What are the currently 'best' stalker primaries and secondaries?




I've looked every for information but I can't find any. So what are the best primary and secondary powersets for stalkers? And why?

If there are more than one, please list them all. If you want to list which ones to avoid, that also works.

Thank you for your time!




It's godly. nothing else compares.


honestly honest that I'm not not not being honest about being honest.

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.



Originally Posted by GavinRuneblade View Post

It's godly. nothing else compares.


honestly honest that I'm not not not being honest about being honest.
I can't tell how serious you are. (I'm very gullible, I guess.) If you're serious please give me some reasoning I can work with and understand. I don't want to do something just because you said it's good... no offense.

Basically I've heard all sorts of different stories. Most people compliment ninjitsu as a secondary, however.

I've never seen anyone mention ninja, good or bad. I've heard one person say they loved kinetic combat, another who loved energy. You're the first I've seen mention spines or regen, so I get the feeling you're mocking me. (If so, I don't appreciate it. If you're serious, please explain this to me because I'm interested in how they work. I understand toxic damage is very desirable.) So... I am still at a loss.

I don't want to do claws, since it's too similar to night widows, and I don't want to do kinetic melee. My current stalker is dual blades(/super reflexes) but everyone is telling me how terrible it is. That's not my experience, but I'm level 20, not level 50.

I made a gravity dominator once, so I want to make sure I'm making the right choices before I commit.



There really aren't any bad primaries, but some are more AoE capable than others. KM, elec, and spines are usually better off with AoE due to spines and elec having more than one aoe and KM because it's aoe has a 100% chance of crit from hide. Secondaries, most will say nin, SR, or WP, and to a lesser extent regen.

I don't know much about StJ, and Ice is still kinda new, I don't know much there. But because of hide, and AS being interruptible, I would suggest you go with a defense based secondary. Resists and stalkers are supposed to not go well together, though I admittedly never tried it.



Originally Posted by Pyro_Master_NA View Post
There really aren't any bad primaries, but some are more AoE capable than others. KM, elec, and spines are usually better off with AoE due to spines and elec having more than one aoe and KM because it's aoe has a 100% chance of crit from hide. Secondaries, most will say nin, SR, or WP, and to a lesser extent regen.

I don't know much about StJ, and Ice is still kinda new, I don't know much there. But because of hide, and AS being interruptible, I would suggest you go with a defense based secondary. Resists and stalkers are supposed to not go well together, though I admittedly never tried it.
My current stalker is dual blade/super reflexes. Is that acceptable?



Originally Posted by EtherealStar View Post
I've looked every for information but I can't find any. So what are the best primary and secondary powersets for stalkers? And why?

If there are more than one, please list them all. If you want to list which ones to avoid, that also works.

Thank you for your time!
To paraphrase from what I just read in the Scrapper forums:

"The Devs have spent a lot of time trying to adjust powersets to be balanced within an AT. And they've done pretty good with Scra... Stalkers. There are no BAD combos."

There really isn't. All are viable and competitive with each other. They are not all even, but if they were, then they'd all be the same. Pick what you like, and are having fun with, and run with it. *especially if it's scissors*

For my preferences, I dislike the Combo System of Dual Blades, since you blow 1 in 7 combos at the ToHit cap... but I haven't yet played it on Stalkers, and the combos are different enough there as to where it could be interesting.

Due to getting hit breaking Hide, I also prefer Defense-based Secondaries... but I have a finished level 33 EM/Regen, a 50 Claws/Will, I just rolled an MA/Elec, and I'm staring long and hard at a DB/Dark. None of those 4 Secondaries are primarily Defense-based.

So, it boils down to the same statement as at the start. All Stalker powerset combos are viable and competent. Some are stronger than others, yes, but none are outright gimped.

I am the 99%. Occupy the World.
Minister of Infinity's Secret Police, Official Mooch of dUmb and League, Official Purveyor of Free Straws, the Most Interesting Man in the World.



Originally Posted by EtherealStar
What are the currently 'best' stalker primaries and secondaries?
Highly debatable and usually based entirely on personal preference and willingness to budget for IOs.

Originally Posted by EtherealStar View Post
My current stalker is dual blade/super reflexes. Is that acceptable?
If you find it so, then it is. Read the quote in my sig.

Personal preferences are all over the place.

For primaries, I like non-weapon sets (mostly because there's no redraw and it's not all lethal damage which is the most resisted in the game, effectively pre-nerfing your character). For general purpose Electric Melee and Kinetic Melee are very nice for varying size teams, and with a bit less AoE DM is exceptional at small team/solo play. Martial Arts can theoretically put out the most single-target damage but it's all smashing (surprisingly, NOT the second-most resisted - it just seems that way) and lacks any in-set AoE.

For secondaries, I prefer defense and EA just got a buff, but IMO it takes IOs to make it really shine (it just needs fewer of them now). SR is the best "budget" secondary IMO because it's just so easy to softcap, but Nin or DA are probably the most survivable when played to full potential because of the extra tricks. I haven't tried Ice but it should be a good secondary, although the offensive toggles in Ice, EA, and DA can mess up Placate for you.

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
It's hard to beat the entertainment value of Whackjob Wednesdays.



Originally Posted by EtherealStar View Post
I can't tell how serious you are. (I'm very gullible, I guess.) If you're serious please give me some reasoning I can work with and understand. I don't want to do something just because you said it's good... no offense.

Basically I've heard all sorts of different stories. Most people compliment ninjitsu as a secondary, however.

I've never seen anyone mention ninja, good or bad. I've heard one person say they loved kinetic combat, another who loved energy. You're the first I've seen mention spines or regen, so I get the feeling you're mocking me. (If so, I don't appreciate it. If you're serious, please explain this to me because I'm interested in how they work. I understand toxic damage is very desirable.) So... I am still at a loss.

I don't want to do claws, since it's too similar to night widows, and I don't want to do kinetic melee. My current stalker is dual blades(/super reflexes) but everyone is telling me how terrible it is. That's not my experience, but I'm level 20, not level 50.

I made a gravity dominator once, so I want to make sure I'm making the right choices before I commit.
I'm not serious at all, those are the worst sets out there for stalkers.

But since you posted the same thing in nearly every forum, it was pretty clear you didn't do any searching but just posted the question. So I didn't feel like answering it seriously.

To give a real answer, there is no "best" outside of brutes. For brutes SS/Fire/Soul is best singletarget, best aoe, best farming, best soloing, can drop AV's and some GMs solo. It does everything every other set does but better than that set does it. For all other ATs you gotta choose best at what.

Closest we get would be elec/nin which is spectacular AoE, well above average survivability, and decent single target damage.

So, best at what and we can give you real answers.

Of all the archtypes that have access to it, DB performs worst on stalkers. That is not the same as saying it is gimped. But rather that if you want a dual blade character, you'd have a more enjoyable experience on a scrapper. I ran a DB stalker into the 30s and had fun.But when I realized how much better it was everywhere else, I deleted the character and made a new one. I also recommend avoiding energy melee, BS and spines if you are a min/maxer. The rest you are pretty safe with.

Super Reflexes is a very strong set everywhere. Can't really go wrong with it. But you'll probably want to pickup aid self.

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.



Well, people will tell you it's all subjective and on some level they're right but for thr Stalker AT, some sets are better than others in literal ways. As one poster mentioned, Spines/Regen is an underperfroming set. Regen isn't all that great on Stalkers because the AT has the LOWEST HP's of any AT. It also lacks any inherent defense so you'll get hit more, which on a low HP AT hurts AND it'll mess up your attempts at Placating and AS'ing. Spines isn't horrible as it provides some decent AoE for Stalker but it's damage type is usually highly resisted and some of its animations are long.

The sets that I find "above average" are listed below (in no order).

1. Elec/Nin/Mu: Good single target damage, less resisted damage type, Defense Based, has self heal, caltops and perhaps the best AoE damage of any stalker set and the ability to open your attack with semi-nuke power that doesn't break hide, allowing you to follow up with Ball Lightining or Thunder Strike for massive AoE critting.

2. KM/Energy/Mako: The new energy aura is quite good now. It includes a PBAoE Stun that stacks very nicely with the stuns in KM, has a self heal/endurance discount/regen power, some +recharge and other goodies. And as previous posters mentioned, Burst, the set's PBAoE attack, crits 100% of the time from hide. I chose Mako for Water Spout. Good stuff.

When there is no room left in Hell, the Dead shall walk the earth.



Originally Posted by GavinRuneblade View Post
I'm not serious at all, those are the worst sets out there for stalkers.

But since you posted the same thing in nearly every forum, it was pretty clear you didn't do any searching but just posted the question. So I didn't feel like answering it seriously.

To give a real answer, there is no "best" outside of brutes. For brutes SS/Fire/Soul is best singletarget, best aoe, best farming, best soloing, can drop AV's and some GMs solo. It does everything every other set does but better than that set does it. For all other ATs you gotta choose best at what.

Closest we get would be elec/nin which is spectacular AoE, well above average survivability, and decent single target damage.

So, best at what and we can give you real answers.

Of all the archtypes that have access to it, DB performs worst on stalkers. That is not the same as saying it is gimped. But rather that if you want a dual blade character, you'd have a more enjoyable experience on a scrapper. I ran a DB stalker into the 30s and had fun.But when I realized how much better it was everywhere else, I deleted the character and made a new one. I also recommend avoiding energy melee, BS and spines if you are a min/maxer. The rest you are pretty safe with.

Super Reflexes is a very strong set everywhere. Can't really go wrong with it. But you'll probably want to pickup aid self.
It seems I may have not been entirely clear. Let me try and rephrase what I am looking for:

I am aware there are several 'best' powersets. In fact, this is what I was hoping for.

My question is, why are these the best? What are the strengths and weaknesses of each? Are there any 'bad' powersets? I took gravity as a dominator once... I don't want to make that mistake with my stalker.

The majority of the guides are dated issue 6, with a few at issue 12. I apologize for seeking help on the forums, but I assure you I have searched for days, weeks even trying to figure out what to do with my stalker. The information on stalkers is so limited that I am not even certain what I should do with mine. Should I try to AOE? Should I attempt to 'scrap', or should I only assassin strike then run away and re-hide? I have many questions about stalkers, but really, just knowing a good powerset that I can work with and have fun with is a good start.

Ideally I was hoping players would list the best powersets, and then I can choose between them based on their strengths and work with them.

I hope this properly clarifies what I am looking for.

PS: For the record, I only posted a similar thread in ONE other forum, the scrapper forum, and it was only on secondaries. Please don't accuse me of things I am not doing, and quickly jump to irrational conclusions. Please have a little patience with me, I'm still trying to learn stalkers, and I am making an effort to make the best stalker I can.

PPS: I appreciate your help, and at the very least I know now to focus on secondaries with defense bonuses. What about energy aura, though? Is super reflexes or ninjitsu my best bets?



While all this back and forth about what you want and don't want was going on, I could have leveled 3-4 different stalkers into their 20's by hopping onto a couple of decent pugs. So can you.
Experience is the best teacher.
Randomize a costume and slap some power sets together that you are curious about. Play them to a modest level. Then re-roll the one you want or simply head to the tailor to fix the ghastly "randomized" costume on the want you want.
You can knock the first 10 levels out faster than eating a sammich....
Getting on farms is easy too if you want?
Advertise yourself as a ss/fire brute, then go into hide when you join the farm and they'll never even know you're there......
*hits placate*



Originally Posted by EtherealStar View Post
It seems I may have not been entirely clear. Let me try and rephrase what I am looking for:

I am aware there are several 'best' powersets. In fact, this is what I was hoping for.

My question is, why are these the best? What are the strengths and weaknesses of each? Are there any 'bad' powersets? I took gravity as a dominator once... I don't want to make that mistake with my stalker.

The majority of the guides are dated issue 6, with a few at issue 12. I apologize for seeking help on the forums, but I assure you I have searched for days, weeks even trying to figure out what to do with my stalker. The information on stalkers is so limited that I am not even certain what I should do with mine. Should I try to AOE? Should I attempt to 'scrap', or should I only assassin strike then run away and re-hide? I have many questions about stalkers, but really, just knowing a good powerset that I can work with and have fun with is a good start.

Ideally I was hoping players would list the best powersets, and then I can choose between them based on their strengths and work with them.

I hope this properly clarifies what I am looking for.

PS: For the record, I only posted a similar thread in ONE other forum, the scrapper forum, and it was only on secondaries. Please don't accuse me of things I am not doing, and quickly jump to irrational conclusions. Please have a little patience with me, I'm still trying to learn stalkers, and I am making an effort to make the best stalker I can.

PPS: I appreciate your help, and at the very least I know now to focus on secondaries with defense bonuses. What about energy aura, though? Is super reflexes or ninjitsu my best bets?
My Subjective, hearsay rankings from playtesting, looking at numbers, and reading others opinions (all are in no particular order)-

Upper half of Primaries:
Dark Melee
Electric Melee
Kinetic Melee
Ninja Blade

Upper Half of Secondaries:
Energy Armor
Super Reflexes

Bear in mind, that the difference between the strengths and weaknesses of these sets can be VERY tiny... akin to the difference between regular bacon, maple-smoked, and peppercorn. They are all different and unique, and one is better than the others, as one is worse... but its all bacon.

I am the 99%. Occupy the World.
Minister of Infinity's Secret Police, Official Mooch of dUmb and League, Official Purveyor of Free Straws, the Most Interesting Man in the World.



Originally Posted by EtherealStar View Post
My current stalker is dual blade/super reflexes. Is that acceptable?
Ewww...here let me fix that. Dual Blades / Dark Armor. Much better. My toon Drizzt the Darkelf is a monster! Muwahahahahaha!

Current active characters: Dragon Maiden (50+3 Brute SS/WP/PM), Black Widow Maiden (50+1 Night Widow), Catayclasmic Ariel (50 lvl Defender - Kin/DP), Quantumshock (50 lvl Elect/Energy/Energy), American's Defender (38 lvl Tanker - SD/Mace), Spider-Maiden (15 lvl Corruptor - RB/PD) & Siren Shrike (15 lvl Defender - Sonic/Sonic). My entire stable.



Originally Posted by EtherealStar View Post
My question is, why are these the best? What are the strengths and weaknesses of each? Are there any 'bad' powersets? I took gravity as a dominator once... I don't want to make that mistake with my stalker.
For primaries it depends on what you want to do. If you primarily solo, a single-target focused powerset would suit you fine. If you primarily team, or arguably even if you team much at all, something with a bit more AoE might work better for you. Then again it might not. That's why it's hard to answer that sort of question, because not everyone will agree on what the "right" answer is.

Some people are happy to be single target specialists, even on teams. If that's you, then one of the sets with really good single-target DPS would probably qualify as "best". I'd say DM or MA, or possibly one of the sword sets if you don't mind having lethal damagae.

A lot of other people want to be able to contribute AoE damage on teams. If that's you, then your options are more limited. For AoE the leaders are probably Elec Melee and Spines, followed closely by Dual Blades, Street Justice, and possibly Kinetic Melee.

If you're looking for the best balance of single-target and AoE damage, I'm not sure of the rankings, but Spines definitely gets bumped down the list. Elec Melee is generally favored by people who want some of everything.

So which is best? Well what do you want to do?

For secondaries it's somewhat similar. Probably one of the bigger factors there is your budget. I agree with the generally accepted wisdom that resistance-based secondaries don't work well on Stalkers. The reason being that Stalkers don't have a big enough hit point pool to take even the reduced hits. That's on SOs though. Once you start IO'ing them for defense things change. Then you get some nice layered defense going on. You get hit less, and the hits that do get through are reduced. Still you'll generally only be able to build high defense to some damage types or positions, so with that type of build you'll still run into situations that can really screw over your build. That's the downside. The upside is that in other situations you're pretty tough.

I think for a lot of people the ideal Stalker set has high defense and a heal. The set that comes closest to that ideal is Ninjitsu. It doesn't have super high defense, but with IOs you can softcap it and have a nice heal on top. That's why Ninjitsu is one of the most popular Stalker secondaries. If you're looking for maximum survivability though, I think a heavily IO'ed Willpower Stalker is hard to beat. You can softcap to almost every damage type and get that nice heal, as well as some low to middling resistances to round out the package. It takes some doing to get there though.

On a budget SR is hard to beat. Fairly easy and cheap to softcap. If you don't mind the lack of AoE DM/SR is probably the best survivability you can get on a budget, while also providing very solid single-target DPS.

So again, which is best? Well, what do you want out of your character?



There's no "BEST" for all sets on stalkers.

You gotta figure out what you want from your stalker and match the primary with secundary well.

Regen is bad? No, it's not, pair with ninja blade and embrace divine avalanche, you will not die easily and will out regen the incoming damage.

Spines is bad? Not at all, but I'd go with a secundary that can soft cap my defs, having a self heal helps too.

What do you want from your stalker?
Do you want to be a single target killer? Go Dark, Ninja, EM
Do you want to have aoe? KM, Elec or Spines.
Do you need to have a ranged attack? KM or spines
Sustained damage? Martial arts.

In my experience, I like to have a secundary that gives me defense cap and a heal. If my secundary gives def cap and no heal (SR for example), I get a primary that heals me, dark mellee. Aid self can be used as well, and it's another reason to have soft caped defenses.

For my playstyle the best primaries in order are:
KM > Elec > StJ > everything else
I like to have aoe options.

the secundaries:
Ninjutso > EA/Ice (together) > SR > everything else
Because I like to have heals and defense, EA and Ice gives end drain on top of that, which is awesome to keep rolling.

Currently I'm leveling a KM/EA and I gotta say I'm impressed, at level 22 I was soloing +1x3 because of burst's ability to crit out of stealth. BU, Burst, scrap the Lt to near death, placate, burst again and everything is dead.

With enough recharge you can BU, burst, placate, burst and use both bursts in the same BU. Or use BU, concentrated strike (resets BU timer), placate, BU and AS (the AS goes off with double BU, that's insane damage XD)

The post above was made by a brutally honest person. It may contain sarcasm, dark humour, offensive language and typos! Don't lose your time trying to correct my spelling, english is not even my primary language...
My first guide, i15 plant/thorn dominator! Check it. NOW!



Originally Posted by EtherealStar View Post
It seems I may have not been entirely clear. Let me try and rephrase what I am looking for:

I am aware there are several 'best' powersets. In fact, this is what I was hoping for.

My question is, why are these the best? What are the strengths and weaknesses of each? Are there any 'bad' powersets? I took gravity as a dominator once... I don't want to make that mistake with my stalker.

The majority of the guides are dated issue 6, with a few at issue 12.
The guides are outdated, but scrolling through the first few pages on most forums you'll find at least 8 or 9 different threads with more than 1 build made for the current issue. Don't search, browse the current threads.

The information on stalkers is so limited that I am not even certain what I should do with mine. Should I try to AOE? Should I attempt to 'scrap', or should I only assassin strike then run away and re-hide? I have many questions about stalkers, but really, just knowing a good powerset that I can work with and have fun with is a good start.

Ideally I was hoping players would list the best powersets, and then I can choose between them based on their strengths and work with them.
We can't do that until you tell us best at what? Best mitigation in an attack? Best single-target damage? smoothest attack chain? Best on just SOs? Best with unlimited cash? Best for AE ambush farms? Best for soloing at +4x1? Best for soloing +0x8? Best what.

No one is or can write a 60-page novella on stalking. And no one can tell you how to play. You are the only one who knows waht you enjoy and all ATs support many different playstyles. Hell, I've seen ranged scrappers, people make melee blasters, etc. Give us something to work with, we can give you something back.

I hope this properly clarifies what I am looking for.
No, you still need to be specific. Answer these:

How do you play?
Teams vs Solo (what percentage of time in each)?
What is your budget?
iTrials/end game specific or enjoy the ride?
Will you exemplar a lot and if so to what level?
do you have specific areas of the game you focus on a lot?
do you prefer single hard targets or large groups?
what has most frustrated you about your other characters?
What have you enjoyed the most about your other characters?

PPS: I appreciate your help, and at the very least I know now to focus on secondaries with defense bonuses. What about energy aura, though? Is super reflexes or ninjitsu my best bets?
Nin is positional (Aoe, Melee, Range), Energy is typed (smashing, lethal, energy, fire, cold, etc). Energy is quite nice now that it was buffed recently. But you'll want different sets. With nin and sr you would slot touch of death for the melee defense. Energy you slot kinetic combat for the higher smashing/lethal. Nin and EA have a self heal, but take more money to get to the top levels of performance. SR gets to max defense very easily and can do it on just SOs. But it has nothing to back that up, so when you get into something that deals auto damage (keyes trial, underground trial, Apex taskforce, hamidon, etc) SR needs Aid Self or teammates to survive. But it also is basically immune to defense debuffs. Just watch for enemy buffs, like those devouring earth quartzes.

And resist-based secondaries often end up more powerful than defense based ones, once you layer on defense via IOs. they just start weaker, and aren't as capable while on SOs. Take a look in the tanker forums on some of Dechs Kaison's posts about dark armor vs any of the defense sets. Stone and Invulnerable have their unmatched survivability not because of defense but because of the combination of defense plus resistance. It is currently impossible to build for resistance. But easy to build for defense. thus adding defense to a resist set can be a very powerful strategy. Adding resist to a defense set is not an option. You can add a little bit here and there. But nothing significant.

Survivability has three components: Def, Resist, heal. They have value in that order (defense is the strongest, then resist, and heals are exceedingly weak. as a side note, except for the keyes trial any team leader asking specifically for a healer is potentially not clear on just how powerful buffs are compared to healing). powers and IOs can give you defense easily. Powers can give you healing easily especially at incarnate level. Powers and IOs can give you only crappy levels of resist. To get all three for the optimal survivability, you have to start with resists. But not everyone cares about this. Yes, there are dark melee/inv scrappers who can survive 9+ AVs at once forever. Is that something you consider fun? I've solo'd an AV. It was boring and grindy as hell and I hope I never have to do it again. It's dang cool that it is possible, but not my idea of fun. I'd rather kill things faster.

So again, what is your goal? and what is your budget. the best solution and best way to survive will vary. Can't just say defence is better. Because if you do want to solo AVs I would recommend /dark over /nin or /sr. BECAUSE it has resists (and the best heal in the game hehe).

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.



Originally Posted by JonnyDeadSide View Post
Getting on farms is easy too if you want?
Advertise yourself as a ss/fire brute, then go into hide when you join the farm and they'll never even know you're there......
*hits placate*
Completely awesome. This is right up there with the suggestion of telling farmers that rise of the pheonix still gives full exp after the rez.

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.



I'd just like to add that Kinetic Melee's assassin strike animates a third of a second faster than any of the others aside from Ninja Blade. It animates a full second faster than that one.

It also has a great mix of quick moves for minions and powerhouses for bosses with quite a decent aoe tossed in for flavour.



Originally Posted by David_Yanakov View Post
I'd just like to add that Kinetic Melee's assassin strike animates a third of a second faster than any of the others aside from Ninja Blade. It animates a full second faster than that one.
BS and DB also have slow AS animations, and StJ is between the normal 3-second and the stupidly long 3.67-second animations.

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
It's hard to beat the entertainment value of Whackjob Wednesdays.



Regenration on a stalker is sub-par its a set i would suggest you avoid...

The entire power set of regenration works based on your health inthis case percentages based on your current health....the Stalker Health rating is always low....and it cannot go very high ever even with powers that increase the maximum....

The problem lies in that issue.

Because you will always get hit with maximum damage.....yes there are some powers inthe set that sort of let you resist damage...a whopping 1% here or there...for a whopping 3% resistance...

let me put it a different way...moment of glory...on tank sets them at 2% health...2% health of a tank with that power is about 10 or 20 usaly....now 2% on a stalker about 2 to 5....have you ever not done 1 or 2 damage minimum on something with that power running?

Thats the issue.....in a nutshell...the stalker uses it...but gets hit and killed anywise....the best so-called defense power in the set cant even save the stalker most of the time.

And what about the heals in regeneration...yes thats what makes it good....becasue it all based on the stalkers maximum health those heals actualy heal less most of the time then say your standard inspirations.....and thats a huge issue...

i am sure...alot of people will say but you can slot this and that with IOs or whatever to make up for the problems.....but thats a problem in itself.....the IOs and Origins are not supposed to be mandatory things...they are supposed to be options.

For attack sets...claws is probably the weakest....as it only does lethal damage and does less damage then most other sets..

but it does attack faster....and thus technicaly slotting it with certain IOs and such can really make it work really well...becasue more attacks means more chance of some IO with a special effect going off.

but again...IOs should not be mandatory..and thus...the set would proibably rank last on a list of best attack sets for stalkers.



Originally Posted by PsychicKitty View Post
For attack sets...claws is probably the weakest....as it only does lethal damage and does less damage then most other sets..

but it does attack faster....and thus technicaly slotting it with certain IOs and such can really make it work really well...becasue more attacks means more chance of some IO with a special effect going off.

but again...IOs should not be mandatory..and thus...the set would proibably rank last on a list of best attack sets for stalkers.
You know, now that lots of people are on SO only builds, I'd love to see a thread like "the results are in" from the scrapper forum for stalkers. Showing the best attack chains for each primary and their damage output. Doing it with IOs and incarnate etc would be much more complex but, the SO-only should be straightforward enough.

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.



Originally Posted by PsychicKitty View Post
let me put it a different way...moment of glory...on tank sets them at 2% health...2% health of a tank with that power is about 10 or 20 usaly....now 2% on a stalker about 2 to 5....have you ever not done 1 or 2 damage minimum on something with that power running?

Thats the issue.....in a nutshell...the stalker uses it...but gets hit and killed anywise....the best so-called defense power in the set cant even save the stalker most of the time.

And what about the heals in regeneration...yes thats what makes it good....becasue it all based on the stalkers maximum health those heals actualy heal less most of the time then say your standard inspirations.....and thats a huge issue...
Jesus Christ please stop posting misinformation. Ok regen is not a good set for Stalkers but:

1) MOMENT OF GLORY WAS CHANGED OVER TWO YEARS AGO. Now it's a good power, a defensive build up that lasts 15 seconds and doesn't mess with your health, just caps your defense and resistance.




Originally Posted by Kioshi View Post
Jesus Christ please stop posting misinformation. Ok regen is not a good set for Stalkers but:

1) MOMENT OF GLORY WAS CHANGED OVER TWO YEARS AGO. Now it's a good power, a defensive build up that lasts 15 seconds and doesn't mess with your health, just caps your defense and resistance.

/Signed, with reservations

Tier 1 Green - 25% of Base HP, as often as dropped
Tier 2 Green - 33% of Base HP, as often as dropped
Tier 3 Green - 50% of Base HP, as often as dropped

Recon Unslotted - 25% every 60 seconds
Recon ED-capped Heal/Rech (3 slots each) - ~49% every 30 seconds
Dull Pain Unslotted - 40% Heal, 33% HP Buff for 120 seconds (it's 40% Base, but 7% is wasted due to HP Cap) and 240 seconds of downtime.
Dull Pain ED-capped Heal/Rech (3 slots each) - ~78% Heal, 33% HP Buff for 120 seconds (78% Base, but again, only get 33% until you hit the Stalker HP cap) and ~65 seconds of downtime.

Hasten (almost a 'must" for Regen) only serves to further increase the Shenanigans.

Summary, Inspirations can out heal Regen... until you slot. And unslotted Recon is equal to a standard green. It quickly eclipses skittle munching though. (If Hasten is fired, Recon recharges in 23 seconds with the 3/3 slotting... that's a refill of your health every 46 seconds.)

Moment of Glory truly is now, however, it doesn't cap you to defense or resistance. Defense cap is ~300% if I remember correctly. MoG does give you 71.25% Defense to S/L/F/C/E/N unslotted (no Psi), which floors ToHit on even Incarnate mobs. Additionally, it gives 71.25 Resistance to S/L/F/C/E/N/T unslotted (no Psi, again, but TOXIC resist!), which when combined with Resilience (unslotted as well) will hit the Resistance cap for Stalkers (75%, which is also the Resist cap for EVERY AT except Tanks and EAT's). So, you basically only need 3 Recharges in MoG.

I am the 99%. Occupy the World.
Minister of Infinity's Secret Police, Official Mooch of dUmb and League, Official Purveyor of Free Straws, the Most Interesting Man in the World.



Originally Posted by Errant View Post
Summary, Inspirations can out heal Regen... until you slot. And unslotted Recon is equal to a standard green. It quickly eclipses skittle munching though. (If Hasten is fired, Recon recharges in 23 seconds with the 3/3 slotting... that's a refill of your health every 46 seconds.)

Moment of Glory truly is now, however, it doesn't cap you to defense or resistance. Defense cap is ~300% if I remember correctly. MoG does give you 71.25% Defense to S/L/F/C/E/N unslotted (no Psi), which floors ToHit on even Incarnate mobs. Additionally, it gives 71.25 Resistance to S/L/F/C/E/N/T unslotted (no Psi, again, but TOXIC resist!), which when combined with Resilience (unslotted as well) will hit the Resistance cap for Stalkers (75%, which is also the Resist cap for EVERY AT except Tanks and EAT's). So, you basically only need 3 Recharges in MoG.
Yeah that's what I kinda meant, I was just sleepy and tired of her 100th post of weird stuff (like 'omg I have severe end problems on all my stalkers'). Recon quickly outdoes using insps slotted and I only get a steady supply of tier 3 greens when I'm farming +4/x8 on my SS/Fire Brute.

I should've mentioned MoG softcaps you to defense, since it's already more than incarnate cap I did't feel the need. Didn't wanna get too specific about why usually regens cap their res with MoG in the response (Resilience, most get Tough, Brutes wil probably slot MoG for a bit of Res to cap, not that it seems to be a popular set among them).

Didin't know it gave toxic resists tho, although it was always funny to see regens turn on mog and instantly faceplant in the middle of some psi-using mob



Originally Posted by Kioshi View Post
Yeah that's what I kinda meant, I was just sleepy and tired of her 100th post of weird stuff (like 'omg I have severe end problems on all my stalkers'). Recon quickly outdoes using insps slotted and I only get a steady supply of tier 3 greens when I'm farming +4/x8 on my SS/Fire Brute.

I should've mentioned MoG softcaps you to defense, since it's already more than incarnate cap I did't feel the need. Didn't wanna get too specific about why usually regens cap their res with MoG in the response (Resilience, most get Tough, Brutes wil probably slot MoG for a bit of Res to cap, not that it seems to be a popular set among them).

Didin't know it gave toxic resists tho, although it was always funny to see regens turn on mog and instantly faceplant in the middle of some psi-using mob
I saw some interesting post by Nihili a while back I WISH I'd saved (because I can't find it from searching) on slotting a fire armor's heal with three miracle and three aegis to cap toxic resist (after two stacks) and heal for the max potential. Doesn't one of the /regen click heals give toxic resist? Might be cool to see a stalker tank the hydras in Apex.

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.