SG ranking at City Hall
Although, that might be useful for some groups, for others it would be misleading. I know on my server, there are at least 20 SGs, if not more, that have been around since bases came out, or shortly thereafter, that haven't earned any prestige in the last year and a half.
On Liberty, the #1 SG still has two or three semi-active people, the #2 SG has a whole lot more, and they've only been around a couple of years.
If an SG wants to recruit more people, it should host/lead events and recruit from those that attend and fit in with the members of the group.
(at least, that's one way) If all the members are active, and you can demonstrate an advantage to being in the group, then people are more likely to join.
"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese
I agree that active recruitment is the way to build SG membership. But there is an SG list at city hall for players to review. So i guess the question is why have a prestige listing at all? If you have an information column it is to help players make a decision about an SG. Right now it is only prestige. What is wrong with adding a start date? How could that not help someone look through the list and make a decision?
I, for one, really don't care about where any SG ranks on a list. Quality comes from players, and founding date is no guarantee of current activity or relevance. And "prestige" is utterly meaningless, save to those who fixate on it for purposes of virtual **** measuring.
My characters at Virtueverse
Faces of the City
What is wrong with adding a start date? How could that not help someone look through the list and make a decision?
Does it indicate an SG's membership activity?
Does it indicate the number of members an SG has?
Does it indicate the last time it's members actually logged into the game?
At least the prestige listing indicates that someone in the SG is still participating in SG mode, even tho the prestige earned has been reduced to nothing more than a mini game of who has the highest total.
I'm willing to bet that that info isn't stored anywhere, so if they were to magically somehow implement this tomorrow, every current SG would have a creation date of April 13, 2012.
How is that helpful?
Not to mention how many times said supergroup has changed hands. It is not unheard of for people to sell them on the forums.
So the entire list will be the SGs that were created the moment SGs came out, and likely most of which abandoned? The SG listing is pretty much useless.
Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!
The list needs an overhaul, yes.
- Redo the "Top 100 SGs" so it's specifically saying "Highest prestige," as opposed to suggesting it's some actual measure of quality.
- Have a button to contact whoever has the "red star."
- Have more descriptors and filters that the SG can set (RP/Heavy RP/PVP/private/themed/etc.)
- "Last active" - if you see one that looks good but has had no activity since 2006, you know you can skip it.
That listing is generally pretty useless as it sits.
The list needs an overhaul, yes. - Redo the "Top 100 SGs" so it's specifically saying "Highest prestige," as opposed to suggesting it's some actual measure of quality. - Have a button to contact whoever has the "red star." - Have more descriptors and filters that the SG can set (RP/Heavy RP/PVP/private/themed/etc.) - "Last active" - if you see one that looks good but has had no activity since 2006, you know you can skip it. That listing is generally pretty useless as it sits. |
List prestige earned, and prestige bought too.
On my home server there is an SG who just buys all their prestige, even claiming it in his description, and i'm fine with that. My issue is the SG who is obviously buying prestige to keep up and stay on top while claiming that they do not buy prestige.
Prestige imo, is a form of overall SG activity, and it is misleading to just note the total prestige.
Example: SG 1) 1 person SG, person buys 1bill of prestige per day, while only logging in for 5 minutes per day vs. SG 2) an SG of 10 playing several hours per day. Just counting Prestige SG 1 would look more active.
Also add a list of SG communications.
Some SG's have their own Chat Channel, web page, Vent, Team Speak and such, have the ability to add that, and not just in the description.
Dark Energon, Founder of the Freedom Legion SG on Guardian server.
(SG founded on 12-08-'09, Top100: 08-17-'10, Top50: 12-23-'10, Top25: 12-11-'11)
Crab Spider Nephila on Titan Tracker
Weekly events on Guardian: W.A.V.E. & FNFN
The list needs an overhaul, yes. - Redo the "Top 100 SGs" so it's specifically saying "Highest prestige," as opposed to suggesting it's some actual measure of quality. - Have a button to contact whoever has the "red star." - Have more descriptors and filters that the SG can set (RP/Heavy RP/PVP/private/themed/etc.) - "Last active" - if you see one that looks good but has had no activity since 2006, you know you can skip it. That listing is generally pretty useless as it sits. |
Perhaps a counter of how many accounts logged in that sg in the past 14 days, or something like that.
"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese
There's one thing to remember though, (taking into account all the groups that pretty much went inactive) the list is ranked strictly by prestige earned. Groups/Bases were Very active at first and for a while they were grinding prestige left and right for badges n stuff. Some even did it intentionally to be number one I'd imagine. You could realistically have a list of Inactive groups that gathered massive amounts of prestige to the point that smaller/newer groups just simply couldn't come close to being high enough to make it on the list.
The group I created has been around since atleast i2-i3 (whenever the SG's/Bases were introduced), but since we've been a VERY casual player group there's no chance for us to ever be on the list. Honestly, since we've got more than enough prestige for rent (until the end of time) and I'll get back to group badges at a later time, I don't even require them to be in SG mode as it helps their alts gather inf easier.
Two of the three SGs I have toons in are solo owned/controlled. I have to use two accounts to manage them though. Over time I have invited a few friends in, but by far the bulk of the SG's members are my own toons. I really don't care about SG rank, and I really do not like the idea of just anyone looking up my membership rosters. If that function were to be made available, then it really should be limited to coalition members, the same coalition members who can access my base.
my only Gripes with the current top SG list are:
1) no numbers showing ranks
2) cant see full amount of prestige even when stretching the column as large as it gets.
and yeah it would be nice to have a "/send tell to red star leader" but if the leader hasent been on or banned then you have problems :\
I would like to see which groups are villain side and which are hero side in order to set up coalitions etc. if a leader is looking for top group picks.
another column for a group site or who to contact or recruiting leaders.

The list needs an overhaul, yes. - Redo the "Top 100 SGs" so it's specifically saying "Highest prestige," as opposed to suggesting it's some actual measure of quality. - Have a button to contact whoever has the "red star." - Have more descriptors and filters that the SG can set (RP/Heavy RP/PVP/private/themed/etc.) - "Last active" - if you see one that looks good but has had no activity since 2006, you know you can skip it. That listing is generally pretty useless as it sits. |
I think you should also rank SGs on the list of SGs found in City Hall by date created. It would help the SGs that have been here since the beginning to attract new members rather than someone picking an SG that has a lot of prestige that may really just be a farming SG.