New Captain America Preview




Cap will, indeed, be throwing the shield in his big ol’ movie in July. Superhero Hype’s found this preview of the new trailer that’s going to run on Entertainment Tonight this evening. Aside from the aforementioned retention of Cap’s classic M.O., we can also see that Scrawny Steve is actually going to be part of a larger selection of candidates eyed for Operation: Rebirth. In the original comics, it was literally just him.

From Comicvine:



Other recent superhero movies have had a problem with taking the source material seriously (especially Green Hornet and apparently Green Lantern; Thor seems to take its source material seriously, but the previews have made it seem chintzy) but this one seems to be taking it seriously and so is looking very, very good.

P.S. Speaking of shield throwing, I wonder if we didn't get Shield Charge instead due at least in part to concerns over being a bit too much like Cap?

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The scrawny Steve footage is amazingly realistic.



Looking better and better - loved Howard Stark checking Cap out.



Originally Posted by Jetpack View Post
Looking better and better - loved Howard Stark checking Cap out.
Nice catch, I didn't notice that before.



Originally Posted by Daemodand View Post
P.S. Speaking of shield throwing, I wonder if we didn't get Shield Charge instead due at least in part to concerns over being a bit too much like Cap?
I think the issue would be a ranged AoE KD attack from an armor set. At least with Shield Charge the player is left in the middle of the mob and fueling AAO.



I'm still curious about whether or not they're going to include Samuel L Jackson in this movie. I mean, they could say that he was part of the Super Soldier program as well and just took a version of it that granted longevity instead of heightened physical abilities. Thoughts?

- CaptainFoamerang

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Originally Posted by CaptainFoamerang View Post
I'm still curious about whether or not they're going to include Samuel L Jackson in this movie. I mean, they could say that he was part of the Super Soldier program as well and just took a version of it that granted longevity instead of heightened physical abilities. Thoughts?
In the Ultimate line, Fury was just that: an early test subject of the SS formula. SS, hmm....

In the regular Marvel continuity where Fury is still Clint Eastwood rather than Samuel L. Jackson, the original Captain America is a different black guy who was a test subject. The Young Avenger named Patriot is his grandson. (I highly recommend the two Young Avengers graphic novels, easily some of the best superhero writing out there, complete with cool teenage versions of classic Avengers which tie in to established Marvel lore, excellent pacing, cool twists and proper cliffhangers at the end of each chapter.)

Anyway, the movies seem to be doing a mash-up between the regular universe and the Ultimate universe, taking the most interesting bits from each, which is as it should be. Personally, I'd bet that Samuel L. Jackson is in it, but whether he's in it during WW II or in a present day stinger is up in the air.

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Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
In the Ultimate line, Fury was just that: an early test subject of the SS formula. SS, hmm....
Speaking of "SS," I wonder if they'll go the Earth X route and have Cap be a product of Nazi science.

- CaptainFoamerang

Silverspar on Kelly Hu: A face that could melt paint off the wall *shivers*
Someone play my AE arc! "The Heart of Statesman" ID: 343405



Originally Posted by CaptainFoamerang View Post
Speaking of "SS," I wonder if they'll go the Earth X route and have Cap be a product of Nazi science.
There did appear to be Nazi super soldiers in there so it's possible. Must say, it looked pretty cool. Not too knowledgeable about Captain America, but I'll see it.



Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
In the regular Marvel continuity where Fury is still Clint Eastwood rather than Samuel L. Jackson, the original Captain America is a different black guy who was a test subject.
Just a minor point of correction. Steve Rogers was the original Captain America. The black guy you're referring to is Isaiah Bradley. Since Dr. Erskine, the creator of the super-soldier serum, was killed just after Steve Rogers' transformation, the army was trying to re-create the serum. They were using african-american men as their test subjects (similar to some of the real-life Tuskegee experiments). Bradley was the only one who survived the process, and did wear a leftover Cap costume for one mission.

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(Took me a while to find a version that has sound and dialogue on BOTH channels but I finally did it... and I have the music from the trailer!)

*pouts* Why can't my vids be this bada**? This warrants greater study.


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