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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    But, if the only reason people want it, is for Shield Charge (game play mechanics) rather than concept, I'd rather it stay away.

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    I'd like to have it simply because there's no valid (concept) reason not to. Unfortunately a dev or two disagree, and they have the only opinions that really matter.

    I wouldn't be in a hurry to roll a /SD Stalker if they got it, but I still think it should be an option.
  2. I would focus on getting your defense higher rather than getting Aid Self. Once you get enough +def Life Drain will be more than adequate in the majority of situations to take care of those hits that do get through.

    Whether you go for IO set bonuses or Maneuvers + CJ + Weave or a combination, that's where you'll see the best return for your investment. You don't have to go super high to see a strong benefit since you have -tohit to layer on top.

    If you can afford to slot a hold proc in Acid Mortar that'll help also.

    Once you get Trip Mine you can always use that solo, pull mobs into a minefield. Slow as molasses, but fun for a while. It's always an option for tricky situations though.
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    (What is this blue and red? Do they wear those colors? They aren't two sides of indeterminate alignment.)

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    Are you colorblind or something? When the content differentiates very little, and in many cases not at all, between heroic and villainous alignment, the prominent colors you see everywhere depending on which side you're on are in a very real way a more accurate label than "hero" or "villain".
  4. [ QUOTE ]
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    See, this is why you read the mission text.

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    Then they need to specify Escape == Timed. Theres no timer. They either need to state it or put the timer up there.

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    But escape =/= timed. If you never "wake up" the boss, he'll never escape and the mission can be left open indefinitely.

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    Not with the current bug. Many missions where you must prevent the boss from escaping, now the boss will take off as soon as it spawns. Previously it wouldn't start running until it hit a certain % of HP, but it's bugged, and has been for a while. I don't remember when I first noticed the bug, but it was before last issue. I know this because I was surprised that it wasn't fixed in the last issue release.

    If you have your NPC dialog turned on in your chat window, you'll usually see the boss say something like "I've got to get out of here!" as soon as it spawns. Mobs spawn when you get withing a certain distance of the area they're in. It's the same distance as the trigger for cutscenes. If you're in windy tunnels or caves the boss might have a ways to run before passing you. If it's more of a straight shot you might see it almost right away.

    With each new patch I've been increasingly surprised this has been left unfixed as long as it has.
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    put the entrance to Studio B on the ground floor, so people wont have to go through the active area just to get to the non-active one.

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    That's a great idea right there. One of the things I dislike about Studio B is that while you don't get the visual spam of powers in there, you're close enough to the main area that you can still get a lot of noise from people spamming loud powers. I can turn off my speakers, but it would be nice not to have to. Putting it downstairs would pretty much eliminate the problem.
  6. Supernumiphone


    Nice damage. Very squishy.
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    I have been away from the game for a while, and now I am back and am hearing talk about "catgirls". WTF is a catgirl?

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    They are the source of the invention salvage drop "Essence of the furries"
  8. Yeah I'm a bit concerned that this fix is going to cause problems with melee cones. I wish we had more information about how it was implemented.
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    Weren't we supposed to get more than just one round of proliferation? Seems like it's been quite a while since we heard anything about it.

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    Check the dev digest. There's a post by BABs on the subject. IIRC he says pretty much what people have been guessing, that they've just been too busy and it'll be a while before they can get back to it.
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    How much more simple can we make this?

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    I have an idea
  11. [ QUOTE ]
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    The Placate bug

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    There is no Placate bug in PvE, save for the wonky behaviour of AVs and the problem with Elec Melee.

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    My /Regen is Elec/Regen. That's been the bulk of my Stalkering lately. I seldom had problems using Placate on previous Stalkers, but I thought that was because I was using defense based secondaries. I didn't realize it was limited to Elec/ in PvE. What is it specifically in Elec/ that causes the problem?

    My next Stalker project will be Spines/, so I'll have the DoTs breaking Placate, but I'm back to defense so it should be ok.
  12. Looks like I won't be able to make it again.

    Hopefully next week will work out better.
  13. I have one. There was a discussion on this combo some time back initiated by someone interested in it, but no doubt it's been purged by now.

    You are correct that the immob is very nice to keep things from running away from the AM. Also there were times I'd use TT and web nade on a boss to get it immobed "rite nao". Given the relative weakness of Poison Trap in its current state the extra mitigation you get from the -tohit stacked with FFG will be nice.

    Caltrops will probably be of limited value to you, since you lose the mitigation they offer when foes are immobilized. On top of that most foes that are immob resistant also resist slows.

    While on paper the FFG + Dark/'s -tohit seem extremely potent, in my experience they are not all you'd expect. That's not to say they're not nice, but you'll see the best benefit if you get some extra +def set bonuses. The main reason is that you have zero defense debuff protection. It was common in my experience to open with TT and see my defense numbers go negative almost immediately from the retaliation I received.

    If you're not at a level of defense where most attacks miss, you'll be quite vulnerable to cascade failure. 6 slotting Thunderstrike in Dark Blast and Gloom will get you an extra 7.5% ranged defense. Add in say Combat Jumping and along with the FFG I'd say you're approaching the minimum you'd want to start to see real benefit when combined with your -tohit.
  14. I'd suggest leaving it alone. If any dev attention is focused on the matter what will likely happen is that all ATs will get the Corruptor version.
  15. I would have preferred 4 seconds over 3, but I understand the reason for the change. Bump them to 4 seconds and give Psi Dart the 1 second animation and I'd say it's all good.
  16. No new Dom plans currently. These days anything I roll up has to have good AoE capability and the new single target focus of Doms has left me a bit cold. I have a lowbie Plant/Fire I may work up though, and a middling Ice/Psi I may finish.
  17. The Placate bug makes it less valuable for Regen Stalkers since you have to be so careful with your timing, but it's still worth having and using. In my experience it doesn't work to give me breathing room since mobs tend to keep attacking right through it, but that doesn't mean it doesn't have other uses.
  18. It was a little slow in the early levels for me, but once I got everything slotted up with some recharge there are very few gaps. I don't have Charged Brawl but I do have all the other attacks.
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    Longer recharge helps this how?

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    One of the common complaints about Dom assault sets was that with controls mixed in with attack chains, they got saturated easily which created a performance cap. Longer recharge, harder hitting powers allows Doms to make optimal use of gaps when locking down spawns. Sure once you've got them locked down and are just attacking you may need a bit more recharge to get the same flow, but that's better than the alternative.
  20. Supernumiphone

    A Spines Brute?

    I'm sure it's been discussed in the past but we had a recent forum purge. The main problem with Spines for Brutes, for me, is the looooong animation times in Spines. Barb Swipe is horrid. Lunge is one of only two attacks in the set with a cast time less than 2 seconds. The second is an AoE that doesn't come until 32. Usually that would mean filling with a power pool attack or two. Boxing maybe. But then you'll be redrawing your spines constantly.

    Anyway you'd be highly dependent on incoming attacks for fury generation and maintenance. Some might be ok with that. I suspect many would roll one up with dreams of a new FotM AoE god, get frustrated with the clunky pace of it, and delete it.

    I don't see it working unless Barb Swipe got looked at as part of the port.
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    Stone has much higher potential. And also has a 15' aoe.

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    Slaaaaaaammmmmm......wait for it........duuuuuuuuunkkkkkkk.
  22. I'll be there. Hopefully I won't have any scheduling problems this week, but if I do I'll give as much advance notice as possible.

    Inducto, Elec/Regen Stalker.
  23. [ QUOTE ]
    Seriously, don't ask that they change blizzard. It'll end up being something far far worse.

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    A thousand times this. OP if you've been paying any attention to what's been going on lately you should see the truth in this. Keep your yap shut.

    Also would you please preemptively accpet my apology? I don't want to feel left out.