1546 -
Quote:More helpful would be not forcing your issue with KB onto others and realizing that those same players with KB toons are very likely to also have melee toons or toons with AOE attacks and knows what happens when KB is used wrongly. More helpful would be teach others how to adapt to KB and to use it to its fullest potential.Maybe Knockback itself is not a Problem. Maybe Knockback causes no Problems for a part of the Players, but in fact the form it is implemented as secondary effect of Damagepowers causes problems for enough other players so that it is not damnable to give thoughts about it. Denying this categorically is a bit unfair regarding these Players. More helpfull would be helping to find a solution for a compromise which would be O.K. for all.
Those other threads brought this up. -
Quote:I love how everytime someone starts a thread like this there are posters that get all hostile because they have a know-it-all solution to an imaginary problem, even when told they will make more problems and solve nothing.I love how everytime someone starts a thread about this subject that a few people are always so hostile and against seeing a completely OPTIONAL feature added. Its just like the dual pistols toggles that negate knockback. You don't have to use it if you don't want to.
But don't keep those of us that want such a feature from being added simply because of your fears.
But don't keep those of us that use common sense from keeping such bad things to be added. -
This is a game that the devs put balance in place for playability across many ATs and combinations of powersets, let alone IOs, incarnates, etc. Comics have writers/artists that can change the "super speeder" to fit the needs of the story from issue to issue.
Quote:Exactly. Supports toons are balanced by what they do for others. IME, the OP is exaggerating the "plight" of support toons, like they are some "red shirts" from some sci-fi show another poster is complaining about. I have lots of supports toons, like my emp def which I have been playing nearly 7 years. She is not the weakest and she isn't the one the always dies first. She has no issues finding teams or participating.Game balance. Each AT/powerset was designed to have weaknesses to balance their strengths.
Self-buffing would be too powerful on support toons. And what of the other sets or ATs? What does my dark def get out of this change? What about a TA/ or /storm def? How about corruptors? I am sure my /PD MM would love to self buff. Controllers should self buff too? How is any of that balanced? -
Quote:That is your experience that people are careless. Don't force your annoyance to others like me. And there is no problem as far as I can see, except you making one up. This will create a bigger problem because will kick people for not using a toggle or IO or whatever to change the KB. It solved NOTHING and wasted time and resource.Yes it is a good mitigation tool when used properly but people tend to just be more careless and scatter stuff all over the place. This optional self toggle would greatly help with the problem. You'd get to choose between knockback, knockdown, knockup or no knock at all.
I have BOTH melee toons and toons with KB (like en/en blaster, WS, /storm MM, etc.) - and willing to bet you that many others do to. Don't act like we don't have a clue about those oh-so-poor melee toons that have actually follow a mob...or my poor little WP brute or WP scrapper that needs mobs around, or my ice tank that lays down a patch of ice, or my ice/cold corr or cold/ice def that puts more ice down that people can KB off of. Should I go on with my fire/ corr and raining fire or my /arch def and her arrows?
And last point, absolutely never want to see KD/KU as a option to KB, it is way too powerful a control mechanism, especially with all the AOEs in this game. -
Quote:Ugh, wall of text there.It's your opinion that all is fine and we don't need such additional stuff and it's my opinion, that it would be an improvement and if i take a look in other Threads i see that there are several Players who think the same, even if many of them get flamed down. There are many 'Knockback' Threads out there where the Reasons for and Reasons against any kind of Changes or a Suppression were discussed before. In all these Threads i did not found an argument that convinced me that Suppressions/Changes/Improvements to knockbacks are rubbish and will ruin the game, so i don't know why this all should be repeated, it makes no sense and for me it's a waste of time. I think the Devs follow these threads, too and will form their own opinion. But O.K. if you have this new, up to now not stated and stringent argument that shows that those changes would hurt the game or imbalance it, feel free to post it and i will be quiet and will not longer pursue this idea. 'Learn to play with it' is for me no argument but a dumb quote.
P.S. Balancing and Improvements to the existing Content > new Content. That's what i think about that.
As for the rest, go read those other threads if you need more information. I have posted to them before. Apparently, this is turning into yet another OMGMYIDEAISSOAWESOMEHOWCOULDANYONEDISAGREE threads that have been posted lately. -
Why as Temporary Power? No one has to create a Suppressor and use it if he doesn't like.
Is it needed? What is really needed? Do we really need the Pool Powers? Do we really need COH? But if i take a look in the related discussions i think it could make more sense than many of the other Temp Powers.
/unsigned again like in so many threads before. KB is fine as is. I see this causing more problems than it is worth by having players complain that you should go and suppress your KB when you don't want to or new players being falsely told that KB is bad and that suppressing it is the only thing to do instead of learning how to use it.
And I still am very grateful thath the devs failed in their little experiment.
As for needing anything, that I consider a weak position that you don't want to support your idea. If you have reasons, then state them. Don't hide behind why do we need anything in life positions. This requires time, resource, etc. to add to the game and I don't want to see that wasted on something like this "just because" when we can get new content to the game. -
Is half a thumbs ups allowed?
I know, a weak answer, but this issue is a too mixed a bag for me. The trials were a new challenge, but now, they are steamrolled in some cases. The new SF and TF were good, but I don't see myself doing them much more again, if at all.
I can't say I have enjoyed the issue with all my toons since I have been trying to get defender slotted up for incarnates, and now my widow too. I haven't touch a lowbie alt since pre-I20, and probably will park them for not sure how long. I don't see a reason to level a new toon either. I am sure people will be running plenty of older content for shards and stuff so I can slot Alpha eventually. But will BAF and Lambda still be ran for the next slots?
Okay, enough dooooooooom from Penny. The issue has some good high points. In the long term, I am not so certain. Things like LGTF and ITF had very long lasting appeal. Heck, I thought Apex and Tin Mage were great and would be staples of the future. Time will tell on these new additions. -
Quote:Is it the time of year or something else? Just noticing a lot more posts lately that if you don't absolutely agree 100% with the most awesome idea of all time, then people are mean, angry vets with millions of posts tearing people down with evil backlash.The idea taken after an post stating following GR that COH has maybe 2.5 yrs left got me thinking of what if they introduced freeform powersets; picking what powers you want in a archtype instead a set as it currently is. Could this destroy a game or enhance it?
I don't know how long an mmo has for lifeblood but with guildwars not being out as long as coh, it at least is coming out with a "2" hopefully at the end of the year.
FWIW BeastMan, look at your OP. Not a lot of detail here and making some erroneous assumptions like the game will be gone in a few years. Anyhow, I see a lot of good feedback here if you wanted to follow up and address them, like making extreme builds using free form to show overpowered vs. gimped maximus, and how Aedon's build could be balanced in the game content or even things like why you think a 3 year gate is good (people with multiple accounts could have new accounts <3 years but definitely would know the game, why should they wait?). -
Good run all around. Got another slot unlocked on the widow, 2 more to go.
Should be on for treespec. Any chance 3rd one too? -
Well I am with the others that this could to lead to more issues than it is worth. Incarnates are just going to be that powerful.
Another item is that from my understanding of the game, mobs are set up as versions for each level - meaning that there is a lvl50 council, a lvl51 council, a lvl52 council, etc. And that they would have to make new versions say for lvl55 and beyond, for every single mob. Just how many players would benefit from all that work?
Only thing that comes to mind is a pseudo-GM code that the mobs could use and be set above lvl54 so they always con higher than you no matter what Incarnate level you are. Again, no idea on benefit and work involved. -
I like them being different and that Lambda needs less to fill and/or going. I think it is waste of time for people that must have their trial filled to max when they don't need to be.
Sutter, sure. Trials, yuppers. Not sure what I am doing any more.
A minor point to add, as you know, is that it is a tiny percentage of Victory players reading this forum regularly if at all. Maybe stressing in team chat or to the team leaders about what you want and don't want will reduce this further. But you guys are experienced leaders and know this already.
Quote:Awesome job leading Fista. Was able to unlock destiny finally on that run.Same goes for any I lead. Oh yeah. That's right. Yeah. I said it. I lead a Lambda today. Heck 12 people. Easy, Peasy. (Of course it helped they all knew what the were doing but still.)
As for the issue at hand, I will venture a guess that it will mostly die down with the occasional odd player doing it. I get more upset on players not reading the League chat and would rather see them kicked instead of the cut scene people. But if you are leading, it's your call. -
My 50 ice/cold corr and 50 cold/ice def heartily sign for a cold APP.
Agree with the others in that an issue on fixing bugs would not be so great. If you mean revamping, that is nice, but again, like the others above, over time, and hopefully with story/content added.
Quote:It's awesome to play? What more do you want? My 50 WS had no issues fitting into teams. Throw in a control, grabs some pets off defeated foes, eclipse, etc... Make one, play it.Not much is said about WS?
Can someone shed some light on the AT, please?
I am still not sure what you are getting with this kheld/AT thing. I don't see roles or requirements for teams, just players. I have been around long enough to know this is an easy game and AT doesn't matter. -
You obviously think the devs don't care about the players. You make it sound like they sit and laugh at us sitting on mounds of our money while the servers are down and no one can play.
Overall, I view the devs doing their best to minimize downtime to affect the least amount of players. It happens with new issues. Players will get impacted. Soon enough the glitches will get fixed and you can play all you want at the times best for you. -
Grats! Looking forward some day for getting the 2 new ones when time permits.
Well got Lore unlocked right at the end. Looking for some Lambda now.
As for the Tuesday TF, should you focus on the TF part? The trials seem to fill with all the people looking. And not a huge percent post to he forums here. Eh, whichever you decide. -
Will be bringing the emp def for tonight to get more XP in the last two slots.
Was hoping to get on last night, but work was calling...sigh...
For Wednesday If you are still running after 9, I will look for openings in teams. -
Fascinating, I didn't realize it wasn't shared. /signed