Forums Request: Reputation




Originally Posted by Shard_Warrior View Post
I could be wrong, but I read that as Mods having to deal with every request that comes into them (albeit "graffitti" or whatever) which is most likely not a genuine violation of the forum rules and more of a slight. Wasting time on those keeps them from focusing on the "real" ones.

Just my personal point of view here, I get very crude/profane rep comments/PMs all the time. Personally, I just delete them as the majority of the time, they are 1 time snarks. I really don't need a Mod to do that for me. Like I said, I could be wrong but I believe that is the spirit of what was meant by "growing thicker skin". Personally, I tend to agree with that sentiment.

Again I get the spirit of the idea never said i didn't (ty for trying to clarify though). Also because someone reports a violation doesn't mean they have a weakness it just means they know how to use the system. Again not saying you should spam them with every neg rep. I have had posts deleted and gotten neg rep, because quit frankly I deserved it i don't go crying about it every time. However don't make assumptions about others based on your opinions is all the spirit of my post is saying.

You want to delete your "abusive" PM's or ignore your rep (you in the general sense not specifically you in this case) then that is your choice. To tell someone else to suck it up or get thicker skin though is not within your right, to discourage reporting it also not within your right (again you/your in the general sense).

People have opinions and i won't say your wrong. But one should not make assumptions or force their own views on others as being the right thing to do. Again i will point out a moderators job is to moderate if someone is abusive weather in a thread openly or otherwise it should be reported if it bothers you plain and simple. The person i replied to said it bothered him so in case he didn't know i told him something the mod's themselves said.

"Play Nice and BEHAVE! I don't want to hear about any more of your shenanigans brought up in our meetings at Paragon"
-Ghost Falcon @Tritonfree @Philly's 2nd Convenient CIGAL BoBC/INOANN Arts&Crafts Sporks
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I'm glad that we all agree that turbo = noob and monkey sez pew pew. As for the rest of the silliness being discussed in this forum section, perhaps there are opportunities for better use of all this typing?

Waaaah, he/she attacked my post!
Waaaah, they put some inane tag that calls me a n00b!
Waaaah, noone likes me!

Give me a break. Have we all grown so bored of COH that all we can do is whine and complain about other forum users now? Good Lord just put some good ideas for the mods to work on in here or shut up.



Originally Posted by Speedadkt View Post
I'm glad that we all agree that turbo = noob and monkey sez pew pew. As for the rest of the silliness being discussed in this forum section, perhaps there are opportunities for better use of all this typing?

Waaaah, he/she attacked my post!
Waaaah, they put some inane tag that calls me a n00b!
Waaaah, noone likes me!

Give me a break. Have we all grown so bored of COH that all we can do is whine and complain about other forum users now? Good Lord just put some good ideas for the mods to work on in here or shut up.
Meh it's amusing. Although your point regarding the section is valid, so my apologies i'll stop trolling and be a good girl.
Also as a point for future don't assume everyone who is arguing takes it seriously or personal some just enjoy the trolling >.>

"Play Nice and BEHAVE! I don't want to hear about any more of your shenanigans brought up in our meetings at Paragon"
-Ghost Falcon @Tritonfree @Philly's 2nd Convenient CIGAL BoBC/INOANN Arts&Crafts Sporks
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Originally Posted by Phillygirl View Post
You want to delete your "abusive" PM's or ignore your rep (you in the general sense not specifically you in this case) then that is your choice. To tell someone else to suck it up or get thicker skin though is not within your right, to discourage reporting it also not within your right (again you/your in the general sense).... But one should not make assumptions or force their own views on others as being the right thing to do.
I understand completely where you are coming from, yet I would argue that the OPs suggestion of removing ratings/rep/comments because they "divide the community" is the inverse of telling others to "suck it up" and not within their right either. That, too, is an assumption that is trying to force their views on others.

I also don't discourage anyone from reporting anything to the Mods (and I know you were not referring to me in specific there), yet I do believe there is a fine line to be walked in that regard. I'm not saying you personally do this, but I'm certain there are those out there who PM the Mods with every slight they receive here, whether they are a genuine violation of the forum rules or not.

Shard Warrior - 50 MA/Regen/BM Scrapper

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"Whatever evils come this way... we will be there to stop them."



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
Well, given that someone has decided to start tagging my posts or threads that I post in with a tag calling me names, it should be very obvious as to some of the rep people leave. There is malice behind it and some are using the ratings (thread, rep, tags) as a means of bullying. This clearly breaks forum rules of behaviour, and should not be tolerated.

To bring back what was said above, it is schoolyard bullying at its worst.
So if someone uses forum posts for bullying, then we should disallow forum posts?

Wait, now, I know what you'll say. "But tags and rep are the province of cowards who hide behind the safety of anonymity, while forum posts require the full weight of someone's self-chosen username on a video game forum".

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Originally Posted by Shard_Warrior View Post
...Don't give trolls ammo to keep doing it.
Or we can tell the devs allowing people to anonymously rep and comment is harmful to the health of the community. People tend to be more malicious when they think they can get away with it while remaining anonymous.

Your above statement could just as easily be advice to give to the forum mods.

I could careless personally but I thought your statement was rather ironic.



Originally Posted by Tokyo View Post
Or we can tell the devs allowing people to anonymously rep and comment is harmful to the health of the community. People tend to be more malicious when they think they can get away with it while remaining anonymous.
Very true, yet there are two sides to this coin. Personally, negative tags/PMs/posts/whatever don't bother me and I'm part of the community nor am I "harmed" by it.

Shard Warrior - 50 MA/Regen/BM Scrapper

Founding Member and Leader : Shadow-Force
Co-Leader: Council of Heroes
"Whatever evils come this way... we will be there to stop them."



Originally Posted by Silver Gale View Post
So if someone uses forum posts for bullying, then we should disallow forum posts?
Please don't give the OP any ideas....



Originally Posted by Miss_Freeze_NA View Post
No offense meant here...
I love this statement...

"No offense, but your sister is a skank."

"No offense, but you look really fat."

"No offense, but you're so ugly it looks like you fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down."

As if these two words suddenly excuses the individual from the proceeding denigrating remark. *eye roles*

"no offense" doesn't excuse you.



Originally Posted by Silver Gale View Post
So if someone uses forum posts for bullying, then we should disallow forum posts?
If pirates bully people we should disallow robots?



Originally Posted by Tokyo View Post
I love this statement...

"No offense, but your sister is a skank."

"No offense, but you look really fat."

"No offense, but you're so ugly it looks like you fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down."

As if these two words suddenly excuses the individual from the proceeding denigrating remark. *eye roles*

"no offense" doesn't excuse you.

I find your post to be "bullying" and "harrassing" so I'm going to report you to a Mod.



Originally Posted by Miss_Freeze_NA View Post
I find your post to be "bullying" and "harrassing" so I'm going to report you to a Mod.
I'd expect a mod to read my post and realize the statements were examples and not directed at you.

But to humor you:




Originally Posted by Tokyo View Post
If pirates bully people we should disallow robots?
Depends. Are we talking about the nice robots or the ones that want to kill us humans and stuff?

Shard Warrior - 50 MA/Regen/BM Scrapper

Founding Member and Leader : Shadow-Force
Co-Leader: Council of Heroes
"Whatever evils come this way... we will be there to stop them."



Originally Posted by Shard_Warrior View Post
I understand completely where you are coming from, yet I would argue that the OPs suggestion of removing ratings/rep/comments because they "divide the community" is the inverse of telling others to "suck it up" and not within their right either. That, too, is an assumption that is trying to force their views on others.

I also don't discourage anyone from reporting anything to the Mods (and I know you were not referring to me in specific there), yet I do believe there is a fine line to be walked in that regard. I'm not saying you personally do this, but I'm certain there are those out there who PM the Mods with every slight they receive here, whether they are a genuine violation of the forum rules or not.
I completely agree with both statements actually. It is as the mod's said a game, one can choose to use it for fun, constructive criticism, or anonymous abuse, all in the hands of the user. In the end the mod's are the ones who are the only ones to decide to keep or remove, or change (as they already have done) this system.

BTW to Miss freeze:

It is against forum rules to post that you are going to report a post lol

"Play Nice and BEHAVE! I don't want to hear about any more of your shenanigans brought up in our meetings at Paragon"
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Originally Posted by Shard_Warrior View Post
Depends. Are we talking about the nice robots or the ones that want to kill us humans and stuff?
Touché Salesman...touché. XD

But I was pointing out the absurdity of her comparison.



Originally Posted by Tokyo View Post
If pirates bully people we should disallow robots?
You want to disallow pirates because they bully people. There is nothing stopping robots from also bullying people. If robots even start bullying people, will you demand they be disallowed as well?

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Okay I told myself I'd stay out of these discussions and this post will probably get me on people's ignore lists but this topic irritates me to no end. Warning: The following post is meant to offend and is not meant for those easily offended among us.

I'm offended by your being easily offended. If someone threatens you thats one thing but I'm sick of the phrase "I was offended." Everytime this topic comes up all I can think is 'Baby needs a fresh bottle with a double dose of prozac to make them feel good about themselves.' I dont know where the slippery slope started at whether it was racial slurs or remarks about disabled people but it has gone from being sensible to just plain retarded. I'm sorry that your parents coddled you while you were growing up you easily offended people but its time to mature a bit. Yes its imature that someone sends you nasty pm or rep post and yes its immature to tag every post your involved in with something derogatory but its up to you to decide whether they are even worth noticing. Jeez people how hard is to simply say something is beneath your notice. You dont need a ignore feature for that, all that feature does is make it easy. Do something hard and take pride in the fact that you can do something like look at the tag that says 'turbo = noob' and say to yourself thats a worthless statement by a little (mentally) man. Why some people get so upset over the fact that someone actively dislikes them I will never understand. I am not talking about stalkers or people actively making threats to you. I'm talking about the people who are for lack of a better term trolling and are just trying to make you angry. Have some dignity and dont respond or even notice them.

Work in progress no more. I have decided that I'm going to put my worst spelling errors here. Triage Bacon, Had this baster idea, TLR

"I'm going to beat the Jesus out of Satan!" My Wife while playing Dante's Inferno



Originally Posted by Crim_the_Cold View Post
Have some dignity and dont respond or even notice them.
Well said.



I'm offended that Crim is offended by the easily offended. I'm also offended by the assumptions and abuse of Miss Freeze and her patronizing tone toward everyone else. I'm offended by Shard and his lunacy with tags and the hurtful things he says about Turbo. And I'm especially offended that Philly and SnowGlobe insist on being offended at me being offended at Crim and Freeze and Shard.

so there



Originally Posted by Crim_the_Cold View Post
Okay I told myself I'd stay out of these discussions and this post will probably get me on people's ignore lists but this topic irritates me to no end. Warning: The following post is meant to offend and is not meant for those easily offended among us.

I'm offended by your being easily offended. If someone threatens you thats one thing but I'm sick of the phrase "I was offended." Everytime this topic comes up all I can think is 'Baby needs a fresh bottle with a double dose of prozac to make them feel good about themselves.' I dont know where the slippery slope started at whether it was racial slurs or remarks about disabled people but it has gone from being sensible to just plain retarded. I'm sorry that your parents coddled you while you were growing up you easily offended people but its time to mature a bit. Yes its imature that someone sends you nasty pm or rep post and yes its immature to tag every post your involved in with something derogatory but its up to you to decide whether they are even worth noticing. Jeez people how hard is to simply say something is beneath your notice. You dont need a ignore feature for that, all that feature does is make it easy. Do something hard and take pride in the fact that you can do something like look at the tag that says 'turbo = noob' and say to yourself thats a worthless statement by a little (mentally) man. Why some people get so upset over the fact that someone actively dislikes them I will never understand. I am not talking about stalkers or people actively making threats to you. I'm talking about the people who are for lack of a better term trolling and are just trying to make you angry. Have some dignity and dont respond or even notice them.

Ok i know i said i wouldn't troll but... you do realize your telling people to ignore what others say while in a major rant, right? You also are contradicting yourself by saying it irritates you, having your say then in that say you tell others that if it irritates them they shouldn't whine and they where coddled as a child, just made me lol

Originally Posted by Speedadkt View Post
I'm offended that Crim is offended by the easily offended. I'm also offended by the assumptions and abuse of Miss Freeze and her patronizing tone toward everyone else. I'm offended by Shard and his lunacy with tags and the hurtful things he says about Turbo. And I'm especially offended that Philly and SnowGlobe insist on being offended at me being offended at Crim and Freeze and Shard.

so there

btw who the heck is this turbo anyway?

"Play Nice and BEHAVE! I don't want to hear about any more of your shenanigans brought up in our meetings at Paragon"
-Ghost Falcon @Tritonfree @Philly's 2nd Convenient CIGAL BoBC/INOANN Arts&Crafts Sporks
Average Joes FAP THE MENTOR PROJECT Justice Events



Turbo is the lost love of Shard. They can be found hypothesizing together the rise and fall of monkeys in Founders Falls.



Originally Posted by Speedadkt View Post
Turbo is the lost love of Shard. They can be found hypothesizing together the rise and fall of monkeys in Founders Falls.
Check your rep for this post since i couldn't reply

"Play Nice and BEHAVE! I don't want to hear about any more of your shenanigans brought up in our meetings at Paragon"
-Ghost Falcon @Tritonfree @Philly's 2nd Convenient CIGAL BoBC/INOANN Arts&Crafts Sporks
Average Joes FAP THE MENTOR PROJECT Justice Events



Originally Posted by Speedadkt View Post
I'm offended that Crim is offended by the easily offended. I'm also offended by the assumptions and abuse of Miss Freeze and her patronizing tone toward everyone else. I'm offended by Shard and his lunacy with tags and the hurtful things he says about Turbo. And I'm especially offended that Philly and SnowGlobe insist on being offended at me being offended at Crim and Freeze and Shard.

so there
I could literally hear you channeling Speed Racer into those words.



Originally Posted by Speedadkt View Post
Turbo is the lost love of Shard. They can be found hypothesizing together the rise and fall of monkeys in Founders Falls.
While this has some element of truth to it, it is also a well known fact he is indeed a noob.

In reality, Turbo is an SG mate/friend of mine.

Shard Warrior - 50 MA/Regen/BM Scrapper

Founding Member and Leader : Shadow-Force
Co-Leader: Council of Heroes
"Whatever evils come this way... we will be there to stop them."