25 -
Thank you for your answer. Actually, I'm a doofus. I restarted my computer and its all good.
File: player_library/animations/MALE/WEP_FRISBEE_TURN.anim
Last Author/Status:Perforce.cpp failed to connect to Perforce.
Bad animation data loaded. Your data might be corrupt, please run the patcher and try again.
Any idea what I can do to fix it?
Thanks -
Thank you all for your help and insight. I appreciate it.
Would this computer work well with CoH?
Intel® Core i5-2320
Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium (64-bit)
8GB DDR3-1333 RAM
(2) 750GB 7,200RPM Hard Drive (RAID 0)
16x DVD±RW Drive
19-in-1 Memory Card Reader
AMD Radeon HD 6450
10/100/1000 Network
Or this one
Intel® Core i7-3770
Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium (64-bit)
12GB DDR3-1333 SDRAM
2TB 7,200RPM Hard Drive
DVD±RW Drive
Memory Card Reader
AMD Radeon HD 7770
10/100/1000 Network
802.11b/g/n Wireless -
Would this computer work well with CoH?
Intel® Core i5-2320
• Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium (64-bit)
• 8GB DDR3-1333 RAM
• (2) 750GB 7,200RPM Hard Drive (RAID 0)
• 16x DVD±RW Drive
• 19-in-1 Memory Card Reader
• AMD Radeon™ HD 6450
• 10/100/1000 Network
Or this one
Intel® Core i7-3770
• Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium (64-bit)
• 12GB DDR3-1333 SDRAM
• 2TB 7,200RPM Hard Drive
• DVD±RW Drive
• Memory Card Reader
• AMD Radeon™ HD 7770
• 10/100/1000 Network
• 802.11b/g/n Wireless -
Or, if you find a copy machine, you put an inspiration in and get two of them to come out.
I have that on a tab and I don't see many players use it compared to the requests on the Help channel.
I agree that a new channel might work for teaming. Right now it seems the Help channel is that channel but it gets mucked up with a lot of team requests and the Help requests get lost in there. Perhaps a seperate cross map channel for team requests is needed.
I see more players LFT than making teams. So anyone making a team is ok by me. You learn to lead a team by doing it and even the best of leaders get teams with a variety of abilities and playstyles. But that is exciting and fun. So any encourgement to start a team would benefit the game. -
It be like the $1.25 candy bar I can get at 7-11 for 75 cents.
I agree that active recruitment is the way to build SG membership. But there is an SG list at city hall for players to review. So i guess the question is why have a prestige listing at all? If you have an information column it is to help players make a decision about an SG. Right now it is only prestige. What is wrong with adding a start date? How could that not help someone look through the list and make a decision?
I think there are fewer team being formed now than in the past. I believe this game works at its most fun in teams. I think you can incentivize team building by giving a team of 6-8 players more drops or better drops or unique drops or perhaps a new type of drop you can only get in larger teams. I also think if you give the leader of the team a special reward for forming the team that would encourage people to make teams. But you'd only get these rewards outside of AE missions- those farmers get enough stuff already. Plus, you need to finish the mission to get the rewards- again, that would perhaps discourage farming.
I think you should also rank SGs on the list of SGs found in City Hall by date created. It would help the SGs that have been here since the beginning to attract new members rather than someone picking an SG that has a lot of prestige that may really just be a farming SG.
I think the vending machines in the office missions should dispense inspirations. And just like real vending machines, the inspirations should be double the cost and at times, either expired, they don't work at all, or at 50% because the are "stale". Or we get two of them.
Wouldn't that be fun? -
It seems teams aren't as popular as they use to be. I have a couple ideas that migth encourage teams and team building. Perhaps the Devs would give a bonus or larger drops or some sort of reward to players that are on teams of 5 or more. I know you get more xp on larger teams but I think the incentive needs to be recipes or influence or something else that you only get while on a team. Plus, I think you should bonus the team leader a bit more than the rest of the team since they built the team and is running it, etc.
If those two steps were taken, I believe more teaming would happen and that would help everyone. -
Then if anyone has a system for badges that is more intelligent than brute force, I'd love to hear it.
The badge information is poorly organized making it hard to find what you need to do for badges and what you are missing. Right now you see a badge listing of what you have partial completed but it is not easy to know what is left. Or you have unknown badges that give you no name and again a completion percentage but no idea what you are working towards. You can cross check from badge column to badge column to try to understand what is missing or you can create a spreadsheet to track what you've done and not done or use the Wiki to compare against it but is the badge you want from game activity or this paperwork activity? It should be game based not this busy work we have to do to know you need Synapse to finish the accolade.
My suggestion is to organize the badges by names or titles and the sub-folders show you the needed tfs, etc to achieve that badge. So you'd see Task Force Accolade, click on it to see the 6 TF each listed and being done or need to do. Each badge would be like that- giving you the information you need to know what to do to achieve the badge.
You might say, this will make it easy for players. It makes it easier to understand. If making it difficult to understand was the way to make it harder to achieve, you need to make the badges harder to acheive in the game not by making the paperwork difficult.
I should not have to go the multiple areas AND an outside website to play this game and get the badges. -
OK. I can see there are technical issues and interest levels to this idea. But, a 3D desktop is just a matter of time. How it will look or behave is up to whoever can come up with it. Frankly, all the comments describing how it won't work seem thought restrictive rather than solution based. A twirling globe of shortcuts might be the desktop. Flying through clouds might be it, too. But for computer geeks, no shouldn't be the answer. Look at this for the fun it would be, that's how many great things start.
You're right, it will take up resorces and perhaps be cumbersome and not as clean or effective as the other applications out there but to say there isn't a market for it, I don't believe that's true. Most of us use Windows desktop as a default. I am sure if a 3D option were availible some of us would use it instead. There are how many desktop computers out there 500 million, 1 billion? As a business idea, if converting a small portion of CoH into a desktop application, at a relatively inexpensive cost, how many could you sell? 500,000 at $20 a piece? 10 million dollars in sales? Isn't that worth the effort?
You maybe looking at this in a practical way because of your computer experience- most of us do not have that experience. -
Quote:Well that goes for anything then- email or web searches or reading blogs. Online vs RL. My belief is 3D desktops will happen sooner not later. It's not about continuing to play the game even if you're offline. It's about how you manage your desktop information. Right now it is 2D with shortcuts and a background picture. Why not make it 3D? And with millions of people playing games in 3D, some company will tap into that comfortablity and make a lot of money with a 3D desktop. CoH has most of it in place already in the game- so why not them? They can make it and make money, too.I live in a 3D world 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It's more real than anything I've seen in game.
I'm sorry, I can't get behind this idea because I enjoy leaving the computer on the desk and living real life. This game is great, but it's a game. I'm just as happy pulling the plug and going for a run, heading out to the beach to enjoy the sun, or spending time with my nephew or my dog. I don't need a computer to help do that.
Let's keep fantasy where it belongs. -
Quote:Yea. And you could only use "the mission wasn't set so I didn't know where it was" only once probablyThere might be a couple pit falls in this idea.
PS3 has a similar set up and I rarely see anyone in there. accept for a few random chatters.
I can see a senario like this happening: your meeting starts at 7am, you started running from city hall to your office "office conference program" at 6:50am. You make it to the door of your office at 7:01 and completely loaded in at 7:09am. After the meeting your boss asks you why you were late ... your only honest responce is "I forgot I was only lvl 3 and don't have a travel power yet"can you say fired.
I would enjoy this idea for a while, but don't see long term use. -
Dear Mr Clayton and Mr. Miller,
I've been playing CoH for almost 3 years and I really enjoy the game. Playing CoH got me thinking about the nature of MMO's and the player's exposure to a 3D world and perhaps what it may look like in the future. If you have a moment to read this, I think you will see my idea may be just that- the way people will interact in the future and as an opportunity for you.
The first premise is millions of players around the world of all ages have grown used to playing in a 3D world. After running around a city or mountain, after flying through the air, after driving a car through Monte Carlo- they cannot go back to a 2D game. If fact, more games now are being developed to have the 3D realism be more accurate not less. No one is going back to old games; only forward.
The next thought is what you see on your computer screen desktop is a 2D world. Flat. I have my background picture, I have shortcut icons. I have my bottom task bar. Pretty basic and it's been that way for a decade or more. What is needs is to be 3D. But not in the way a few companies have tried to create a 3D desktop. I think one company who tried it was Bumptop. Their 3D desktop was very basic and not much of a step up from 2D. Google bought them and now who knows. They have not been heard from again.
But Paragon Studios already has the components in place to make a great 3D desktop and here's where these two ideas combined beautifully. Let me give you the example.
My desktop is the Atlas map. It isn't the game. It's my desktop program. So you don't need all the maps, just one. So, I turn on the computer and I'm standing in Atlas near City Hall. Just like if I had logged into the game- there are the 3D buildings, sounds of water, I can run and move around the town.
I have my toon and because of the character creator, my toon can look like anyone or anything. To add to the 3D-ness of the Atlas desktop, some of the buildings in Atlas are entrances to other programs on my hard drive like shortcuts icons are in a 2D desktop. In the game, you click a door and go someplace; it would be just like that. Some of the buildings may be shortcuts to the Internet or programs. Wentworth's may be where I go for websites like eBay or Amazon. Or go to the hospital for sites like WebMD. The library for news sites, etc. In 2D, those shortcuts are images on my desktop. In my Atlas desktop, the shortcuts are 3D items.
Next, I need to go to my office. The program might allow me to pick from different places I have my office- an office building, a house, the penthouse, a warehouse. So I go to a building and click the door, go in, take the elevator to the top floor penthouse and there's my office. It looks the way I want it to because the game has a base creator and I can select furniture, book cases, desk, plants- all to my liking. Those objects from the base creator may become the shortcut images for me to programs, etc.
On my desk is a stack of mail and I click it for the shortcut and select from my choices of hotmail or gmail to see what email I received. That click gets me to my email programs. The program may have selected objects that can be turned into shortcuts to programs or internet sites. The TV in my office might take me to Youtube. The picture on the wall lets me go to Tumbler. And the radio takes me to Itunes. The computer on my desk takes me to my browser. The CoH poster gets me to the game. I move my toon around the room to get to these things because I want to be in a 3D world, I want to walk around like I do in a game. It is comfortable to me and fun. After all, I already play in a 3D world for hours at a time. This desktop is familiar and expected.
Let's say my company has adopted this desktop for their employees. They can have business meetings. The appointment may be in the mission tab. The meeting is in City Hall. This action of meeting others maybe similar to going out to the internet and being in the game. CoH already has the servers. You can use a server that is under utilized. From my desktop, I go to City Hall and click the meeting room door, just like a mission, and there are all my co-worker's toons at the meeting. We can chat in local, or send private tells.
My friend's list may be coworkers, friends, and family. I can send tells to them like instant messenger does. If a friend has the Atlas desktop too, we might be able set a place to meet to talk and visit- like the park or art museum, etc. Maybe there are mini-games inside the Atlas desktop I can play. Or play with others. Really, anything is possible and with the CoH being the foundation, I am thinking a lot is already in place.
We know that millions and millions of people live in a 3D world hours a day, some spend more hours there than in real life. You probably could ask anyone to close their eyes and imagine that world the play in and it will be as real as anything to them. I cannot be the only one who wants the 3D immersion to be beyond the confines of the game. Perhaps the business application is a bit far out but even if personal use was just 10% of all game players, what is that, a potential 500,000 person customer base? I do not have the training or the money to make this happen. You do. This is not a crazy idea. It really is just a question of when. Somebody will do this. Someone will realize so many people are already there and wanting it. I hope you take a few minutes and see just how this will work and how it could be a great business for you.
Thank you for you time. If you have any questions, please write. -
I am so close to leaving this game altogether unless I get my lag issues fixed. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. The lag really started up with I16. I go for a minute and its fine then lag for a minute or so then back to being ok. It can be during a mob; outside a mission; standing around; running. I don't see a rhyme or reason to it.
Anyone else have this problem?
Here's my basics:
Vista Home basic
Cable modem
Processor AMD Athlon 64 x @ Dual Core Processor 5600+ 2.8 Ghz
3.0 GB of RAM
2 Video cards both NVIDIA GeForce 8600GT, I think there is RAM on each but I can't find out how much, perhaps 1.0 GB. Drivers are updated to the
In game I have to play:
Refresh Rate 60
FSAA off
Advance Graphic Settings off
Graphic quality minimum
What other info should I post to describe my system better?
Thank you in advance. -
I am so close to leaving this game altogether unless I get my lag issues fixed. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. The lag really started up with I16. I go for a minute and its fine then lag for a minute or so then back to being ok. It can be during a mob; outside a mission; standing around; running. I don't see a rhyme or reason to it.
Anyone else have this problem?
Here's my basics:
Vista Home basic
Cable modem
Processor AMD Athlon 64 x @ Dual Core Processor 5600+ 2.8 Ghz
3.0 GB of RAM
2 Video cards both NVIDIA GeForce 8600GT, I think there is RAM on each but I can't find out how much, perhaps 1.0 GB. Drivers are updated to the
In game I have to play:
Refresh Rate 60
FSAA off
Advance Graphic Settings off
Graphic quality minimum
What other info should I post to describe my system better?
Thank you in advance. -
Keeping the original Tanker Tuesday on Champion is important I think. But moving the get together around to other servers is a great idea. I'm mostly on Freedom now, I would love a Tanker day there too. I have a lot of tanks on Freedom (I'm a bit of a tanker addict).