I want to punch Aaron Thiery (spoilers)




I know people use the "I want to punch <person/object>" a lot and very generally, but this isn't the case. Whenever I run Aaron's final mission, my brain sends signals to my hands to punch, and it's only through sheer will and presence of mind that I don't fist-bump my screen over the edge of my desk. The guy goes on and on and on about how heroes are irresponsible and they need to be reminded to be vigilant and on and on and at EVERY text screen, I have the urge to punch the guy.

So why can't I?

Yes, yes, I'm aware there's an option to kill him, but that's not really what I'm talking about. Killing him in this case is an act of petty vengeance and the path to the dark side, or at the very least the "less than perfect" path. Killing a man in cold blood is a big thing on hero-side, and it's actually not as satisfying as one might think. For one, Aaron specifically asks for it, so I'd be giving him what I want, and for another... It just ain't right. Not like this.

No, what I want is an option to punch him in the mouth, send his glasses flying across the room, put him down on the ground, yell at him and leave him for the police to deal with. I want an option to do this BEFORE he's had the chance to exposit his whole damn lecture, because... Frankly, I don't care what he has to say. I don't care what his excuse is for why people had to die. At least this once, I want to be the hot-headed but otherwise good-natured anime protagonist, I want to be the Naruto, the character who doesn't care about politics, excuses and justification and just calls people out when they do something horrible.

I don't want to kill Aaron Thiery, because I'm not interested in revenge. I want to punch him in the mouth because I wan to shut him up, because I want to knock him off his high horse and because I want to show that I care in more than just slightly angry words. So picture this scenario:

Aaron starts talking about why he helped Arachnos, but he gets about two sentences out before the dialogue presents me with an option: A) Let Aaron finish or B) Punch Aaron and arrest him on the spot. If you choose to let him finish, the conversation proceeds as normal, only at EVERY screen, you get the same option as before to punch and arrest him, and at every step you can end the dialogue right there, with the Arachnos ambush spawning as expected.

Maybe it would just really fit my teenage idealist super hero character to not want to listen to Aaron's tripe and maybe it just really fits her to get angry and sock him in the face, but I'd really, REALLY love to see an option for that. I would replay that arc in a HEARTBEAT if that option existed. I spoke with an old in-game friend of mine earlier today, and he said he simply refused running that arc because he dislike Aaron himself just that much, but I suppose this might get him to replay it, too.

Come on, you know you'd love it, too!

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I want to punch Willy Wheeler in the face every time I see his face in my contacts window. If he happens to reel backwards and fall off that cliff he's next to, all the better. Definitely need an option to violently deal with Willy after his arc.



Wait for Arbiter to appear.

Grab Aaron by ankles.

Activate Whirlwind.




I think we can all agree that there are many characters in this game we want to punch in the face but never get a chance to.

An interesting run was my katana/will brute on Exalted, when I had her run the arc, I had her kill Aaron, not out of revenge, but because she has a fairly strong, traditional Japanese outlook. (Zaibatsu heiress) In this case: gaining a measure of atonement through death.
She originally considered just arresting him and basically looking down on him as someone too worthless to stain her family blade on, but when she learned he HAD actually kept Matthew Hashaby and the prisoners alive, she felt he did have a chance at redemption, just not in this life.
And so, in a single swift cut, she took his head.

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



When I ran the newbie arcs in flashback with my main on Virtue, I opted to arrest Aaron. Why give him what he wants?

Although I could easily see my guy casually lifting him up by the collar and smiling mirthlessly. "Death? Oh no, Aaron, you don't get off THAT easily. You're going to have to face all those folks you've hurt with your actions."

"Let your plans be dark and as impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt." --Sun Tzu, The Art of War



Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
I want to punch Darrin Wade in the face. What a turd.
Wade has nothing on Phipps. Not only does his direct arcs make my skin crawl, even when he shows up in a tip mission its clear some cosmic law makes him into an evil Ferris Bueller that is untouchable no matter what you do.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Ghostmaker View Post
Although I could easily see my guy casually lifting him up by the collar and smiling mirthlessly. "Death? Oh no, Aaron, you don't get off THAT easily. You're going to have to face all those folks you've hurt with your actions."
Or better yet, with your middle finger and index finger, pick him up by the nostrils and walk out of the mission carrying him like that while walking down the streets of Atlas for all to see. Facing your harmed ones is worse than death, but having a Spines Scrapper pick you up through your nose is even worse than both of those put together.

@Blaze Moon, Blaze Moon the 2nd

This is where something more interesting than my global and this sentence would be.



Haha, I'd love that option, Sam!

I found "/em Smack" worked a teeny bit.
I was on as a barbarian with a magic sword who paused for a moment to consider running him through.
In the end... he was too defenseless... A worm better left for the law to collect and send to rot.

Haha... That option you suggested would really be a fabulous touch in this game!! Truly!

You know... one great thing about that ending was that I've long wanted to be able to arrest these guys.
And having him get on his knees with his hands up was somewhat satisfying, in that regard.
I'd love the option to beat people down and then use some sort of Arresting Power, as opposed to defeating them and teleporting them to the Zig (as is supposed to take place).
An actual, take-down and cuff 'em ability would be fun fluff (albeit entirely fluff... but, in my eyes... it is all 100% fluff, so...).

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Wade has nothing on Phipps. Not only does his direct arcs make my skin crawl, even when he shows up in a tip mission its clear some cosmic law makes him into an evil Ferris Bueller that is untouchable no matter what you do.
amen. i really wish the devs would let us just beat him up already. Most of my vills wanted to pound hiim, cant imagine my heroes would mind either. and yes, not letting us fight him in the mission(allegedly we did soemthign to have a cast on his arm) rathr annoyed me. i mean, all my chars are heroes, not vigs, and the hero side was satisfying, but man would it be cathartic to let us beat him up.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Maybe it would just really fit my teenage idealist super hero character to not want to listen to Aaron's tripe and maybe it just really fits her to get angry and sock him in the face, but I'd really, REALLY love to see an option for that. I would replay that arc in a HEARTBEAT if that option existed. I spoke with an old in-game friend of mine earlier today, and he said he simply refused running that arc because he dislike Aaron himself just that much, but I suppose this might get him to replay it, too.
I'd love this.

There's a (Council, I think) tip mission, where at the end, you can listen to the mastermind blather at you over a radio; I take pleasure in switching it off as he starts (it never gets old for me), punching a villain partway through his monologue and shutting the bugger up would be just awesome.



There needs to be more 'punch them in the face' options.

Like with a tip mission red side featuring Bocor. You ahve two options;

1) Point out that you just slaughtered an entire army of ghosts and demons to get here, are still alive and have barely broken a sweat. And he, right now, is in YOUR way...

He pauses, ums a bit and then shuffles out of your way, like a good whipped dog. That suited my first character so damn well.


2) Punch him in the face so hard his Voodun ancestors feel it.

Which my other character did. Bocor crumpled like a damp cardboard box. And damn that was satisfying too.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



I want the option to request that he be given a cellmate who's one of those Freakshow members with no hands. "Wake up AT dood, I got's to 'discharge ma weapon' and u iz gonna help me. Yes, again."




I had no such desire. I found Aaron to be a rather sad character. Filled with false justifications for his horrific acts. Punching him in the face, doing some other random act of violence to him, is just feeding in to his worldview.

It's harder, but ultimately the heroic thing to treat him well, give him over to the authorities and walk away. I always respect when Police Officers treat suspects like human beings and I expect nothing less of 'heroes'.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
There needs to be more 'punch them in the face' options.

Like with a tip mission red side featuring Bocor. You ahve two options;

1) Point out that you just slaughtered an entire army of ghosts and demons to get here, are still alive and have barely broken a sweat. And he, right now, is in YOUR way...

He pauses, ums a bit and then shuffles out of your way, like a good whipped dog. That suited my first character so damn well.


2) Punch him in the face so hard his Voodun ancestors feel it.

Which my other character did. Bocor crumpled like a damp cardboard box. And damn that was satisfying too.
It's weird that I really like Bocor's wordy and eloquent style of speech. *shrug*

Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
I had no such desire. I found Aaron to be a rather sad character. Filled with false justifications for his horrific acts. Punching him in the face, doing some other random act of violence to him, is just feeding in to his worldview.

It's harder, but ultimately the heroic thing to treat him well, give him over to the authorities and walk away. I always respect when Police Officers treat suspects like human beings and I expect nothing less of 'heroes'.
I...actually find myself agreeing with Gecko. While it seems like he may deserve being slapped around for his audacity, any act of violence upon him is a situation of him being right which is the absolute last thing you want.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
No, what I want is an option to punch him in the mouth, send his glasses flying across the room, put him down on the ground, yell at him and leave him for the police to deal with. I want an option to do this BEFORE he's had the chance to exposit his whole damn lecture, because... Frankly, I don't care what he has to say. I don't care what his excuse is for why people had to die. At least this once, I want to be the hot-headed but otherwise good-natured anime protagonist, I want to be the Naruto, the character who doesn't care about politics, excuses and justification and just calls people out when they do something horrible.

I don't want to kill Aaron Thiery, because I'm not interested in revenge. I want to punch him in the mouth because I wan to shut him up, because I want to knock him off his high horse and because I want to show that I care in more than just slightly angry words. So picture this scenario:

I support your logic, and refer you to the immortal words of Jamil Neate:

"When a man strays from the right path, a kind man needs the courage to raise his fist and correct him."

I also think that slapping some sense into him would have been good, as it's a proven technique:

Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Need a /patton emote to do on him.




We need a "kick 'em in the jimmies" option, Saint's Row 3 style. Suffering an ungodly level of pain second only to childbirth. Shame they left that out of Street Justice

Tyger (50), Mutation-Controller Mind/FF - oldest Mind/FF on Union
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Wade has nothing on Phipps. Not only does his direct arcs make my skin crawl, even when he shows up in a tip mission its clear some cosmic law makes him into an evil Ferris Bueller that is untouchable no matter what you do.

Phipps and Daos are both high on my own "What I wouldn't give for a 'Deck this Creep' dialogue option" list. Then again, the last character I ran into them with was Kestrel, and she's... Well, let's just say she's got a bit of a temper. XD

@Brightfires - @Talisander
That chick what plays the bird-things...



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
There needs to be more 'punch them in the face' options.

Like with a tip mission red side featuring Bocor. You ahve two options;

1) Point out that you just slaughtered an entire army of ghosts and demons to get here, are still alive and have barely broken a sweat. And he, right now, is in YOUR way...

He pauses, ums a bit and then shuffles out of your way, like a good whipped dog. That suited my first character so damn well.


2) Punch him in the face so hard his Voodun ancestors feel it.

Which my other character did. Bocor crumpled like a damp cardboard box. And damn that was satisfying too.
That's more or less what I want to see, yeah Sometimes, some people just NEED a punch in the mouth. Not to kill them, not necessarily to hurt them, just so they get some sense punched into them

Originally Posted by Zamuel View Post
I...actually find myself agreeing with Gecko. While it seems like he may deserve being slapped around for his audacity, any act of violence upon him is a situation of him being right which is the absolute last thing you want.
I disagree. That kind of dry, disconnected type of justice is very rare among the characters I create, pretty much isolated to the eponymous Samuel Tow, and only because he has a mostly clinical mind. But for most other characters? Yeah, they'd be angry, and rightly so, and to be honest, most of them would punch him.

See, the reason I want to specifically punch him and NOT kill him is because harming Aaron as some form of retrobution isn't the point. The point is to shut him up. Walking away isn't an option, since he has to go down one way or the other, and the man WILL NOT shut up if you just try to talk to him. So why not have a "I don't wanna' hear it! *slap*" option. I would think this would be even easier to write, since you don't really need any dialogue. Aaron says "Hello." I put my fist through his nose and send him off to the Zig. Conversation end. Because, frankly, that's all the conversation I want to have with that murderer.

Let me flip that question around - would you honestly WANT to debate ethics with a psychopath? I mean, aside from reasons of disconnected curiosity? It's like wrestling with a pig - win or lose, you end up getting dirty and the pig likes it anyway. Shut him up, send him to the Zig, job done, and I get a little bit more satisfaction out of it.

Honestly, I wish this were an option in a LOT of non-essential dialogues in this game. If said dialogue doesn't have any real point, just let me end it with a punch to the teeth.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I want a tennis ball in the nads option. For all contacts. Well... male contacts. Just:

Ask about available missions
Ask about Contact
Tennis Ball in the nads.


Train to a new level of power
Customize your appearance
Tennis ball in the nads



I finally remember what I was thinking when I posted the original thread. My apologies if it came off disorganised - it was 3 AM and I had to get up for work in the morning

When you finally face Aaron in the final mission, he acts humble: "It's not about me, this is for the good of the people, heroes needed to be woken up, I'm doing the right thing." yatta yatta. He's not humble. He's a psychopath, and one who's damn proud of himself. He wants me to listen to his excuses, he wants me to hate him and kill him, he wants me to justify his crime by bringing him to justice one way or the other.

And I don't want to give him the chance.

Do you remember what Mender Ramiel tells you when you first speak with him? The "Coming Storm" ravaged Ouroboros, left it in ruins, and then simply left. The greatest insult that Ouroboros suffered was not violent death, but ignanimous defeat. They hadn't been killed, but simply rendered irrelevant - the antagonist of the future simply no longer saw them as worth its time.

That's what I want for Aaron. Whether I kill him or arrest him, Aaron still wins because he still got to sing his swan song, he still got to say his peace and heroes WILL remember him. He doesn't deserve that. He doesn't deserve the chance to explain himself, he doesn't deserve the notoriety. What Aaron deserves is a punch in the mouth mid-sentence so he can't talk, and then he deserves to be forgotten and ignored by history.

That, really, is why I want to punch him - because he doesn't deserve to try to justify himself, and because I don't want to hear it.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Megajoule View Post
So imagine it.
Write your own path in your head.
Do you really want or expect the game to hold your hand from tutorial to Incarnate?
Exercise some flippin' agency, man.
I'd like the option for it, yes. It's appropriate to the occasion. Such an option is appropriate for rather a few occasions. Is there something wrong with suggesting this?

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.