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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DarkSideLeague View Post
    Or just add a terminal that can be clicked to instantly trigger the next wave.
    Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
    I like this suggestion personally.

    Me too!

    Originally Posted by Ukaserex View Post
    A different idea - leave it as it is.
    Simply stop making it the weekly tf.

    That works too!
  2. Oops, that above post is mine from my second account. I was logged in on it to use the transfer tool for beta and forgot to change accounts before posting on the forum.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    Of course if the devs really wanted to ientify free players they could program a non combat pet to follow them around saying,

    "Danger, Free Player.
    Danger! Danger!"

    Or make them were red "F"s on their costumes. . .
  4. This comes up now and again, I think it is long overdue.
  5. Great idea, makes MUCH MORE sense than using Trainers as Tailors. . .
  6. KoL is text based, just won't work for CoX in my opinion. Truthfully I would not mind seeing CoX ported to Android (or any) tablets, but it could not be like KoL. . .
  7. You can only ever use six of them, then you set on the rest of them forever, seems dumb to me. They should be account tradeable at the very least.
  8. Perhaps instead of a new AT these should be new powersets for existing ATs? They do look kinda cool.
  9. I still want to see Kheld Kin / Nictus EATs, like Quantums, Galaxies and Voids. . .

    I like Kirsten's idea of ancillary Kheld forms, it would be pretty cool to choose something different than the flying Squid or bipedal Rhino.

    But I also support the OP.

    I have a level 50 Warshade and a Mid 30s Peacebringer but I seldom play either of them unless I feel like getting beat up for a while. I would really like to be able to use some of the toons other powers while in alternate form. . .
  10. I'm up for new accolades/accolade powers. Bring 'em on!
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    I take it your daughter has her own Master Account to which you don't have access? I mention this only because I noticed I have the option to buy Paragon Points for any of the 5 CoH accounts listed on my Master Account.

    I haven't tried it myself because money's too tight to experiment with.
    For my accounts I ran into issues with using the same Email address and Credit Card, so I use a different email and PayPal for the second account. On one occasion I was able to access my daughters account and use my PayPal to buy a VIP period for her, the second time I tried a few months later though, it was rejected by the NC Store.

    Perhaps my mistake was not linking the all of the accounts to begin with, and it's too late change that now.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Miakis View Post
    I would approve of this as well. Why can't I have a bow that shoots lightning? Or energy pistols?

    Yes! Exactly the way I feel too!
  13. Great idea Leo, I have always thought this kind of stuff really belonged on those otherwise useless information kiosks all over the place. Add things like WST and a contact or two and it would be perfect.

    Still though, you have identified a need and suggested a great way to implement it. Good suggestion!
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    Now that we have phasing tech, I see no reason why this shouldn't happen. Let villains enter hero zones, but be phased out so they never actually interact with heroes. If a villain is invited to a hero team, THEN have him phase into the hero version of the zone and from that point on the need to fight the villain is removed, since heroes are vouching for him.


    "But wait!" you say. "Wouldn't that make the transition alignments pointless?" They were pointless to begin with, part of a system that has since been circumvented. I say just open up Hero/Villain merits to those guys and let everyone travel between the factions.
    Why mess with phasing tech? Let them walk the streets just like anyone else, let them co-op with as few restrictions as possible. Just make PPD and Longbow yellow targets for everyone but true blue heroes. Perhaps one in twenty encounters will result in Longbow or PPD trying to detain the viilains

    Same should go for Arachnos redside, they would not automatically attack villains as they do now, but they should be yellow targets for everyone. And they should randomly attack known heroes in the same one in twenty (or whatever it should be) ratio. This would still make alignment matter and add some challenge to cross zone travel.

    This should also extend to Goldside as well. Known heroes and villains visiting Praetoria should have a chance of being identified by PPD or IDF and attacked, as should known Praetorians on Primal Earth. Now that we have a resolution to the Praetorian War at hand, travel restrictions for gold toons should be lifted and BOTH worlds "Merged".

    As for PvP, turn some PvP zones into FFA, leave one or two Red vs Blue and make a Red/Blue vs Gold zone as well. Maybe even add a Goldside Res/Loy zone.

    I really like the core of this idea and I think it could grow into something great for CoX.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Stone Daemon View Post
    Wouldn't this basically kill vigilante/rogues dead? Why bother going for a grey faction (and losing access to the H/V merits) if you can go anywhere?
    Not if there was Rogue & Vigilante specific content, as there is for Hero & Villain.
  16. I would be perfectly happy with the ability to gift points in game via face to face or by email.

    I have two VIP accounts and my daughter has an on/off premium account. I would love to be able to gift her points as needed.
  17. Selling birthday wishes and such in the store might not be a bad idea. Advertising other NCSoft games night not be too bad either if not overdone.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
    The huge group sizes for trials is one of the things that puts me off of them. It becomes so chaotic that I can't really tell what's going on. I just keep an eye on the chat to get a vague idea of what I should be doing, click powers and hope for the best.

    Exactly, not to mention the horrid lag and everyone's over bright or over dark FX.

    Leagues for trials need to be smaller, also, the drops and incarnate XP needs to be shared equally across the league, not just by individual teams.

    Conversely, Leagues should be enabled for missions. There are been occasions when our group has ten or twelve players on but there is only room for 8 in a TF.

    I do not object to cross server leagues, but I bet they would lag even worse than they do now.
  19. We see so many repeats of the same statue and pose over and over, replace some of those with new ones.

    Personally I would love to see Statesman on top of city hall, posed as if he were holding up the flagpole.
  20. What's that saying?

    Something along the lines of "A common people, separated by a common language."?
  21. The gold target is exactly what is needed to make it work.
  22. We've all wanted this forever, you are preaching to the choir.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    We have ten incarnate slots. What I would like to see is an Incarnate Power tray that has one button for each slot. The Alpha slot button would not be usable, but it would show what Alpha you have slotted. All of the others would activate the appropriate incarnate power, and update with the icon of the slotted power dynamically and automatically as powers are slotted.

    Bonus points: from the Incarnate tray, right-clicking any power button would bring up a pop-up list of all options available for slotting. Selecting a different power from that list would change the slotted power for that slot, if allowed by cooldown timers, without having to go into the incarnate interface.

    Bingo! Best answer to the problem by far.