Rogue and Vigi PvP




Is there a reason you are only limited to one side or the other in PvP as a rogue or vigi? Because you can do everything else as rogue and vigi on either side...



Originally Posted by TehFiri View Post
Is there a reason you are only limited to one side or the other in PvP as a rogue or vigi? Because you can do everything else as rogue and vigi on either side...
Actually you can't.

You can't run missions for hero contacts as a Rogue, and you can't run missions for villain contacts as a vigilante. A Rogue is really a villain who has the ability to go to Paragon City and team with heroes there, and a Vigilante is a hero with the ability to go to the Rogue Isles/Etoile Islands and team with villains there.

Think of it as being a citizen of one country with a visa allowing you to visit another. You can enter the country and associate with the citizens (team) and take under the table jobs (tip missions), but you have no official standing to work a regular job (normal contacts) or serve in the military (PvP).

It's a little like that.

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Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
Actually you can't.

You can't run missions for hero contacts as a Rogue, and you can't run missions for villain contacts as a vigilante. A Rogue is really a villain who has the ability to go to Paragon City and team with heroes there, and a Vigilante is a hero with the ability to go to the Rogue Isles/Etoile Islands and team with villains there.

Think of it as being a citizen of one country with a visa allowing you to visit another. You can enter the country and associate with the citizens (team) and take under the table jobs (tip missions), but you have no official standing to work a regular job (normal contacts) or serve in the military (PvP).

It's a little like that.
So how would entering 4 other zones and teaming with heroes or villains any different?

and pvp =/= military >.>

So i guess really what I'm asking is this... Is RP the only reason why you cant pvp from both sides as a vigi or rogue?



Originally Posted by TehFiri View Post
So how would entering 4 other zones and teaming with heroes or villains any different?

and pvp =/= military >.>

So i guess really what I'm asking is this... Is RP the only reason why you cant pvp from both sides as a vigi or rogue?
Because as a rogue heros don't quite trust you and are likely to view you as a villian (as you most recently were one) and vice versa for Vigi's.

From a technical standpoint the game still considers you mostly a villian or a hero.



Originally Posted by TehFiri View Post
So i guess really what I'm asking is this... Is RP the only reason why you cant pvp from both sides as a vigi or rogue?

Pvp zones are set up with "safe" areas on either side. Villians cannot enter hero bases without getting zapped by the drones. Vice versa for heroes entering villain bases.

If vigilantes could attack heroes there would be no safe spots..



Originally Posted by TehFiri View Post
So how would entering 4 other zones and teaming with heroes or villains any different?

and pvp =/= military >.>

So i guess really what I'm asking is this... Is RP the only reason why you cant pvp from both sides as a vigi or rogue?
i was trying to make it clearer with examples and comparisons and apparently it had the opposite effect.


Basically, Vigilantes are Heroes who are also flagged to be able to enter villain zones and join teams there. In PvP zones the game just looks at your faction flag that shows you as a Hero, not the flag that says your Hero can also enter villain zones. The reverse is true for Rogues who are just Villains with a flag allowing them to enter Hero zones.

As PunchinJudy states the obvious reason for not allowing a Vigilante or Rogue to choose a side when entering a PvP zone is to prevent exploits. Also, i suspect it would be very complicated to rewrite the code for the zones to allow Vigilantes and Rogues to fight as both factions.

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Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
i was trying to make it clearer with examples and comparisons and apparently it had the opposite effect.


Basically, Vigilantes are Heroes who are also flagged to be able to enter villain zones and join teams there. In PvP zones the game just looks at your faction flag that shows you as a Hero, not the flag that says your Hero can also enter villain zones. The reverse is true for Rogues who are just Villains with a flag allowing them to enter Hero zones.

As PunchinJudy states the obvious reason for not allowing a Vigilante or Rogue to choose a side when entering a PvP zone is to prevent exploits. Also, i suspect it would be very complicated to rewrite the code for the zones to allow Vigilantes and Rogues to fight as both factions.

Okay so mechanics wise they would still be flagged as a hero or vil... being in that zone doesn't actually flag them as say a vil if in cap or a hero if in atlas.

Does that sound correct?

If so, does anyone know/remember if there was any talk about PvP zones when (GR was in testing) and allowing ppl to be on either side based on which side they entered from vs the actual mechanic set alignment? (as in entering from hero side would flag you as a hero if you were a rogue, and entering from vil side as a vigi would flag you as a villain)

That way you would be flagged depending on what side you entered vs actual full/base alignment allowing ppl to use 1 toon to pvp from either side.



No. Entry doors to pvp zones are safe zones. You can't enter into your enemies safe zone.



Originally Posted by _Klaw_ View Post
No. Entry doors to pvp zones are safe zones. You can't enter into your enemies safe zone.
Im not sure what your trying to say. Currently you can walk up to the door and click it (that would normally make you zone), and it gives you a popup saying you cant enter.



you revert back to hero/vill status in pvp zones so the doors will not let you through and you can't cross over. They have not mentioned any changes to this since i18 and it would be a very low priority.



Originally Posted by _Klaw_ View Post
you revert back to hero/vill status in pvp zones so the doors will not let you through and you can't cross over. They have not mentioned any changes to this since i18 and it would be a very low priority.
So my understanding of how the mechanics function is right, correct?



What was the question?



In the Going Rogue beta, the doors to the PvP zones for a time were not restricted based on alignment. A vigilante could enter Bloody Bay through the villain entrance. You were immediately attacked by all NPC's in the base, and then the drones got you and zapped you to the hospital, inside the villain base. Rinse and repeat the dying, zapping, and rezzing.
A short time later, they made it so you could only enter the zone through your native entrance.

Kyle Al'Mordu - Lvl 50 MA/SR Scrap
Fusion Force!



Originally Posted by Kyle_Al_Mordu View Post
In the Going Rogue beta, the doors to the PvP zones for a time were not restricted based on alignment. A vigilante could enter Bloody Bay through the villain entrance. You were immediately attacked by all NPC's in the base, and then the drones got you and zapped you to the hospital, inside the villain base. Rinse and repeat the dying, zapping, and rezzing.
A short time later, they made it so you could only enter the zone through your native entrance.
lol.... they need to totally re-enable this.



Originally Posted by Turgenev View Post
Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?



Originally Posted by TehFiri View Post
Is there a reason you are only limited to one side or the other in PvP as a rogue or vigi? Because you can do everything else as rogue and vigi on either side...
Technically speaking, there is a single flag on every character for PVP, even Praetorians. You are either a Hero or a Villain. You can see your character's "Side" by using the $Side chat variable.

/l I am $name, I fight for the $side team in PVP