Costume Ideas for Water Blast

Doctor Roswell



I Love the water blast powerset, but need better costume options for it.

I think to maximize the utility of this we need some updated costume options.

We need some more reptile, amphibian or fish monster heads to go with it.
Webbed Hands and Webbed Feet would be good as well.
Also, I would be nice if the halloween costume set was available
it had good costume pieces for making water based heroes.
Especially the fish head and the webbed gloves and boots.

50's on Freedom--12+ Lone Eagle INV Tanker, Crey Avenger NRG Blaster,
Dnase EMP Defender, Paradox? GRAV KIN Troller,FireFox FIRE Blaster,
Irish Ember FIRE EMP Troller, Marble ST Tanker, Archangel FIRE Kintroller



It would be nice if the Water Blast set went on sale with those halloween fishman costume pieces bundled with it for the first week (like when Titan Weapons was released with the free weapon pack).

I missed the halloween set this time around so am a bit sad when I see all those cool auras and costume change emotes.



yeah how did they miss the obvious & PERFECT tie in for this set?


The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



The steampunk backpack might also fit some concepts for water blasting charas.

Edit: Oh, 500th post.




I was legitimately surprised not to see the fish monster pieces for sale this morning. It's such a no-brainer.

I mean, I have them already, and I didn't even use them for either of my Water Blast characters (I went with a wetsuit, and a big anthropomorphic soda dispenser), but still. It seems like a missed opportunity.

In lieu of actual fish-pieces, new or old, I've found the Bioluminescence set works well for a fish-man who's less fish, more man.

FUN FACT: That burst of light when you level up is actually the effectiveness escaping from your enhancements all at once.



I want costume pieces that make it look like the character is actually made out of water. ( i.e. partially translucent with a shiny watery surface texture ).

131430 Starfare: First Contact
178774 Tales of Croatoa: A Rose By Any Other Name ( 2009 MA Best In-Canon Arc ) ( 2009 Player Awards - Best Serious Arc )



Originally Posted by Doctor Roswell View Post
I was legitimately surprised not to see the fish monster pieces for sale this morning. It's such a no-brainer.

I mean, I have them already, and I didn't even use them for either of my Water Blast characters (I went with a wetsuit, and a big anthropomorphic soda dispenser), but still. It seems like a missed opportunity.

In lieu of actual fish-pieces, new or old, I've found the Bioluminescence set works well for a fish-man who's less fish, more man.
To be honest I'd only expect to see the fish monster parts put on sale alongside an aquatic themed costume set like they did with retro Sci-fi.



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
It would be nice if the Water Blast set went on sale with those halloween fishman costume pieces bundled with it for the first week (like when Titan Weapons was released with the free weapon pack).

I missed the halloween set this time around so am a bit sad when I see all those cool auras and costume change emotes.
I'm quite pleased with this one I threw together



How about a bubble bikini like you can make while taking a bubble bath?

Yes. I like that idea.



Originally Posted by Soul Trapped Burrito View Post
How about a bubble bikini like you can make while taking a bubble bath?

Yes. I like that idea.
Is that you Power on a second account?



Here's Neptune's Niece on Virtue:

To be honest, though, I didn't design the costume with Water Blast in mind. I created this character last December, before I'd even heard of Water Blast, to represent the planet Neptune in my personal solar-system-themed SG, Solar Angels:

(big file, so I'm just linking it instead of posting it)

She was originally an ice/ice blaster and I got her to level 10 before I heard about Water Blast. So I left her at level 10 and then rerolled her as water/ice yesterday. The costume is supposed to look like a swimsuit/scuba bikini.



Lusca head with and without a fishbowl helmet.

Damn you Forbin I have almost similar waterdude.

Prunejuice is warriors drink.



Originally Posted by zachary_EU View Post
Lusca head with and without a fishbowl helmet.

Damn you Forbin I have almost similar waterdude.
Great minds think alike.



Originally Posted by Dusk_LoneEagle View Post
Webbed Hands and Webbed Feet would be good as well.
Um... We already have webbed hands and webbed feet. I'd love to have hands and feet that WEREN'T

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I was just kinda bummed because the Firefighter Armor for the beta toon that tested Water Blast is what I went with for my first live toon, so I copied it over... then on the announcement picture in the loader, the thing firing the water looks almost exactly like mine, so now I'm gonna get an inevitable stream of "Oh hey, I see you copied the costume on the loader..."


Dear NCsoft, if you go through with this shutdown you've guaranteed you'll not see another dime from me on any project you put out, ever.



I ended up using a lot of Retro Sci-Fi parts. To be honest, there are a lot of overlaps in those 50's era sci-fi covers when considering space adventures and underwater adventures. Except the bared midriffs make slightly more sense.

My only complaint at this point is that my Steam Jump pack doesn't completely fit inside the model for the Buck Rogers back pieces. (But the sounds are spot on for the character when i use the Jump Pack)