111 -
Quote:Claws, I always follow your posts and I usually agree with you 99,99% of the time. But... I just couldn`t hold myself and tell you to stop joining teams running +0 difficulty...Do I need to go into how many times my Scrappers have been rendered completely useless on a team because the entire spawn is dead before I even get close enough to attack it?
That scrapper who runs ahead? He's not showing off, he's trying to feel like he's actually doing something because he's frustrated at getting to a spawn too late every time.
For real, if you are having this kind of issues on a team, it`s time to boost the dificulty a little bit. Plus, mobs on DA arcs are usually just too spread for ranged characters AoE them all to death in 2 seconds.
I play both a melee and ranged characters and the only times I had this issue with a melee, I`d ask the leader to bump the difficulty because things were melting way too fast for the team take fully advantage of their potential.
You also don`t really need to -fill- the team to be effective anymore, you can just run with 5 good guys a +3-4x8 where everyone contributes and have fun.
Now back to the post.
Fire is overrated because people only see the pretty damage numbers. Debuff is useful, and ranged damage is fine the way it is. I play a rad/time corruptor with Achiles` Heel proc on every power of my attack chain, and I can solo AV`s faster than my fire/rad.
Rad/rad is a debuff beast..., -def (and achiles proc) on all your primary and massive debuffage on your secundary.
Sonic is a hell of a effective x8 soloer with siren`s song. You can put chance of placate and heal on it, control a whole spawn as you pick mobs with single target attacks.
Dark is effective with a secundary that grants you good defense, like /dark, /traps or /time, the to hit debuff stacks really well with defense buffs, you can get def cap easily with a dark/time if you account the to hit debuff. Oh, it has a decent self heal now too.
Archery/kin anyone? Stack syphon speed, get a nice Fulcrum shift on one pack of mobs, then RoA on the next, with syphon speed, it takes little recharge to get RoA down to 20 seconds.
In short, corruptor`s primaries are fine. (save from a couple really bad ones, like elec) It`s a matter of knowing what secundary to combo with your primary to maximize it`s strenghts. -
Perma domination is really, really good for farming and steamrolling teams.
On normal solo play, unless you are playing something like x5+ with bosses, it doesn't matter much.
I think it's worth to build for perma dom only if you plan on having the character as main source of money, TF cleared and such. And only on a powerset that has a low recharge, spammable AoE control, like fire or plants. (plants being the best by far with 15 seconds recharge Seeds.) -
I have a simple question I tried in game and no one could answer it.
Do pvp set bonuses remain when you exemplar down to more than 3 levels bellow the enhancement level? I want to know about the pve bonuses of these sets, not the pvp only ones.
If I have a level 50 panacea set slotted on a power I picked on level 47, will I keep the 7.5% recharge at level 10-46? -
Dark mellee is a pretty solid choice imo, good attack chain, one of the hightest damage output for stalkers and a self heal imbued into it.
dark armor is... dark armor.
It didn't get better, but with the new changes, non-def based sets are now viable. I'm not sure how effective is to play a dark/dark, but if anything, it's a better idea now than it was one issue ago.
Also, /dark depends on how much money you are willingly to put in the build. See /dark scrappers for exemple, they can go from bad to immortal after some billiions inf :P -
So i22 came out...
ATO proc on AS is a blessing!
KM stalkers can perma BU with 100% crit on CS after AS!
StJ stalkers are beasts, with fast combo builder from out of stealth AS, followed by a 100% crit finisher!
Broad Sword, Ninja blade and darkness are great single target chainsaws!
Where does Dual Blades stay in the new stalker style?
Sweep doesn't crit, so using BU, AS, Ablating strike for AoE makes you waste the crit from ATO proc. (that places you in hide)
Empower is stupid, BU, AS, Placate... you are already in hide.. so you just waste a critical to placate. (which could be used out of this combo to get an extra crit)
Should a DB stalker ignore the combo system completely? What makes it competitive to other stalker's combos? The chance to get assassin's focus on dual blade attacks are one of the lowest from all stalkers set, losing only to claws. (which is pretty much broken as it is)
I got a concept for a DB/Nin, but seems like a Katana or StJ would outperform it by a huge amount... -
There's no "BEST" for all sets on stalkers.
You gotta figure out what you want from your stalker and match the primary with secundary well.
Regen is bad? No, it's not, pair with ninja blade and embrace divine avalanche, you will not die easily and will out regen the incoming damage.
Spines is bad? Not at all, but I'd go with a secundary that can soft cap my defs, having a self heal helps too.
What do you want from your stalker?
Do you want to be a single target killer? Go Dark, Ninja, EM
Do you want to have aoe? KM, Elec or Spines.
Do you need to have a ranged attack? KM or spines
Sustained damage? Martial arts.
In my experience, I like to have a secundary that gives me defense cap and a heal. If my secundary gives def cap and no heal (SR for example), I get a primary that heals me, dark mellee. Aid self can be used as well, and it's another reason to have soft caped defenses.
For my playstyle the best primaries in order are:
KM > Elec > StJ > everything else
I like to have aoe options.
the secundaries:
Ninjutso > EA/Ice (together) > SR > everything else
Because I like to have heals and defense, EA and Ice gives end drain on top of that, which is awesome to keep rolling.
Currently I'm leveling a KM/EA and I gotta say I'm impressed, at level 22 I was soloing +1x3 because of burst's ability to crit out of stealth. BU, Burst, scrap the Lt to near death, placate, burst again and everything is dead.
With enough recharge you can BU, burst, placate, burst and use both bursts in the same BU. Or use BU, concentrated strike (resets BU timer), placate, BU and AS (the AS goes off with double BU, that's insane damage XD) -
I made a dark/dark scrapper and I was watching a friend of mine playing his fire/fire.
Suddenly I noticed a nice fiery effect on the mobs, they were burning!
I asked him what was that and he told me: "It's reactive interface"
I said: "Cool, I'll dye mine darkish and rock!"
then he said: "You can't dye this one."
You can dye all incarnate powers but interface?that's bs... I don't want my dark/dark toon to burn mobs on fire!!
"Then don't get it!"
yeah..I will not.
But I'm here to ask:
Which other interface looks darkish? I don't mind if it's not as good as the dot, or resist debuff, I want it for character concept more than anything else. -
No offense Peace, your build is lacking completely.
To start with, stamina is passive now, you dont need to pick it.
Then you have only 27% global recharge? You need at least 90%
5 slotted stamina, 3 slotted combat jumping... etc etc
You picked Ice mastery for concept, that set has the potential to get 90% recharge and S/L soft cap. Lots of powers there are overslotted with useless set bonuses.
Since you want a cheap build, I would skip the S/L defenses, but keep recharge in mind, a dominator without perma dom is meh... really :P -
Ice control is a matter of love or hate...
your best control power is a knockdown path, it's good, but not as good as seeds of confusion, flashfire or stalagmites.
Not to mention your own aoe immob or anyone's in the team makes your best control power useless...
oh wait, it's supposed to make you -not- delete her?
ahhh.. well, ice looks pretty!! >.>
. -
Quote:I've never had these survival problems you guys are talking about. Toxic is the closest thing to a real hole, and usually you aren't facing it long enough that you can't finish that arachnoid mission before power surge wears off. If you truly can't handle it within the time of power surge, boosted power sink is strong enough to cover that up, easy. For the brief time I was vil-side with my db/elec and kat/elec, I handled all arachnoid missions with power sink and never even needed power surge.
I do, however, have a perma-power surge claws/electric brute build that will work as soon as burnout goes live, with time not in power surge covered by Eye of the MagusYou would likely do better with a consistently s/l capped /electric, though.
I apparently wouldn't be able to finish an arachnoid mission before power surge wears off.
I play at +2/x8 normally with bosses, and mostly solo.
I can handle arachnoids at +0x5, but it's not fun ;_; -
I have a plant/psi dom in progress
I made a two builds with basically the same recharge, around 110%
one has S/L cap
the other has ranged cap
which is more effective for a dom?
((I don't need S/L farm toon btw, i have a scrapper for that)) -
Micro, no offense, but what do you do when your power surge is recharging? bio break? reply on forums?
Because every "gap" we point, you point power surge back as if it was up 100% of the time and solved all problems :P -
Meh, debatable.
Because they don't really hit that hard with 62% S/L resist, and I only fight them on ITF, which I have team buffs, often a tank along and the team burn them so fast that they can't really do much against me.
Major problem is Devouring Earth, Arachnos, Arachnoids.
Tarantula Mistress from Arachnos scares me >.<, they remove all my S/L defense, and then I take serious damage from the executioners, when they placate and all.. -
| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |MxDz;1413;678;1356;HEX;| |78DA65936B4F1341148667B75B2BA52D1428E57EA95C5BBAED027E262A9A203441A| |B7E33CD024359A96DB36D8C7CF30F180D1AFD038AFA97D46FDE2FA8FFA09E3DEF80| |8DBB69F79979E7BC3367E7CC14EEAF468478B022B4D8A58ADD68948ADBAE5DAF4B3| |758B0CBCEB608092112275AA9202B529AEB76D3AEDAC3A7EAAADC95D58634576D77| |BF74C1BD5B73E36BD53DE9CA6AD33C6944376BB58A79C529EF359D6A39C2BD0D69D| |7A913E64EB12EE54E9C9B6BD57B4EC3D9722A4EF3207EB9EE6C9B176B3B07A582DD| |684AF76080324AD3FFA1971A3F2DFAD123E63D45632528F2D4B0846E018B8459612| |C71CF5866C4928451910E2913B9B46FBA279DF90EFC609CFD091C337A7E3132E40A| |A8B502582BBC0858BC56046B4596B9175B0C783D8D5C41957390737E4C4A48D3799| |ED0AEF0827AF618130E63AACC58D8675877D023570756D73B52BC42F71830C9E8A7| |804E04043ADFEB9E67F22D63EA1D90E0F402141755134531433FE61BC044590AE8D| |234CEAFEB1A7B86AE33468AC00DC6D84DE0162349AE38BE538F63DD21643183E54D| |0AE855F9F52295BE3EE03C894640F4AFF38E191498500926103880C03115F888229| |2AA7EC9173CFBEC4BC6FC2BE00878CD48BF611C926B50B90651F509547606C54FA3| |F869147F01C5CF916B58557DF8034B931F814F8C739F812FC057C69390F7866B143| |5CEA2AA59943A8B52E750DC1C4AFD945CE3CA35AE3254C920C31C32B4909A85EC53| |E44AC1A5A5323CD12C60D1C8349FF496988654A42D9E53C7710ED25154880CBE506| |49EF356C5C868AA28132588929457521ED288F1FF751C374EAF632BED1BCDFB14CB| |A72CF994659FB2E153368DD30B2D34563ABAE9B242691D8769546B1FFDDDAE5CE55| |3FFCB17F4E79FA26BD89799431CB6678C955E7AABAFB5C3DEF6A3BDD5D6BEDDD6DE| |6C6BFF05ADB8FAD4| |-------------------------------------------------------------------|
This is what I managed to do BEST in terms of survivability.
But I don't advise that build to anyone, I'm just copying/pasting here to hope someone can help me tweak this to a playable level.
This build has /dark good resistance to all
with ranged AND aoe softcap
and DA double stack can pull you to mellee softcap
It's a tank scrapper build, but it lacks recharge badly -
Yep, I didn't take powersurge, I really hate crashes
and my gap is against dark/toxic mostly. Devouring earth eats me alive unless I put my difficult down again
I'll give dark a try.
Probably fire/dark or dark/dark -
So yeah...
I finished my scrapper, got him to 50, fully IO'd, got my alpha slot top tier, almost there with interface...
He's a claws/Elec, and he's a little weapon of mass destruction, high resist, S/L Capped.
He could be better if claws wasn't lethal...
or elec didn't have some gaps...
So here I am, asking my fellow scrappers.
Which secundary can provide maximum survivability of all scrapper sets? In terms of def and resist, and I'd like to -not- take DA or Parry into consideration because I'm thinking on a more effective primary than claws. Probably fire, or maybe spines. -
Yes, my claws/elec was really expensive, but I already had all IO's from other toons like the 3% pvp IO and a couple epic sets, so I made the build around it. The KC really surprised me though.. and I have no idea of how to cap it without kinetic combat, nor I think it's possible..
Not wanting to be pessimist but
4 kinetic combats (level 35) goes for around 250m a set.
Unless you are placing them on useless powers, like kick or brawl, you will want the level 30-35 ones.
I notice you are using 4-5 sets? That is 1 billion alone just on kinetic combat, your build is FAR from low budget. Even if you are taking these recipes with merits, they -are- still expensive and time consuming.
(remember if you are placing KC on useless powers, you can put the knockdown proc instead of the recipe that goes for 150m+, and lower level ones you can manage to pay 50m top per set.)
Just saying because I made a Claws/Elec recently and watched my inf burn with kinetic combats XD, but managed to make a little killing machine with s/l capIt's totally worth it and I believe KM/Elec would be awesome too.
I'm having an issue with my mastermind. My henchies use more endurance than they can generate.
I use the endurance reduction alpha, but it's still the first one. And I don't have other incarnates yet because I really didn't like end game for a MMs.
Straight to the question:
If I put a numina and a miracle +end procs on my triage beacon, will it regenerate my hench's endurance? -
I really don't know much about rad. But as a devices fan, and knowing a rad has PbAoE that you love so much, I hightly advise S/L defense soft cap.
It's -really- easy to get to.
Scorpion shield (or the ugly ice armor) gives you around 22%
Weave 5%
Combat jump 2%
Cloaking device 2%
Tough (3% with IO)
That's alone almost 35% without IOing.
Reticule on aim and drone gives you another 3.6% total. Kinetic Combat on brawl or/and kick another 3.75% each. There's a level 30 slow set that gives S/L defenses with 4 slots for caltrops and a 4 slots immob set that can be put on web grenade. It is extremely easy to get S/L cap on a /devices.
Why is it so important? Because you can PbAoE without taking damage of the most common damage type in the game. Roughly 80%+ of the enemies you will face deal S/L typed damage or mixed. And most importantly, you can set land mines on their face. It's also great to get an aid self off while under attack.
You wont even need 45%, you have smoke grenade with is -7% to hit, so... 38% is more than enough. With CJ, Cloaking Device, tough IO and Weave, you have 13% all defenses, with smoke grenade, it's around 20%. It -really- saves lifes, especially for a blaster, you will notice a huge increase on your survivability. -
Devices may be weaker when compared to another secundaries, but it's far from gimped.
It works, and I can solo +2/x8 with my archery devices, takes a little more of preparation, but not many blasters can do it.
Cloaking device + stealth IO, then I smoke bomb the spawn for the to hit debuff, which works nice with my 35% defenses, making me almost at the cap. Plant a trip mine near the foot of the first mob, enjoy the free 25% damage as you jump back, hit aim and rain of arrows.
RoA will clear all minions and almost all Lt. Which will be unfortunate to step on the mine and then will be slowed by the caltrops, thus, never reach me. I am free to finish the Lt. with explosive arrow and the other cone aoe I have, and proceed to sniper the boss from safety.
Takes me around 20-25 seconds to clear each group of mobs. Which is the cooldown of my aim/RoA combo. Devices is the second best "defensive" secondary for blasters, the first would be Ice with stacking slows.
But I think most people play devices because it's the only set that fits a natural kind of blaster, without fancy powers, just gadgets, a gun, pistols or a bow. From all 3, I learned that the bow is the best pair with devices, because of aim and more frequent nuke than pistols. AR is good too, but it requires Time bomb to work better, and probably solo. The trick to AR is to learn how far you need to set the time bomb from the spawn, hit full auto and heard the mobs to the time bomb. Then when they are over it, toss a caltrops to keep them there a little long as it explodes. -
Right, I have a 2 days break without any try.
Then I gave my login and password to a friend in U.S (He purchased his with no problem.)
He tried to buy with his credit card, the same he used to buy his own.
And he got the same message...
"We're sorry, but we are unable to accept your order at this time. Please try again later or tomorrow. If you continue to have problems, you may wish to visit one of our retail partners."
Trying to contact NCSoft now, my last hope.
I don't understand why they block South America IPs if their retailer is completely incompetent. And I also think they should allow boosters to be brought from in game store. I can change names and buy slots without any problem... -
Not that actually, just another proxy.
It works the same way... the issue is not the IP anymore, it's the error message I keep getting
3rd day.. and I still can't buy it, neither my american friend can buy it to me... -
Quote:There is still another method for non-US customers to get access to the NC Store goodies, if that is the only thing stopping you.
Install it, without the toolbar, and the proxy will present you to the Internet as having a US-based IP address while it's turned on.
Uninstall after use unless you need it still for things like accessing Hulu.
This method has been confirmed to work for players in Europe and South America.
Note: As this method falls into a grey area, I'm proposing it for educational purposes and it does not imply in any way my encouraging the circumvention of laws or business arrangements. (the preceding is posted at the behest of Chris Jenkins)
I used a proxy to get to buy one of the other packs last month, it worked, but it is not working with this one... -
I'm trying to buy the mutant pack since it came out and I am getting an error message.. I see more and more people getting it and I cannot.
I live in Brazil and I don't know if that is making it not work, but when a friend from US (He got the pack on his account) tried to buy it for me, he got the same message.
We're sorry, but we are unable to accept your order at this time. Please try again later or tomorrow. If you continue to have problems, you may wish to visit one of our retail partners.
...one day passed and I still get that message.. how can I proceed? What should I do? I tried to change all my contact info to american one, and buying from US with an US card and it didn't work as well.
Help please!