Any tips for making costumes? I am having a hard time.
You should re-post over in The Costume (Re)Design Thread, they've helped a lot of player with costume troubles.
A hood! Since we have no 'robinhood' style hat... a hood always looks keen on an archer. It's classy.
Have fun!
Thanks allot guys!
QFT, Its how I actually get most of my costumes, unless I can convince my girlfriend to make em, she has an eye for good costumes
The random button is your friend - seriously! Keep hitting it until something clicks for you and then start building up the rest of the toon's look from there.

For anybody who didn't get the (awesome) reference:
Stick to the basics. Really, a lot of the times, less is more.
I have one great costume so far been trying to make a good archer but for some reason I just cannot seem to make a good one, I do not have gr yet or orgin packs, cant wait till I get ninja run. Anyways I am a very creative person more so with stories then costumes but I still should be doing allot better then this, so if anyone has some suggestions on the archer please let me know! Thank you.
Btw can look natural or natural/tech like. |
Sticking to the basics can make some OMG AWESOME outfits. This isn't saying some people havent made OMG AWESOME outfits using pieces many likely wouldn't have thought of.
As you're an archer, in a superhero world, relying on simple tights, isn't a bad thing.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection
I have one great costume so far been trying to make a good archer but for some reason I just cannot seem to make a good one, I do not have gr yet or orgin packs, cant wait till I get ninja run. Anyways I am a very creative person more so with stories then costumes but I still should be doing allot better then this, so if anyone has some suggestions on the archer please let me know! Thank you.
Btw can look natural or natural/tech like.