Suggestion: Per-slot Incarnate Power Icons




Problem Statement
For those fortunate enough to gather multiple Incarnate powers in each slot, managing them in power trays is becoming cumbersome. See below for more details.

Proposed Solution
Create a "slot power" icon. For example, imagine a single power icon for activating whatever Destiny you have slotted, another for summoning whatever Lore you have slotted, and so on.

Detailed Reasoning
First, let me mention that I'm aware that it's possible to create a macro that activates powers in exactly the way I am describing. I already use a keybind that does the same basic thing. The issue with macros is that they do not show you the recharge status of your powers - not particularly helpful for long-recharge clicks. To reasonably view the recharge status, you need the power icon in a tray. The "Powers" UI window is not suitable for this.

Even though we own a potentially large number of powers for any given slot, the "slotting" requirement of Incarnate powers means that only one is available at any one time. Even if all you want it in a tray for is to check on its recharge, you need to either have a bunch of Incarnate powers in trays (most of which are disabled) or to reconfigure your trays each time you change your slotting, neither of which is particularly ideal.

Since Incarnate powers to date that belong in a given slot all share the same recharge time, it seems that a common icon could be used to control whatever one happens to be slotted, and then represent its recharge status.

I realize that the UI and power activation "plumbing" to allow this suggestion may not exist. I am proposing that such plumbing might be a good investment, as our list of Incarnate slots is only going to grow, and long-standing characters are potentially going to accumulate more variants of previous slot powers which they then would need to manage. Having a single icon for each slot would make this much, much easier to manage.

Functional Specification
Something would have to be done with the "slot power" when nothing is slotted in a given Incarnate slot. Perhaps the power icon could become available in your powers list once the slot is unlocked, but would be disabled if nothing is slotted.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
Problem Statement
For those fortunate enough to gather multiple Incarnate powers in each slot, managing them in power trays is becoming cumbersome. See below for more details.

Proposed Solution
Create a "slot power" icon. For example, imagine a single power icon for activating whatever Destiny you have slotted, another for summoning whatever Lore you have slotted, and so on.

Detailed Reasoning
First, let me mention that I'm aware that it's possible to create a macro that activates powers in exactly the way I am describing. I already use a keybind that does the same basic thing. The issue with macros is that they do not show you the recharge status of your powers - not particularly helpful for long-recharge clicks. To reasonably view the recharge status, you need the power icon in a tray. The "Powers" UI window is not suitable for this.

Even though we own a potentially large number of powers for any given slot, the "slotting" requirement of Incarnate powers means that only one is available at any one time. Even if all you want it in a tray for is to check on its recharge, you need to either have a bunch of Incarnate powers in trays (most of which are disabled) or to reconfigure your trays each time you change your slotting, neither of which is particularly ideal.

Since Incarnate powers to date that belong in a given slot all share the same recharge time, it seems that a common icon could be used to control whatever one happens to be slotted, and then represent its recharge status.

I realize that the UI and power activation "plumbing" to allow this suggestion may not exist. I am proposing that such plumbing might be a good investment, as our list of Incarnate slots is only going to grow, and long-standing characters are potentially going to accumulate more variants of previous slot powers which they then would need to manage. Having a single icon for each slot would make this much, much easier to manage.

Functional Specification
Something would have to be done with the "slot power" when nothing is slotted in a given Incarnate slot. Perhaps the power icon could become available in your powers list once the slot is unlocked, but would be disabled if nothing is slotted.
Could see this as useful, however I think there are many other things in the game that need fixing first. You don't HAVE to have all of your powers in a visible tray at once, and its really not difficult at all to just drag the power from the incarnate power selection box into the previously selected power's spot.

Whenever I change powers, I just double click on the power I want, lets say its a different lore power, then I just click and drag the newly selected power from the lore box on the left portion of the incarnate dialog into the power tray. Its not too cumbersome at all really. I consistently use a specific power slot for each power: lore, destiny, judgement, hybrid, and when I change I just replace the old power with the new, effectively doing the same thing as you're proposing.

I will say it was an accident that I discovered that I could do this and before I was going to the main powers list, fishing out the new power and moving it. The discovery of being able to drag the power from the incarnates power made the whole process much easier.



Originally Posted by AquaJAWS View Post
Could see this as useful, however I think there are many other things in the game that need fixing first.
Which has nothing at all to do with the suggestion. If we used that criteria for making or accepting the validity of suggestions we would invalidate nearly all of them.

You don't HAVE to have all of your powers in a visible tray at once, and its really not difficult at all to just drag the power from the incarnate power selection box into the previously selected power's spot.
When you are changing powers frequently, that becomes obnoxious. That's why I am suggesting a change. I've mentioned this solution/workaround in my explanation. I do not find it satisfactory, or I wouldn't have posted the suggestion. Frequently manipulating power choices in our trays is more onerous than it could be - we do it because there is no alternative. I am proposing one such alternative

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



My intention wasn't to imply this was a bad idea, I like the idea actually. It was more of the intent to make sure you knew you can drag the new power directly from the incarnate dialog you selected it from and try and make your life a bit easier at least until it can be implemented. I switch around the incarnate powers equipped fairly regularly too, and I know originally I was searching through the main powers window's extremely long powers list trying to find them every time I switched, which was obnoxious because I didn't know about being able to drag from the incarnate window.

After finding out I could drag it out of the incarnate dialog, yes its still a slight annoyance to remember to drag the new power from where I just selected it, but not nearly as bad and with only one extra, fairly simple step, gets me all setup, but I also don't actively alter my power trays much once they are set, outside of handling the 4 incarnate click powers. Was just trying to help you now if you didn't know about that little feature.



Originally Posted by Vanden View Post
Yes. This. Do this thing you said.

This would likely require the creation of several new power icons though. Which would take art time and be a factor to not do this.

However, I like this suggestion.



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
Problem Statement
For those fortunate enough to gather multiple Incarnate powers in each slot, managing them in power trays is becoming cumbersome. See below for more details.

Proposed Solution
Create a "slot power" icon. For example, imagine a single power icon for activating whatever Destiny you have slotted, another for summoning whatever Lore you have slotted, and so on.

Detailed Reasoning
First, let me mention that I'm aware that it's possible to create a macro that activates powers in exactly the way I am describing. I already use a keybind that does the same basic thing. The issue with macros is that they do not show you the recharge status of your powers - not particularly helpful for long-recharge clicks. To reasonably view the recharge status, you need the power icon in a tray. The "Powers" UI window is not suitable for this.

Even though we own a potentially large number of powers for any given slot, the "slotting" requirement of Incarnate powers means that only one is available at any one time. Even if all you want it in a tray for is to check on its recharge, you need to either have a bunch of Incarnate powers in trays (most of which are disabled) or to reconfigure your trays each time you change your slotting, neither of which is particularly ideal.

Since Incarnate powers to date that belong in a given slot all share the same recharge time, it seems that a common icon could be used to control whatever one happens to be slotted, and then represent its recharge status.

I realize that the UI and power activation "plumbing" to allow this suggestion may not exist. I am proposing that such plumbing might be a good investment, as our list of Incarnate slots is only going to grow, and long-standing characters are potentially going to accumulate more variants of previous slot powers which they then would need to manage. Having a single icon for each slot would make this much, much easier to manage.

Functional Specification
Something would have to be done with the "slot power" when nothing is slotted in a given Incarnate slot. Perhaps the power icon could become available in your powers list once the slot is unlocked, but would be disabled if nothing is slotted.
We have ten incarnate slots. What I would like to see is an Incarnate Power tray that has one button for each slot. The Alpha slot button would not be usable, but it would show what Alpha you have slotted. All of the others would activate the appropriate incarnate power, and update with the icon of the slotted power dynamically and automatically as powers are slotted.

Bonus points: from the Incarnate tray, right-clicking any power button would bring up a pop-up list of all options available for slotting. Selecting a different power from that list would change the slotted power for that slot, if allowed by cooldown timers, without having to go into the incarnate interface.

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ITT: Arcanaville forgets that Interface is also a passive power.

Issue 16 made me feel like this.
Warning: This poster likes to play Devil's Advocate.



I pretty much have a dedicated tray for my Incarnate powers already.

It'd be nice to have the game dedicate one, an 11th tray, for me when I get Alpha Unlocked.

Signed to the OP, with Arcanaville's addon. And while I expect to see the tray populated with whatever I have unlocked, I'd like the flexibility of moving those icons within that tray as well.

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Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
We have ten incarnate slots. What I would like to see is an Incarnate Power tray that has one button for each slot. The Alpha slot button would not be usable, but it would show what Alpha you have slotted. All of the others would activate the appropriate incarnate power, and update with the icon of the slotted power dynamically and automatically as powers are slotted.

Bonus points: from the Incarnate tray, right-clicking any power button would bring up a pop-up list of all options available for slotting. Selecting a different power from that list would change the slotted power for that slot, if allowed by cooldown timers, without having to go into the incarnate interface.

Bingo! Best answer to the problem by far.