Forums Request: Reputation




If the forums will not disable reputation entirely, then at least allow users to decide for themselves if they want their reputation to appear in their user control panel. As it stands, the fact that we can't tell which post has received reputation is worse than the previously completely forced system.

Or get rid of it entirely.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



I feel I have to add my support to this. I liked being able to see all the comments people left me (good and bad). Having to hunt them down now post by post is... well, for a lack of a better word, inelegant.

Rabbits & Hares:Blue (Mind/Emp Controller)Maroon (Rad/Thermal Corruptor)and one of each AT all at 50
MA Arcs: Apples of Contention - 3184; Zen & Relaxation - 35392; Tears of Leviathan - 121733 | All posts are rated "R" for "R-r-rrrrr, baby!"|Now, and this is very important... do you want a hug? COH Faces @Blue Rabbit



I would like the option to see the Rep comments that have been left for me, and can accept that many folks would like not to see what has been left for them.
Having options is good.



Reputation is worthless anyway. Do what I do and just disable it, like you already have. "Fixing" it at this point is not going to happen, since the mods apparently enjoy treating it as a "forum game." Which is just another way to acknowledge that it is completely worthless.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Reputation is worthless anyway. Do what I do and just disable it, like you already have. "Fixing" it at this point is not going to happen, since the mods apparently enjoy treating it as a "forum game." Which is just another way to acknowledge that it is completely worthless.
At least I don't have to stare at the snarky comments from people that power-leveled their rep any more.
The Rep system is pretty much "schoolyard antics".
Obviously, some of us have been labeled as "outsiders" even though we post plenty of constructive things in the forums.
I'm not going to say that I don't stir-up the fire from time to time, but that is part of the reason that the forums are here - so we can voice our opinions.
Rep is just there to punish us for not taking time to work the Rep system and to reward the in-crowd that is taking time to PL their REPs. It's pretty standard social behavior.
As an outsider in everyday life, I just ignore it where ever I find it, and I'm glad I don't have to open my CP to bully-boy antics any more.

REP has nothing to do with credibility or helpful behavior what-so ever. It's a popularity contest - pure and simple.

Yeah, remove REP completely.
Read Lord of the Flies if you don't understand why it should be removed.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Reputation is worthless anyway. Do what I do and just disable it, like you already have. "Fixing" it at this point is not going to happen, since the mods apparently enjoy treating it as a "forum game." Which is just another way to acknowledge that it is completely worthless.
It is divisive and harmful to the community as a whole. It is just another e-peen contest.

We were told that they were going to hide post count on these new forums to lessen the friction of the old/new posters. Instead we get another popularity contest.

The following forum mechanisms should be removed to promote community:
  • Reputation.
  • Thread Stars.
  • Post count.

These three systems divide the community more than they bring them together.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
The following forum mechanisms should be removed to promote community:
  • Reputation.
  • Thread Stars.
  • Post count.
These three systems divide the community more than they bring them together.
Post count is nothing but a measure of how chatty someone is. A six-paragraph in-depth discussion being wieghted eqaully to a "no u!" post.
Usually, the only devisiveness it brings is when someone cannot back up an argument, they say, "Well, you are just being mean to me 'cus my post count is lower than yours! Everyone with a high count is a jerk, an an elitist cus they don't like my idea for <whatever>!". I wouldn't care if it were listed or not.
Thread stars? Almost never used.

But if you're going to get rid of these, then what about snarky or nonsensical thread tags? They're used far more than the two I just mentioned.



Originally Posted by BBQ_Pork View Post
Post count is nothing but a measure of how chatty someone is. A six-paragraph in-depth discussion being wieghted eqaully to a "no u!" post.
Usually, the only devisiveness it brings is when someone cannot back up an argument, they say, "Well, you are just being mean to me 'cus my post count is lower than yours! Everyone with a high count is a jerk, an an elitist cus they don't like my idea for <whatever>!". I wouldn't care if it were listed or not.
Post count comments are generally aimed at "Forum Cartel" posters (even before I became one). I've seen it happen both ways: a high post count person has been critical of a poster's low count.

Originally Posted by BBQ_Pork View Post
But if you're going to get rid of these, then what about snarky or nonsensical thread tags? They're used far more than the two I just mentioned.
There should be a tag cloud editor, but I'd treat snarky or nonsensical thread tags as griefing.

Another thought just occurred to me-- How are users that have the system on able to tell which posts got griefing negative rep so that it could be reported? The simple answer is they can't.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by The_Alt_oholic View Post
Obviously, some of us have been labeled as "outsiders" even though we post plenty of constructive things in the forums.
Random stupid thought: Wouldn't it be fun if we would have had rep when the Official Farming Thread was raging? That would have destroyed the rep system, and perhaps, indicates a very strong reason why rep is a bad idea.

Originally Posted by The_Alt_oholic View Post
As an outsider in everyday life, I just ignore it where ever I find it, and I'm glad I don't have to open my CP to bully-boy antics any more.

REP has nothing to do with credibility or helpful behavior what-so ever. It's a popularity contest - pure and simple.

Yeah, remove REP completely.
Read Lord of the Flies if you don't understand why it should be removed.
The rep system has worked for me. However, if I was to get involved in a hot topic, I probably would have disabled mine a long time ago. As it stands, I usually only get +rep for a helpful post.

Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
It is divisive and harmful to the community as a whole. It is just another e-peen contest.
Actually, it can be helpful. For example, every once in a while you get a player with around 3 posts that goes on a tirade on some random issue in the game. Enough negative rep from a troll post, and it lets players quickly identify a troll. For the most part, I usually don't see those with red dots that haven't earned them.

Originally Posted by BBQ_Pork View Post
Post count is nothing but a measure of how chatty someone is. A six-paragraph in-depth discussion being wieghted eqaully to a "no u!" post.
Usually, the only devisiveness it brings is when someone cannot back up an argument, they say, "Well, you are just being mean to me 'cus my post count is lower than yours! Everyone with a high count is a jerk, an an elitist cus they don't like my idea for <whatever>!". I wouldn't care if it were listed or not.
Thread stars? Almost never used.
Couldn't have said it better.
So, in the spirit of this topic, +Rep to you, sir.

Originally Posted by BBQ_Pork View Post
But if you're going to get rid of these, then what about snarky or nonsensical thread tags? They're used far more than the two I just mentioned.
I've been rather fond of the tag system. The influx of elec/sd posts has left me tagging any post I come across, to which the poster can quickly find similar posts where many of the questions have already been addressed.

Plus, I have to admit I like reading the tags and errm tagging some of the really bad suggestions.

Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
Another thought just occurred to me-- How are users that have the system on able to tell which posts got griefing negative rep so that it could be reported? The simple answer is they can't.

1) Search user: yourself.
2) Click the rep button on every single post of yours.
3) Find the offending post.
4) Report if needed.

It's a pain.

edit: I just saw "snarky or nonsensical tag"
Wasn't me.



Originally Posted by Tonality View Post
Actually, it can be helpful. For example, every once in a while you get a player with around 3 posts that goes on a tirade on some random issue in the game. Enough negative rep from a troll post, and it lets players quickly identify a troll. For the most part, I usually don't see those with red dots that haven't earned them.
I know at least one poster that sought negative rep from the beginning. Usually a troll is very obvious on this forum, even without forum rep.

Originally Posted by Tonality View Post

1) Search user: yourself.
2) Click the rep button on every single post of yours.
3) Find the offending post.
4) Report if needed.

It's a pain.
Yeah, and this brings me back to my initial post...

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Hey! Hands off my post count!

Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
There should be a tag cloud editor, but I'd treat snarky or nonsensical thread tags as griefing.
You know, there's trying to tidy things up and then there's being pedantic. You talk about "schoolyard antics," yet you're trying to suggest some kind of strict authoritarian order that is, quite honestly, on the exact same level. Let people have their fun and stop trying to enforce rigid rules of behaviour on people, specifically when they do no harm.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Hey! Hands off my post count!

You know, there's trying to tidy things up and then there's being pedantic. You talk about "schoolyard antics," yet you're trying to suggest some kind of strict authoritarian order that is, quite honestly, on the exact same level. Let people have their fun and stop trying to enforce rigid rules of behaviour on people, specifically when they do no harm.
To be honest I keep forgetting that the tags exist. If there was a way for the user to show or hide them, I'd like that too.

As to the "you're trying to suggest some kind of strict authoritarian order", I'm not. I'm trying to suggest ways for the community reps to foster a sense of inclusiveness.

As far as "specifically when they do no harm", give me a break. You know as well as I do that some people here and in the game have zero sense as to what constitutes "harm". I had a friend last night completely upset because of 3 individuals picking on her. Is this the "harmless fun" (their words) that you are suggesting we foster? Tags, stars, ratings, and rep comments can all be used for the same purpose. Even above, using the rep system or using tags to "label" someone as a troll can foster bad feelings.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



A lot of the other forums I'm a member of have now completely removed the rep feature. I'd like to see them do that here as well.



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
As far as "specifically when they do no harm", give me a break. You know as well as I do that some people here and in the game have zero sense as to what constitutes "harm". I had a friend last night completely upset because of 3 individuals picking on her. Is this the "harmless fun" (their words) that you are suggesting we foster? Tags, stars, ratings, and rep comments can all be used for the same purpose. Even above, using the rep system or using tags to "label" someone as a troll can foster bad feelings.
Rep comments no longer exist, no-one reads tags and I don't even know what these "stars" you're talking about are. As far as using them to make someone feel bad, yes, you can. You can also make use of posts - the very backbone and point of a forum - to do the same thing, but you can't seriously suggest we prevent people from making those.

I never said that all means of communication need to be fully permitted without need for moderation. Just like posts are moderated, so must all things, and one of the reasons rep comments were disabled was to free up moderators from having to chase after the idiots who abused them. I never said tags should be allowed to escape moderation, but "snarky" and "nonsensical" tags are not things that should be shot on sight. I'm perfectly willing to clamp down on bad behaviour, but going as far as to try to clamp down on bad taste IS a strict authoritarian order.

I'm sorry for your friend, but trying to make all-inclusive rules never works in practice. It ends up hurting the innocent while offenders simply skirt around them.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post

There should be a tag cloud editor, but I'd treat snarky or nonsensical thread tags as griefing.
Snarky ones are perhaps borderline griefing. Nonsensical ones are more graffiti: a clutter and an ugly waste of space.


1) Keep the Rep system and comments, but allow them to STAY collapsed in the User CP so that folks can opt out of seeing them.
(As stated before, I would like to participate in it, but would like those who hate it to be able to opt out, yay for options)
2) Have them automatically signed by the user, rendering them into a form of PMs that are quicker to send and come with a +/- of skittles attached. Yumm, piggy likes candy!

Starring threads: keep it until it gets abused, adjust as needed later. Looks like most folks don't know it exists currently.

Tags? Meh. If tagging gets to be a problem, folks can report them to mods. Click on post and report "Tags on this thread are <description>, particularly <specific one>." I've not much opinion on this one, I just wanted to mention it in the thread as it seemed related to the topic: How we forumites relate to each other and respond to each other's discussions.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Rep comments no longer exist, no-one reads tags and I don't even know what these "stars" you're talking about are.
Rep comments still exist, and will continue to exist as long as people are able to use that button at the bottom of each post. The fact that they are next to impossible to find just points out one flaw of the system. The fact that whoever set up the forums did half a job and doesn't know how to let people choose if they want to see the comments or not shows the lack of thought that went into enabling this "feature".

Thread rating = Thread Stars. I think back on it that I should have said "post count" instead of stars there.

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I never said that all means of communication need to be fully permitted without need for moderation.
I said I would treat some tags as griefing, not that I expected the moderation team to do so.

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Just like posts are moderated, so must all things, and one of the reasons rep comments were disabled was to free up moderators from having to chase after the idiots who abused them.
Yet people are still allowed to make comments, the rep count is still in a prominent spot (if I disable rep, I shouldn't see anyone's rep pips).

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I never said tags should be allowed to escape moderation, but "snarky" and "nonsensical" tags are not things that should be shot on sight.
I think that should be up to the moderation team and I'm perfectly willing to differ to their judgment about tags.

Originally Posted by BBQ_Pork View Post
Snarky ones are perhaps borderline griefing. Nonsensical ones are more graffiti: a clutter and an ugly waste of space.
I seriously dislike graffiti when it isn't in a place that hasn't okay'd it. My family has been victimized by graffiti vandals and I can say from personal experience that there is a social cost to it.

Originally Posted by BBQ_Pork View Post
1) Keep the Rep system and comments, but allow them to STAY collapsed in the User CP so that folks can opt out of seeing them.
(As stated before, I would like to participate in it, but would like those who hate it to be able to opt out, yay for options)
2) Have them automatically signed by the user, rendering them into a form of PMs that are quicker to send and come with a +/- of skittles attached. Yumm, piggy likes candy!
I would fully get behind these. I'd be 100% sold if they add in the ability to hide the rep display (post pips) if you opt-out of the system and the ability to completely remove yourself from the system.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



I have to ask, why is this so bothersome to you? Not trying to be snarky or inflamatory, but is forum rep really worth getting upset over? I'm just curious why some find it so bothersome.

Shard Warrior - 50 MA/Regen/BM Scrapper

Founding Member and Leader : Shadow-Force
Co-Leader: Council of Heroes
"Whatever evils come this way... we will be there to stop them."



Originally Posted by Shard_Warrior View Post
I have to ask, why is this so bothersome to you? Not trying to be snarky or inflamatory, but is forum rep really worth getting upset over? I'm just curious why some find it so bothersome.
Well, given that someone has decided to start tagging my posts or threads that I post in with a tag calling me names, it should be very obvious as to some of the rep people leave. There is malice behind it and some are using the ratings (thread, rep, tags) as a means of bullying. This clearly breaks forum rules of behaviour, and should not be tolerated.

To bring back what was said above, it is schoolyard bullying at its worst.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
Well, given that someone has decided to start tagging my posts or threads that I post in with a tag calling me names, it should be very obvious as to some of the rep people leave. There is malice behind it and some are using the ratings (thread, rep, tags) as a means of bullying. This clearly breaks forum rules of behaviour, and should not be tolerated.

To bring back what was said above, it is schoolyard bullying at its worst.
I can understand and sympathize that tags/rep comments can be annoying, yet the best advice I can give is to turn your forum reputation off and simply ignore comments/tags posted on these threads. IMO most all of them are meaningless anyway and people will continue to post stuff we may not like no matter what we do. That's just part of life.

Be more mature than they are and simply ignore it. Don't give trolls ammo to keep doing it.

Shard Warrior - 50 MA/Regen/BM Scrapper

Founding Member and Leader : Shadow-Force
Co-Leader: Council of Heroes
"Whatever evils come this way... we will be there to stop them."



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
Well, given that someone has decided to start tagging my posts or threads that I post in with a tag calling me names, it should be very obvious as to some of the rep people leave. There is malice behind it and some are using the ratings (thread, rep, tags) as a means of bullying. This clearly breaks forum rules of behaviour, and should not be tolerated.

To bring back what was said above, it is schoolyard bullying at its worst.
Just as a reminder tags, rep and PM's are all subject to forum rules. If you get/see one that violates these rules PM a mod (i suggest Mod08) and let him know. Just because you can't see who tagged/rep'd doesn't mean they can't.

"Play Nice and BEHAVE! I don't want to hear about any more of your shenanigans brought up in our meetings at Paragon"
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Originally Posted by Phillygirl View Post
Just as a reminder tags, rep and PM's are all subject to forum rules. If you get/see one that violates these rules PM a mod (i suggest Mod08) and let him know. Just because you can't see who tagged/rep'd doesn't mean they can't.
No offense meant here but you should consider growing thicker skin.

Sure, posts/tags/whatever should be removed if they are truly offensive or outright threatening to someone, yet the majority of ones I see are nothing I would consider all that terrible.

Spamming the Mods to remove posts/tags/comments because someone said you were dumb or disagreed with you or negative repped you is just plain silly and a waste of Mod time. It is also my personal opinion that it is a far cry from "bullying" or "graffitti" or whatever else you want to call it.

If posting on an internet forum really bothers you this much, perhaps you may want to consider not surfing the internet anymore.



Originally Posted by Miss_Freeze_NA View Post
No offense meant here but you should consider growing thicker skin.

Sure, posts/tags/whatever should be removed if they are truly offensive or outright threatening to someone, yet the majority of ones I see are nothing I would consider all that terrible.

Spamming the Mods to remove posts/tags/comments because someone said you were dumb or disagreed with you or negative repped you is just plain silly and a waste of Mod time. It is also my personal opinion that it is a far cry from "bullying" or "graffitti" or whatever else you want to call it.

If posting on an internet forum really bothers you this much, perhaps you may want to consider not surfing the internet anymore.

I said if they violate forum rules which are personal insult or threats. Maybe try reading comprehension before you attack someone's post. I have reported it when have been called profane names and have been threatened. I do not report when someone disagrees with me or leave coward comments like my most recent one "we hate you, go back to freedom"

Also pointing out something the mod's themselves have said/posted does not mean this stuff bothers me. I have enjoyed posting my neg rep as i find it amusing. However having knowledge of how the system works is a powerful tool. You make too much personal assumptions that i am a weak individual who is bothered by a forum rep post i lol at that.

"Play Nice and BEHAVE! I don't want to hear about any more of your shenanigans brought up in our meetings at Paragon"
-Ghost Falcon @Tritonfree @Philly's 2nd Convenient CIGAL BoBC/INOANN Arts&Crafts Sporks
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Originally Posted by Phillygirl View Post
I said if they violate forum rules which are personal insult or threats. Maybe try reading comprehension before you attack someone's post. I have reported it when have been called profane names and have been threatened. I do not report when someone disagrees with me or leave coward comments like my most recent one "we hate you, go back to freedom"
To start, I was not "attacking" you or your post. I simply disagree with some of the things you posted. Perhaps you might extend some of that reading comprehension you suggested to others before typing a reply...

Second, I was not referring to you alone (as anyone with some reading comprehension can see) in that I was citing some of the wording mentioned by the OP in my reply. My apologies if that was unclear, yet it is also to some degree proving my point.

Lastly, I will repeat that I personally believe people like yourself and the OP should consider growing thicker skin and just learn to ignore the nonsense. If someone saying they "hate you" and want you to "go back to Freedom" truly bothers you that much or (like the OP) feel "bullyed" because someone negative reps you or leaves a snarky comment or tag, then perhaps you should consider another social outlet.



Originally Posted by Miss_Freeze_NA View Post
To start, I was not "attacking" you or your post. I simply disagree with some of the things you posted. Perhaps you might extend some of that reading comprehension you suggested to others before typing a reply...

Second, I was not referring to you alone (as anyone with some reading comprehension can see) in that I was citing some of the wording mentioned by the OP in my reply. My apologies if that was unclear, yet it is also to some degree proving my point.

Lastly, I will repeat that I personally believe people like yourself and the OP should consider growing thicker skin and just learn to ignore the nonsense. If someone saying they "hate you" and want you to "go back to Freedom" truly bothers you that much or (like the OP) feel "bullyed" because someone negative reps you or leaves a snarky comment or tag, then perhaps you should consider another social outlet.
You quoted my post which one usually does to address that poster. You can reply with out quoting to address the thread in general. Yes you did attack the post by saying get a thicker skin, if you just said PM'ing a mod seems like wasting their time that would have been disagreeing. See i do read.

Second by openly disagreeing with you and addressing YOU (notice i quoted you in both posts) I do have thick skin i just don't run away when someone states something they don't have any info on. Once again I said I find my neg rep amusing and usually post it for the lol content so how is it that i need thicker skin? Please elaborate this idea since you seem to know me so well. Now the fact that i will report when i have been called profanities in anonymous rep just means i am smart and can hit back a bit harder than a lame neg rep comment *shrug* somehow intelligence is weak skinned to you.

Now onto wasting the mod's time. You do realize that mod is short for Moderator right? Their job is to moderate this forum. So just to be clear your saying it's a waste of their time to do their job? That doesn't make sense to me but somehow it does to you and of course you are entitled to your opinion.

"Play Nice and BEHAVE! I don't want to hear about any more of your shenanigans brought up in our meetings at Paragon"
-Ghost Falcon @Tritonfree @Philly's 2nd Convenient CIGAL BoBC/INOANN Arts&Crafts Sporks
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Originally Posted by Phillygirl View Post
You do realize that mod is short for Moderator right? Their job is to moderate this forum. So just to be clear your saying it's a waste of their time to do their job? That doesn't make sense to me but somehow it does to you and of course you are entitled to your opinion.
I could be wrong, but I read that as Mods having to deal with every request that comes into them (albeit "graffitti" or whatever) which is most likely not a genuine violation of the forum rules and more of a slight. Wasting time on those keeps them from focusing on the "real" ones.

Just my personal point of view here, I get very crude/profane rep comments/PMs all the time. Personally, I just delete them as the majority of the time, they are 1 time snarks. I really don't need a Mod to do that for me. Like I said, I could be wrong but I believe that is the spirit of what was meant by "growing thicker skin". Personally, I tend to agree with that sentiment.

Shard Warrior - 50 MA/Regen/BM Scrapper

Founding Member and Leader : Shadow-Force
Co-Leader: Council of Heroes
"Whatever evils come this way... we will be there to stop them."