the warnings and play the game, but its annoying to do so when running the old launcher is more convenient.
    All you really need to do here to get rid of the warnings is to grant the security rights needed to make changes to your User account.

    Right-Click the folder that COH resides in and select Properties. Click the "Security" tab and Add your user account name to the list and tick the "Full Control" "Allow" box in the bottom window.

    Either that or you can even modify the shortcut in Windows XP to allow the NCSoft Launcher (and anything it launches) to be run as an Administrator user. Right-click the shortcut to the launcher and select Properties. On the "Shortcut" tab is an "Advanced" button that has an option to enable "Run with different credentials" that you can then specify what user credentials are used to launch NCSoft Launcher (and the programs it launches).
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Master-Blade View Post
    Not necessarily. It may be mandatory for updating the game, but I suspect the direct "skip the updater" method might still work... unless they specifically said they are getting rid of that command.

    But either way.. the point is we'll all have to have it installed and in working order to be able to update and play... so best to get it sorted out ASAP. lol
    They have already or will be removing some (all?) of the -PROJECT switches you used to be able to use to directly launch CityOfHeroes.exe instead of using COHUpdater.exe. I'll have to check it out and see if they still work.

    I'm fairly sure this is an NCSoft-mandated change specifically to force everyone to use the launcher.

    Even if they do remove the -PROJECT switches, the NCSoftUpdater program HAS to call CityOfHeroes.exe somehow and tell it that it how to load. Odds are they will just change the switches and someone good with a process monitor or decompiler would be able to fairly easily figure out the new switches.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TehFiri View Post
    In this game the I dont play my toons as each are individual. I play them as if they were tools I take out of my tool box and then move on. Nothing more.
    So when you upgrade your power drill with new drill bits do you then try to take out screws with your hammer?
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Avatea View Post
    Password Hint Questions

    What was your first pet's name? [text box] (limit 32 characters)
    What is your mother's maiden name? [text box]
    Worst. Security Questions. Evar!

    These answers (as well as birthdays, anniversaries, Father's middle name, etc.) can usually be easily found on a quick trip to Facebook and If you don't want your friends (or enemies) who know you play COH to be able to socially engineer their way into your account, do NOT use this kind of easily searchable personal information for security questions.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forefinger_ View Post
    The happy ending that he sold it was cool, but the assertation that the guy's wife left him due to his Star Trek fixation, and his ensuing "geek out" is a bit sad.
    Yeah, and the snarky suppositions of an internet blog reporter is always accurate.

    I'd bet if the guy spent all the time/money to make his apartment into some kind of Ultimate Sports Den including part that looked like a football (American or otherwise) locker room, no one would comment negatively at all.

    Sports geek = Cool and socially acceptable. Sci Fi geek = Sad nerd and social pariah.

    Society sucks.
  24. I've been here since the start of COH (even before actually) and the only thing I'm really unhappy with is the graphic engine.

    I understand they want to keep all their players happy, but the longer I'm stuck playing on a game engine they keep trying to allow to run on 2004-quality PCs, the closer I get to giving up.

    Not going to happen for a while though, I've still got lots of non-graphicy things to keep me satisfied.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Carnifax_NA View Post
    I've never seen anyone doing these event. Ever. This probably explains why.

    Good job on creating content no-one bothers with Devs.
    Most of my characters that "need" the badges or emotes have them already but it was usually a 50% chance that there'd be someone else there waiting to do them or just finishing one.

    I think your perception of no one doing them "Ever" is more a factor of the much lower population even in Praetoria at all than anything else.

    That's the content I wish the Devs would expand. I LOVE roaming around traveling through Praetorian simply for the beauty of the city. I HATE that there's such a limited supply of things to do there.