Add -ACC and/or -ToHit to Superspeed
And you want those debuffs for the person using Superspeed as well, correct? After all, someone running around that fast would have a much harder time aiming and ensuring a shot hit...
Someone who's running around that fast would be very hard to hit. Thematically it fits. Many sets/powers are designed around theme, so it should include this change.
Not according to superhero comics. Superspeedsters have no problem hitting, but have a hard time being hit.
And you want those debuffs for the person using Superspeed as well, correct? After all, someone running around that fast would have a much harder time aiming and ensuring a shot hit...
No? |
That said, I don't see this suggestion happening. If you want it, my suggestion is to build for positional defenses.
BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection
True, but according to the comics Superspeedsters don't have to worry about relativity unless the plot calls for it - which probably explains why everyone the Flash ever knew wasn't dead by the end of his first issue - so I'm not sure they can always be trusted
Not according to superhero comics. Superspeedsters have no problem hitting, but have a hard time being hit.
That said, I don't see this suggestion happening. If you want it, my suggestion is to build for positional defenses. |

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This is a game that the devs put balance in place for playability across many ATs and combinations of powersets, let alone IOs, incarnates, etc. Comics have writers/artists that can change the "super speeder" to fit the needs of the story from issue to issue.
And the people in comics are completely invulnerable one issue, but brought down by a papercut or a green rock the next.
Not according to superhero comics. Superspeedsters have no problem hitting, but have a hard time being hit.
So by that argument, every time you activate a power, there should be a random buff or debuff applied to you (with a .001% chance of instant death.) OK, maybe not each activation, but each mission, arc, or day.
"Sorry, guys, I'm at a -5000% ACC penalty today for some reason, I think someone sneezed at my picture."
"Oops, seem to have developed a moral aversion to hitting women. Cant' help on any Arachnos, Malta, Knives, Carnie or Freakshow missions today."
"Dang, I looked west at 3 PM, I'm now weak to energy damage."
Wait.. you mean you can't run faster than the speed of light and travel in time by running *in place* on a treadmill?
True, but according to the comics Superspeedsters don't have to worry about relativity unless the plot calls for it - which probably explains why everyone the Flash ever knew wasn't dead by the end of his first issue - so I'm not sure they can always be trusted
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This is why Superspeed includes a small +Stealth.
You're moving so fast some mobs simply ignore you.
And -1 Threat.
This is why Superspeed includes a small +Stealth.
You're moving so fast some mobs simply ignore you. |
"This is not the squishie you want to attack."
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Someone who's running around that fast would be very hard to hit. Thematically it fits. Many sets/powers are designed around theme, so it should include this change.