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  1. Talia_Rayvyn

    Hello Justice

    I ate a muffin.

    It was delicious.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by justice_electric View Post
    So, to the original question: Is this a decent server for a comeback?

    And tonight in the local Paragon news....

    Don't call it a comeback.
    We've been here for years.
    Rockin' my Praets and puttin Skuls in fear.
    Makin' the arrows rain down like a Mon-soon.
    Listen to the Nova go BOOM!!
    Explosion! Dominator's overpowerin.
    Over the server competition, We're towerin.
    Wreckin' AP, When I drop these lyrics that'll make you call the cops
    Don't you dare stare, you bettah move (seriously move you're standing in Battle Maiden's AoE)
    Don't ever compare, Justice to the rest that'll all get sliced and diced
    Competition's payin the price.

    We're gonna knock Champion out (HUUUH!!!)
    Empress said knock Freedom out (HUUUH!!!)
    We're gonna knock Infinity out (HUUUH!!!)
    Empress said knock Liberty out (HUUUH!!!)
    We're gonna knock Pinnacle out (HUUUH!!!)
    Empress said knock Protector out (HUUUH!!!)
    We're gonna knock Triumph out (HUUUH!!!)
    Empress said knock Virtue out (HUUUH!!!)


    -Empress Ray J
  3. Glad they decided to rebooted the franchise so they can avoid rehashing the old movies like they did in Superman Returns.

    So I'm personally excited that they decided to use the Parasite as he has a pretty easy origin and yet can be formidable to Superman in that he can just take his powers and beat him to death with it....

    ...Wait, it's General Zodd? Not Parasite? Not Brainiac? Not Bizzaro? Not Mxyzptlk? They went with Zodd?

    Bat...Credit... Card.
  4. Talia_Rayvyn

    Thanks Mermoine!

    Originally Posted by Maribelle View Post
    I need to find a MoTD to put that quote in....

    Done! And posted completely out of context for extra pervy emphasis.
  5. Welcome back Nup, glad you had a safe trip!

    Did you get get my Mega Python vs Gatoroid poster signed by Debbie Gibson and/or Tiffany while you were out?
  6. Talia_Rayvyn


    April Fools was last Friday!

    Silly Paragon.
  7. ...OR YOU CAN POUT!

    Archer was destined to be great. It was made by the guy that created Frisky Dingo who is also the guy that created Sealab 2021.
  8. ByeBye Mac!

    Anyone know which branch he is serving in?
  9. I don't mind helping you out with your Alpha unlock missions.

    Also some tips for starting off with your new Incarnate:

    Keep your ear to the ground for Rikti Mothership raids, they are a good source for Incarnate Shards and Vanguard Merits for Grai'ai matter. They also happen on a daily basis.

    Same for Hamidon Raids, but unlike the Mothership raids, only 50 people can be in the Hive at one time so it's best to move fast if you hear one is forming.

    Keep an eye out for whatever the Weekly TF/SF target is cause that will be the taskforce/strikeforce that is run the most that week.

    When in doubt join a TF/SF being formed up by Zero Tolerance (Borts) or Mermoine as they have a 0% failure chance on whatever they are about to run.
  10. That was much better than the other trailers. Now I want to go see it.

    I'm guessing the smokey orange monster thing is gonna be Parallax?
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ArwenDarkblade View Post
    Not to mention killing the game itself.

    I know right!

    We're almost outta XP!!
  12. Hope you have a good turn-out Philly!

    Looking over the post in the other thread, I didn't see anything on this (I could just fail at reading), but is there going to be a section of the Camp where they will explain the most effective powers to use and the best slotting/enhancements to maximize your character?

    Also, his Boot Camp also needs a theme song:
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=42jAb...layer_embedded

    Cap will, indeed, be throwing the shield in his big ol’ movie in July. Superhero Hype’s found this preview of the new trailer that’s going to run on Entertainment Tonight this evening. Aside from the aforementioned retention of Cap’s classic M.O., we can also see that Scrawny Steve is actually going to be part of a larger selection of candidates eyed for Operation: Rebirth. In the original comics, it was literally just him.

    From Comicvine:
  14. My only complaint is:

    Wouldn't the "Heart" ring be the Star Sapphires?

  15. My favorite picture of the day.

    I can't imagine why the series got canceled when you see such riveting pictures of Batman in action.
  16. I'm surprised this movie isn't put on hiatus since I assumed it was going to be shot in Japan.
  17. New Character Images are out!


    Prof X.





  18. Oracle & Batgirl - Cause Barbara Gordon rocks and you could use Cassandra Cain as a former assassin trying to reform as Batgirl.

    Robin - Tim Drake as Robin. Enough said.

    The Runaways - The super powered teenagers with villains for parents makes them unique enough to stand against the Teen Titans.

    The Thunderbolts - Because having the Masters of Evil pretend to be superheroes is awesome.

    X-23 & Daken - Both of them are a lot like Wolverine, but they are also different enough that you can write stories with them that you couldn't with Wolverine.

    Young Avengers - Patriot & Hawkeye's chemistry would be enough to carry it but I'd leave out the Scarlet Witch's children just cause that would be going into the whole Decimation stuff. I would, however, keep their formation set in a world where unregistered superheroes are being arrested by the government sponsored teams.
  19. Looks kinda like Sokka... and Katara.

    The obvious answer is Katara + Aang baby but I think they said that'd be the Tenzin guy. So it'd be a neat twist if it was Sokka's daughter/granddaughter that became the next Avatar since he got to be mostly useless throughout the show.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
    I figure this probably only makes sense if they're planning to release another Tomb Raider game around the same time as the movie.

    Survey says..... Yes
  21. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nkWHu...layer_embedded

    Yeah, I'm not sure what I just watched...but that was a lot of Power Rangers.

    Enjoy and try to name 'em all!

    Edit: Also I was just informed this is from a new series called Kaizoku Sentai Gokaige.

  22. Super grats to you and the wifey!
    How long till you buy an account for him?