Silver Gale

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  1. Silver Gale

    Longer Bios

    Originally Posted by Texarkana View Post
    That goes without saying, yes. Are you trying to suggest that storing/transferring it upon query would be....expensive? If a bio is 1,023 characters, that is effectively 1Kb. Doubling it to 2048 is 2Kb. These are stupid small numbers in today's computing, especially considering the smallest file size in most modern file systems is 4Kb....i.e., there's room in the space reserved to store the bio.
    No there isn't, because the bio isn't a separate file on the server, it's a field in a database. That means for every character ever created in game, there is 1Kb of space in the database reserved for a bio, no matter how much text the player actually put in the field.

    Doubling that would mean having to reserve an additional 1Kb for every character that exists on the servers currently, including those from Trial and banned accounts, and redoing all the estimates for "how many more characters can our databse hold before we have to get a bigger HD". It's a lot of work just to let a small segment of players write a little more about their characters.
  2. I noticed the new icons on the map in Talos and then St Martial a few days before the arcs came out. Then it was just a matter of looking up the "equivalent" zone on the other side (Talos -> Sharks, St Martial -> FF) and checking the map for a green icon that wasn't there before.

    Not that hiding new content from the people who paid for it is a good idea, but it did make me feel really smart for about 5 minutes.
  3. Yay, new part of SSA! Extra Alignment Merits for all my Alts that collect them.

    ...and plot, I suppose. Eh, we'll see.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    Half the playerbase minus Arcanaville is still about half the playerbase. When half the playerbase minus Arcanaville is not still about half the playerbase, Paragon Studios won't need a long-term game plan.

    Assuming 125k subs, it's 49.9992% of the playerbase. I just felt I should point out that you are expemt from the two hypothetical groups, since you tend to post strongly-worded opinions based firmly in fact and supported with data, and can manage that just fine without knowing the plans in detail.
  5. What, so half the playerbase (minus Arcanaville) can give them strongly-worded opinions based on nothing but personal preference, and the other half can cry bloody murder whenever there is any change?
  6. I would define "pay to win" as a situation where 1) there is an upgrade available in the ingame store, 2) the upgrade is not available through gameplay in any way, 3) it is such a good upgrade that if it *were* available through gameplay, any character would be getting it as a matter of course. It doesn't have to be a *huge* upgrade numerically, it just has to have a clear beneficial effect to any character taking it.

    Something like making pre-Inherent Fitness a store-only pool, or selling a permament Auto +6% DEF to All temp power in the store that's not available anywhere else, would qualify as "pay to win".

    Temp powers that are available through gameplay and in fact fairly mediocre compared to other temp powers available through gameplay, do not.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chase_Arcanum View Post
    Think of it this way- the devs want to "encourage" you to move on to the next tier of content while earning the next tier of powers. Now that they have more trials, they *could* do this simply by awarding an all-new XP & salvage for those trials, set new trials to work with that, and have everyone grind those out. That would be the harshest method to push you to new content.

    This is far less harsh.
    This lets you get moderately diminished rewards, but at least earn something relevant.

    This is more akin to what happens when you level up and the foes in Atlas Park go from white and yellow to blue and green. You get less reward from fighting them because you've advanced beyond the challenge they provide. Eventually, they'll be gray. You're being prodded to move beyond Atlas park and seek challenges elsewhere.

    That's what the downgrade of this reward is- once you've unlocked the slots, you get a few Astral merits instead of the more valuable Empyrian. You're getting better, so the trial is getting less challenging, so you're seeing less reward. Move along to other challenges for better reward, or stay at the less challenging but familiar stuff for less reward.

    Ideally, it would have been this way from the start.... but they didn't have that many trials back then. This is bound to be an issue since its being done NOW instead of back then, but its hardly a deal-breaker.
    While I roll my eyes at people who call this "punishment", "no more reason to be a VIP" or being "forced" into certain Trials, I do think it is a bad idea.

    There will be a sharp divide between characters who do not have Lore/Destiny unlocked (and thus are at a maximum of +1) and those who have them both slotted with Rares.

    The lower-rank Incarnates can either try to form entry Trials among themselves, or they can try to join the higher-ranks in the advanced Trials, and be at a distinct disadvantage (and increase the chance of the whole League failing).

    With no recompense for entry Trials, the higher-rank Incarnates basically have to run the advanced Trials if they want the Good Stuff. On smaller servers, there may not be enough Serious Raiders available at most times to organise the advanced Trials, making progress slow or impossible. Not to mention that without their help, the lower-rank Incarnates will have a tougher time with even the entry Trials.

    Then there's the people in between, the ones who have run the entry Trials enough to unlock the Lore and Destiny slots, but do not have enough Salvage to slot them with Rares for the cruical +2 Incarnate Shift, or those who are not interested in more difficult Trials but still want some of the Empyrean-only unlocks. They're the ones complaining the loudest right now because they have been left in the cold.

    The people interested in endgame raids are already a small part of just the VIP subscribers. Splitting that group up more (and trying to force a large number of them to pick a side) cannot possibly be healthy for the Trials, or for general player goodwill.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rock_Crag View Post
    If we're going to continue to get more and more trees added to the Incarnate powers... can you at least make it so we can salvage (IE, break down into shards/threads/components) the incarnate powers we spent so many hours building? Or at the very least... offer a side-grade for them?

    I'd like to think the Devs wouldn't want their players to feel like they're wasting their time... or that they're missing out because they already constructed their T4 Alpha before that better option became available.
    They said very early on that the Incarnate system could get updated pretty much indefinitely with new power trees as well as new tiers in existing trees.

    So a character can "grow in power" as an Incarnate not just by going up the ranks in a single ability, but also by crafting several abilities from different trees.

    Think of having multiple level 50s on a single server. You can't actually log in more than one at a time, but the more of them you have, the more flexibility you have in what you can bring to a high level TF. And you don't feel like you're "wasted your time" or are "missing out" when a new powerset comes out, you just level a new character to 50, and increase your flexibility as a player even further.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Benchpresser View Post
    Actually- yes you CAN. I just did it on 2 separate Rogues and got 30 threads each time. I ran SSA1 both sides and got 20- then I ran SSA2 Hero side and got my 10. Lastly I ran SSA2 Villain and was told no I couldn't get threads, so I was able to get 30. Like I said, no it isn't a solo Incarnate path but it's a start.
    If you've never run any SSA before on that particular character, then you got the "freebie" for Arc 1, then your weekly reward, then the "freebie" for Arc 2. Next week, you will only be able to get 10 threads the first time, and nothing else.

    On the week that the third arc comes out, you'll be able to get 10 threads from that, and another weekly 10 threads.
  10. If they are going to be releasing a new storyarc every month for the forseeable future, and they are all going to be easily soloable in 30 minutes or so, putting them all on the same cooldown is the only way to prevent a massive deflation in value of Hero Merits.

    They have the first-time-freebie so that people who come in late and play through all the storyarcs in a row are not penalized compared to people who play the arcs once as they come out.

    The SSAs make a lot more sense if you think of them more as a VIP perk than as something the Devs expect Premiums to buy on a regular basis.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Vanden View Post
    Something I've been wondering about since running this arc; according to the Guardian in the second mission (heroside at least), the Watchers are more important in Rularuu's hierarchy than Brutes or Wisps. Also, the Rulu-shin have unique chest and glove details with prominent Rularuu eyes on them. What I'm wondering is if the Rularuu = eyes thing is part of the original Rularuu canon for the game, or a recent development.
    The eyeball bosses are called Overseers - both their description and the badge for them (dating back to I2) implies that they do oversee the other soldiers of Rularuu, which would mean they have some measure of authority.
  12. I think it says something about how much faith I have left in the mission writers that I'm *still* not sure if Darrin Wade is playing the long con, or if the writer of this arc just didn't read Wade's arc through to the end and assumed stealing artifacts from the Midnighters for his own use was his entire shtick.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mr_Morbid View Post
    It's hard for me to take threats from Hardcase seriously when one of the villain alignment tips in the same level range involves releasing some demons just to piss him off and then beating him up.
    I'm fairly sure that Tip mission was written specifically to let you do that.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
    When I dump "junk" salvage for less than 100 inf, it is so that people can get the salvage they need without paying through the nose for stuff they need for crafting.

    I know that I'm taking an Inf hit (I don't really care because if I'm in a hurry I'll delete it anyway), but when someone comes along and artificially raises the cost by doing what the original poster does, it annoys me.
    When I want to craft IOs in the 45-50 range, I bid between 300-500 on the salvage to make sure sellers don't get less than vendor price.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Venture View Post
    What you imagine has absolutely no currency.

    There are two reasons for this. The first is simply that the game is what it is, and gluing feathers on a rat won't make it a swan. If you have to keep mentally editing the text to make it comport to your expectations, or even to make it make sense, you end up in "Click Here To Fight Mobs Land". At which point you seriously have to ask if maybe you might get better entertainment elsewhere.
    Nah, I couldn't make up superhero antics all on my own including background history and everything. And I don't think I could create a better "beating up mobs" system than this one. As a springboard for my imagination, where I accept stuff I like, and ignore or rewrite stuff I don't like, CoH works quite well.

    The secondary reason is that the devs will take the story in the direction they want, not in the direction you imagined. Sure, most of the time your fanwank isn't going to matter, but if (e.g.) the devs decide to re-use Thiery (yeah, so what if there was an option to kill him, Bobby Ewing was dead too) then you're Jossed.
    I don't see how the writers' decision to re-use Thiery in a future arc would Joss a player's decision that their character punched Thiery in the face. Unless he's introduced with narration saying something like "You remember Thiery, and how you very patiently listened to his ranting and absolutely did not punch him in the face before arresting him". Even then, you can just ignore it. Not like they'll dock you XP for not playing along.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    This is why I find myself quite literally offended by "terse" tells. The person clearly wants something from me, but he is putting the responsibility of decrypting his communication in MY lap. This is work I have to do before I even know what's being said to me, long before I have any way to know if this work is even worth doing. If the person telling me "team brute 36?" is asking me if I want to join him, then I might. If that person is asking if I want him to join him, then no, I don't. But I don't know and, frankly, if said person couldn't be arsed to help me figure it out, then I can't be arsed to bother my head with riddles.

    The funny thing is, most people's self-defence when called out on poor communication skills is "Who cares as long as you know what I'm talking about?" Well, that's the rub, isn't it? I DON'T know what you're talking about, and you get uppity with me when I ask you to clarify.
    Yeah, I don't grudge people for using abbreviations and I don't grudge them for making typos, but the more you abbreviate, the more you risk losing all meaning completely with a single typo.

    Suppose I get a /tell that just asks: "ift?" Now I'm just confused, because I don't know if they mean ITF but swapped the two last letters, or LFT but typoed an I for an L.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Primary_Unit View Post
    How is this possible? Are you in an instanced version of the city map even though the map is uncovered as it would be in an area where you've been before? Or are you actually in the normal city zone? If you are, how does it handle the different versions different people should see? Do people who don't have that contact see you as standing near an empty spot?
    It's a technique known as "phasing", where basically the server tells your client to draw different things depending on your character's database entry.

    On a side note, it amuses me that ten years ago, the fact that two people playing a game on two different computers could see the *same* things was what made people go "wow, how do they do that?!". History goes in cycles and all that.
  18. Let's just sort out the complaints once and for all...

    There's been a lot of downtime recently, the downtime is right in my prime playtime, I haven't been able to play the game as much as I'd like. ;.;
    I sympathize! This totally sucks. I love this game too and I hate not being able to play it.

    I have paid for a month of access and I'm not getting what I paid for! I *deserve* to have extra days refunded!
    You didn't pay for a month of access, you paid for access to the service whenever it's up during one month. Read the EULA. No, seriously, read it. It's not "a lame excuse", it is a contract that states exactly what you paid them for and what you can and cannot expect in return for your money.

    This is poor business sense, I may be lenient but others won't, if you carry on like this you will lose players.
    So you think they haven't realised that downtime will make players angry and possibly lead to people leaving, and they urgently need your post in the forum to explain this to them? "Of course! We should be trying to have *less* downtime, not *more*! How could we have been so blind? Thank you, AngryPoster!"

    The Devs should be doing something about all this downtime!
    The Devs (well, the server techs) *are* doing something. That's why there's downtime. They are taking the servers offline and doing things to make them work better.

    Well they should be doing something to make there be less downtime.
    Oh? And what exactly can you do to CoH game servers that will make them work better that can be done while they're still running, without risking any data loss (the data, let me remind you, is someone's character, with all their costumes and IOs and badges)? And also fits within the budget they have without having to make cuts elsewhere?

    TRICK QUESTION! You don't know. The Devs do. They know their budget and their servers. They *know* additional downtime will make more players lose playtime, and that players who don't get to play when they wanted will be angry players.

    They still went ahead with the downtimes, so that means whatever players are going to leave because of the downtimes are already accounted for and deemed "acceptable losses".

    In short:

    We all know it sucks when you can't play the game. But if the Devs and server techs decided the servers need more downtime, no amount of angry posting will make there be less downtime.
  19. Silver Gale

    hero merit?

    Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
    Uh, really? I'm pretty sure it's "BUY" one per day, not "SPEND" one per day. I only have one merit on my reaffirmed characters so I can't confirm this. Can someone else clarify which one of us is wrong here?
    It's both. You can turn in 50 Reward Merits and 20 million Inf for one Alignment Merit every 18 hours, and you can turn in Alignment Merits for stuff once every 18 hours. Those are two separate timers, so if you buy an Alignment Merit with Reward Merits, you can turn it in immediately.
  20. Silver Gale

    Points...and I

    Originally Posted by Nyx View Post
    Im not angry, but Im sad, and I feel sort of duped. I am a VIP for now...and although that is super, and I have made the point od stating that I will be VIP whenever I can be...I still feel jilted...just a little...and here is why!!!!

    The issue I have is that before hand I was not allow to buy them just put them in my wish list, which means not being able to unlock 2 toons becausue I might not have the money.
    I'm guessing you can't buy them because you're still a VIP, so you get access to them as part of your sub.

    Trying to step down to Premium and retain access to everything you've had before is not going to be cheap. This is by design, as Paragon Studios want you to stay a VIP if at all possible.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GUGuardianEX View Post
    It sometimes makes me wonder if we can only ever get so many VRs.

    Moreover, I can't help but wonder if there's some kind of activity requirement (like medical school, where they only give out so many As, Bs, and down the line) and it depends on how much killing you've done, how many times you've died, or anything like that.

    I'm running into a wall here, too, and it's making me lose interest in playing all together. If there's a system beyond random, I'd dearly like to know what it is because I'm tired of working hard and getting screwed!
    Okay, A for actually taking the time to search in the forums for whether a topic has come up before. F for not actually paying any attention to the post date, forum, or indeed content of the thread.

    In answer to your question: No, there is no system for getting a specific rarity reward table, it's random. There is an activity check, but it only measures whether you get 10 threads table or a random rarity reward table. There is some data suggesting that achieving badge requirements may improve the chances of better rolls for the whole League.

    You can get the Rares and VRares with Emp Merits, and the benefit of T4 over T3 is really not proportionate to the cost. T4s are a long-term goal for competionists.

    Getting a Common or Uncommon reward table is not "getting screwed", it's "not winning the lottery".
  22. If I were writing it, I'd go with Synapse, but being cynical, it'll probably be Sister Psyche.
  23., man. I'm not famous enough to get name-squatted? But I post on the forums all the time! And make fun of people for demanding things that are not technically feasible! And fangirl Arcanaville!
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    Oh, and here's another gem:

    So you gave me the bombs... to blow up myself?
    That's "blow myself up." I get that these thing still exist in old content from before proof-reading was invented, but why are things like that in newer content.
    I'm guessing this particular instance is someone trying to follow the non-rule of "never end a sentence with a preposition".