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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Castle View Post
    Powers that summon pets use the Pets AT modifiers. While we can manually adjust scales to mimic the effect of AT mods on the class tables, we do not have the capability of doing that with Max values; the Caps.
    I'm not sure I'm understanding this. Are you saying that there is a single damage cap value for pets that applies to all pets, and you can't change it for one pet without changing it for all pets? Not what I would have expected, but it would explain why even pseudo-pets have never shared the caps of the ATs that get them.
  2. Supernumiphone


    My experience with Dark/Traps was that it didn't work out as well in practice as it did on paper. On SOs anyway. Mainly with regard to the Defense/-tohit synergy. That was primarily due to the ubiquity of defense debuffs. With FFG+CJ+Maneuvers it wasn't uncommon to see my defense numbers go red, even after opening with some -tohit debuffing.

    Against mobs with no defense debuffs it was wonderful. The few attacks that did get through I could usually compensate for with the self heal in DB/.

    Naturally there's a lot of room for improvement with set bonuses to get high enough defense that cascade failure becomes a rarity rather than a regular occurence. Not only that but if I was running a DB/Traps Corruptor on SOs today I'd build it differently and it would be more effective I expect.
  3. I've only gotten (or noticed) two of the new drops since it was implemented. A BotZ: -KB and a TP stealth. It's rare but puts a smile on my face when it does happen.
  4. I'm thinking get PL'ed to 50, accolade yourself out, then restart, enjoying the use of the accolades on the trip up.

    Also you could get PL'ed to 50, unlock whatever costume bits or weapons are essential to your concept, then restart and enjoy them from the start.
  5. If I was doing this I'd probably go for two Dark/Traps. Doubled Tenebrous Tentacles means everything is immobilized all the time, even bosses. That would help a lot in dealing with the fear effect from the AM making everything scatter. The -tohit would be nice too. With that and double FFGs and double Maneuvers you'd be quite durable.

    You don't need Dark Blast to make it work of course. Stacked Caltrops would help a lot too, but even with their movement speed floored mobs can still make it out and take off running in my experience.

    Any primary would work well really. 2xFFG + 2xManeuvers + CJ/Hover means you could blast away with impunity in the majority of situations. After you hit level 35 you can handle the rest by pulling into double mine fields.
  6. You can put me down as an alternate in case you end up with open slots. I should be on around the start time. @Fuzzball or @Fuzzball2. I can bring my Stalker or a Corruptor depending on team makeup.
  7. Supernumiphone

    Hit 50

    I imagine that will be fixed just like procs firing in a small AoE for Tankers due to Gauntlet was fixed. I'm not inclined to roll up a toon based on a mechanic I know is going away.
  8. New to CoV my first toon was a dominator. I was on a PUG, merrily going through punching stuff in the face. I saw a couple of the group members ahead of the rest of us, so I ran to catch up to them.

    Turns out they were Stalkers setting up for assassin's strikes in the middle of the next group of mobs. All the members of my PUG saw was me merrily running into the middle of the group of mobs alone and face-planting. I didn't explain why I'd done such a stupid thing, and nobody asked.
  9. Supernumiphone

    Hit 50

    Originally Posted by Jorlain View Post
    Other than having a bad damage type for a majority of content, I have personally found my DB stalker to be just as aoe-tastic as my elec stalker.
    I've thought about trying a DB Stalker but with nothing but melee cones I don't see a DB/ Stalker really putting out much AoE on high level teams. Depends on the team makeup I'm sure but by the time the tank gets everything nice and clumped up most of the minions are already dead from AoE.

    My Elec/ Stalker has a high recharge build, so BU->Lightning Rod is available for every group, and sometimes multiple times for large groups. There's no need to get things clustered for a small radius cone. I don't see how DB/ can compare with that, but maybe I need to try it to see for myself. I might be pleasantly surprised.
  10. I agree with the OP for the most part. I was quite underwhelmed by my Ice/ Dom. One of the things that seemed the most ridiculous to me was that I couldn't use the Ice Slick to keep a boss busy while I stacked hold mag on him, since even the hold confers -KB. The immob sure, but even the hold in a set that has a KD power as its every fight power?

    I knew going in that it offered less total mitigation, generally slowing down incoming damage rather than eliminating it. That's why I paired mine with /Psi for Drain Psyche. I'm glad I made that call but the set still didn't seem to do much of anything better than other primaries I've tried.

    Originally Posted by Roofles View Post
    I disliked Ice control on the blueside because controllers toss out aoe immobs left and right negating slicks but on redside there really isn't much concern about immobed spawns.
    While true generally I did have other Doms spamming AoE immobs over my Ice Slicks now and then while leveling up my Ice/ Dom.
  11. Supernumiphone

    Hit 50

    Originally Posted by Circuit_Boy View Post
    Teamwise, however, they did and still do, in spite of the changes. I'm not sure how to address that problem, because the fundamental issue is the largely single-target and close-quarters nature of most Stalkers' damage (barring Spines and, to a lesser extent, Electric Melee).
    I agree with this assessment. That's why my last two Stalkers have been Elec Melee and Spines. Sadly though that's it as far as AoE sets go. I'd love to roll a new Stalker but unless I want to repeat one of those two sets I'll be bringing single-target to an AoE party any time I team.

    I'd love it if we got another set with more AoE. Since BS is so close to NB, I was hoping the devs would take the opportunity to differentiate it for Stalkers when it was proliferated by keeping the AoE. Obviously I was disappointed there.

    So for now I'm finishing up my Spines Stalker and once that's done I guess I'm taking a break from Stalkers.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    It's not heterosexuality that's flaunted here.
    Well let's fix that, shall we? I'm a man and I'd totally let Clamor teach me new things. Because she's a woman, and I'm a man, and me being a heterosexual man, I like women, especially freaky chicks like Clamor.

    Just doing my bit to get this thread back on track. No need to thank me.

    Also: Rack
  13. Quote:
    I apologize if I'm down about /earth, I had very very high hopes for the set.
    I've had the same reaction to it. The melee attacks are nice, but the rest is too clunky. For my highly mobile playstyle two attacks that can't be fired off in the air are a minus, not to mention they are so slow, and one can't be used on enemies in the air either. Add in sloooooow Tremor and the small radius on the other two's a real disappointing set.

    It seems like a strange set to be the first new one after the Dom revamp. I don't know if Castle was so concerned about making it too strong that he over-weakened it, or if it was just a matter of expedience.
  14. MA/Regen. Spines would be nice but brutes wouldn't get the version scrappers have now. As has been said, next time Spines is looked at it's getting nerfed, and a proliferation would definitely qualify. That's why I'd rather it didn't get proliferated any time soon. I'd at least like to get my Spines stalker to 50 before it gets nerfed.
  15. I'll join for a respec. Seems like people hardly run them anymore. I'll bring my level 50 Stalker, Inducto, unless the team ends up low on support in which case I can bring a Corruptor.
  16. I should be available this evening as an alternate if there are any empty spots. @Fuzzball or @Fuzzball2
  17. I take my time getting the last handful of levels. I mostly watch the global channels and if someone is running an ITF or LGTF and is willing to take non-max-level toons, I'll switch and join. Do that enough times and you'll hit 50 with enough merits to help get you kitted out.
  18. It sure looks like I picked a good time to take a break from the game. This helps reduce the temptation to return prematurely. I hope it gets fixed in a timely, but not too timely way.

    Thanks to everyone who tested and such, an impressive effort.
  19. Team 2 finished at a bit under 1:40 with 25 deaths. I'm a bit rusty at the LRSF so my leadership wasn't all it should have been, but thankfully we pulled through. Thanks to everyone for coming out, and special thanks to Domina for sleeping the FP on the last mission, that made all the difference.

    Edit: Oh yeah I should mention that was my first successful LRSF on Freedom, so extra thanks to everyone who joined! With my alt-itis it's been a long road to 50 since I transferred here, and having all the SFs done now on my first Freedom 50 makes me really feel like I've settled into my new(ish) home.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MurderousMalk View Post
    .if you petition hard enough, you just might get it added (cough, cough...Claws for example)
    Brutes got Claws because it was an easy port. The people asking for it all this time had nothing to do with it.
  21. I'd say start here and if that doesn't help post in the Development->Technical Issues & Bugs section and ask for help. That's where the people most likely to be able to answer your question reside.
  22. I'll come along too. I'll bring Ignogon, a level 50 Fire/Dark Corruptor.
  23. Looks like you're full but you can put me down as a backup. I can bring my usual Stalker or a Corruptor.
  24. I should be able to make this one. I'll bring Inducto, level 46 Elec/Regen Stalker.
  25. Supernumiphone

    Brute? MEH!

    Originally Posted by Tonality View Post
    I think you're looking for end-game performance mid-game.
    This IMO. Keep in mind that Brutes are not tanks. Brute defenses are at the same level as a Scrapper, albeit backed up by a bit more HP. Sure you can tank and take alphas, but you typically have to build for that. A build like that is tight. You have to make difficult choices and sacrifice some things you'd like to have to make it work. Some things might have to be put off until pretty late in the build, or skipped altogether. It's one of the reasons you see posted builds that skip what some people consider to be "core" powers. You can't have it all.