Wentworths crash >.>




This is getting really rather aggrevating not to mention time consuming. It's taking me 3 tries on each character to load on to WW. If i'm lucky and there is not that many people I only crash once. It just takes a good 5 minutes to load, once loaded a lost connection to mapserver message appears. I do not have any lag other than that, unless at peak times.

My computer runs on 4GB of RAM and a decent/good harddrive...

So my question is, what is causing this, it's getting ridiculous

@Psycho Jas



I'd say start here and if that doesn't help post in the Development->Technical Issues & Bugs section and ask for help. That's where the people most likely to be able to answer your question reside.



Originally Posted by Supernumiphone View Post
I'd say start here and if that doesn't help post in the Development->Technical Issues & Bugs section and ask for help. That's where the people most likely to be able to answer your question reside.
Excellent suggestions from Supernumiphone.

Also, for the OP: Is this the first time it's happened for you, or has this been consistent for a while? And, what geographical location are you connecting from (I see you have two .EU accounts)? I may have a particular solution once I get more info from you from another player who was in your position last year.



Originally Posted by Turgenev View Post
Excellent suggestions from Supernumiphone.

Also, for the OP: Is this the first time it's happened for you, or has this been consistent for a while? And, what geographical location are you connecting from (I see you have two .EU accounts)? I may have a particular solution once I get more info from you from another player who was in your position last year.

Yeah i'm playing from England.. (London) If that means anything hehe. And it's pretty consistant for the past month or so =/

@Psycho Jas