Early Influences, to continue the other thread




I don't remember his name, but the first day I was playing, I hadn't figured out the trams yet, and I got a mission that sent me to King's Row. I look at the city map and see that I can go north through Steel Canyon, get to Independance Port, and then go South to King's Row. I get through Steel Canyon Fine, but every path I try to get to King's Row with takes me past a group of purple conning enemies and I go right back to the Hospital. I ask in broadcast for help, and this fellow, also a tank, sidekicks me, provides escourt to King's Row, and explains the concept of the trams.



My very first VG, The Unspeakables had lots of influence on me. Also some older folk when i was with the Misfits back in like...issue 9? (i can't even remember). I miss folks like Meat Machine, Cypher, Rumble Kid, Devious1 and a few(lot of) other people lol. Who could forget Giggles and his constant RSF's and thirds respec trials back then lol. Then ofcourse there was Vincent Balmont and his brute that used to give me headaches lol.

There are far to many people to name, and so little time to type.
Goes without saying though that my number 1 influence was my sister who very few people knew played my account and made sure i kept the billed payed (kinda lol).

I've become one with the Cake!



/ignore Fusion Blast

The greatest piece of advice anyone in Paragon could ever have.