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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Morgan Reed View Post
    I've never received a /tell RMT request/offer, and any time I am flooded with RMT spam it is always /local. (Little over a year game time.)
    That's because by the time you joined the devs had already taken steps to stop the spam /tells. Way back when it was happening a lot.
  2. Supernumiphone

    Enter Game Sound

    The new sound is disappointingly uninspiring and anticlimactic. Before it was like "Here we GO!!!!" Now it's like "Are we going somewhere? Oh hey loading screen, I guess so."
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rogue1 View Post
    Just out of curiousity, under what circumstances would you not want stealth in your travel power? I can understand that you don't always NEED it, but when would it be an actual detriment?
    For me the main time I want more fine grained control over my stealth level is when I'm doing an escort mission. Despite the change that was made to the game a while back to have certain procs like stealth IOs shut off when the toggle they're slotted in is turned off, they do still persist sometimes. This can interfere with the ability of escorts to follow. When it happens I usually end up going AFK or just waiting around for my stealth level to drop again.

    With the IO slotted into Sprint I can choose to still use my travel power to navigate the map without having Sprint active.

    Since I don't usually find myself fighting with travel powers active (at least not on purpose), the endurance cost is a non-issue. I have my travel power and Sprint bound to adjacent keys, so turning them both on and off is almost as easy as just one or the other.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Oxmyx View Post
    This most recent and dramatic tuneup has, for the first time, really put it on par with Paragon City and Praetoria.
    I'm curious how you think villain side needed a tune-up to compare to what was an abysmal low level experience blue side.

    I see it the exact opposite. Whereas villain side always had decent story arcs from level 1 up, blue side had the origin contacts and forgettable one-off missions, usually sending you all over hell's high acre before you had a travel power. With new villains I did contact missions. With new heroes I just did street sweeping, because the contacts were just that much of a waste of time.

    Now with I21, hero side finally has some low level contacts worth spending the time on, not the other way around.
  5. Supernumiphone

    Purple dumping

    I think I like Fulmens' answer more than my own. It's worth asking what your goals are and if there might be another way to reach them.

    For me when I want purples my choices are to farm or work the market. I don't really enjoy either, but at least playing the market doesn't make my eyes bleed after the first 10 minutes or so.

    If you enjoy farming, more power to you. If not, do keep in mind there is another option. Don't burn yourself out on the game chasing the shiney.
  6. Supernumiphone


    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    What's more, that other games' Super Jump is just horrible to use. It launches you way up in the air, but sends you a very short distance horizontally, so you have to jump a lot more to travel a lot less. It also takes time to warm up, so the first few jumps you make are both short and low until you start moving faster, and even at its fastest it's still not very fast. And to top it all off, you don't have all that much control over it.
    This, especially the part I bolded. If you haven't had a chance to try it yourself, that video doesn't really give you a proper feel for it. Trying to use it outdoors I always felt out of control with it. Trying to get up onto any type of narrow ledge or column was a real exercise in frustration. You launch up into the air and come crashing down so quickly you don't have time to exercise any kind of fine control over where you land. It is probably quite a bit closer to "realistic" than the CoH version, but I don't see that as a good thing.

    I'll take our version which allows me to see where I'm going, appreciate the scenery, avoid accidentally landing in the middle of hostile mobs, and land exactly where I choose.
  7. Other people can use the portal you cast as well. Therefore if you could cast the portal you would not be only affecting yourself.
  8. If you mean Concealment pool Stealth or Cloaking Device, then Cloaking Device is better, though not by much.

    It costs slightly less endurance and does not have the speed debuff.
  9. Supernumiphone

    Mids Builder

    Originally Posted by Madadh View Post
    Is there a new switch or toggle I should be aware of?
    It's a known issue that's being worked on. It's been discussed in the main Mids release thread.
  10. Supernumiphone

    Purple dumping

    Originally Posted by Lastzug View Post
    I wanted to ask if someone could point me in the right direction concerning farming purples.
    Here is an old thread that covers some of the basics. Read past the first post for some items not covered there.
  11. I would strongly prefer that the AT forums not be merged. One that comes immediately to mind is the Stalker section. True it doesn't see a lot of traffic, but that's a good reason to leave it separate. If I'm interested in Stalkers and I look and see nothing but Scrapper threads, and I post a question about Stalkers and it gets quickly pushed off the first page by more Scrapper threads, it will be very hard to find any good information or discussion about Stalkers.

    Scrapper advocates won't care, because it will become the de facto Scrapper section.
  12. I'm going to mostly agree with what's been said. I think it's a valid choice. You might be missing out on a little damage in those situations where you can actually pull off an AS, but that's not that big a deal. I really like the demoralize effect and wouldn't want to give it up, but it's not exactly a game changer, so you're not missing out on that much there either.

    But yeah, if you're skipping AS and you can choose the same power sets on a Scrapper, why not?
  13. I like Spines but between the two Elec is better IMO. Especially for soloing. Without looking at any numbers, just off the top of my head I'd bet Spines is in last place for single-target damage. If you like to solo with bosses, that'd make it a poor choice. I don't feel especially weak when playing my spiner solo, but I do notice the slower kill speed on bosses.

    IMO the main reason to roll Spines is that you don't want to do Elec again. If you haven't reached that point with Elec yet, go Elec.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
    Yes, so just admit you're wrong so you don't sound like a hard headed *****.
    You do realize this is the internet?
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
    I think writing serial content for villainous protagonists is nearly impossible without descending into either camp or blood-drenched grizzle. I can't think of a successful television series consistently written from the viewpoint of a villain that isn't either a comedy or outright horror (featuring nominal protagonists).
    Then you're not trying very hard. Here is one example, and here is another.

    With regard to the OP, it's been a while since I tried out Graves' arc in beta, but my impression was very negative. I don't plan to run it again. Even if I try to justify the way my character was treated and behaved as just going along for my own purposes, I don't think it's necessary to behave like a cowardly dunce to achieve that end.

    Also Sam the word you're looking for is "vain". Veins are things in our bodies through which blood flows.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Feycat View Post
    Well Villains don't have to fight statesman to access APPs do they?
    No, nor do they have to fight him to access PPPs.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
    Yep - there's a year old thread on it over in tech issues/bugs. Sometimes it's better (like you have to do it once a week,) other times, it's worse (like a few times a day.) That *has* gotten worse of late.
    The random logout bug has indeed been around a long time. This is something different though. Every time your session gets reset you are logged out now. Not randomly, every time. One way to do this is to close down your browser completely (all windows). So I can log in, browse the forums, close my browser, go back to the forums, and I'll have to log back in. Every time. If I close my browser, I'll have to log back in when I return.

    That is new. I was unable to log in for a week or so, as many were, and ever since that got fixed it's been this way. This is not a random bug in vBulletin's software. Something has become misconfigured that could be fixed but hasn't been.
  18. Supernumiphone

    Exalted Channels

    Originally Posted by Heyman View Post
    I do agree with you guys however, there is already far too many channels on the list
    Yeah that's why I haven't joined any yet. I'm waiting to see which becomes the de facto primary channel and I'll join that one. I'm already full from all the channel schizophrenia from my main server, I can't do it on another one.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by all_hell View Post
    I forcibly disconnect all other villains before I log on each day.
    So it was you.
  20. Congrats on getting your name back. I'm surprised that someone who was willing to go to the trouble to snipe your name would be willing to give it back. Your friend must be pretty persuasive.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Beezil_CoH View Post
    I've noticed a trend with newer content (Praetorian, mainly) where not only are there seemingly ambushes around every corner, but they tend to have 5-7 waves as opposed to the usual 1-2.
    This is one of the reasons I haven't rolled another toon in Praetoria since the first time I tried it. Fortunately now that we can start any AT on either side, there's no need to ever start in Praetoria again.

    Originally Posted by Beezil_CoH View Post
    In the Blood Coral arc on villains (fighting waves of scrapyarders), my SS/WP brute was painful to play due to no AoE. It was supposed to make me feel powerful. Instead, it went on for WAY too long and wasted my time. I got the point on the first giant wave. I didn't need three more to stretch out the tedium.
    I've taken to using a mission auto-complete on this one now. If I don't have one available I'll park the toon for the three days until I can. That mission is over the top tedious.

    If you don't want to use the mission complete feature, here's what you do. First get a temp pet. The easiest is to complete the Loa Bone mission from Bocor in Port Oakes. If you didn't do it while in range Ouroboros it. Otherwise you could craft the Backup Radio temp power. Then craft a couple of AoE temp powers. I think they're named Hand Grenade and Plasmatic Taser. The recipes are available on the market.

    Once that's done, enter the mission. Find a corner you can hide behind so the mobs have to run up to you to attack you. Summon the temp pet. Select the pet. Now you'll target through the pet. Set one of your temp AoEs on auto (control-click). Go do something else for a while. Come back from time to time to resummon the pet and set the other temp AoE power on auto once the first wears out. After a while most of the ambushes should be done.

    You may need to go manually clear out some stragglers from one wave to get the next to spawn. I think what happens is that the waves are over the aggro cap, so some of the mobs just stand around. Then when you defeat enough mobs to drop below the aggro cap, the ones standing around forget they were supposed to be attacking you, so they just stand around.

    Anyway you could do all that, or you could just auto-complete the mission.
  22. I've been prepping a couple characters that got left behind when I switched servers a couple years back. Respecs and IOs. They'll get sent to Exalted eventually.
  23. Well I'm not sure I'm going to be able to get in to Exalted when it's available. It's off the bottom of the server list, and every time I scroll down, the scrollbar jumps back to the top, making it unavailable.
  24. My suggestion is that you read this.

    The reason being that you have some powers way over-slotted, which is gaining you almost no benefit. You could improve the build by moving those slots to other powers.

    Fire Shield, Stamina, and Power Boost at a glance are the worst offenders.
  25. I'm not sure where to begin. Ice/Earth is not the best combo to be aiming for running x8 to begin with. /Earth AoE is a bit weak for that IMO.

    It doesn't help that one of your AoEs is not slotted for damage and another only barely so. Not only that, but with so little endurance cost reduction in Mud Pots I doubt you'll actually be able to run it along with Arctic Air.

    I also hope you plan to run with bosses turned off. You have no single-target attacks other than Stone Spears, which isn't even fully slotted for damage. I can only guess you plan to use AoEs exclusively to defeat enemies?

    You have middle of the road defense numbers to most damage types. That can work if you plan to make up the difference with inspirations and don't want any holes in your defenses. I'd be more inclined to specialize a bit more, getting higher defense numbers to a more limited range of damage types/vectors.

    I'd also want to bump up recharge to perma-dom range. I know it doesn't benefit Ice/ all that much, but unless you plan to run in AE almost exclusively, the mez protection is quite valuable IMO. The endurance refill is nice too, and as I've said it looks like you'll need it.