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  1. It looks good to me.

    I like how the picture shows him post-fight where he and the costume look banged up rather than the standard pose in a pristine costume.
  2. The 13th Warrior
    Kingdom of Heaven
    Bride with White Hair 1 & 2
  3. Since it wasn't subbed I just skimmed over it.

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vjW15oAR5qc - Part 1

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g55CUQAmn8A - Part 2

    The intro& outro are what I'd expected for a Japanese version of WOLVERINE.
    (Especially after seeing: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gfjAbXrvkFw)
  4. And decided to check Wookiepedia today to see if they updated Ventress' Biography to match the origin told in the Clone Wars last night annnnd they did.

    I personally think her new origin is kinda silly: She went from being born into the Nightsisters (who are are as hardcore Dark Side as Palpatine), to slave, to Jedi padawan, to Dark Jedi, to Sith apprentice, to Nightsister again.

    Original Origin:
    Ventress' back story is explained in "Hate and Fear", a story from the Star Wars: Republic comic book series. She hails from the planet of Rattatak, the daughter of farmers. From an early age, she endures cruel whippings that begin when warlord Osika Kirske kills her parents. Ventress barely escapes with her life and encounters the Jedi Master Ky Narec, who had crashed on Rattatak. Narec and Ventress are both hunted by Kirske, and so he trains her in the ways of the Jedi so she can defend herself. Kirske kills Narec before Ventress can become a full-fledged Jedi, however. She develops an implacable hatred of the other Jedi who had abandoned her master and ignored the bloodshed on her planet.

    Ventress soon becomes a force of authority on her lawless homeworld, defeating most of the remaining warlords and getting her revenge on Kirske. She keeps Narec's lightsaber as a memento.
  5. Talia_Rayvyn

    Young Justice!

    I was excited for it!

    ..Then it started and I realized that I had already seen the first two episodes.

    On the plus side I got to see the intro...but on the downside the intro was REALLY short.
  6. /ignore Fusion Blast

    The greatest piece of advice anyone in Paragon could ever have.

  7. Quote:
    more than 30 hours of extensive special features including never-before-seen deleted and alternate scenes
    Who waits 30+ years to release deleted scenes to a film!?!
  8. Talia_Rayvyn

    Hi there!

    Originally Posted by alyssa_jones View Post
    Are Brutes tankers, cause I really like my Brute. I've been breezing through some of these missions with my stone armor and warhammer of doom. The Jawbreaker power is my aboslute fave as I have knocked some baddies out of the game geometry so many times with it...makes me feel awesome.

    So I know Brutes are a Villain AT, but I am using it in GR. When I finish, can I be a Hero Brute?

    Brutes > Tanks

    Don't let anyone tell you any differently.
  9. Mermoine will be proud of the movie that was added to my collection this Christmas.

    I have to agree with Entertainment Weekly it was the best of the three so far.
  10. I saw it last night me thoughts were:

    Plot - Eh, not good. But I wasn't watching it for the plot.
    Action - Entertaining, I liked the frisbee combat the best, the transformations for the cycle and planes were very neat to watch but the action in the vehicles didn't ever really draw me in.
    3D - was OK, I honestly thought the 3D in the trailers that were shown before the movie were more impressive than what was in the movie.
    Jeff Bridges/Flynn - His beard was FANTASTIC, his acting was ok.. it was like he couldn't decide if he wanted to be a Jedi or a pot-head.
    CG Jeff Bridges/Clu - Was FANTASTIC. Each scene I saw Clu I was always impressed with how they used CG to make him look younger.
    Daft Punk - Was brief but Fantastic
    Son of Flynn - He was alright but the one thought that kept popping into my head was how he would have played a good Anakin Skywalker.
    Michael Sheen - Looked a lot different in this movie than he did in Underworld. I honestly thought it was Martin Short until I looked it up on wikipedia.
    Music - I liked it a lot. It reminded me of the music in Mass Effect and I <3 Mass Effect.

    Overall it was fun to watch and didn't feel like it was overly long or boring. So I'd give it a 8/10.
  11. I accept your challenge the next time I am on!

    I will also be listening to Mind Heist as I run through it and randomly yelling stuff about 'The dream is collapsing' and 'We need to go deeper'.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Marcian Tobay View Post
    I've never read a Fantastic Four comic, but I'll call this right now:
    You havn't missed much with FF Marcian, which is why they're removing one of the members. But there has been really good moment with Richard when he was talking to Pym recently. [ Here ]
    And for that even Pym is on the list of potential assassins for this arc.

    Originally Posted by Marcian Tobay View Post
    Even though Richard Reed brought this on, his enemies will kill Sue as a way of sending a message or otherwise holding him accountable. The comics will be about the guilt that he carries around, and everything will think that it's really dark and edgy that the wife was removed from the comic. Again.

    That's a good theory. I revise my personal theory crafting to add the Invisible Woman as a candidate due to proxy revenge.

  13. I hope everyone has a happy and safe Christmas Eve & Day! I'm looking forward to opening presents Saturday and reading what stuff everyone got.

    I also leave you with some Holiday advice:

    ...There are some things you should not ask the Batman.

    Merry Christmas!
  14. It'll probably be Mister Fantastic. With all the stuff he's been messing up since he joined the Illuminati and whatnot he has it coming.

    The Thing is safe because he's on the Avengers.

    Invisible Woman is safe because if she's gone then her two reality-bending children would become neglected (again cause Mr. Fantastic is terribad) and turn into evil reality-bending teenagers that get assassinated by X-Force.

    The Human Torch...isn't relevant enough to really add a ripple to the Marvel Universe.
  15. A New Time Trailer

    Looks like they're turning Ahsoka to the Dark Side. While it is a logical conclusion to what would happen to her (since she's not in Episode 3) it's still has me a little sad that it's going to happen.

  16. Talia_Rayvyn

    Double Ding!

    Supah Grats!

    Your Double Ding deserves a Double Dose of Focker.

    Yup, Double Dose.
  17. Talia_Rayvyn

    Hack II

    Awwww I missed it again.
  18. One of the many reasons why the Squaddies is a fun show.
  19. Congrats!

    As I've never done Apex, is finishing it in 30minutes extremely fast, fast, normal or slow?

    I also agree with Pum if getting the Master badge achievement is coded to be achieved by getting badges it should have another title thrown in like Specialist. Otherwise it just makes things confusing.
  20. DragonBall Z Abridged: Christmas Tree of Might

    Part 1

    Part 2

  21. I was hoping when they walked over the ridge that the entire dark side of the moon was gonna be a transformer.
  22. YAY it's back!

    The preview stuff for the New Avenger's comic made me lol. I like Bendis because you can clearly see that people like Iron Fist, Luke & Jessica Cage are his favorite characters but he doesn't Mary Sue them like Fraction does with Cyclops.

    Also looking at the Black Panther: The Man Without Fear. So if he's taking over doing the street-level stuff in Hell's Kitchen, is he still with Storm? I know they are still married but do they have plans on using her within the comic? Cause most of the rogues gallery that DareDevil went up against wouldn't really stand a chance against someone who can just summon up a hurricane I'd think.
  23. Talia_Rayvyn

    Is it just me?

    Originally Posted by Desi_Nova View Post
    Maybe if you wore pants once in a while you wouldn't have these problems
    He's got 99 problems, but pants ain't one.

    I also hope you get the Ultramode/Video card setting stuff straightened out. Every new issue when they update the game it seems to bug out on a random brand of card.