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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hercules View Post
    Never noticed the pumpkin heads in the trees in Croatoa until yesterday - is that a Halloween event thing?
    Actually, those are Fir Bolg trying to pretend to be normal trees, and failing. Explode, set off a location-based aoe, or park someone in the 25-30 range under them, and you'll find out what they are the hard way.

    Except for that one set off towards the SE of the map. Their allegiances are a tad different, and are clearly lost.
  2. My usual complaints about DCUO normally run along these lines:
    1) It is, at it's heart, a Massively Multiplayer Online Arcade Game. Aside from the limited story lines, minimal character development, and "Who needs more than six powers" approach, most of your interaction with the game is left button, left button, right button, hold right button, square, triangle, circle circle X HADDOKEN!

    2) Everyone's primary abilities are to either hit or shoot enemies with weapons. Even the energy blasters use weapons. Actual powers with actual special effects are largely saved for special occasions. Of my scores of CoH characters, less than a quarter use any kind of equipment at all. And of the powers in DCUO, everyone's fire blast is exactly like everyone else's fire blast. No visual customization, and not even Champions Online's minimal level of effect customization, (That's an entirely different rant for another time.)

    3) DCUO is endgame focused. Endgame group-content grindy focused. While endgame content has it's place, I'll be the first to admit that most of my Incarnates got their salvage from my Elec/Fire tank over on Virtue, where I farmed the higher player base for iTrials, then mailed it all over to the characters I actually played on Triumph, Victory, Justice, etc...

    4) All the bloody voice-overs. this means I'm stuck getting information I may or may not need at the game's pre-set pace. I can't leave the dialogue on the screen while I reference something on the wiki, nor can I speed-click through it because I saw the same thing five minutes ago, before my computer crashed. And not all the voice actors involved are suited to their roles.
  3. Come the Final Day, my heroes have a plan. Selected TUNNEL portals near monorail stations shall be assaulted, the Vanguard staff operating them quietly disabled. Then the controls shall be reset- aiming for earths well outside the known Portal Corp networks, and then will start funneling as many of the city's population through, in hopes of saving that fraction of the world that they can, one last time. So if you suddenly find a Hellion in your living room, we apologize.

    My villains have a similar plan, though most of them can be expected to dive through first, and simply leave the portals open. Except Emeraldine Bakafairy. My mad little faerie, whose stated purpose is to smack people in the head with giant hammer when they do something STUPID, has vowed to come to our world, our Korea, to fulfill her Purpose.
  4. As nifty as it is, you guys DO realise you are praising the King's Row offices of Crey...?
  5. I want to like Titan Weapons, gods above I want to, just as a Fial Fantasy fan from VII onwards. However, it has two issue that have resulted in one toon being sidelined at 39, and the other being rerolled as staff:

    1) Mobility. Momentum is awesome as long as you don't have to move your character anywhere. Once you've taken three steps in any direction, BAM, momentum has worn off. This become quite annoying during the Summer Event with my poor TW/FA Brute. Everyone in Time Gladiator wanders off without reason, and there you go.

    2) The Tier 9 attack. My Ice/TW tank was costumed up as a cute little pixie, because nothing makes ridiculously outsized weapons even more hilariously fun than handing them to someone 4' tall. However, in their infinite wisdom, the Devs decided that the ultimate move of the set required you to be STANDING ON THE GROUND. That character got rerolled to staff (and is eagerly awaiting the new staff models)
  6. Seschat

    Please Help Me!

    Ok, I'm at work, so I can't look at your build, but can make some general recommendations. Both Demons and Nature buff Resistance, rather than Defence, so:

    1) Slot the Call To Arms and Expedient Reinforcement procs in Hell On Earth. It's the only place you have for them, really. Grab 3 more of either set for the recharge bonus(I like CTA's other bonuses more, but that's just me), and probably a generic Recharge IO.

    2) Demonlings get the Sovereign Right proc, so you have it at the lowest exemplar levels. 4 slots of Unquestioning Loyalty gives your pets good stats for cheap, then round out with a generic Damage IO.

    3) Demons: same as Demonlings, but with the Edict of the Master proc and Resistance IO instead of Damage. As a Nature Affinity toon, you're less dependent on the Ember Demon's heals than other Masterminds.

    4) Demon Prince. Pick a set you like, but remember he's an End hog. Give him a generic Endurance Reduction IO. He also has a couple AOE Slows, so the Impeded Swiftness proc should do well, or just run with a generic Damage IO, and let the big guy go to town.

    5) And of course, these days Enchant Demon and Abyssal Empowerment only really need a single slot of end reduction, freeing up slots for elsewhere.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Basilisk View Post
    Not anymore, thanks to the new Gillette Infinitum!

    22 blades means that no volume ANYWHERE will remain unshorn! A shave so close, it will retroactively shave you 20 minutes before you begin shaving!

    Gillette! The best a man can get!
    Only one rational response to this, brought to you by Irregular Webcomic:

  8. "The Olympic Committee would like to remind participants at this time that the 100m Hellion Dash is limited to Brutes, Scrappers, Tanks, and practitioners of the Presence pool ONLY. Use of Kinetics, Time Manipulation, or any power that affects targets in your opponent's lanes is strictly forbidden."
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
    Maces are a bit different, the main thing is the beam firing animation. The non-arachnos maces aren't designed to line up with the beams, so you can end up with beams coming from empty space. (some are also simply too short.)
    I would be sufficiently happy if we went the other direction then, and made Arachnos maces an unlock for War Mace characters.
  10. Seschat

    SSA #2 Episode 2

    I'll give PB #2* credit for good and fun writing, and I'll probably run it on my main toons once each. It is not, however, what I'd go for when looking for repeatable content I can put up with when getting my weekly Alignment Merits. WWD#1 will be my go to arc for melee types and Masterminds, and PD #1 for my ranged/support types.

    *- And yes, I do prefer to refer to the arcs by their own initials, rather than as some subset of the Signature Story Arc structure. Feels more precise to me.
  11. Shelldrake, named after the seamount of the same name off the New England coast.

    Ok, well off the coast, you have to jump off the continental shelf to get there...
  12. I ended up using a lot of Retro Sci-Fi parts. To be honest, there are a lot of overlaps in those 50's era sci-fi covers when considering space adventures and underwater adventures. Except the bared midriffs make slightly more sense.

    My only complaint at this point is that my Steam Jump pack doesn't completely fit inside the model for the Buck Rogers back pieces. (But the sounds are spot on for the character when i use the Jump Pack)
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Megajoule View Post
    Me too, and this is what I was going to post. It's just skipped right over, somehow. And that's on top of all the other things that he's done that people do talk about.
    Such as nearly getting away with erasing the minds of a planetary population and overwriting them telepathically using their own abilities with his own consciousness?
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
    Is fire evil because it burns? Is the wolf evil because it preys on the lamb? Mako is a shark. Sharks kill. It's his nature.
    Bravo for a near perfect quote of a 1970's era Justice League villain! "The Shark's Dark Demands", Wonder Woman, someplace in the 1975-1979 stretch (hey, parents threw those old comics out long ago, accuracy isn't going to happen)
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
    The log in errors were fixed awhile back.
    Interesting. I have yet to get the "Remember Me" function to work so far. Just an observation, if you could pass that along.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
    On a weekly basis, we reach (actual reach, not potential) about ten times more people on Facebook than we do on the Official Forum. I have numbers to show this. Why is this? Because your average user is more inclined to check Facebook at work/home/on their phones/on the toilet/wherever than they are the fora.
    One, that's kind of depressing. I'd like to think my fellow CoH players are brighter than the average internet user. Two, one wonders how these numbers would change if the broken parts of the forums, such as the login, were ever fixed?

    I understand that some of you are *very* resistant to Social Media. People say that Facebook is's not. You pay with your metrics, your clicks, your likes, all of that information that allows companies to more effectively market to you and people who also match your similar demographic. You have to decide if that information is worth the convenience that services like Facebook offer, the ability to connect with people around the world in a moment, to share your life experiences. For me, that answer is yes, to a degree, for some it's no, and I grok that.
    As I've said earlier, far too often the price of using social media is your career. You are fortunate, Zwillinger, that Paragon encourages your use of Twitter/Facebook/whatever. Many companies look on such usage as a liability to their business, and a poor reflection on your character.
  17. Seschat

    Pet Peeves 2.0!

    Woo-hoo! Time to join in on the bandwagon!

    1) The 1023 character limit on bios. I've been a roleplayer and a GM since the early 1980s. Give me enough space to give this character justice.

    2) Empty Bios. You've chosen to play City of Heroes, not Medal of Honor XXIV: Pvt.Benjamin Got Lost On the Way To The Latrine. Tell us something, unless you're embarrassed that you're playing Wolverine Clone #1067

    3) Just Plain Bad Bios. You know the ones I mean: the ones that read like a Freakshow wannabe with ADD and hopped up on industrial stimulants wrote them. Generally, the players in this game should fall into two categories: those who have taken an English (or French, or German) class at some point, and those who are playing with adult supervision anyway. Slow down, and think about what you want to say.

    4) Tailor Options In The Trainers. Sorry, still seems like a bad idea. Signature heroes and/or Arachnos personnel have better things to do than order 150 yards of taffeta for Troll Ballerina Dancer, and there are now perfectly good tailors in the starter zones. OK, not Nova Praetoria, but it a perfectly safe jog from the transit station to the tailor in Imperial City, if needed. This will also reduce the crowd of folks standing around Ms.Liberty in frozen immobility. People waiting for a DFB at least move a little.

    5) Gratuitous Power Effects Left Running In Support Areas. I'm not complaining about Steamy Mist, or Hasten, or Dispersion Bubble. I'm looking at Footstomp, Psychic Wail, and well, Demons. Please, Demon Summoners, copy and paste into the game this one line:

    /macro SIT! "petsay_all <em sit>"

    Blessed silence. Thank you.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bullet Barrage View Post

    ............................................______ __
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    ................./.................................................. ....,:`^`..}
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    .........../(_....”~,_........“~,_....................,:`..... ..._/
    ...,,,___.\`~,......“~.,....................`..... }............../
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    ........................................_\........ ..._,-%.......`\
    I just want to go on record stating how awesome an ASCII facepalm macro is, especially one that looks right in the non-space-justified font the forum default so. Thank you, Bullet Barrage!
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Black Baron View Post
    Not using Twitter nor Facebook.
    Not starting to do either.
    Old fashioned ?
    Maybe not. maybe you recognize Twitter (and Facebook before it, and Livejournal before it, and...) as an environment targeted towards narcissistic self-aggrandizement and/or a liability for anyone seeking employment in the modern business world where HR departments unabashedly filter social media for reasons NOT to hire people?

    Or perhaps you just value soem level of privacy in the modern world. Who can tell.
  20. Given how much ahead Water Blast is coming out ahead of Nature Affinity, I'm considering an early Storm/Water combination. Question being, Defender or Corruptor. Selling points:

    Hurts my enemies more.
    Hurts tough enemies a lot more towards the end of the fight.

    Lower end costs in groups.
    Better debuff numbers.
    Pseudopets hurt more.
    Can respec out of gale mid/late game if I chose. (Water already has good mitigation)

    Looks like Defender has the edge, especially if I build as an Offender.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
    This. It's a world where Hamidon ravaged the population.
    Not to mention a world where Marcus Cole ravaged the population. Remember, he looked at Primal Earth not only as an example to be avoided in general, but also one to be studied for specific key societal and historical points to be countered as specific issues.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hercules View Post
    Currently, my understanding is that villains get access to the regular epic pools, just by virtue of turning 50... whereas heroes have to spend 4 days to go from Heroic to villain, do the patron arc, then another 4 days to revert back.
    First: agree with you wholeheartedly. Have been advocating this publicly for years.
    Second:quick edit. Villains get access to Epic Pools at 35 just like everyone else, and closer to 6 days to come back to being a hero. You have to do the Hero Morality mission TWICE, if you want access to Hero Merits again.
  23. To be fair, we should have this expanded both directions. Dual Pistols could use alternate, "boring" animations, and Thugs should get the flashy ones as alternate as well.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dradok View Post
    I've noticed a lot of SoA builds take recall friend. Is there some tactical reason for taking this that I have not thought of?

    I am also wondering how useful Call Reinforcements, Web Cocoon, and Summon Blaster are for a bane. There are so many powers to choose from I can't seem to fit these in.
    Question 1: Universal Movement mule, relocating the army of spiders out of the rafters where they've gotten stuck and into the fight, you have friends you team with regularly but can't navigate well...

    Question 2: On a Bane specifically, while Web Cocoon is nice (Think Hamidon), pets are likely to crimp your pseudo-stalker lifestyle. Which is why mine has a fully slotted second build for running as a Huntsman: lots of AoEs, lots of Leadership, and bugs. (I have a completely separate character to run the Crab lifestyle on)
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Healix View Post
    I thought this was kind of time manipulator entered one of those strange black 'voids' that happen once in a while at certain angles. Looks like she is folding space
    Now I'm having Saint Seiya flashbacks... how close can I get to the Andromeda armor on my Time Manipulator, I wonder?