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  1. Excellent! There is the mini gun temp power in Praetoria which I have often thought would make an excellent blaster weapon set. Nice to see someone else thinks so.

    Great suggestion!

    I always liked the idea of Orbital Strike as a Judgement power. Those Warworks illuminated targeting cross hairs for the Orbital Strike attack are just too cool!
  2. Remaugen

    Double Aura

    While it's an interesting idea and on the surface it might seem cool, I have to think this is not such a good idea. I would really like to be able to better subdue other players auras and FX. At times the screen pollution can get pretty extreme.

    Just say "NO" to more screen pollution!
  3. Logic would suggest that a Staff or Titan Weapon would ALWAYS be in hand, there is no place to sheath it. It has always kind of bugged me that weapons are drawn from out of no where.

    I like the idea of an always in hand option. Great suggestion!
  4. Seems like a good idea to me, never understood why it was T9 VIP, it should just be VIP. . .
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Quasadu View Post
    The only thing broken about redside is a relative lack of content. Rather than abandoning it, why not fix it?
    I concur. I love redside, but if I want to team with my friends, I am forced to take my villains rogue so that I can play blueside with them. Add that to the minimal changes and additions to the Rogue Isles and it is easy to see why so few are playing there. Don't get me wrong, I really like the changes to Mercy, but at least on Champion, it did little to attract players when they got a shiny new Atlas with even bigger changes at the same time. The Rogue Isles need to open up a few more zones, including a red only zone in the Shadow Shards along with a co-op zone in the Shadow Shards.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lady Arete View Post
    Still hope for some of the Sybil bits from Cimerora, or similar. Else looking forward to what we get.
    Originally Posted by Waveform View Post
    How about some toes on the Flat/Bare foot model? It's always bugged me.

    Also, the Monsterous Legs need a color-tintable fur skin. Currently the "cat" model has a tintable one, but not the wolfish one.
    Originally Posted by Cien_Fuegos View Post
    I want more eye pieces and hair cuts
    dog tags, dog collar, bling, tight cowl, turtle necks( might be chest piece)

    earings for women and men

    Hats i want a hat that can fit over bunny,squirrel,ferret,etc ears...
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    I'd like animated hair
    Originally Posted by DreadShinobi View Post
    Hoodies. Still.
    Originally Posted by PSLAnimal View Post
    I'm going to keep saying it until the devs listen: Propeller beanies. Animated propeller beanies. PROPELLER BEANIES!

    I absolutely agree with these ideas and greater choices of hair under hats and helmets.
  7. I like that the villain Patron Power Pools have to be unlocked and I would love to see hero Patron Power Pools handled the same way.

    I am not too keen on selling EVERYTHING in through the store.

    If it keeps up people will soon be demanding "blank" pre-leveled to 50 toons that they can buy, spec and launch directly into Incarnate stuff. Next it will be demanding Incarnate stuff sold in the store.

    (Yes I know that the power levelers have been selling them for cash for some time now.)
  8. What about Android Bunnies? Here are a few of my more than 40 Remaugen Android Bunnies running around Champion. Select a skin color and use tights that match it, then use the blend detail to add fur like color depth.

  9. Two of the three SGs I have toons in are solo owned/controlled. I have to use two accounts to manage them though. Over time I have invited a few friends in, but by far the bulk of the SG's members are my own toons. I really don't care about SG rank, and I really do not like the idea of just anyone looking up my membership rosters. If that function were to be made available, then it really should be limited to coalition members, the same coalition members who can access my base.
  10. I have wanted variations of these outfits since I first got to Cim.

    There is a simpler version that some of the Sybils wear that I could happily work with.
  11. That's a clever suggestion, I like it!
  12. Remaugen

    Unique Content

    Originally Posted by TheJazMan View Post
    . . . . <Snip!>

    I have NO desire to see any additional material featuring Goldbrickers, Luddites, Igneous, Scrapyarders and Dockworkers, Golems... If you think that is where my post was going then I apologize because I do not find any of these NPCs unique, epic or compelling.
    But that's exactly what I want, we have plenty of NPC groups that need to be fleshed out and expanded on. They are painfully incomplete to continuity as it stands now.
  13. The cosmetic part holds no appeal for me, but the idea of a seventh or even eighth slot does. Ideally it would be tied to continued XP as a reward at certain milestones.
  14. There are some good points, I would like to see cross server activity made a bit easier, for example, you are in a team on a server that begins to load up, being able to temporarily move your team to another server would be a great thing. Using your favorite toon to team with friends on other servers.

    From a players point of view, I don't think that merging the servers would work, but allowing a seamless transition between servers might. (You have departed Earth Champion and arrived on Earth Virtue.) When visiting other servers you might have to default to your global while there, but I am OK with that!

    Obviously, I am not a programmer so I have no clue as how difficult or easy this might be, but I think it is a better alternative to the OP.
  15. Still a good idea! I also feel that melee toons should have access to at least some ranged attacks, and in turn, ranged toons should have some melee attacks other than Brawl or Kick.

    Hurl just isn't enough for tanks to take on fliers or snipers!
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by kitsune knight View Post
    random list of reasons why this is a bad idea:
    . . . <snip!>
    4.) name clashes. If i become "kitsune knight_1", i'm going to personally stab you, and every other person that has suggested this
    <snip!>. . .
  17. In trying to be funny, DarkGob may have actually hit on a great idea of using Pandora's Box. Attempted humor aside, there is the core of a great story there!
  18. PEATs could have many options. A Hami/Dark Earth derived PEAT would be way mega cool, so would a Clockwork/Warwork but the best might be an Olympian!
  19. I think I have roughly 41 toons on my main account and 14 on a second account. I am all for more more more!
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Atilla_The_Pun View Post
    I can has a Blaster with the Old School MoG?

  21. No, I would not pay for a leash license.

    I wouldn't mind paying for some pet repellent though!
  22. This one is long overdue.
  23. Oh yeah, we should also add Paragon Protectors as EATs!