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  1. A high tech/cosmic staff, kind of like the one Starman has.

    A regular spear would be nice as well and maybe a wizard staff too.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Redlynne View Post
    I *really* don't want Sister Psyche to die ... because I *really* want to see her in a Brain Cells Grudge Match, Woman(o)-a-Woman(o), against Mother Mayhem. That battle would be so totally awesome!
    It would still be mano-a-mano (hand to hand) or more precisely, mente-a-mente.
  3. As for the whole relations with Lois thing: Red Sun Lamp.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
    Yeah, Johnny. Why? Why does this happen? Because the Villains struck first, struck hard, and struck where it hurts. They have the heroes by the yarblocko's and it shows. Consider the SSA title: WHO WILL DIE? A member of the Freedom Phalanx IS GOING TO DIE. How can you NOT expect some serious villainy to be happening? The heroes aren't going to stop it. It's how the SSA ends.

    If you ask me, Villains are getting more information not only because they're the ones perpetrating this entire scheme, but because Mr. Behind Closed Doors is going to royally fork the villains over at the last minute.
    From an actual development stand point, it's stupid to limit one side.
  5. That_Ninja

    Ancient Japan!

    Feudalism isn't ancient.
  6. So after reading this thread, I have found the point to it. The point is don't let wrestling fans be your spokesperson for your game.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Severe View Post
    just like to point out that those fake wrestlers are some of the best Athletes in the entire world.

    just sayin
    What world record have they ever set?
  8. That_Ninja


    Lame. I was expecting a mashup or TMNT and Thundercats.
  9. That_Ninja

    Morpher AT

    Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
    no idea although that does look very similar to the CO character creator
    That is the Alpha CoH character creator.
  10. Someone needs to repost the explanation of all the characters in relation to players again.
  11. I wouldn't mind a skin pattern that had the eyes on it as well.
  12. Does anyone have any screen shots?
  13. Maybe for a primary you can focus on sleep/knockout gas, nerve gas, and even laughing gas. It would be cool to see a bunch of enemies unable to move due to uncontrollable laughter.
  14. That_Ninja


    The movies I can watch over and over again are pretty embarrassing.

    My Dinner With Andre and K-PAX. I don't know why.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by IanTheM1 View Post
    If that was true for all customers all the time, the MMO industry would literally cease to exist. From what I've heard and seen, customers like to be treated with some modicum of respect. How loyal or disloyal they act also generally depends on the market you're looking at.

    Banning all video game talk, after allowing it for a number of years, hurt the community and probably did far more damage than any mention of a competing product ever would.

    This would be a fine and dandy compromise and I would not be against it. Though I wouldn't go with the distinction between "MMO" and "singleplayer", as where does that leave non-MMO multiplayer games?
    Multuplayer games are usually tacked onto singleplayer games, so I would treat them the same. MMOs are different beast than the Call of Duty and Team Fortress 2 games out there.

    I think one problem that helped cause the crackdown is that despite some people talking about the legitimate MMO competition, others kept saying how CoX managed to "survive" games like InFAMOUS and [PROTOTYPE], which to any person with half a brain knows those games aren't even like CoX in any way.
  16. That_Ninja

    Avengers Teaser

    If the canceled Avengers videogame is anything to go by, the Skrulls may be showing up.
  17. X-Men Origins: Wolverine over Blade II?

  18. That_Ninja

    Avengers Teaser

    I hope that while the less powered members have their moments, that the powerhouses are treated as incompetent and just get smashed a bunch. This was my mine gripe about the DCAU.
  19. Batman Forever at least gave us an entertaining Riddler and Val Kilmer was a decent Batman.
  20. Here are some screens from PAX showing the new halloween event.

    The Mansion

    The villain called is Abomination, sort of like a Frankenstein monster.

  21. I wish The Big O was given a season 3. Now I am even more depressed.
  22. I think we should at least be able to talk about console and non-MMO games. The devs talk about Team Fortress 2 all the time in UStream.
  23. I suggested something like this for assault rifle with wrist-mounted guns.

  24. Go with the newest thing: Street Justice/Energy Armor.
  25. That_Ninja

    Melee/Support AT

    But the whole point is making a new AT, but I get what you're saying. I've always liked the idea of alternate playstyles for ATs. To use another game as an example (and the devs talk about it enough) is Team Fortress 2. In the game, they re-purposed their demolition guy role for a strict melee-oriented one by the way of new weapons. It would be kind of cool to see powersets for ATs that change up their playstlye as well.