Purple dumping




I'm thinking about getting out while the getting is good.

With the recent nerfing to AE farms I suspect that most farmers will return to their old stand-bys (i.e. Lib TV, Snake, Demon and Cim wall maps). This could result in an increase in supply for various purple recipes and perhaps lower their cost a touch. Their at an all time high now and I'm seriously thinking about crafting and selling my stock right nao.

What say you Marketeers?

When there is no room left in Hell, the Dead shall walk the earth.



I'd say I don't think we have nearly enough information about the future behavior of the market because freemium players are gonna be changing All Sorts Of Things.

So your guess is as good as mine.

I haven't seen much to suggest that AE farming is particularly significantly nerfed.



Trying to look at this rationally, there's two reasons to use AE farms, powerleveling or farming influence.

Powerleveling: ambush farms remain much faster than standard farms, rez or no rez.

Farming influence (tickets): on +0/x8, there's already some overkill (with rezzes). Slightly raising rep should take care of the difference.

So, while AE farming is going to be slower, regardless of the goal it remains more attractive than regular farms.

I'm confident purple prices will remain at or around the current level, for the time being.



Originally Posted by Organicide View Post
I'm thinking about getting out while the getting is good.

With the recent nerfing to AE farms I suspect that most farmers will return to their old stand-bys (i.e. Lib TV, Snake, Demon and Cim wall maps). This could result in an increase in supply for various purple recipes and perhaps lower their cost a touch. Their at an all time high now and I'm seriously thinking about crafting and selling my stock right nao.

What say you Marketeers?

Given that the only change (that I've seen) is the removal of XP from foes who self rez, there won't be a significant shift in farming speed. You can still kill the entire ambush once, as fast as you used to kill it once before. So there is no real "net" loss outside of zone times. Which if you have a decent system is anywhere from 10-30 seconds to reset the mish and renter/zone in.

Say you could previously clear a map in 3 minutes, killing everything twice. Now you should be able to clear it in 1.5 minutes since nothing will self rez. Yes an extra 30 seconds of no XP/Influence will slow you down, but its still no where near as slow as non AE farming, which doesn't let you saturate all of your AoE's for the duration of combat. Plus no travel time from spawn to spawn.



Yeah. I don't see any shift away from AE farming based on what we know so far. As seebs points out, I think the addition of Free and Premium players may be far more likely to alter the status quo than MARTy and this rez change.


"We must prepare for DOOM and hope for FREEM." - SirFrederick



I don't know that the purples will change so much.

I do see the respecs coming back down already. Of course, they were artificially jacked up by someone(s).



People definitely have an increased supply of "quasivet" respecs, which has kicked prices down hard. I don't know if those vet respecs are going to provide a long-term reduction in demand or whether they're going to give a short-term "antispike". For that matter I don't know if people will spend real money on an extra enhancement row to need half as many respecs to strip a character.

I guess I don't know how respecs are really used; are most of them used on a small number of characters? Or are most of them used by a relatively large number of characters who just need one or two more respecs than they have?

(As far as the artificial jacking up of prices: I think someone started it and a bunch of people jumped on the bandwagon. I didn't start the shortage but I made money off it.)

Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.

So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.



If, after taking Farmanerf, you experience purple dumping, please contact your physician immediately.



Originally Posted by Fulmens View Post
(As far as the artificial jacking up of prices: I think someone started it and a bunch of people jumped on the bandwagon. I didn't start the shortage but I made money off it.)
There wasn't a shortage until someone bought a lot of them. idk the exact amount, but it went from like 150 for sale to like 16 between times I checked. The prices went up from around 150ish to closer to 300ish. It happened relatively quickly so I am sure that it was the result of someone(s) deliberate actions and not blind market forces.

I had been sharing the niche with one or more other players for a while. Playing nicely with others I thought. I just copied their bid price and let the buys fall where they would.

I am pretty sure that someone with very deep pockets, even by market forum standards, dabbled the prices to nearly double by creating a scarcity.

I moved into a different niche since I couldn't get any respecs for what I was willing to pay for them. But, I left a hundred or so bids out for when the wind changes direction. Damn, when did I have enough inf to do that?

Last I looked, the # for sale was creeping back up toward triple digits and the sale prices had broken 200 on their way down.

And someone recently tried to corner a niche that I have an interest in. They gave me billions trying to do so. But, they stopped short of depleting my supply. And, from what I can tell, there're at least 2 or 3 others with similarly sized interests in the same niche.

meta-marketeering? What do you call that aspect of the game?



Originally Posted by Fulmens View Post
People definitely have an increased supply of "quasivet" respecs, which has kicked prices down hard. I don't know if those vet respecs are going to provide a long-term reduction in demand or whether they're going to give a short-term "antispike". For that matter I don't know if people will spend real money on an extra enhancement row to need half as many respecs to strip a character.
Not just for that, but overall, it's been a HUGE QoL increase for me -- I'm not regretting it at all.

Also increases the value of otherwise-worthless level 50 crafted enhancements, because I can now put a LOT of them in my enhancement trays before a respec to sell off for 490k each. Given how many people want interrupt reduction sniper IOs...



The respec jacker... the pump-and-dumper... there aren't any good names for this person, are there?

My Respected Colleage who crashed respec supply.

MRC first moved in, I think, either during or just after 2XP. It happened on a smaller scale [going from 50 to 15-ish] almost every weekend after that. I wasn't tracking too closely. I was at one point battling with someone: I'd list for 208,100,908 and there would be some 208,100,909 bids after I got a couple. I happily cranked up the base price - the more people spend on BOTH sides of the flip the more inf I burn- to about 215M. The top end stayed at 280-300 million.

I suppose it's possible that lots of people "naturally" log on and get a respec on Thursdays, but I doubt it.

I think MRC got out before, or when, the mass of quasi-vet respecs hit. I've still got a few beached high sales, but... I handed off half a billion inf to someone to burn without even watching earlier today. I don't care much.

Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.

So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.



Originally Posted by Nihilii View Post
Trying to look at this rationally, there's two reasons to use AE farms, powerleveling or farming influence.

Powerleveling: ambush farms remain much faster than standard farms, rez or no rez.
But it looks like this is EXACTLY what MARTy is designed to target. So far (as far as I have heard), ONLY ambush farms generate rewards fast enough to trigger MARTy.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



What is the recent nerf to AE farms? Are we talking about MARTY? What was changed?



I for one am certain that the course of action that will generate the most profit is the one taken hastily in reaction to a singular event. Serious.



Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
What is the recent nerf to AE farms? Are we talking about MARTY? What was changed?
the nerf was that custom baddies with regen secondary and have revive will only give xp once

ie you kill them, they revive, you kill them again, but now you get 0 reward for the 2nd kill



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
But it looks like this is EXACTLY what MARTy is designed to target. So far (as far as I have heard), ONLY ambush farms generate rewards fast enough to trigger MARTy.
Unless they missed the mark significantly and just haven't corrected it, I don't think this is the case. No one I know has hit MARTy in the AE on live, and that includes the week before the critter rez change. Is there a thread somewhere with someone who did?

Edit: On topic, I don't see purple prices changing based solely on the change to rezzing critters. Slower AE farming that's still better reward/time than anything else is still going to be used.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



They probly just shut off MARTy's slowing of rewards so they could find all the abused maps from his logs.



Originally Posted by Psygon_NA View Post
They probly just shut off MARTy's slowing of rewards so they could find all the abused maps from his logs.
They didn't need MARTy to identify that ambush farms with self-rezzing enemies were insanely popular. There were (and are) unmoderated forum threads describing how to leverage them, and those AE arcs were being shut down even before this change went into effect. People who think MARTy was needed for, or even involved in, this change are ignoring all evidence to the contrary for reasons that elude me.

On-topic: If purples drop a little in the near future, I won't cry. They've crept up to the point where I don't even bother setting aside a market slot or two to low-ball them any more, since past a half-billion I don't think of a bid as a "low-ball". There are many better ways for me to get wealthy in the market that don't involve letting 300-500m just sit around doing /em nosepick.

My postings to this forum are not to be used as data in any research study without my express written consent.



Originally Posted by Psygon_NA View Post
They probly just shut off MARTy's slowing of rewards so they could find all the abused maps from his logs.
Yeah, like EarrthWyrm said, if they needed MARTy to find them, they're doing it wrong.

On top of that, that notion doesn't make much sense. What makes you think MARTy can't log what would have been extreme rewards while clamping them? Just log what conditions caused it to clamp rewards, and bingo, the devs know where to look. I suspect that combined function is the biggest point of MARTy. It reduces the urgency to rush out a fix for something the devs might otherwise feel needed immediate remediation, while still letting them see that a reward rate threshold was passed.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Hey everybody,

Im fairly new, after a 5 year break, and just hit 50 and I wanted to ask if someone could point me in the right direction concerning farming purples.

I've read in here about Lib TV, Snake, Demon and Cim wall maps but have no idea what that is.

I'm a ss/fire brute and dont like farming in AE.

Any help is appreciated.



Hi! I'm going to go all Freudian and ask "What is the question behind the question?"

Are you looking for purples for yourself? Are you looking to get rich? Do you like the relaxing repetitive nature of farming?

If you just want to get rich, playing the market [generally by leaving bids for recipes, crafting them, and selling the crafted for a generous markup] is awfully fast.

If you want to get rich by playing the game for rewards, getting Villain Merits (through tips or converting regular "Reward merits") and turning them into expensive recipes is also awfully fast. [60-100 million inf per Villain Merit]

If you like farming for its own sake, I'm not much of an expert on that. The Snake map is an exploit that no longer works, I believe. The Demon map is hero-only [the first mission from one of the Peregrine Island contacts, "fight infernal".] There used to be a lot more tech salvage generated than magic salvage, so enemies that dropped magic-only were much more profitable; now that's not so true. (Used to be five times as profitable, now ... maybe 50%, maybe at par.) Liberate TV is a mission from the unlockable contact, Television. The "Cim wall" is in Cimerorra [sp!]- you get there through the Midnighter Club. One edge of the map has a wall with about a hundred Romans on it. You can run back and forth along it mowing them down over and over.

Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.

So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.



First of, thanks for the answers so far!

I am trying to farm a map for purples for myself and the once I don't need I want to sell.



I think I like Fulmens' answer more than my own. It's worth asking what your goals are and if there might be another way to reach them.

For me when I want purples my choices are to farm or work the market. I don't really enjoy either, but at least playing the market doesn't make my eyes bleed after the first 10 minutes or so.

If you enjoy farming, more power to you. If not, do keep in mind there is another option. Don't burn yourself out on the game chasing the shiney.