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  1. RogueDemonhunter

    Magic Blast

    Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
    Magic would explain why you never have to reload, or why your bullets can bend or go through corners.
    Amen. I acually made my dual Pistols character Magic cause I could see no other sane reason for all the Tom Foolery with the guns. Especialy the Targeted AOe where the bullets curve down to their targets and of course the one with the damage resist debuff if your on regular ammo.. that one where he/she/it (avatar depending) tosses the gun into the air and catches it before thrusting forward to then shoot. If that character isn't 'casting' a spell then it's just being terribly silly....

    Oh, oh wait! I have a Natural themed gunslinger Idea now... hehe

    "If I flip the gun in the air... Catch... it... and then push it tow-WARD mah targate... It duz special thangs."

    Forrest Gunn... World's most "special" Gunslinger. ;p So his momma says.
  2. Make sure your map is active. click "M" if it is not. Unlike a lotta other mmo's (who I wont name to avoid post deletion hehe) this game allows you 'waypoints' like a flight sim sending you to one objective after another. Click Preator Duncan on the map and create your own waypoint. go to her and level up before bothering to do White's mission.

    Go to the vendor and buy only accuracy enhancemnts for now. Slot them in your powers. Click Enhancements (an option on the power trays... lower right) click to manage them. Put in accuaracy to your attacks.

    Manuvering... Not sure what you mean by that... CoH is a lot more user friendly then most. If it's physical it may be that whatever game you were used to before made strafe left and right Q and E and turn left and right A and D which I got used to right away comming from FPS games anyway... as CoH uses the default choices from such first person shooter games. Other mmo's I noticed always made me growl and grumble and go into control options and switch them to FPS/CoH Q and E turn and A and D strafe mode. If you've come fresh from them to here your fingers may be doing the opposite of what this gme wants and using "almost every other mmo's unnatural choice of turn and strafe" commands. In that case either practice it to get used to it or hop into control options screen from the menu in your upper right window and change those controls to ones your more used to.

    That first darn mission. I don't recal if that's the hostage release tne to the roof via the door marked with stairs and rescue the main named hostage or if it's the rescue cops from the sewers one. Both have trick and the office one is definitly easier.

    I don't recal having to escort anyone in the office building one. They are or were mercifuly "Rescue and release" style hostages... that but If it's been changed that you are then functioning with "Non combative walk my dumb npc outta this mission or to an objective" mob AI. CoH escort mobs are generaly dumb. They need you to moove slow or you risk loosing them. Also they can't see you if your stealthed... at all. Now your on a Stalker running hide and my fav character runs Dark Miasma's area coverage stealth... Guess what we both have to do just to escort them? That's right. Yah gotta turn off the offending toggle stealth power. (something I wish the De'vs would adress since doing this hurts our defences vs any ambushes on the way... although I can see why a regular joe/jane couldn't see somebody super invisible. Catch 22 I guess.) If this is the mission with the office workers and one MORE hostage on the roof... I say MORe because he wont even spawn btw unless youve rescued all his fellows below. Then I'm pretty sure you just rescue him and wail on the named foe up there an you are done. They wall the place such that you can't even fall off the roof. So that's pretty safe. If your functionaly having trouble 'moving' it's likely key choices are not what your flying fingers are used to as mentioned above.

    The sewer Escort though... That's gotta be the Keystone Cop rescue from the sewers. If I recal that mission the only cop that matters for getting him out alive is the Seargent dude. I don't even recal being given a special badge or making any extra herobucks saving all of them like I did on my Dark misamist. (yay AoE heal) Also these are what I call "Battle-escorts" which may or may not mind you keeping your stealth on. I think these didn't mind but I might be wrong. It's been a while since I did them on the Dual Pistols/Dark Miasma corruptor (which started Loyal then went resistance and then Hero when out of Preatoria... also a Originaly Villian AT like your Stalker) As for the mission... It's doable but they get caught on things. Particularly that long stairway with the rail. Grr.... That is in no way your fault. Everyone has trouble with those jokers on the stairs. If it's not the Sarge... just leave them behind. There's nothing you can do for them that doesn't involve PURE LUCK.... so unless you have the patience of a yoga master just leave em.

    Most importantly I would say, don't do that misson alone. It's doable but fustrating. Ghouls are a pretty rough mob for those early levels... More terrifying then Vaz zombies if you start hero side.

    Mainly make the controls what you feel will suit you via switching control options and religiously use the map and waypoint system. Don't forget to set your active mission just in case some other misson thinks it's the active one and you get to your planned door to get the message "Complete your active mission" first before doing this message. hehe

    Good luck and also if your new, I'd offer this... Be sure your on one of the more active servers so you will at least be someone there to answer a quick call for help/advice in Broadcast channel. The command "/whoall" will show you who is in a zone and not in a hidden state. I'd suggest Freedom as the other big server is nice but has a lot of roleplayers and some of them strict in their roleplayin'. They might not answer unless you phase it like your character is asking the question.

  3. RogueDemonhunter


    Fire/Traps Cor (be sure to alternate colors for the blasts)

    Fire/Rad Cor (alter all the colors you like from primary and secondary)

    Fire/Storm Cor (again color as you like)

    "something flashy"/Fire Dom

    Fire/Mind Manip Blaster

    Fire/Traps Blaster

    There's a theme here somewhere... (grins)

    Good luck.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
    Wrong. The +defense pvp unique IO is 30 merits. It took me 20 days at 1.5 HV merits per day. Buy one every night, run tips for the other every other day.

    Then I dumped 2 billion on the +dam-res pvp unique IO. Mindless farming, yes, but I had the inf needed in less than 20 days.

    I was also going to get the panacea proc, but realized that I'd lose a good chunk of HP if I slotted it, so I didn't bother.

    I have no idea what the market worth of my main's build is these days. I know I've dumped at least 4.5 billion into it so far.

    The items you want are very rare. Either do what's necessary to get them, or don't and don't have them.
    I'm 1/3 of the way to mine on my new main. I've also been arround for a while, but don't expect any miracle wands to be waved to grant me one. If anyone wants to pop into pvp on vic for the odd chance for a drop, I'd be game to sacrafice my Pistols/Dark cor's pride a bit. I don't expect that PVE build to be any good in pvp but, I do need those badges on that particular alt. lol and some Shivies... nukes... Maybee somebody will stand still long enough for me to conk em.

    Time's my biggest foe... And alt-aholism... and tryin to draw... and work and... family... (well theyre not so bad) hehe

    Would I like em to be 15-20 a-merits instead? Yah. But they woulda had to make that choice at the start and as they didn't, doing it now would be a slap in the mug to eveyone that has put up the 30 hero or vil merits already. So catch 22. I understand and will just keep pluggin' away. At least you can set the mission to + zero allies and -1 level to speed em.

    Edit: Granted recently bopped that up to normal level recently so the shards can drop. Not that much harder.
  5. RogueDemonhunter

    QoL improvements

    I've wanted to at least be able to chuck recipes in there for ages.
  6. Awesome! Made my afternoon. (giggles)

    Edit: Oh my... I just noticed theyre clustered arround one of the actual bombs for your mission objectives. hehe
    You have to go UNDER the desk to be safe! Noobs...
  7. They need their mezzes to match. Stun and stun or Hold and hold. Not as it is now. This one change and I would play my PB again. Stopped at mid thrities for the last 4 years. Bloody late game bosses. ;p

    Add in changing one of the two early (and unessisary) two weak **** human form blasts into a glowy PB version of Air Supperiority, or at level 3-4 popping this in as a slottable INHERENT for the so called masters of flight that they don't get to access the pool... Do this as well and I will call it fair square. Do this and match the PB mezzes with each other like their Dark bretheren get as mentioned above and you solve many problems.

    I think thats it.... for me.

    It is grating that 'Humans" trained by Arachnos get proper and true Mez protection while Heroic More then Human Khel's do not outside of a click for Pb and the dwarves?...
    Yes. Yes, frankly it is. It's also somewhat insulting if your realy into PB's and Shades... Or at least it should be. Is it going to changed? Unlikely due to Dwarf form. Will the Dwarves be given proper attack chains to make the argument, "You get mez protection in Dwarf" actualy valid ... to me and others?... Unlikely. Can live with that though.

    What I hate is ZERO recourse except damage to pesky bosses and no Air sup on the AT that's supposed to have inherent flight pool thus the no access to the actual pool one.

    So fix what can be fixed please Dev's withought stepping on defenders of "Keep them unnaturaly subpar to what they could be." or the make them strong crowd. Nobody I can think of in either camp from what I've read over the years would complain about matched Mezzes amoungst the PB's two powers that actualy have a Control component and inherent slottable Air Sup.

    Anyway... My two cents. Peace all.
  8. Welcome back! Glad your feeling better.
  9. RogueDemonhunter

    NEW Victory Wiki

    Well this sounds cool. Clearly I fail the internets yet again though. I tried uploading some pics but failed miserably.

    Oh well. Be fun to see what everyone else does. hehe
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mr. DJ View Post
    I've sat around with him as a ally, he never spawned them. I remember from the Hollows, it would be one of the first things he does, spawn them.
    Considering what you get swarmed with once you activate the ambushes in "Malta action figure" it would be nice if he did summon imps and jack. ;p
  11. A hood! Since we have no 'robinhood' style hat... a hood always looks keen on an archer. It's classy.

    Have fun!
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by McNum View Post
    It is a pretty tough mission solo, I had a few issues with it on my FF/Energy Defender. Luckily I also had 250 Vanguard Merits lying around. Did you know a defense capped Vanguard HVAS can take on that entire room and win? It's quite fascinating to watch, really. Both EBs and all the Rikti.

    Cheap? Maybe. My power is to make something really unkillable, so I phoned a friend. A big mechanical friend with laser guns for arms. That helped a lot. I'm sure that a lesser pet would have been enough, but I was in a mood for overkill.
  13. DP/Dark likely go Spirit for +recharge all the rest fit decently too boot.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sardan View Post
    Thanks GBE (and Posi)!
    Indeed! I especialy like the look of the spiritual for my DP/Dark cor.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mr. DJ View Post
    be nice if it would go live tomorrow
    Oh yes! Agreed!
  16. I love freespecs! Actualy prefer to be able to type in /respec wherever I am and just hop into that screen. I suppose those npcs in Galaxy and St. Martial would be pretty lonely if they stacked and the bought/crafted/vetspecs went to the same file... But I wouldn't mind at all.

    As for stacking freespec's for this round.... How about one pops in as a regular Freespec and the other pops in as a click to reward yourself (ala vetspec) I-19 specific badge with something amusing to put under our character names related to fitness becoming inherent?

    "It's about damn time"
    "Free at last"
    "Gift of the Gods"
    "Moar Power!"

    I dunno... My two cents. It's well known I post little and when I do it's something silly.
  17. All the above is good but... Making Knives of Artemis painfully tip-toe through their own damn cluster-duck (not a "duck") of caltrops. That's the glory of confuse I tell yeh.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BloodPython View Post
    Gotta keep in mind that pre-22 NO archetype is really performing well due to not having SOs. That being said, Peacebringer's only reliable mez power against Lts. or higher is Incandescent Strike. Pulsar's only a percentage of affecting a Lt., and that randomness can get ya killed in highstakes play.

    Warshades get Gravitic Emanation and Gravity Well, and Gravitic Emanation's a cone stun (ya don't have to be in melee) which lets ya take out multiple targets. Honestly, after ya got Gravitic maxed most enemies are dead before your initial shot of it wears off.

    Peacebringers have nothing like that. So while a Warshade can cork two dangerous Lts. (I won't even mention bosses), the Peacebringer has to choose one. All the while they're fighting that one, the other is attacking them. This's exacerbated on higher spawn settings.

    Again, a Warshade has no problem here. They just stun the whole group.

    So apart from the damage buff and duration differences for the two, Peacebringers are subpar to Warshades in mezzing as well.

    If ya fixed the damage issue and made Pulsar a Mag 3 Stun, (or better yet a Hold so you can stack it with Incandescent) then PB seems pretty dang fixed ta me.
    I agree wholeheartedly. If those mezzes matched a lot of PB leveling headaches could be solved in one fell stroke.
  19. What I call an "Offender" is a defender or corruptor that have the debuff/buff sets and some blast sets like sonic that buff themselves/or their ability to kill faster nearly as much or just as much as all their allies, and then they blast the snot outa stuff.

    My first toon back in the old days (2004 ish) was not an offender though with bubbles and dark blast I thought he would be when I made him... Little did I realise just how team dependant a FF/Dark before epic pools even existed would be on teaming. It could not solo anything that could bust dispersion's sleep weakness. NOTHING.

    As for offenders in general... back then a Fire/anything you want with an army of imps ( I mean an ARMY, they had no limit but their own recharge back then. Kinetics was insane. They probably made the very best of offenders. EVER. lol

    Today... They still exist. I was working for Geas of the Kind ones on the DP/Dark I brought outa the Preatorian arc into Paragon. Jack had spawned and there were only two of use fighting him. Me and a Rad/sonic defender who didn't seem to think he'd even have much trouble solo but said "We'll be fine." when I asked "Waiting to invite more I assume?". He said with me along it'll shave a little time of the inevitable." He had leadership so Jack's fears did bugger all... We minus regen'd him to oblivion for health recovery and and simply whittled him to dead under 10 min and the only pet brought out was dark fluffy (probably unessisary)... No shivans or Backup radios... Nothin.

    We also didn't die once. Not once. I do not know the specifics of his slotting but it was astounding to behold and be a part of. I have seen footage of a Rad/sonic with shivans defeating that DE GM that spawns in Creys folley. Probably not as much damage as say a blaster or a Sonic/Rad cor but the decent Safety plus pretty damn good damage over time of this build is likely vital to such feats.

    My current toon is classified a "Corruptor" is an Offender.

    His... SUPER Offender! And he was playing the "Defender".

    Happy hunting all.
  20. Perhaps he was called Preatorian? It's a Roman Political possition, just a bit more saberrattle-ish sounding then Statesman. It would kinda fit then that the people would name the world after Hamidon in honor of his old hero name.
  21. I hope you do well with it. My final Dual Pistols toon wound up being DP/Dark. I found the safety/setup then blast to your hearts content with the odd heal was the only way my feeble skills could manage not dying during the animation times involved with DP. I do adore my Kin/Sonic defender though. Being able to sleep those foes before debuffin' em/buffin' self and friends is priceless.

    Have fun!
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
    How Illusion works with Domination is probably irrelevant to Castle. I suspect that the reason that Illusion hasn't been proliferated is because it's likely to be the most stupidly overpowered set for Dominators.

    Dominator players tend to slot very heavily for recharge in order to fuel a perma or near perma Domination. Now consider an invisible high damaging character who can summon three indestructible taunting pets on an permanent or almost permanent basis, a fear patch and an energy blaster that can summon its own taunting decoy.

    There's a reason people are salivating and Castle is trying to dodge this bullet.

    But the next round is the time. He's ran out of choices. BWA HA HA HA HA!!!
    I said I'd level a toon again if they brought in pistols and so I am... I also said I'd level a Dom if they ever got Illusion. I shall... oh yes... I shall...
    BwA Hah hahaha (join you in evil laughter).
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Amy_Amp View Post
    Not auto hit, but just not widely seen before tohit values. I really won't put too much into deciding about stuff considering how much Praetoria/end game content and the Incarnate system will change things. I just can't imagine the devs doing a simple buff to mobs tohit and giving something like a /sr scrapper/brute no counter.
    Those buggers were giving my DP/Dark cor some annoyance at first so I used one of those power anaylizer thingys and almost every Preatorian mob seemed to have resistance to "to hit debuff" too.

    just a fyi... likely of no importance to most brutes.

    *edit * Perhaps for WP with rise to challenge....
  24. Looks fun! Yes I agree with the in the "in one single episode they did what we NEVER saw from Heroes... but wanted."

    Hellz bellz, one particular Episode of Dexter left me feeling "that" one time. ;p (and that's not even super hero themed)

    I think there was even an episode of Gilligan's Island that pulled off super powers with more panache, credibility and continuity then Heroes.

    I gave heroes 4 years... 4 damn years. lol

    (shakes fist)
  25. What I found most annoying about my peacebringer... which stopped leveling at mid 30's as the bosses were just getting way too hairy (hard) for me and my playstyle with em (which was working just fine prior to the level range in question)... blasty/slappy/shooty/dwarfing now and then is that the knockbacks are NOT 100% reliable with all the crud that resists it and unlike his dark cous (my warshade) hes got bugger all for controlling said bosses till he can make em dead as the the PB version of "the clap" is a STUN while their version of the big overhand smashy moove in this game it's rediculously a HOLD.

    Do this one thing....

    Make that Overhand smashy attack's mez to match the aoe minion mez. What keeps getting my PB dead are things like Carnie bosses and anything else that can do crazy ammounts of damage AND mez or have wierd one shot wonder massive DoT attacks...

    So possibilities.

    Option one:

    The PB clap: Change from Stun to Hold. Or leave as a stun if option A and or C below are used... with option C being a matching mez. Easiest change least game breaking for PvP is to just make it a hold and be done with it. Anything that is protected from stuns is likely protected from holds anyway... So it's still a minions only and unsuspecting/ill-prepared player with a squshie toon falling prey to it anyway. And honestly who cares weather the minions are mezed with a stun or a hold anyway, provided their mezed. The power Keeps it's current animation just give the foes that eyes blinded effect like illusions big aoe hold does... only this version just does lesser beings being mag 2... but stacks to assist with the over hand smashy on a hard target with its mag 3... one could still miss... (just sayin' but it gives a chance.) Also stays well within the realm of what we'd expect light wielding force of doom to be able to pull off.

    Option 2:

    Changing the big Overhand smash.

    A: Make it a stun with or without an targeted aoe effect by cloning elec melee/manipulation power-sets instead of Energy. Keep the "white light PB" effects though.

    B: Keep it as is but change the AoE stun as mentioned above to a hold to match the dang thing.

    C: Solve two PB issues with one stone.... and right years of neglect and injustice.. lol
    Make it either a mag 3 stun or hold (whatever matches the "clappy" power).... and make it do everything AIR SUPERIORITY does. Reduce it to superior damage from "extreme" if you must but seriously with stone melee having it's massive bash and "hold" power the thing keeping awesome damage wouldn't be game breaking, it would still be on a longer recharge then air sup anyway.

    Also the big guttbuster punch should be 100% knock-back chance... If I put that much time tellegraphing a punch it better knockback anything that "CAN" be knocked back. ... It's not just a PB thing, I frankly believe both Crane kick (MA) and Kick from fighting, simply by their animations alone warrant higher knockback % chances. That may just be me but they feel wrong when it doesn't happen.... and looks pretty lame when your trying to show off the game to friends... just sad.

    Sorry for spelling errors (I'm in the wrong browser for a spellcheck).

    That is all. Thanks for reading my two cents.