Incarnates and Altism...




Has there been any red names or Dev comments on whether or not incarnate ability unlocks will be account based or firmly limited to only toon based? (as in in the future, obviously it isnt currently)

Im sure someone has at least asked this once before...



The Alpha is not account-based, it's per-character. There's no reason to think the others will be any different.

Character index



It's per-character. Given it takes salvage drops and such, I'm not sure why you'd think differently...

This altaholic is ignoring it on most of my characters, past the alpha slot. 21 50s, two others in spitting distance, and a chunk of others in the 40s... yeah. I'm not hopping on that hamster wheel.



Ya.. none of that actually answered the question I asked...



Originally Posted by TehFiri View Post
Ya.. none of that actually answered the question I asked...
No, there have been no inquiries and the devs have not made any statements, because it's obvious. The path to Incarnate is supposed to be difficult and goes with the story of the game....that would be completely ruined by making it a global unlock for all your characters.

Topher Wade lvl 50 Claws/Regen
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Originally Posted by Bohmfalk View Post
No, there have been no inquiries and the devs have not made any statements, because it's obvious. The path to Incarnate is supposed to be difficult and goes with the story of the game....that would be completely ruined by making it a global unlock for all your characters.
You are correct it would not be an RPers way of doing things, but not everyone plays this game to RP or just play a small handful of toons. Totally different topic in and of itself whether or not they should... I just figured someone would have asked by now is all.

Thanks for the replies.



Originally Posted by TehFiri View Post
You are correct it would not be an RPers way of doing things, but not everyone plays this game to RP or just play a small handful of toons. Totally different topic in and of itself whether or not they should... I just figured someone would have asked by now is all.

Thanks for the replies.
It is also a time drain so you will be online and busy longer and keep your account active to get the higher grade incarnates.

You want the reward... you will have to play for it. And on every character. Sorry there are no shortcuts here! I have a huge number of alts... and I am still glad its not a global unlock.

- The Italian Job: The Godfather Returns #1151
Beginner - Encounter a renewed age for the Mook and the Family when Emile Marcone escapes from the Zig!
- Along Came a... Bug!? #528482
Average - A new race of aliens arrives on Earth. And Vanguard has you investigate them!
- The Court of the Blood Countess: The Rise of the Blood Countess #3805
Advanced - Go back in time and witness the birth of a vampire. Follow her to key moments in her life in order to stop her! A story of intrigue, drama and horror! Blood & Violence... not recommend to solo!



Originally Posted by TehFiri View Post
Ya.. none of that actually answered the question I asked...
Okay, to answer your actual question: No. There have been no redname posts on the subject of "are Incarnate unlocks character-based or account-based?"

There have also been no redname posts on "is XP gained from kills character-based or account-based?". Because it should be freakin' obvious.

Character index



The reason the Incarnate system exists is because players wanted more for their 50s to do. A change to the system that would reduce the amount of time spent on Incarnate content is directly counter to the reason it was developed. As such, I can state with absolute confidence that what you're asking for will never happen.

If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne

The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
This altaholic is ignoring it on most of my characters, past the alpha slot. 21 50s, two others in spitting distance, and a chunk of others in the 40s... yeah. I'm not hopping on that hamster wheel.
This is the best route for now, IMO. Focus on your "best" toon, and get the rest to being alpha slotted so they don't have negatives on Apex/Tin Mage, but trickle down once your first toon is "done", then the next, then the next, etc. Trying to get all your toons done at once is gonna burn you out. Right now, my main's got 1 T4, with another 2 trees just waiting for Notices and shards. My top five alts have Tier 2s and 3s, and the rest... hell, I'm still trying to get help with Trapdoor on some of my gimpier builds...

EDIT: And OP, no. The Devs have not made any comment like that, because that was never the intent of the system as designed.



Originally Posted by TehFiri View Post
Has there been any red names or Dev comments on whether or not incarnate ability unlocks will be account based or firmly limited to only toon based? (as in in the future, obviously it isnt currently)
As someone who's played "character-centric" games for well over 30 years now I still find it fascinating that there are people out there who would ever think character-based achievements would ever make sense to be made "global" across multiple characters. It almost doesn't even have anything to do with strict roleplaying - it's a mindset that runs completely counter to the fundamental player-game dynamic.

To me it's almost like asking, "If I go to college to get a 4-year degree why can't my sister who didn't go to college also have the same degree?" She can't have the same degree because guess what?... she DIDN'T go to school. It's really just that simple folks. I find myself wondering why that line of logic is really so hard for some people to grasp. Is it a runaway sense of entitlement or laziness that prompts people to believe they can have things in games they don't deserve?

It really just boggles my mind that these kinds of questions would ever pop up in a game like this.

Originally Posted by TehFiri View Post
Im sure someone has at least asked this once before...
Really? As I implied I'm still amazed -anyone- would ask a question like this. I'm all for free speech and for having your own thoughts and opinions on things but... really. Please give some thought as to why you haven't seen anyone else talking about this. The reason this subject has probably -never- come up before should eventually become completely obvious.

Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀



Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
As someone who's played "character-centric" games for well over 30 years now I still find it fascinating that there are people out there who would ever think character-based achievements would ever make sense to be made "global" across multiple characters. It almost doesn't even have anything to do with strict roleplaying - it's a mindset that runs completely counter to the fundamental player-game dynamic.

To me it's almost like asking, "If I go to college to get a 4-year degree why can't my sister who didn't go to college also have the same degree?" She can't have the same degree because guess what?... she DIDN'T go to school. It's really just that simple folks. I find myself wondering why that line of logic is really so hard for some people to grasp. Is it a runaway sense of entitlement or laziness that prompts people to believe they can have things in games they don't deserve?

It really just boggles my mind that these kinds of questions would ever pop up in a game like this.
In this game the I dont play my toons as each are individual. I play them as if they were tools I take out of my tool box and then move on. Nothing more.



The heck with account-wide rewards. I'm holding out until all the rewards are species-wide. That way if you, or any other member of your species, has gotten a given badge or reward, every other character on every other server on every other account in every other country played by every other human also gets the reward.

Why should I have to grind for something somebody else has already done? It's pointless.

If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne

The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog



Originally Posted by Sailboat View Post
The heck with account-wide rewards. I'm holding out until all the rewards are species-wide. That way if you, or any other member of your species, has gotten a given badge or reward, every other character on every other server on every other account in every other country played by every other human also gets the reward.

Why should I have to grind for something somebody else has already done? It's pointless.
Speciesist! Speciesist, I say! If a paramecium or a wombat has already ground through for that reward, why shouldn't I have it as well? I deplore your bigotry in limiting this to your narrow, homosapiens-centric viewpoint. Deplore it, I say!

I used to fiddle with my back feet music for a black onyx. My entire room absorbed every echo. The music was . . . thud like. The music was . . . thud like. I usually played such things as rough-neck and thug. Opaque melodies that would bug most people. Music from the other side of the fence.



Originally Posted by TehFiri View Post
Has there been any red names or Dev comments on whether or not incarnate ability unlocks will be account based or firmly limited to only toon based? (as in in the future, obviously it isnt currently)

Im sure someone has at least asked this once before...
It's going to be per character, and probably will always stay that way for thematic/storyline reasons.

The Well isn't going to give Awesome Guy more power because Uber Dude did something special. If Awesome Guy wants more power he's going to have to earn it himself.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Originally Posted by TehFiri View Post
In this game the I dont play my toons as each are individual. I play them as if they were tools I take out of my tool box and then move on. Nothing more.
Yes I basically understood that was your point of view on this. Pretty much anyone who argues for something to be made "account-wide" in a game like this comes at it from a non character-centric point of view.

Sadly MMOs rarely, if ever, ascribe to that mindset. I'm not telling you your point of view is technically "wrong". I'm just saying that more often than not the Devs of this game are not going to favor your style of play and you're just going to have to accept that you are always going to be "fighting against the system" on this.

Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀



Can we get a system where when any other EU player unlocks a reward I get it?

Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
[*]Watching out for the Spinning Disco Portal of D00M!*



Originally Posted by TehFiri View Post
In this game the I dont play my toons as each are individual. I play them as if they were tools I take out of my tool box and then move on. Nothing more.
Okay. Then in this case, your tools are individually Incarnatized, not you as the super-user. Each tool will need its share of work in order to proceed with the Incarnate work, according to your worldview. Hope this helps.



Originally Posted by TehFiri View Post
You are correct it would not be an RPers way of doing things, but not everyone plays this game to RP or just play a small handful of toons. Totally different topic in and of itself whether or not they should... I just figured someone would have asked by now is all.

Thanks for the replies.
The incarnate system is character advancement. Just like levels 1-50. The devs would not grant all your characters the XP to hit 50 just because one character got there.

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Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Originally Posted by TehFiri View Post
I have a great q for the devs to answer. What are their plans to allow getting incarnates through PvP?

I don't know about the other PvPers, but I have about 4-8 active PvP toons depending on whats going on. To be even competitive in the 8v8s the incarnates will be becoming a must with the AoE buff, extra pets, attack procs and 400 damage nukes. I DO NOT want to have to farm the same trails/TFs/raids to get a toon to be at the level it needs to be to even bother using. At this point getting accolades, IOs, and even now the Alpha slot is bad enough to PvE for.

Aside from removing TS, HD and Global Resists from PvP, a working and rewarding PvP IOs/loot/money/incarnate system should be very high priority. If it isn't, at this point, I really don't see me doing any of the I20 stuff (that includes, but isn't limited to the raids and getting the new incarnate abilities)for any real reason other then to say I did it once.

And to all you carebears who come in here and say 'oh but you don't need to have that stuff' and 'but PvE is so hard', obviously your in the wrong forum section.

I would guess this thread was a sorta follow up to this post above made by the OP.

It seems that some of the pvp'ers in this game, just want their toons to be auto-leveled to 50, with whatever IO's they need, accolades, and now incarnate abilities.
My understanding is that they want those toons only for pvp purposes and those toons would not be able to participate in any pve action.
This wish would make no difference to me personally. Although, I just don't see it happening.

By the way, since most all pvp leagues and ladders have set rules, regarding certain powers and AT's. Couldn't this be solved by just not allowing incarnates abilities to be slotted?



Originally Posted by ZoneGazer View Post
I would guess this thread was a sorta follow up to this post above made by the OP.

It seems that some of the pvp'ers in this game, just want their toons to be auto-leveled to 50, with whatever IO's they need, accolades, and now incarnate abilities.
My understanding is that they want those toons only for pvp purposes and those toons would not be able to participate in any pve action.
This wish would make no difference to me personally. Although, I just don't see it happening.

By the way, since most all pvp leagues and ladders have set rules, regarding certain powers and AT's. Couldn't this be solved by just not allowing incarnates abilities to be slotted?
Though related, not really a follow up.

As for free toons/IOs/Accolades go, honestly I would just want some way to get these things through PvP, rather then only PvE. After you get your toon to 50, get a build on it and IO it all, thats where the progression of a PvP toon stops, after that its just a tool. Everything before that is just a hurdle to get there. If they were to add some sort of progression for PvP toons I would all be for that.

The only way Id truly want free stuff would be if it was for a specific event on a closed server or some such to allow everyone interested to enter at a even level instead of being limited by how much time/money that person to setup a toon.

The leagues and ladders attempt to make it accessible to all ATs and power combos. It is against everyones best interest to ban things unless they are broken. (For instance, before DR, stacking veng was banned, though you could still have it in your build for IOs and sets) Obviously this does not address the issue of accessibility.



Originally Posted by TehFiri View Post
It is against everyones best interest to ban things unless they are broken. (For instance, before DR, stacking veng was banned, though you could still have it in your build for IOs and sets) Obviously this does not address the issue of accessibility.
Well, maybe it's worth considering whether the Incarnate process is "broken" by PvP standards, and might need to be banned. That would save you the grind.

If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne

The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog



Ya know, I was originally going to make a totally different post that was a lot more mean spirited.

I don't know about you and others like you, but I'm actually trying to come up with improvement, solutions, and possible fixes to improve PvP in this game. Do any of you have anything positive to add here?



Originally Posted by TehFiri View Post
Ya know, I was originally going to make a totally different post that was a lot more mean spirited.
I am glad you didn't. That convinces me my initial impression of the OP was incorrect.

Originally Posted by TehFiri View Post
I don't know about you and others like you, but I'm actually trying to come up with improvement, solutions, and possible fixes to improve PvP in this game. Do any of you have anything positive to add here?
The thing is the OP didn't mention PvP and was not in the PvP section. Anyone reading it is immediately going to assume you are asking in general about all play, and as most are PvE focused.... the reaction you are getting is related to that.

You have explained it since, but anyone coming in late is likely hitting the reply button without having read down to your later explanation - more than likely with exactly the same reaction I admit that I had at first.

The answer seems pretty clearly to be, "No, no one that we know of has asked a Dev, nor had it seemingly occurred to anyone else to even do so."

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Originally Posted by TehFiri View Post
In this game the I dont play my toons as each are individual. I play them as if they were tools I take out of my tool box and then move on. Nothing more.
So when you upgrade your power drill with new drill bits do you then try to take out screws with your hammer?