Changing powersets...what if? a guy's dream




I am currently looking to clear up some space on my favorite server. To do so will require me to sacrafice a couple old level 50's that have been collecting dust for many an issue. I know, I know.. the easy answer is buy more slots from the game store. I've already done this a couple times and besides I like to think outside-the-box. =)

Anyway, this got my mind racing. What if....

Will there ever be a system in place that allows a character to respec into new powersets? Now, I am not simply saying one should be able to simply repec from stone armor to willpower or nrg melee to superstrength without penalty or consequence. And I am definitely not suggesting the ability to trade AT's. What I am saying is there would need to be a system in place to prevent any sort of exploitation and not cause our devs too many headaches.

.... what if.... (and please don't flame me too severely... I am simply imagining, "what if?")

__________________________________________________ __________________________
(Level 50 player approaches Elite Respecification Arbitor.....)

Player - "Arbiter, I would like to change my disciplines."

Arbiter - "Do you realize the significant consequences of this request? Lord Recluse will have both our heads if finds out about this!"

Player - "Yes I do sir?"

Arbiter - "Return to me after completing your assigned tasks."

(Player returns after completing arduous tasks....)

Arbiter - "You have completed my tasks. Very good. Very good indeed. Are you sure you wish to continue your power restructuring?"

Player - " I am certain."

Arbiter - "Very well. Your level has changed from lvl 50 to lvl 1. You may keep your earned accolades. All inventions and power enhancements on your person will be sold to the black market for fair market value. Please choose your new power sets and be gone... as to not draw too much attention to my operation."
__________________________________________________ _________________________

I know this is HIGHLY unlikely. However, my example would not be considered exploitable because players taking advantage of this would be taking MASSIVE penalty. These "level 1's" would be at square one just like any other new toon, with the obvious exception of earned accolades and any ammassed fortune. (No doubt these would help, but who doesn't give their lowbies a boost of infamy/influence from a lvl50 anyway? And you already DID earn those accolades!)

RP'ers could use this if, say for instance, their big bad brute is going soft and heading to Atlas Park to clean up the streets with a new identity and set of powers when GR is released.

People like me, who wouldn't mind keeping an old brute around, but only if we could change from that energy melee to something fresh and exciting.... say for instance claws! =)

Just something to make you go.... hmmmmmm
Have fun all... that's why we play!



I actually like this idea a lot. I doubt that it will ever happen. But if an AT respec were possible, this is how it should happen.

Sometimes a new build comes along that might fit our character better than the current one, and losing everything except for badges to respec the archetype is fair.



I agree, this is how a system like this should/would look like IMO, but unfortunately i dont believe it will ever happen even if there was a balanced way to implement it.



i like that idea but... mabey down to lvl 22 i cant stand pre fitness lvls



It's a nice idea. There's a lot of little details that would have to be addressed, however. Like what happens to all the contacts you've already done missions for?



The OP isn't talking about changing that characters AT,
but about changing their Primary and/or Secondary powersets...

Things like a Spines/SR Scrapper becoming a Claws/Regen Scrapper.

Which would also be useful for power proliferation changes, to allow players with a then level 50 character a chance to change to any powersets of that characters AT. (Brute -> Brute)

Even if the drop was to around level 10/20 ish rather than level 1, and that capes, auras and costume slots already unlocked (level 20, 30 and 40 missions) remained unlocked.

Additionally it would be nice to keep the 'Call' options for contacts that have already given you missions to that level, even if their mission progress bar was reset.

This could work by having any known contacts outside your level range listed on the inactive list as now, but also including known contacts you are below the level for.

With my suggested adjustments above...
I'd be happy to say... /Signed

Nuff Said...
Coolio Wolfus leader of Coolio�s Crusaders on Union.
Tekna Logik leader of Tekna�s Tormentors on Defiant.
AE arc 402506, 'The Rise and Demise or Otherwise of Tekna Logik...'.



I like the idea, and I agree that it is near the top of the list of impossible things that would never happen. As game breaking as it could be, there could be balance if there were a list of truly arduous, non-speedable things that would need to be done.

Words to the wise aren't necessary- it's the stupid ones that need them.

"You're right...I forgot...being constantly at or the near the damage cap is a big turn off. Definitely not worth it."
- Vitality



Originally Posted by magikwand View Post
I like the idea, and I agree that it is near the top of the list of impossible things that would never happen. As game breaking as it could be, there could be balance if there were a list of truly arduous, non-speedable things that would need to be done.
I don't know. I don't think it would be game breaking. After all, it puts you back to lvl 1.

All it really does is say "Here, keep the badges you've earned, but you still have to start all over with the new powers."

So it's not you're going from 1-50 with an easy set, and then changing powers to the better set, that's harder to level with.

To the OP, I don't care for the scenerio you wrote out But I like the idea.

*and BTW isn't this the wrong thread?

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
I don't know. I don't think it would be game breaking. After all, it puts you back to lvl 1.

All it really does is say "Here, keep the badges you've earned, but you still have to start all over with the new powers."

So it's not you're going from 1-50 with an easy set, and then changing powers to the better set, that's harder to level with.

To the OP, I don't care for the scenerio you wrote out But I like the idea.

*and BTW isn't this the wrong thread?
Oh, I misread that part. I was skimming the OPost and thought that the OP was suggesting something more like a respec with respect to powersets. Still I don't like the idea of rolling a newish toon and keeping badges.

Words to the wise aren't necessary- it's the stupid ones that need them.

"You're right...I forgot...being constantly at or the near the damage cap is a big turn off. Definitely not worth it."
- Vitality



I'm thinking get PL'ed to 50, accolade yourself out, then restart, enjoying the use of the accolades on the trip up.

Also you could get PL'ed to 50, unlock whatever costume bits or weapons are essential to your concept, then restart and enjoy them from the start.



Originally Posted by Supernumiphone View Post
I'm thinking get PL'ed to 50, accolade yourself out, then restart, enjoying the use of the accolades on the trip up.

Also you could get PL'ed to 50, unlock whatever costume bits or weapons are essential to your concept, then restart and enjoy them from the start.
You could, true. PL will be an issue with anything. Leveling a Archery/MM blaster right now, concept wise I see her more with a Talasorian Bow, that said, I don't see why I would PL her up as something else just so I can make sure I get the bow from level 1 and do it all again though. Maybe other do?

That said, except for the TF badges required for some accolades, one doesn't really need to worry about being high level to get some of the accolades anymore.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



It's been suggested before many of times before and two solutions that has been present are server transfers and more slots.

Virtue: @Santorican

Dark/Shield Build Thread



What if you could just use the existing "choose second build" option? Players should be allowed to change their secondary powerset only.

Perhaps it could be a "perk" upgrade, like the magic, wedding, science ect perks.

Maybe a new contact could be placed on the map to do a powerswap of secondary powers.

So if you are a Fire Meele Stone Armor, you could then Choose your build option to become Energy Melee Stone Armor.

I Think it is penalty enough to loose all your Slotting Hancers especially if you have IO's.

I would buy it even if the Perk Upgrade cost $15.00!

After all you are only able to choose 2 builds so exploits could only go so far, if at all.

I think it would be cool to be able to get to 50 and have the chance to "Master" different powersets. It would add to the enjoyment of getting and playing my 50's.

Perhaps this could become unlockable content at a certain lvl, like 25, 30, 40, or yet another Perk of becoming lvl 50.

**New Contact Dialog Box at 50** Congrats your character has reached lvl 50, a new contact is now available to further your abilities. There could then be a arc to go along with this.

Like i said i would be happy to even pay for such an option. This idea could rake in yet more cash, or much needed cash because it seems that not only is the content lacking at 50 but players are becoming.....distant from COX more and more.

Please incorporate this!!!



Fundamental shifts in the capability of fictional characters is certainly not unheard of, but it cannot happen at all often without getting very weird.

Still, I really don't see much opportunity for abuse, you could just impose a few basic rules:

No more than one per account per X months (award it as a vet reward if you want)

No more than once per character per Y months (some people will hoard Vet rewards)

No changing to a new powerset or a newly proliferated powerset for at least Z months after said set became available on live.

Let people make their own stories as to how this happened, maybe some will enshrine it in the architect, or just change it for the heck of it.

The system doesn't do a lot of bad things:

It doesn't allow people power they wouldn't otherwise have
It doesn't unbalance reward systems more than they are
It doesn't add incentive to exploit the system more than is currently possible

It does reduce the amount of play time in the low/middle levels That's not necessarily a good thing, but if you limit how often it can happen? no big deal.

The largest problem I see is how to deal with enhancements, and there's currently no easy solution I see as particularly fair.

On the other hand, I wouldn't make a priority out of all this either. In my opinion, the game needs some fresh new, interesting environments, innovative play mechanics, increased interaction with a richer world and then an overhaul to combat system on one hand and more viable non-combat challenges on the other to keep it fresh, interesting and modern. Solve a meaningful part of that and the idea of going through 50 levels yet again will sound like an opportunity, not a grind...

I'm very hopeful that Rogue will hit on at least some of the above.

The cake is a lie! The cake is a lie!



Originally Posted by Gardo View Post
I am currently looking to clear up some space on my favorite server. To do so will require me to sacrafice a couple old level 50's that have been collecting dust for many an issue. I know, I know.. the easy answer is buy more slots from the game store. I've already done this a couple times and besides I like to think outside-the-box. =)

Anyway, this got my mind racing. What if....

Will there ever be a system in place that allows a character to respec into new powersets? Now, I am not simply saying one should be able to simply repec from stone armor to willpower or nrg melee to superstrength without penalty or consequence. And I am definitely not suggesting the ability to trade AT's. What I am saying is there would need to be a system in place to prevent any sort of exploitation and not cause our devs too many headaches.

.... what if.... (and please don't flame me too severely... I am simply imagining, "what if?")

__________________________________________________ __________________________
(Level 50 player approaches Elite Respecification Arbitor.....)

Player - "Arbiter, I would like to change my disciplines."

Arbiter - "Do you realize the significant consequences of this request? Lord Recluse will have both our heads if finds out about this!"

Player - "Yes I do sir?"

Arbiter - "Return to me after completing your assigned tasks."

(Player returns after completing arduous tasks....)

Arbiter - "You have completed my tasks. Very good. Very good indeed. Are you sure you wish to continue your power restructuring?"

Player - " I am certain."

Arbiter - "Very well. Your level has changed from lvl 50 to lvl 1. You may keep your earned accolades. All inventions and power enhancements on your person will be sold to the black market for fair market value. Please choose your new power sets and be gone... as to not draw too much attention to my operation."
__________________________________________________ _________________________

I know this is HIGHLY unlikely. However, my example would not be considered exploitable because players taking advantage of this would be taking MASSIVE penalty. These "level 1's" would be at square one just like any other new toon, with the obvious exception of earned accolades and any ammassed fortune. (No doubt these would help, but who doesn't give their lowbies a boost of infamy/influence from a lvl50 anyway? And you already DID earn those accolades!)

RP'ers could use this if, say for instance, their big bad brute is going soft and heading to Atlas Park to clean up the streets with a new identity and set of powers when GR is released.

People like me, who wouldn't mind keeping an old brute around, but only if we could change from that energy melee to something fresh and exciting.... say for instance claws! =)

Just something to make you go.... hmmmmmm
Have fun all... that's why we play!
this is going to sound very rude, but... after seeing this pop up at least 1 time a month...

abso-*******-lutely not. no no no no no no nooooo, and no. never. ever. ever. ever. that is why we can make new toons and are encouraged to do so.

also, learn to search before making anymore posts about this idea or any idea in general.