A modest request for EM




There's currently a new version of whirling hands on beta, but only for dominators.

Would it be so horribly wrong to allow brutes to test it as well?

for those who are unfamiliar the changes , they are substantial, and are as follows:

<ul type="square">[*]Whirling Hands: Increased this powerÂ’s damage scale from 1 to 1.1, increased its recharge from 14 seconds to 20 seconds, increased its endurance cost from 14.4 to 18.51, and increased its radius from 10 feet to 15 feet.[/list]

So... a longer recharge, and a much larger area. A little more endurance and a little more damage.

This has always been a great looking power, but it's been one with a very small AoE.

I'm not saying it's guaranteed to be better, but can we try it out?

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I wouldn't think it would make it overpowered IMO. Maybe tone down the damage a bit to compensate for fury, but I'm not a numbers person.

Most EM brutes that I have seen seem to skip it.

Why not?



Sounds like a reasonable upgrade to me
Not like it's overpowered, though that base damage will have to be tweaked for brutes.

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Lol every brute that does not have Stone melee or SS wants the radius on the bpae up to 15. The fact is the smashing damge pbae get a larger range due to facing more common resists. Em has the best single target melee extreme attacks. The price you pay is the worst pbae. Deal with it.

On personal note I think all mellee pbae should be 15 but it aint going to happen.



Yeah, after they increased the animation time on ET, this would be a nice boost to EM to bring it a little more up to others in AoE



Higest damage attack does not equal the highest damage output. On a high recharge build stone beats EM on single target DPA.

Stone Fist DPA 50.24
Energy Punch DPA 50.24

Stone Mallet 42.48
Barrage 41.43

Heavy Mallet 58.34
Bone Smasher 45.6

Seismic Smash 99
Total Focus 45
Energy Transfer 71.23

EM may do better out of the box, but Stone has much higher potential. And also has a 15' aoe.



Stone has much higher potential. And also has a 15' aoe.

[/ QUOTE ]
Slaaaaaaammmmmm......wait for it........duuuuuuuuunkkkkkkk.



I don't think it's even just AoE damage that EM comes up short on. EM used to be very good at ST control, now it loses out to stone, and maybe even to SS, while falling FAR behind of AoE control.

EM is now fair for ST damage, and fair for ST control, and fairly abysmal for both AoE control and AoE damage.

There's enough of a gap that I might even suggest that WH get a boost to its stun chance. Footstomp gets an 80% chance to knock, WH gets a 30% chance for a mag 2 stun.

So Footstomp is the tier 9 power of SS? It deserves to be better? I don't think this kind of an argument holds too much water when game wide powers are considered or even just examining the powers from the SS and EM sets.

The real question to me involves how the power gets used. Right now it's at least somewhat chainable. With a tight group, you'd be able to do more damage with the current version over time, if this was your only AoE.

Only in the later game, with more recharge would this be a dps winner for small teams.

On large teams however, a large, gate crashing AoE would make a heck of an addition to EM.

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