The True Purpose of the Lantern Rings
My only complaint is:
Wouldn't the "Heart" ring be the Star Sapphires?
There is also a new remake of the Punisher coming out. The Gutters is a fun webcomic for superhero references.
The first step in being sane is to admit that you are insane.
This would be funnier if it came out a couple years back. And, y'know, if it were funny. >.>
- CaptainFoamerang

Silverspar on Kelly Hu: A face that could melt paint off the wall *shivers*
Someone play my AE arc! "The Heart of Statesman" ID: 343405
Normally Gutters ranges from 'quaint' to 'pretty good', but they did miss the mark on this one. People have been making Captain Planet jokes since the first mention of the White Lantern.
Weight training: Because you'll never hear someone lament "If only I were weaker, I could have saved them."
Normally Gutters ranges from 'quaint' to 'pretty good', but they did miss the mark on this one. People have been making Captain Planet jokes since the first mention of the White Lantern.
Got real old real quick,.
Eh, I chuckled.
Yea DC really needs to stop the 2 or 4 issues per month maxi series crap.....its getting old and I really think after Brightest Day is done that will be last maxi series I jump on.....
You only fail if you give up. - Dana Scully
Time Jesum Transeuntum Et Non Riverentum - Nick Cave
We're not just destroyers, at the same time we can be saviors. - Allen Walker
I just wait for the trades. I liked the first volume of Brightest Day.
/em shrug
- CaptainFoamerang

Silverspar on Kelly Hu: A face that could melt paint off the wall *shivers*
Someone play my AE arc! "The Heart of Statesman" ID: 343405
Yeah I remember seeing that on this Webcomic back in 2009.
- Justice
Lastjustice- lvl 50 defender
Leader of Eternal Vigilance.
- Freedom
Lastjudgment - lvl 50 corruptor
Member of V.A.M.P.
- CaptainFoamerang

Silverspar on Kelly Hu: A face that could melt paint off the wall *shivers*
Someone play my AE arc! "The Heart of Statesman" ID: 343405
Bi-weekly. It ends at issue 25 or so, which is soon.
Sam Varden 50 MA/Reg Scrap
Doomtastic 50 SS/Inv Brute
Ceus 50 Eng/Kin Corr
Cinderstorm 50 Fire/Fire Blaster
Yeah I remember seeing that on this Webcomic back in 2009.
It's like bimonthly or something right? So is it just 2 13-issue trades?
Brightest day is rapping up pretty quickly it seems and the various GL titles and stories seem to be leading to another major event that "could" change the DCU. I don't like the story that I am predicting which is being clued to within the pages of Green Lantern, Green Lantern Corps, and Brightest Day... I haven't read Generation Lost, but it looked like a good title, I just didn't want to add it to my list of stuff to read.
Brightest day is rapping up pretty quickly it seems and the various GL titles and stories seem to be leading to another major event that "could" change the DCU. I don't like the story that I am predicting which is being clued to within the pages of Green Lantern, Green Lantern Corps, and Brightest Day... I haven't read Generation Lost, but it looked like a good title, I just didn't want to add it to my list of stuff to read.
but while Gen Lost is doing well, i don't think they're really sure where they want to go with Brightest Day, or even if it's tying into the current Green Lantern storyline (which is running through all 3 GL titles, and btw, War of the Green Lanterns started this week and it is AWESOME). does make me wonder if they're going to be dropping another weekly title into the slot, or if DC has decided to stop doing them.
Can be found here.
The first step in being sane is to admit that you are insane.