Upgrade Lambda to 24 player
I agree with you that Lambda isn't all that hard, it's just that BAF is *much* easier, so people tend to build for and run it over and over again.
Make a man a fire and keep him warm for the day, SET a man on fire and keep him warm for the rest of his life.
Incarnates: K'lir(Fire/Dark Corr):Hot-House Flower(Plant/Fire Dom):Kinrad X(Kin/Rad Def):Itsy-Bitsy Spider(Crab):Two Ton Tony(Mace/WP Broot):Teeny Weeny Widow(Fortunata/Widow) : Zeroth Law (Ice/Fire Tank)
I completely support the idea, if only because your main goal is to get more people involved.
That said, I actually think this will become less of an issue in a month or two. By then, most people will have finished cycling their 50s through the trials for their specific goals (whether that's just two 50s going for a simple T1 of one slot, or 5+ 50s all going for T4s in everything). I am betting they will become events scheduled through SGs on a weekly basis or so, much like Hamidon or Ship raids.
Up until now, and probably for the next couple weeks, there has been and will be a surplus of non-incarnate 50s. But eventually, the demand will decrease and so will the supply of players. It could very well turn out that Lambda will be the more oft run trial, simply because league leaders will have an easier time filling a Lambda league than finding an extra 8 people with new 50s for a BAF league.
So again, I am behind this idea, but it may eventually be a moot issue.
@Winter. Because I'm Winter. Period.

I am a blaster first, and an alt-oholic second.

I think it sort of varies from day to day and even hour to hour. I have logged on looking for a BAF and seen 4 people advertising they were building Lambdas and of course hours later when I may actually be looking for a LAM everyone is building BAFs LOL I have even seen leagues switch gears between missions.. Did a successful BAF but 10 or more people left when we exited. Instead of spending another 40 minutes trying to replace all that we recruited a couple more and did a Lambda!
I don't know if they'd but into the idea of adding a third team to it though. I think the whole idea for part 2 is .. one team goes for Acid the other for grenades. Although a third team could easily split up and assist both or even enter one side and attack the IDF troops roaming the corridors adding some IXP. I wouldn't be opposed to a team # 3 when dealing with Maurader.
�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon
When I have done Lambda we have hard a hard enough time just getting 16. I don't object to allowing 24, but I would object to requiring it.
Let me make a point clear first...
This is NOT a thread complaining Lambda is too hard. It is not. What I am addressing is an issue with finding groups to do Lambdas. I have been noticing that the wait to get on a group to do trials can be quite extensive, at times near an hour by the time you get in a gorup and there is enough to make it a go. Practice seems, that once you have a good team of players, they stay together and do BAF after BAF after BAF. After all BAF is easier than LAMBDA, and you can accomodate more players at a time. It is the accomodate more players at a time, that produces teams of 24 players and thus only can do BAFs and pre-empts the doing of Lambda. If Lambda could be set to allow teams of 24, then once we have a stable group of 24, we could alternate the trials instead of being rutted into BAF only. Thus allowing a little bit of variety, if one could have such a thing with only 2 trials. I realize that at 24, it will definitely make Lambda a bit more easier, but as a whole it may not be a bad thing. It would allow for more mob defeats and greater opportunities for players to get threads, after all the facility glowy excursion, with it being timed, does not alllow for much mob hunting for threads. So going to 24 is player beneficial from the perspective to ease group formation and keeping them together, and to earn more threads during a lambda. Sue |
Oh that is you :-)
I would like BAFS to change the minimum requirements to 8 :-)
I like them being different and that Lambda needs less to fill and/or going. I think it is waste of time for people that must have their trial filled to max when they don't need to be.
When I have done Lambda we have hard a hard enough time just getting 16. I don't object to allowing 24, but I would object to requiring it.
Let me make a point clear first...
This is NOT a thread complaining Lambda is too hard. It is not.
What I am addressing is an issue with finding groups to do Lambdas.
I have been noticing that the wait to get on a group to do trials can be quite extensive, at times near an hour by the time you get in a gorup and there is enough to make it a go.
Practice seems, that once you have a good team of players, they stay together and do BAF after BAF after BAF. After all BAF is easier than LAMBDA, and you can accomodate more players at a time.
It is the accomodate more players at a time, that produces teams of 24 players and thus only can do BAFs and pre-empts the doing of Lambda.
If Lambda could be set to allow teams of 24, then once we have a stable group of 24, we could alternate the trials instead of being rutted into BAF only. Thus allowing a little bit of variety, if one could have such a thing with only 2 trials.
I realize that at 24, it will definitely make Lambda a bit more easier, but as a whole it may not be a bad thing. It would allow for more mob defeats and greater opportunities for players to get threads, after all the facility glowy excursion, with it being timed, does not alllow for much mob hunting for threads.
So going to 24 is player beneficial from the perspective to ease group formation and keeping them together, and to earn more threads during a lambda.