Silver Gale

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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
    Yes, yes, blah blah blah.
    You make it sound like some vocal minority decided to nerf AE. Guess what, it was the Devs that made that decision.
    Wait... are you telling me that Devs might want to curtail PLing for any reason *other* than pleasing a small minority on the forums?
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tokyo View Post
    If pirates bully people we should disallow robots?
    You want to disallow pirates because they bully people. There is nothing stopping robots from also bullying people. If robots even start bullying people, will you demand they be disallowed as well?
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by NarfMann View Post
    the awesomeness that is Striga.
    I have only five words: "Defeat all enemies on boat".
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
    Well, given that someone has decided to start tagging my posts or threads that I post in with a tag calling me names, it should be very obvious as to some of the rep people leave. There is malice behind it and some are using the ratings (thread, rep, tags) as a means of bullying. This clearly breaks forum rules of behaviour, and should not be tolerated.

    To bring back what was said above, it is schoolyard bullying at its worst.
    So if someone uses forum posts for bullying, then we should disallow forum posts?

    Wait, now, I know what you'll say. "But tags and rep are the province of cowards who hide behind the safety of anonymity, while forum posts require the full weight of someone's self-chosen username on a video game forum".
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
    Amen to that. Thats something I can get behind.
    Grinding for anything thoush, if made mandatory and not optional, is a no no.
    The line between "mandatory" and "optional" is subjective.

    See also: "I'm forced to buy Inf from RMTs to get purples" argument.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zamuel View Post
    Highlighted for emphasis. I think this is the main issue with endgame content. To hard and you just alienate people but if it's too easy then there's no point to even adding it since it won't really be endgame content. The main key is making encounters that teams have to either approach differently than the normal steamroll or in some situations it may require you to hit things full speed ahead.
    The problem with that is, if you make content that can be beaten with careful strategy by most good teams, then a twinked-out team will be able to steamroll through it without thinking. Which will not lead people to conclude "you need careful strategy for this", but "you absolutely need a twinked out team for this and can't possibly do it any other way".

    See also the Master of STF badge debacle.

    Originally Posted by Mental_Giant View Post
    A theoretical "super zone" wouldn't require IOs... it would just mean that any viable team would be composed of half Defenders/Corruptors for the debuffs/buffs.

    That's what happens with any real challenging content in this game. Look at the LRSF and the portion of the team reserved for Corruptors. Look at how any team of Defenders makes difficult content a joke.

    There's not a good, easy solution for this, either. You can gut the effectiveness of debuffs, but that would be a major gameplay change that would upset most of the players.
    I'll just note that Castle has stressed "we will not add any sort of Diminishing Returns on debuffs to any existing content".
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
    What? Rorschach is not amoral. In fact, I would call him, hyper-moral. He just has no qualms when it comes to punishing those who he has deemed worthy of punishment.
    If taking it on yourself to punish what you see as "evil" is moral, then the killer in Seven* is a paragon of morality.

    * I refuse to spell it with a 7 because that would be pronounced "seten"
  8. Silver Gale

    Name Design

    I think this is unlikely to happen, both for technical reasons and because people would invariably use it for Stupid.

    (Not for Evil, just for Stupid.)

    Names like this...


    are painful enough to look at already without letting them become

    xX-o\/\/0 lv3 reenz0ro-Xx
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by uberschveinen View Post
    Thanks to the way the CoX universe works, that being the ridiculous stereotypes of comics all being real, all of the universes they encounter are similarly planet-of-hats deals. The only universe that displays any real complexity is Praetorian earth. In fact, it's so drastically at odds with the simplicity of very nearly all of the rest of CoX that it really stands out. A planet of multiple motivations and deeds based on individual ethics and not universal notions of good and evil, where the heroes are imperfect and the villains complex?
    That sounds like a great idea and you should make an AE arc based on it, but it is nowhere near the official story of Praetorian Earth.
  10. When City of Villains was announced, I immediately knew I wanted at least one Evil Counterpart, because, well, *comic books*. My main is a Defender, and the Corruptor class has always been described as the Defender's "dark counterpart", so score!

    ...just one problem. My main was Storm/Elec. At CoV's launch, villains didn't have either of those in any form.

    So I looked through the available powersets, and I saw Cold Domination - "the ******* child of Storm and FF", as someone in my SG described it. And why not Dark Blast for a "dark side"?

    So now I had to write the character around the powers. How exactly does "evil counterpart of Storm/Elec" translate into "Dark/Cold"?

    I hit on the idea of the evil character being a *literal* Dark Side - an accidentally-created magical construct made of feelings the heroic character wanted to get rid of - anger and hate, but also fear and helplessness. The villain's powers are thus not actual blasts of darkness or cold, but a representation of them manipulating those feelings.

    This worked extremely well. For every power the Corruptor picked up, I could find a perfect explanation that fit into the concept. I even got Recall Ally, which IC worked by plunging the other character into a "nightmare realm" for a brief moment.

    Well, RP happened and stories developed, and eventually the villain was redeemed and rerolled on blueside as a Dark/Fire Scrapper (and this time the powers ended up fitting the story so perfectly I didn't need to do a single bit of recoloring when I16 came out). The Corruptor was something like level 39 at this point and I didn't have the heart to delete her, so I used a rename and costume change to make her some sort of demon instead. But every time I play the demon, it just feels like a fill-in for the character this was supposed to be all along.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
    I said Alpha stage, and some of you - meaning the people who read the forums but are nice enough to not post announcing their affiliations with the devs themselves.
    I'm fairly sure every forum poster who is likely to get into the Alpha has a red name, and thus no need to "announce" their affiliation.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
    I believe Alpha stage has already started, and that some of you... Know what the Hell is going on... and you just sit on your butts laughing at all of us who just want some new info.

    My interest isn't going anywhere, but my frustration level has already gone through the roof.
    Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
    I agree with this. There have been some regulars absent as of late. The only one that still posts that I would suspect is Arcanaville. They said that 60+ mo vets, and those witht eh loyalty badge (I have both) would be in closed, and I and many I know are not (if it is going).

    There are members of these boards that most time can't resist making snide comments, and much of what has been said lately attracts them like flies to poo. It is possible that they left, or are taking a break, but again I doubt it.
    Is this the "Forum Cartel and their super-sekrit Platinum Test Server" thing again?
  13. Silver Gale

    No PMs

    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    Maybe he has a problem, and no one else can help, and he's off to find...

  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
    After all, Aion is also an unproven game.
  15. OP, in the name of the community, I apologise for the fact you're racist and a drama queen.

    Group hug?
  16. Silver Gale

    Takin' A Break

    Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
    I personally feel both thr Rogue Islas and Paragon need to go through some sort of cataclysmic event and lose most of their existing zones... cuz i am so freaking sick of almost all of them... and then... they need all new places to go with all new ways to level.
    You say "I'm bored with the entirety of the game, someone should change all the zones to something completely new", and when people tell you "that's not going to happen, why don't you play another game with completely new zones and characters to level?" you hold it up as some sort of failing with the game's development team?
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    Tell you what, next time you're experimenting with camera work for a video, or just screwing around in general, let me know what you want the camera to do and I'll try to set up a spreadsheet for you to play around with. I have no talent for making videos, but I'm pretty certain I can make the camera do whatever you want it to do.
    And thus, a Superteam is born!
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
    When the best advice people have for others on the forums is to QUIT playing... "Take a Break"...

    I think an insurmountable amount of FAIL has overcome whoever is in charge.
    I'm not actually in charge of anything. I blame Marketing for that too?
  19. Silver Gale

    Takin' A Break

    Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
    But, I have already been taking a break from the actual game for months and months and months and months... I am tired of taking a break from the best MMO.
    But - listen to her but - it's really hard to actually play.
    Don't get me wrong, the replacement MMO I'm playing is missing a whole lot of stuff - no travel powers, the costume design sucks, there's a whole lot of character concepts that just don't fit the setting, and most of all, I miss my regular crew of CoH people - it is by no means *better* than CoH. But I still enjoy it more than I do CoH. I look forward to logging in and doing quests and seeing sights. I dread logging into CoH.

    Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
    Just wish they would stop disappointing me and actually let us have new news, for me to be excited about for a few weeks... by then the beta should be closer >.<

    Hate you marketing *shakes fists*.
    Okay, here's a bit of OFFICIAL TOTALLY TRUE GR INFO: If you start at Tyrant's palace, walk across the plaza and down the street, and turn right at the first intersection, and then walk about 100 yards, if you pay very close attention you may be able to spot... a perfectly normal fire hydrant.

    There. A little bit more info on GR that you can look forward to checking out once it goes live. Guaranteed completely legit 100% true.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LittleDavid View Post
    I'd just like to say, if a Mutant super booster pack ever includes weasel/ferret/mongoose animalistic parts, I totally call dibs on making a Claws/Willpower Scrapper called Rikti Tikki Tavi.
    Will you level to 50 only on custom AE arcs with nothing but Snakes?
  21. Silver Gale

    Takin' A Break

    Bored of playing alts through the same old content you've already played a hundred times? Always the same maps and the same enemy placements and the same attack chain?

    Bored of redoing the same old TFs on your level 50 over and over and over?

    Most of your SG/Coalition/Global is never in game? Game seems so empty?

    Can't wait to get your hands on Going Rogue? Refreshing the forums every five minutes in the hopes of getting another new tidbit on the expansion? Disappointed every time?

    Do what I'm doing. Take a break from the game.

    Seriously. Don't try to think of ways of completely changing the game so it's new for you again. Don't post on the forums lamenting that if only the Devs would implement that one (dozen) feature(s) you want, everything would magically fix itself.

    Go find an MMO you haven't played and try it out. There has to be one. Or one you played over a year ago and hated then. You don't have to pay anything, free trials are common, but once you find a game you like, I suggest paying for one or two months and just making that your default game for a while.

    Or immerse yourself in a single player game. Dragon Age: Origins, or Torchlight, or even something from Popcap.

    Play something new. Something that is not CoH. Make yourself miss it again. Learn a new appreciation for the costume creator and travel powers. When you come back, there will be new things, and there will be old things that seem new again.

    Give yourself a break. And CoH, as well.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kelenar View Post
    Heck, I'd love:

    Completely hide ignored players.

    Because blocking somebody's text doesn't even mostly eliminate their ability to grief you.
    If you couldn't see them or their power effects, wouldn't that make it *easier* for them to say, follow you around and kill everything you target?
  23. I have logged into CoH very rarely for the past few months, instead spending all my time in LotRO.

    Clearly, this means CoH's only chance of recapturing the waning interest of its playerbase is to move the setting to Middle Earth.

    Either that, or I'm burned out and need a break from CoH. But to draw that conclusion, I would need to assume that 1) sometimes, the cause of fatigue with a game lies with me and not in the game itself, and 2) not all CoH players have exactly the same taste in games as I do. And both of those are *clearly* absurd.
  24. Some people don't want to RP character intimate interactions, for whatever reason. It may be something that happens in real life, but they have no wish to dwell on it in their pretendy funtime games. They feel they can still have meaningful and fun RP without involving intimacy in any way. More power to them.

    Some people don't want to RP character death, for whatever reason. It may be something that happens in real life but they have no wish to dwell on it in their pretendy funtime games. They feel they can still have meaningful and fun RP without involving death in any way. More power to them.

    Some people don't want to RP going to the bathroom, for whatever reason. It may be something that happens in real life but they have no wish to dwell on it in their pretendy funtime games. They feel they can still have meaningful and fun RP without involving taking a dump in any way. More power to them as well.

    The trouble starts when people decide that only things they personally are comfortable with should be mentioned in all RP ever.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Angry_Angel View Post
    Star Strider Forces Registry:
    How dare she! I'm not going to be forced to register for anything!