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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
    No thanks, I don't want to add it without knowing what it will look like. If you grab a shot later, I will be happy to check it out.
    If you go to the threadlink in the OP you can browse through that thread to learn all sorts or things about pop-menues. There are even some screenshots there IIRC.

    Thanks for the post, Infini!
  2. "Signature Story Arcs
    Players must now be confirmed as Heroes or Villains (i.e., their most recent Morality Mission confirmed their alignment) in order to claim Alignment Merits as rewards from Signature Story Arcs"

  3. I got:

    Mea Culpa
    Cthrag Yaska

    Now if I can only remember my original character concepts ...
  4. Rockinghorse


    Is Doorbuster an account wide badge or do I need to log onto every single character?

    Thank you for the assist.

    Apologies if this has been asked before; I did a forum search and couldn't find the information I was looking for.
  5. Rockinghorse

    The Name Thread!

    Just saw the date on this thread ...

    Apologies for the necro
  6. Rockinghorse

    The Name Thread!

    Originally Posted by Robot View Post
    I need help on Virtue. It's a bit of a challenge.

    Girl. Non-gender-specific (No girl, woman etc. in the name). Speedster. Spunky.

    Thank you for your help.

    Free on Virtue:

    Freak Woman
    Computer Woman
    Sugar Rush
    Hightail (if she's a cat girl)
    Green Light
    Felicity Chase
    Polly Pep (play off of polypeptide and the word 'peppy')
    Skedaddle ...

    All right ... I'll stop now ...
  7. Rockinghorse

    News from PAX

    Originally Posted by Amy_Amp View Post
    Love this
  8. YES!

    Two band gigs this weekend and I wasn't going to be able to take advantage of DXP, but now I can!

    /e happydance
  9. Rockinghorse

    Tattoo ideas?

    Originally Posted by Sapphic_Neko View Post
    Wasn't there a girl too who got leopard spots tattooed on her. Nowhere near as many as leopard man, and if memory serves it kinda looked ok on her. Tho that was ages ago, she might have ruined herself completly now. Didn't find her on google tho.

    Not something i'd do tho, still pondering a catspaw tattoo
    Saw a girl once, cafe au lait skin, who had leopard spots tattoed as a vertical band along her spine. No other ink anywhere else. It was very sexy.
  10. From a multitude of posts I have gathered the following (possibly subjective) information ...

    Warwarks: Best single target damage.
    Clockwork: Best AoE damage.
    Seers: Least resisted damage type - Psi.
    IDF: Meh.

    The orbs do not give a constant buff. Their toggles go on and off and on again, so the protection they offer is not consistent.

    The heals from the various pets are nice to keep you fighting a bit longer but nothing that will save you from imminent death.

    Hope this helps =)
  11. Rockinghorse


    I have a KM/Regen levelled to 20 so far.
    The only thing I have skipped (or plan to skip) is confront.

    I like the AOE knockdown potential of Burst and I find Repulsing Torrent and it's KB as a great damage mitigation tool. Just be courteous when using Repulsing Torrent on teams.

    Destiny-Barrier* along with MoG and Shadow Meld* from red-side I'm hoping to mitigate even more incoming damage as often as possible.

    *Destiny slotting and Shadow Meld advice given to me my forumites in another thread.*
  12. I'm IO'd for regen/hp/rchg.
    Incarnate wise, I have Spiritual, Void, and Reactive so far.

    Makes sense for layered protection to add Barrier.
    I will absolutely check out the Shadow Meld suggestion as well.

    Thank you all for your insight!
  13. Greetings all.

    I was wondering what peoples opinions were on the various Destiny incarnate options coupled with Regen.

    Ageless: Does it really feel like Instant Healing recharges faster?
    Barrier: Worth it as a mini MOG?
    Rebirth: Is an extra heal just what I need?

    Thanks for the input.
  14. Like many in this thread, I also have opted out of the various breath powers;
    it would be fantastic to have the power eminate from somewhere else.

    Please please please give alternate animations/models for the tricorder of doom that is aid self/aid other/stimulant.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MentalMaden View Post
    Look out! Here comes a bunch of Syndicate! Pull my finger.

    Made cheeseburger come out my nose!


  16. Electric Fence is very ... ummmm ...
    Flatulent sounding o.0
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Shadow Wail View Post
    Why expect more proliferation? with GR I can take a Dark/Dark Corr to Paragon or a Ice/ Tanker to The Rogue Isles?

    Granted, I rather have Illusion Control with a Dom Assault powerset but beggars cant be choosers.
    Just hoping.

    CoV gave us new Zones and Contacts.
    GoRo will also.

    CoV gave us new Archetypes.
    GoRo introduces NO new Archetypes.

    CoV gave us a big bunch of new power sets.
    (Please read "new power set" to include the "proliferated" powers from hero ATs.)
    GoRo will give us 4 new powersets; one available for each AT.

    So ... like I said ...
    I was just hoping for more.

    It just seems like the money spent on Cov netted more "Bang for your buck," as it were.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Psyte View Post

    /snip/ its not COV in its scope of content (1-40, new AT's, etc) /snip/
    I was hoping that the Issue 18 would somehow make up for the obvious content imbalance between the release of CoV and GoRo. Alas, such is not to be.

    Popping in some powerset proliferation would have been a relatively easy was to add more content and to pacify those of us that have been clamouring for more of said proliferation.


    Still my favorite MMO ever...
    Just disappointed.
  19. The "Witch Bare" option for the female form was available for monstrous legs back when the Magic Booster was introduced ... At some point this combo was made unavailable.

    Would be nice to have that back and to be able to add to and/or edit other items onto that character's costume.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Shillelagh View Post
    I read in a post here on these forums, that there is a store in Steel Canyon or in Skyway City that purchases training origin enhancements at a bit of a premium price. Now I can't seem to find the post.

    So am I imagining things or does such a place exist? I'm pretty much a noob, but actually played for a few months at the original release.
    Many many issues ago selling Training Origin enhancements to the "store" (the red and white clad individual as opposed to the actual storefront across the zone) by Mynx in Skyway used to give you a better price than selling them elsewhere.

    Such is no longer the case.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by duncan_frost View Post
    broad sword for brutes! I want to make my nac mac feegle, damnit!
  22. I do try to keep SB up as perma as possible.
    To me, that's just one of my jobs as a kin.
    Not the ONLY job I have ... But yes, one of them.

    You're opinion and mileage may vary.

    I do, however, tend to ignore cries for "SB Pls" from the scrapper who is halfway across the map away from the rest of the team.

    As an aside ...

    I'll never forget the one time I was kicked from a team for not having speedboost.
    I was playing a kin troller ... And I was level 16 I believe ... Nowhere near the level 20 I needed to be as a troller to gain access to the power.

    "Learn to play a kin and get Speedboost, N00b!" /kick

    I was stunned that I got kicked ... but then I LOL'd.
  23. They keep mentioning (in various interviews and stuff) the "4 new powersets" coming out in Going Rogue.

    I'm hoping that Issue 18 has some powerset proliferation in it.
    They need to do something for issue 18 and for those that are not gettin GR.

    I can't imagine what else could be included in i18; excepting various bug fixes (maybe.)
  24. Love my grav/kin
    She'll be my next 50 ... Two more levels to go!

    Without IO bonuses, Siphon Speed paired with Hasten make your AOE hold come back fast enough to use on every other spawn (depending on team speed.) WITH set bonuses it can recharge even faster.

    I chose the Psionic Mastery epic pool. Being kin means being in melee quite often and Indominatable Will helps avoid an unexpected hold/stun/sleep/fear from hitting.

    Make sure to 2 slot for accuracy on Transfusion, Siphon Speed, and Fulcrum Shift as you do not want these to miss their target.

    One caveat: Keep the long animation of Propel in mind to avoid A) corpse blasting and B) getting stuck in the animation when what you should be doing is running away.

    This is a fast button mashing toon to play. Always something to do (unlike my Robo/FF MM which is dead boring.)

    Have fun!
  25. Wow!

    My first raid and the raid/team leaders made it almost effortless.

    Thanks for a great experience, looking forward to more.