Legacy Chain: Lore or Bug?




I don't have that much time spent on Redside so this may be covered in the lore or backstory concerning the Legacy group but I've yet to see it.

Whenever I have a mission with them, they're always tearing into each other with the Earth powers. For no reason. I'm invisible and just marching past group after group as they defeat each other.
Sometimes by the time I reach the boss room he's killed all his companions.

I thought it might have been a bugged tip mission the 1st time I saw it.
But now I've run a few story arc missions and they're still doing it. So far they are the only group that infights like this.


Bug or Lore?

Is there a story reason for them doing this and I just missed it somewhere?

Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!



Sounds buggy to me, i don't recall this happening o_O


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



I suspect that it is a variation of the bug that causes patrols to attack regular spawns that hits almost all missions from time to time.

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.



Yesterday, I was doing Maria Jenkin's non-arc Marauder mission and he was killing off all the nearby IDF before I saved the IDF from Marauder. Spending twenty years in jail is better than spending twenty years in a hospital.

The first step in being sane is to admit that you are insane.



Yeah, I've bugged this a couple times. They attack each other in every mission they appear in now.



It's a bug. As has been mentioned above, it happens with other factions too, but never with the consistency or frequency that it affects Legacy Chain.

However, being a bug doesn't exclude it from being lore as well.

Before I started, there was a bug that made every citizen in a certain zone head from their spawn point to a certain location. When they got there, they'd find every other citizen in the zone, and all get in a huge shoving match trying to reach that one spot they were all headed towards.
The bug was eventually fixed, and a history plaque was added at the location the citizens all headed for, explaining that a minor villain had been experimenting in the zone with mind control devices, but he was finally apprehended.

It's entirely possible that the devs will work this bug into the game lore, even if it is just a minor off-hand mention on a plaque somewhere. However, since Spoiler alert! the new contact for villainside in i19 is a defected Legacy Chain, it's possible that they may make better use of the bug as part of the story.




Originally Posted by Roderick View Post
However, being a bug doesn't exclude it from being lore as well.

Before I started, there was a bug that made every citizen in a certain zone head from their spawn point to a certain location. When they got there, they'd find every other citizen in the zone, and all get in a huge shoving match trying to reach that one spot they were all headed towards.
The bug was eventually fixed, and a history plaque was added at the location the citizens all headed for, explaining that a minor villain had been experimenting in the zone with mind control devices, but he was finally apprehended.
This was actually just an AI pathing bug that was first found in Beta testing.

The "Sewer Entrance" door in Kings Row just west of the Train Station happened to be in the middle of the automatic pathing route that NPCs would follow. The problem was that they'd try to walk the path but since they would climb over the entrance door, the way the AI pathing worked is they would be "off-path" because they were ABOVE the path and they'd climb down and try to resume their path which took them right back to climbing on top of the entrance door again taking them off-path. Doing that would get them stuck in a loop where they'd be climbing and jumping up and down all over the entrance door until the server got reset.

It was so funny to see that it was a popular thing to do for flying blasters to "rescue" a few NPCs in Kings Row and then fly over top of that particular door and have the NPCs follow them to get them stuck jumping up and down all over that one spot.

One time a few other people and I spent about a half hour to see how many we could get there. We estimated that we got around 75-100 NPCs stuck on that one small spot. I think one of the problems was that if the NPCs didn't despawn after being rescued, their spawnpoint wouldn't be "finished" and wouldn't let a new spawn group take its place.

It was such a common thing to see NPCs freaking out there for such a long time that when the Devs finally fixed the pathing, they commemorated the issue with a new history plaque.



Had a really fun similar bug last night. During the final fight with Nictus Rommie on an ITF, Imperious got stunned, then swapped sides and went hostile to us. Not often you get to see "You have defeated Imperius" (Technically the tank on the team got the kill, not me).

Hehe. Still awesome.

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.



Originally Posted by GavinRuneblade View Post
Had a really fun similar bug last night. During the final fight with Nictus Rommie on an ITF, Imperious got stunned, then swapped sides and went hostile to us. Not often you get to see "You have defeated Imperius" (Technically the tank on the team got the kill, not me).

Hehe. Still awesome.
I was on that ITF. Was funny to see that.

No one pays attention to me, cause I listen to the voices in my head.



I was doing a red side tip with my stalker. I had a freak tank spawn called learn to read or some such, I whacked him and used placate at which point he ran off at high speed, going straight for one of the mission objective crates I needed to burn the books by destroying and well, destroyed it.

Was funny. He spawned to stop me burning his books and when I hid he got so mad he burned them. Or maybe it was spite? You cant burn them if I do it first.

After he took out that one offending crate he just stood there till I decloaked with an assassins strike delivering several hundred thousand volts to his head.



I've seen this bug before... but I've only seen it hit Longbow. I have never personally seen it affect Legacy Chain... or any other faction. But I've come across a handful of missions where Longbow members start killing each other without me being anywhere near them.

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Originally Posted by GavinRuneblade View Post
Had a really fun similar bug last night. During the final fight with Nictus Rommie on an ITF, Imperious got stunned, then swapped sides and went hostile to us. Not often you get to see "You have defeated Imperius" (Technically the tank on the team got the kill, not me).

Hehe. Still awesome.
I've seen this happen a couple of times on that mission, though the last time he only went hostile to the Brute on the team and the rest of us just had to stand around and watch the fight.

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Had this bug in a Rogue tip mission on my stalker,
Target was Wyvern and a Glowie in a sewer,
On getting the Glowie, it triggered a Longbow and PPD ambush.
Was fun staying hidden watching Wyvern, Longbow and the PPD slugging it out.
Especially when they completed the mission for me.

IIRC the bug is something to do with the NPC faction info.

Originally Posted by GavinRuneblade View Post
I suspect that it is a variation of the bug that causes patrols to attack regular spawns that hits almost all missions from time to time.
Most likely a backfiring 'Confuse'/ambush having a different (ambush not mission) faction even if they are the same mob.

Originally Posted by The_Spad_EU View Post
I've seen this happen a couple of times on that mission, though the last time he only went hostile to the Brute on the team and the rest of us just had to stand around and watch the fight.
That was a co-op zone alignment glitch

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